13 habits of self-made millionaires in 2020

Every self-made millionaire has these 13 habits in 2020. So if you want to be a self-made millionaire then focus on these thirteen habits. 

The last decade many people speculated what makes a self-made millionaire and while time went on, our definition changed. The 2010s was an era where self-made millionaires were made more easily than any other decade that came before it. Our understanding of who they are was reflected in the habits that they worked on. When it all comes down to it, the habits of self-made millionaires are different than anyone else.

We are entering not only a new year, but a whole new decade and it is so much easier now to become a millionaire. Think about how many five year old kids have bank accounts bigger than yours. I mean, if a five year old can be a millionaire than what are we waiting for. In all fairness, they started so much earlier but still doors have been opened for people to change their lives.

Here’s the thing it all comes down to choices. The choices we make affect us more than we like to admit and it is here that we choose whether what we want to believe.

If you believe you can’t be successful than you won’t. That is why I compiled this list of the 13 habits of self-made millionaires in 2020. Some of them will surprise you and others won’t. It all comes down to your perspective, but this list will motivate you to make the choice to build a future where you can impact someone’s life. So here we go.



They invest in education



More many people this depends on the type of learner you are. Not everyone enjoys reading, I have come to understand that. Though if you are reading this blog than you are a reader. I digress, investing in education is so important and that is the one habit of self-made millionaires that can be spotted across the board.

From Gary Vee to Oprah to Grant Cardone. Education is so important. I am not talking here about getting a four-year degree from a university where you had to spend more money than you had.

That is what was great about the 2010’s, they changed the way we looked at education. It was no longer seen as formal, but could even be informal. The past decade people spent money learning online. There’s so much you can learn online from any skills you can think of to and any topic you can imagine. You can invest your money on books, courses, summits or conferences.

It doesn’t matter, education is a better investment than entertainment.



They hang out with other successful people



Want to be a millionaire or successful than you need to hang out with people who either are or want to be successful. Not sure where to find those people?

There are dozens of applications and websites built in the last decade to help you out. 

I did tell you that the 2010’s were an incredible era. The reason why you need to do this is because birds of a feather flock together. No kidding, there’s actually truth to that. I once heard that you are the average of the five people you spend your time with. Here’s a fact, you won’t become rich if you are spending time with people who are broke and who don’t want to change their life.

Habits tend to be very contagious. Have you ever seen a non-alcoholic spend time with alcoholics. No, right. What about a healthy person who spends time with unhealthy people. I could go on and on. If you surround yourself with people who exercise you will do. The same can be said for anything. Building relationships with people who are working towards something is as contagious as it gets.


They want to change the world



I told you that some would surprise you. We all think that the rich are selfish, maybe because of reality television shows. That changed our perspective a bit.

However, many self-made millionaires want to impact the world. They want to change it. They know that giving back is the best way they can show how grateful they are for the success they have.

All we have to do is look at Bill Gates, who is a billionaire. The amount of money and resources he gives back is unbelievable. Many people who own businesses want to help people achieve their success and they give back as much as they can.

Many self-made millionaires teach themselves to practice gratitude and that changes their perspective. Makes them charitable as they realize how short life is and doing something that matters is far better than the money they have in their bank accounts.



They are dreamers and practice creative visualization



When I was a kid I was told that dreamers never do anything with their lives. I spent a decade, looking at the habits and most of them are

dreamers. Well, you have to be if you are going to be a self-made millionaire. I can imagine them telling people about their dreams.

“So, what do you want to do with your life?”

“I want to start a business.”

There’s usually an eye roll involved when they’d reply back. “Really and what business and how are you going to do that when you dropped out of college.”

Many self-made millionaires either didn’t go to college or they dropped out. So, they’d have to be dreamers and practice creative visualization for their dreams to come true.

Creative visualization is the process of dreaming about what you want your life to be like. It might appear nonsensical, but when you think about what you want the future to be like, you are training yourself to work towards it.


They pursue their goals



Wait what? Yes, they pursue all their goals, no matter how nonsensical or difficult it might appear. If you want to be successful then you need to crack down on moving towards something. You have to follow-through so that you too can enjoy the success many self-made millionaires enjoy.

If you want to run a marathon then do that. Do you want to learn how to play guitar? Than learn how to do that. Maybe, you want to learn how to code. As long as you have full use of your hands then you can do that. Follow-through and you’d be surprised at what you will achieve by working on your goals.

When you work your way through your goals, something happens. It changes your perspective and you will grow a lot quicker. You’d be shocked at what you

achieve, if you start following-through with all your goals. Sure, take it in your strides, but it is still important to pursue your goals. Be comfortable with rejection and failure. it will help you follow-through.



They wake up early



I have yet to see any mammal that doesn’t love sleeping unless you are a whale. That however is a story for another day. Humans are no different. We love our sleep, very few of us can get away with little sleep and many of us struggle to wake up early.

I struggled for the longest time to wake up early. It was only until I was a lot older that I started getting used to and my life changed for the better. It was as if was walking in the dark then I had a light bulb moment. Everything came into full swing and I changed the way I saw life even myself.

Every self-made millionaire wakes up early. I know, that’s a long list and a generalization, but in this case it is so true. They understand that their mind and body is more active if they wake up early so that is what they do. 

Research says that there’s far more benefit to waking up early. For example, you get more done than most people because while everyone is sleeping you are working. You also don’t rush into things because you would have had enough time to get ready. So, yes waking up early is really beneficial.


They have multiple sources of income



This one certainly surprised, I had spent so much time, thinking that most successful people had one source of income then I learned that they usually have seven or more sources of income.

As impossible as that seems, it isn’t really. It all comes down to understanding how to make money online which is a lengthy topic and one that you can read more about in detail by clicking the link below. Many successful people own more than one business, they also have written a book and are public speakers. They also invest in stocks, own e-commerce businesses.

This can be anything from selling clothes to accessories or even mugs with an interesting quote on them. The list goes on and on. Look at many successful YouTubers, many own a blog as well and that is another source of income. This is one of the habits that have people self-made millionaires.

When you have multiple sources of income, this is how your income grows a whole lot faster. If you learn this early on then you can become a self-made millionaire a lot quicker.

Many successful people do affiliate marketing, but they sell their own courses and programs as well. These are two separate sources of income. I could go and on about this. But you get the point.



Also Related: Quick Side-Hustle Ideas to Start At Home



They find and check up with mentors



If you are starting out and can’t afford a mentor then you can still invest your time. What I mean by this is you can go to YouTube and read books so you can learn something. A mentor does help you get to your destination a lot quicker, but many people can’t afford the price tag attached to it. So, I understand.

Still, investing your time is a great alternative and you can watch videos on any subject on YouTube. Learn as much as you can. You will have to do more work though, if you are learning on YouTube because sometimes the advice isn’t as clear cut as it could be.

I have learned that often the excuses we make for ourselves makes it a lot harder to escape the situation we are in. If you want the 2020’s to be your decade than you need to escape this way of thinking.

This is one of the habits many self-made millionaires have. Who you surround yourself with determines your course of action. This habit helps people become people become self-made millionaires faster. The reason is because when you ask for advice from those who are where you want to be, you can learn what to do and what not to do.



They are positive



I have yet to see a negative self-made millionaire. The habits that are self-made millionaires possess is their positivity. They don’t live the doom and gloom lifestyle many of us adopted in the 2010’s. Sure life gets hard and sometimes it feels good to say how much it sucks, but that can only take you so far until it doesn’t.

This is coming from someone who was extremely negative and I didn’t go far. I didn’t pursue my goals and I became friends with people who were just like me. It was like that for sometime until I realized I wasn’t evolving. I wasn’t growing or building. I was stuck in the same rut I had been with and I hated it. So, I decided I needed to change that. It wasn’t easier, but that is life. Nothing is easy in the beginning, it takes time and effort to change the way we operate.

If you want to be successful then out with the old and in with the new. The new you should be positive because if you are then you will achieve your goals no matter no matter what obstacles come your way. It is all a state of mind. If you want to be a self-made millionaire then you need to focus on this habit. This habit will anyone who wants to become a self-made millionaire focus on what is and isn’t important. 



They don’t follow the herd



Another habit of self-made millionaires is they don’t follow the herd. They don’t mind being outliers or even being seen as a little strange. They don’t mind people not understanding what they are working towards. They know what they want and even if they have to color outside the lines, they don’t care. 


Too many of us spend so much of time carrying too much what everyone else does or thinks. We want to be like everyone else and that is what we do. The problem with this kind of thinking is that we never step outside of our comfort zone or do what scares of us. We don’t build a business and regret usually follows.

So, if you want to be a self-made millionaire in the future then you need to learn that you don’t need to follow the herd. In fact, don’t follow the herd.


They spend time thinking and reflect


Yes, the world is always noisy, but still how many of us dedicate time to thinking. Not just thinking about our problems, That is ingrained in us, that many of us know how to do it without much thought. What I mean is many of us don’t ever consider our solutions or think about ideas. We never think about new business opportunities or wonder how we make more time.

Many of us struggle with time management, but there’s a way around it, that we never consider. You can only solve the problem if you spend time thinking about the solution. I had to learn how to do this and in the beginning it wasn’t easy, but life became so much easier once I did it. I then realized that many of us never think of solutions to our problems or ideas.

When you spend time thinking, your life changes. This habit of self-made millionaire will make you rich. Look at any successful person, many of them are self-aware and always come up with new ideas. Here’s a thing you might never have considered, it is a lot easier to come up with business ideas when you practice reflection.


They value feedback



Many of us hate feedback of any kind. That is understandable, but if you ever want to go anywhere then you need to realize that there’s so much you need to accept.

You also need to value feedback. I am not saying you should take everything in, but rather you value feedback. It is your choice what you should take note of and what you shouldn’t.

Constructive criticism will only make you better. I can promise you on that one, but you need to understand you will grow so much faster if you do that. You will learn so much as well as you go through all the motions. It does take time to process everything, but once you do then you will learn what you need to change. Feedback can help you tweak certain things whether it is project or an idea.

Those changes can help your product stand out a lot better. So, yes, it helps to value feedback. This habit is one that have self-made millionaire has adopted because they understand its importance


They never give up



Want to be successful then you should never give up. This habit is what makes self-made millionaires what they are. If they gave up then they wouldn’t be self-made millionaires. It is so much easier to give up. To throw in the towel and ignore the tiny voice that keeps saying to push forward.  If you want to be successful then you need to keep pushing forward even when the odds are stacked up against you.

The odds in the beginning will always be stacked up against you. If that wasn’t the case then we all would be successful. That isn’t how it works unfortunately, so you need to realize that you have to see it through. If you give up then you will never know what could have come from working on our dreams.

Every successful person has had to struggle, but they made it to the end of the line, by realizing that they can’t give up. Keep working on your dreams and I promise that you won’t regret it.


Also Related: How To Master The Art Of Never Giving Up


What is your main takeaway from this and what habits are you planning on working on? What are your goals for 2020, comment below.



                                                              Keep Pushing

