4 THINGS you need to remember when giving up

Giving up always comes at a cost and it’s important to remember that.

I woke up early in the morning, my head throbbing and my mouth dry. The day prior I had endured a speech from my parents, telling me I was making a mistake with my life. I understood where they were coming from, here I was working on an online business instead of finding a job. Three years being jobless had made me question my life’s purpose and I knew that sitting in a cubicle wasn’t one of them. There where times when giving up seemed like the only option and I had wanted more than anything to give up, but something within me refused for me to throw the towel in. 

The problem was I didn’t know anyone who had done the online thing. My aunt mentioned months ago that her friend had lost everything pursuing making

money online. I started questioning whether I was making a mistake again, I had gone nowhere. And yet, I knew I didn’t want to work for a boss my whole life. I had come  to realize working for someone wasn’t for everyone, I had done it for almost a year before I started looking for another company. The company I had worked for before was going under so I had to look somewhere else.

For three months, I watched television, sat on the couch and reflected on my life until I snapped out of it. That is was brought me here to this moment of building an online business. The people who I told, never said anything and I couldn’t blame them. Most people don’t make money online and that’s a fact. The problem most people don’t realize is that more people give up before they even reach their milestones. 


There’s A Reason You Started

The reason why giving up seems so much easier is because you forget the reason why you started on the journey. When I was a kid, my favorite song was I can by Nas. I’d nod my head and sing the song. I was motivated to be all I wanted to know. Most kids are told they can be whoever they want and reality hits.

Your dream career is frivolous and people shake their head at the idea. Most of us want to be more than who we become. That’s because we stop believing that we can truly become all we want to be. And that is how doubt comes and turns you around. From going after your dream, you start doubting you can even do it.

There’s always a reason why you started and until you remind yourself then you’ll always let doubt push you back. Adulting is hard, that is due to us believing that has to be. Sure, making tough decisions is hard, but why is it kids are relentless. Maybe because they really don’t care what people think. Little kids care more about learning and making mistakes than they do about what people think.

That is until the tide turns and we strive to make people accept us. What I have realized is people rarely spend time thinking about you unless they have nothing better to do? Normally we get this image of someone thinking about us or what we said. People are so busy with their own lives that they don’t have time to think about what you’re doing. 

So, if that’s a reason why you are giving up, you shouldn’t. Then again, you could be going through the many stages of frustration. We all have been there. I used to have massive stage fright until I learned that one of the most important things is your message. This is the reason why you do what you do, what you want to be known for and who you are as a person. Everything else is noise that you need to block. 



Remember there are people who have done it before



You’re not alone. There have been people who have done what you are doing at this moment. The number one reason why we give up is we believe that were pioneers. And as we all know pioneers mostly die broke or get shot.

Bit dramatic, but most pioneers make history when they are dead. In the last couple of years, that has changed, there are thousands of people making money online. There are people who have been where you are and that is why you need to look for people who inspire you so that you don’t give up. 

You might not know anyone personally, but the proof is plastered on the internet. Stories break out of seventeen-year-old kids building empires to philanthropist self- millionaires. The road doesn’t have to be as hard as you imagine it. You don’t have to go alone and think that there’s no way to the top of the mountain. You have to believe that you can conquer it if someone who was living on the streets can become an entrepreneur then you can do anything. True story, John Paul Dejoria was once homeless and now is a billionaire. 

There are hundreds of stories out there are of people defying the odds and most have of them had the belief they were here for a reason. They had faith that their life wasn’t just about odds, but they had a calling. If you want inspiration, just look at Lewis Howes, Chris Gardner, Dani Johnson, and the list goes on. They beat the odds, I truly believe that you as well.


Remember fear is a liar



The first time I decided to ignore the loud voice of fear in my head I was standing on stage in front of over two hundred people. Doing something I never thought I would do again. I hated pubic speaking as a kid and yet here I was a person with massive stage fright. My heart leaped out of my chest and my knees shook. The room was dark and the stage had been lit. If it wasn’t for that I would have fainted, but I did my best. Listened to the voice that said I had this and when finished I went back to my seat.

I was in my first year of university. My whole body shook as I waited for the people to be announced. I knew for certain there was no way I would win. I dipped my head, shame washing over me and then my name was called. To my surprise, people called out my name and everyone stood up. I had won a gold metal for public speaking. I was shocked, even to this day I don’t understand it.

The reason why I told you that story is because I was a shy girl who mumbled and was made fun of. I was the clown and the jab of most jokes. I wasn’t confident and I definitely wasn’t a public speaker. Often, we allow fear to decide who we become and yet, we have the choice in that decision. Only you decide who you become and fear is a tool used to push you back. To stop you from achieving anything, but you decide who you want to be. No one else. 

It might seem as though giving up is your only option out there, but that is a clever lie meant to stall you from going after your dreams. You need to understand that  fear only does one thing, it stops you from building up your dreams. If you were to look closer, you will realize that fear are false events appearing real. 

A lot of the times fears presents itself when we are about to give up and because we allow the past to define us, we let fear. If you want to learn how not to let your past define who you ultimately become, you can read the blog post about it here.



Remember you can ask for help



Not everyone has your interests at heart, we learn that the hard way. That doesn’t mean you have to do all this alone. There are people who are in our lives who will encourage us to keep going forward. There are people who inspire us to keep moving and that can be someone from your past or present. There are also tons of free groups built exactly for that.

Sure, going alone has an interesting appeal especially when we thinking of ourselves as the lone wolf. What most people don’t understand about lone wolves they are vulnerable and weak. A pack makes you stronger and humans need support. It is our built-in function to crave it, and sometimes it is hard doing all this by yourself.

Not having anyone support you. So if you find that you’re struggling, why not search online for support groups or people doing exactly what you’re doing. 

It will make the journey far less terrifying. 

Giving up is not the solution your problems, if you are stuck and are about to cal, it quit, ask for help. When you do that, you will realize that giving up won’t help you fix your problems. In fact, it will do more damage than good. 

Most times, we need to know that we aren’t alone and motivation to keep going. Power of Positivity wrote a blog post with 11 quotes that are sure to motivate you when you feel as though nothing is working out.




What is your one takeaway from this post? Comment below.

                                                                                                 KEEP  PUSHING
