5 Reasons Why People Don’t Follow Their Passions

People are often terrified to follow their passions because of fear of failure and they believe they won’t make it.


We are taught from the time we are in elementary that getting a good job is what counts. For the most part it does and that is the reason why most people don’t follow their passions. Not because they can’t but due to feeling as if they are meant to go down the same road as everyone else. This is the reason why a lot of people don’t end up doing what they love.

There’s this belief that we will struggle to actually make it while our peers are doing jobs that pay the bills. We seem to not realize that life as we know it is not the same as it was. Everything is different and following your passions won’t lead down the wrong route. There are five main reasons why people don’t follow their passions so here we go;

They Don’t Know What Their Passions Are



People spend so much time living other people’s dreams and watching other people go after their passions that they don’t have time to figure it out. We all go through a routine from the time we learn to walk. We are told what’s next in the line and people go with that. Sometimes we forget that they are five reasons why we don’t follow our passions and it is the same for everyone.

We believe that what our parents tell us because we have been conditioned to follow that route. We are told what we are good at and so we believe that’s what we should be doing with our time. Many people have absolute no idea because they have never actually thought about it.

They were handed catalogs from schools, told that getting into a good program would change their lives and they found themselves doing something they never wanted to do in the first place. When something is your passion, you never lose interest in doing it.

The best way to identify finding your passion is to be curious enough to find out. There could be something that you have untapped that you are good at. Whatever it may be, keeping digging within. It could be something that you used to do as a kid or maybe it’s something you do for your friends or family. Your passion could be interior design.

Write down a list of talents you have and go through the list and determine what you might enjoy. You could enjoy singing, but you don’t want to be a singer. Another talent you have might have is landscaping, but it’s not what you want to do with your life. What is the thing that you wouldn’t mind doing for the rest of your life?


Passion Doesn’t Put Food On The Table



One of the main reasons why people don’t follow their passions is because of the adage saying that passion doesn’t put food on the table. Many people see following your passion as a fruitless pursuit.

Images of struggling artists come to their mind. There are so many stories you hear of people who went nowhere and are living with their relatives. You may feel hesitant after all if Bill, Henry, and your neighbor couldn’t do it then you might not want to test your luck. Many people forget that Bill or your neighbor might have just not followed the right steps and instead got stuck.

Following your passion doesn’t have to be like playing the Russian Roulette, it’s all about understanding money will soon follow when you put yourself out there. Action is far more important than any monetary value you can attach to it. When you put in the time and the effort then what you create from your passion will bring the money.


I Don’t Have Time



Time always seems to be at the top of the list when people give excuses. Successful and unsuccessful people have the same amount of seconds, minutes and hours. Many people make the excuse that they don’t follow their passions because of limited time. We all have twenty-four hours a day, some people wish there was more time and others wish time would just slow down.

What if the problem is you are too busy? And just can’t do anything else. If everyday when you have breaks you work on your dream, whether it is just an hour or thirty minutes. You would be amazed at the results. What if all you want to do is relax and don’t feel up for it? If you truly want to change your life then you must set aside time to change your life. If you want to live life on your terms then you do whatever you can to achieve it. Sleep less, read more and focus your energy on your passion.



Fear Of Failure



Fear are false events appearing real. When I heard that everything became crystal clear, you can protect yourself by never attempting to go after your dream, but you will regret it. You will look at your life and wonder why. Failure and mistakes are part of the natural order, every successful person fails. Take Hollywood A-listers for example, some of their movies are so great there are Oscar movies. Then a movie comes along and it flops, but that doesn’t stop them from doing another movie that could be risky.

Best Selling authors sometimes don’t produce best selling books and they have to go back to brass tactics. Chefs mess up recipes, but they keep experimenting and finding innovative ways to do something better. Some business ventures do not work. The important thing is to understand failure is not permanent, it’s only temporary. Failing doesn’t define you, but not doing anything does. Fear is like a high school bully and the best way to deal with it is head-on. I explain how you can do that right here.

Here are four fears that are stopping you from chasing after your dreams, if you want to stop being afraid to live your best life, learn what these four fears are. 



Not Sure How To Start


Sometimes the easiest response to not following your passion is because you don’t know how to start. We all at one point in time grapple with not knowing where to start. The difference with those who are successful is they do it anyway without having the whole plan in place. Ideas float at the top of heads and are like candy canes, we see it, but refuse to pluck it.

So what happens is we never do anything because we think some magical being will come and give us a manuscript or how to guide. Everything will make sense, people will break out in dance and there will be a catchy song to represent the moment.

Hate to burst your bubble, but that only happens in movies, and not your normal kind of movies. The ones where no one has a clue what it is about. Even if you have no clue what to do next, go with what your gut says even if people think you are crazy. When you look deep inside yourself – you will know what the next possible move will be. Don’t go researching ideas until you have a clue what to do next. It will only confuse you and that will stop you from pursuing your passions.




What reasons have you told yourself to stop going for your dreams?



                                                                                     Keep Pushing





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