My Story
Hie Vanessa here
I‘m an author, entrepreneur, optimist and dedicated to
helping you find your calling so you can create a
lasting impact.
I have always dreamed big, wanted to make an impact and I deeply cared about the people in my life. Despite, all my big dreams, I suffered because of it. I always felt as if I was the dumbest person in class and the least talented. I was awkward, shy, insecure and people often called me a clown. It was a nickname I got when I was nine and stuck with me even when I went to high school.
When I was ten I became suicidal, I dreamed about how better life would be without me in it. If I was good at something then I would have hope, but I sucked at everything. I wasn’t athletic, arts were lost on me until I was thirteen and I wasn’t studious. Life was hard at home because I felt as if I was constantly disappointing my parents and my siblings had their eish…together.
What happened next?
Life became hard when I turned eighteen, I was flooded with insecurities and it was a battle ground at home. Everything went crashing down on me when I failed a year and had to repeat. It was then that I found myself deep in my pain that I kept making mistakes. When the pain becomes too hard to bear, it is easy to fall into the trap of addiction. That’s what happened to me, I was addicted to cutting myself and prescription medication. Even though it occurred to me that it was wrong, I couldn’t see past the tears or pain.
I spent the whole year high, so consumed with the pain all I wanted was to die. The reality of that was numbing, I am telling you all this not because I get some kick out of it. But because I know what it feels like to be so consumed with the past that you make mistakes you never thought you would.

Turning Point
Fast forward to when I was twenty-one and I had my first quarter life crisis. Yeah, people actually go through that.
It took me years to understand myself and what I wanted. I was still suicidal. For the longest time, I had done my best to ignore the pain instead of dealing with it. I was at a cross-roads, my health wasn’t shaping up and I remember staring at the white pills on my bedside table thinking that my life and everyone elses would be better if I killed myself.
That thought scared me and I decided I needed to change. So, the next few years after that I did, I worked on myself and my goals. I killed low self-esteems butt, I started becoming more confident. I conquered my fears and eventually wrote my first book, and published it,
It wasn’t easy, but through the years I have learned how to deal better with fears, find your passion and live a life that matters.
How can I help you?
I teach people how to pursue a dream so powerful that it burns within them and how to earn a full time income while making an impact on the world. I believe that we’re given gifts to change the world. I do this through my books, courses and one on one interactions. I want you to lead a great life, to live purposely in the pursuit of greatness. And I will help you find your why, the reason why air was breathed into you because sometimes all you really need is a little help.
Which Brings Me To!
I’m here to serve, I created this website as a way to help people find their why, create a business that matters so that they can live a life of purpose. I am dedicated to helping you do that whether it is from my free content, paid products and my books.
I believe that we all have a destiny. One will help make the world a better place and I want you to believe that. To understand that you are worth more than you believe.
Whether you are clueless about the steps you should take, want to start a business or require a supportive community, just know you will find it here. Because what matters more to me is helping you achieve the life that you deserve.