blogging is easier than you think: a newbie guide

Many people believe that blogging is complicated, but you just have to change your perception

Many of us see blogging as a beast that needs to be slain and we often don’t utilize it as a tool for success. But blogging is an effective way to make money online, sure there will be moments when you are not sure you are doing the right thing, but this is what we get wrong. Blogging doesn’t have to be complicated, we make it so with our rules.

Sure, you should follow the advice of people who are experts at blogging, but here’s the thing, don’t listen to too many voices. Follow the guidelines of a few and run with it. The most important thing when it comes to blogging is to know that it is like running a marathon.

In order to win that race you have to keep going forward, keeping the end in sight rather than being too terrified to commit to anything. Here are a few things to keep in mind when you are blogging.


Baby steps

I know I hate hearing that statement as well, but you must understand Rome wasn’t build in a day and nor will you become a blogging expert in a month. Sure, you might make a lot of money from blogging, but even experts who have been blogging for years are still learning.

So, with that take a deep breath and know it takes time

What you have to keep in mind is it is better to start than to keep waiting around for the answers to float towards you on a cloud of dust. So, keep remembering that. Baby steps and you have completed half the battle.


Writing takes practice

I love writing, maybe because I have been doing it since I was thirteen. It doesn’t matter what kind of writing it is, usually it takes trial and error for me to get it right, but I eventually do.

Most people regard writing as an art form, sure it is if you are writing a fiction book, but if you are blogging it’s all about practice. The more you write the better you get and this will help motivate you.

The first time you write a blog post it will be the most painful process you will go through. That’s a bit of an exaggeration. With time you’ll get better at writing, but it does take patience. 


Also Related: Tips & Tools to Write A Good Blog Post

 Trial and error

Not everything that you try will work out, there will be missed opportunities, posts that fail to get traction. It is important for this not to affect what you do. Trial and error is simply a part of life, it is a process that you have to commit and with time it becomes second nature.

You can’t be afraid to fail because that is inevitable. As much as trial and error is a part of the process so is failure. You have to fall flat on your face, in order for you to know what mistakes you made. All you have to do is go back to brass tactics and figure out what went wrong in the first instance.

I can’t say you won’t be terrified of failing because that is impossible. Failure is part of the package, got to accept it and move on.

Start Now

If you never start, you never will. You have to get over the fear of starting and push past procrastination lying in wait. The secret to being successful with anything in life is to start now.




 Tomorrow or two months from today, but right now

You can pace yourself if you don’t want to jump straight into it, but as long as you start that’s all that matters. I get it, there will always be dozens of reasons why you can’t do something. Don’t listen to those reasons.

Fear will always be nibbling away at your self-worth until you reach the point where you’re not sure if you should even try anymore. Don’t let that be the case, bear in mind that we all had to start somewhere. And if not now then when.



Do a bit of research

When I first started blogging, I knew nothing about it so I made a ton of mistakes. I chose the free version of WordPress only to realize that if I wanted to market myself it was impossible. I knew nothing about niches or themes or even about the importance of adding value.

I didn’t even really know that I could make money from blogging or even how to. The second blog I started, I made a couple of mistakes as well that cost me not only time, but money. The third blog was a passion project that I stopped doing after I realized I wasn’t going to be traveling for a while. Yes, I know it’s strange to start a travel blog and actually not travel. I lost interest with it. Don’t choose a niche that you will get bored with.

Now after making all those mistakes I am wiser, but I wish I did a bit of research before blogging. It would have cut the learning curve in half and that’s why I suggest if you truly want to start a blog, read at least five articles on the subject. Learn from people who have made it, that way it will fast track your success. 

Look at choosing the right domain name, niches, hosting and how to make money from blogging. As long as you have a bit of information that’s important. You don’t need to know everything. All you have to know is how to start the right way. 



Blogging isn’t as complicated as we make it, all you need to do is research before you get into a niche. What is stopping you from starting a blog?

                                                                    KEEP  PUSHING



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