Drew DuBoff of

Drew DuBoff

Start Scaling Successfully

Profiting From Passions: Episode 4

Every Monday, I deliver interviews from successful creators who are changing the game. I am super pumped to introduce you to Drew DuBoff. Drew has changed the blogging world by sharing how to scale up and grow successfully, he also started super young. His story is beyond incredible and goes to show you that when it comes to success if you put in the work and have a system in place, you will succeed. 

Blogging like everything takes work, dedication and it requires you to put in the effort. Not doing that will result in you not making any strides with your business or ventures. That is why I created this blog series. To show you that it is indeed possible for you to make money from your passions and for you to make the right decisions. In the beginning, if you have no idea how to profit from your blog, you will make a lot of mistakes. This series is there so that you learn from people who were where you are right now and achieved success.

Today, Drew will share you insights on how he became a successful blogger and what it takes for you to become successful. 


Tell us a little about yourself

I’m a full-time online entrepreneur, blogger, and freelancer since May 2019. I started my online business back in November 2017 because a social media marketing professor in college told me I should start a blog to differentiate myself in the interviewing company. 

The company I wanted to work for ended up rejecting me after stage two, but I came out with an amazing, thriving, and prosperous business where I can impact people daily. 

I coach bloggers looking to grow, scale, and outsource and I also freelance for 6-figure and 7-figure bloggers in the make money online space. I’ve carved out a great business at an age that most people would not expect. But, it’s what I’m using to pay off my student debt and no one can argue with that. 

What inspired you to start a blog?

As I mentioned before, it was really because of a social media marketing professor. 

She was more referencing a hobby blog than a business blog, but it didn’t matter to me. 

Once the spark was there, I kindled it and was able to produce a business by the end of 2018 that far out-earned what I was making at my part-time college job. 

Do you think it is possible to create a profitable blog from your passions?

Yes, absolutely!

But, make sure that your passions are YOURS and not what others think they are.  When I first started, DrewDuBoff.com was NOT what it is today. It was a career advice blog. A blog that made precisely $0 despite the amount of money I was putting into it from freelancing.  I chose that topic because I thought I was passionate about it, but I couldn’t be more wrong. 

It’s what others thought I should blog about because they liked what I had to say. But, I never created content for it because it never felt right. In one year, I produced 3 posts. Now, I am blogging about what I am passionate about and I’m owning it. Heck, I’m even publishing over 30,000 words of content on my blog this month. I’m in my wheelhouse and I’m making money, but because it’s my passion and not someone else’s.


Use blogging and online business to change your lifestyle.

What is your message and why do you think it is relevant today?


My message is to use blogging and online business to change your lifestyle. For me, that’s eliminating over $100,000 of student loan debt (not including grad school, which I’m in now).

But, for someone else, that could mean retiring early or paying off your mortgage. I believe that you can do that by outsourcing, scaling, and growing your business. 

I take solopreneurs and whip ‘em into shape with sound business advice so they can become the leader and visionary in their business, not the one working in it. I think my message is relevant today because everyone wants to change their life. Who doesn’t? I think that my message is unique, though, because of how I’m the sherpa leading the way. 

And, I’ve got the freelancing experience to show off that I know what I’m doing. 



What is the main reason why most new bloggers fail?


Oh, this is a fun topic. In my opinion, most bloggers fail because they blog. Say what? Yes, I know it’s contradictory, but putting content on a blog is not the same thing as running a business or making money. Think of your blog as a vehicle to get from not making money in your business to making money. It’s HOW you accomplish what you want, but it’s not the WHAT. 

You still need to understand business. Without business knowledge, you WILL fail. You’ll get to a point where you want to stop blogging and you probably will. Blogs don’t make money, businesses do. I heard that first from Natalie Bacon and it’s so true. I was able to make money from my business without putting new content out. Or, without even having posts. 

I could make affiliate income from Facebook Messenger if I wanted to. But, instead, I choose the blog as a vehicle. That’s why I’m investing a lot of time and effort into building that up. 


What is the one thing you would do differently if you were starting in your industry now?


If I were starting over, the first thing I would do is network. Your network so crucially important and most people don’t realize it until it’s too late. I’ve used my network to gain more freelance clients and 3x my business’ revenue in one month. You’ll be sadly looking at your bank account showing no money in it if you don’t take the time to build your network and leverage it in a time of need. 

I did do this in the beginning, but on a VERY limited scale. I was only networking with a few select bloggers. But, I expanded later on and I just think of all the revenue I could’ve had if I started sooner. 




The number #1 key to success in my business is my network



Which people or books have had the most influence of your business growth and why?


There’s a book that I’m an evangelist for. It’s Profit First by Mike Michalowicz.  I’ve been working hard with my virtual CFO to implement it. Basically, it’s an envelope budgeting system to help you control the cash flow in your business. And, it encourages lean entrepreneurship, which I’m all for. 

Because of this system, I’ve been able to pay off my car and multiple student loans in just a few short months. It’s also set me up in a position so I know my budget for outsourcing and hiring contractors. 



What would you say is the number #1 key to success in your business?

I think the #1 key to success in my business is my network. I’m probably starting to sound like a broken record, but it’s true. My network makes me more money than a lot of other things (especially my email list right now). I get people emailing me about gigs that can make me THOUSANDS per month, every single month. This just happened recently for an executive assistant position for a FB ads agency. 

If someone in my network hadn’t reached out, I wouldn’t have gotten that job. 



What strategies do you put in place in order for you to grow in your business?


I spend my time doing things that will get me growth. Sounds simple? It is. Don’t spend time on the low ROI tasks and instead focus on the ones with high ROI. Remember, I ignored my blog to focus on making money with freelance clients. Would you be willing to do the same? For me, the blog was low ROI. I constantly sacrifice tasks in my business (or outsource them) so that I can work on my business and not in it. 


Don’t get discouraged when you don’t make money in the first 4 – 6 months. 

What was the biggest obstacle you faced in starting your business and why?


The biggest obstacle is probably my mindset. I’m in a market that constantly pushes people to charge more for their services. I probably don’t charge as much as I should. But, that’s something that I’m working on. Then that has implications on my relationships with my clients. I definitely inhibit my growth when I think that my current clients should be my only clients. But, then if/when something happens I’m not prepared. 

This happened earlier this month and I was not prepared. I spent a lot of time crying because I thought I wouldn’t recover. After my pity party, I got to work and leveraged my network. I gained multiple clients as a result. There are people in your tribe, audience, target market, client base, out there. You just need to open yourself up to it 🙂


What advice would you to anyone just starting out?

Just start. You’re going to waste SO much time in indecision if you don’t take the initial steps today. Don’t get discouraged when you don’t make money in the first 4-6 months. Don’t expect to be a raving success story off the bat. Spend time refining your craft and the results will come. I promise. 


Do you have anything you would like to offer to my audience?

I have a Scaling Blueprint which you are more than welcome to download. Just head over to my website and check it out 🙂 I also offer coaching services if you think you’re at the stage to grow, scale, and outsource. 


How can my audience reach you?

You can check out my site at DrewDuBoff.com.

A few additional links: 

You can also always send me an email! Just head over to my site to contact me. I love hearing from struggling bloggers:)



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