Eliminate Negative Beliefs Fast 30mins

This blueprint will show you how to eliminate negative beliefs so that you can make progress and aren’t held back by the negative beliefs that have controlled your life. These quick steps will focus on bringing out the best qualities out in you.


Negative beliefs stop us from achieving our dreams, by limiting our potential and stopping us from achieving greatness. Yeah, I know, sounds corny. 

Negative beliefs manifest in different ways and it is important you identify them, this blueprint will help you figure out what you are missing out on and help you to actually stop them in their track. 



Step One: Introduction

This guide is so comprehensive you won’t believe how much progress you will make with your goals. This is the kind of information you have to scour the internet. The truth is without goals your life will never change, but without the right goals you never will make any progress. If you want to achieve the level of success that people talk about then you have to go through this course.


The great thing about this course is that you can finish it in a day and start working on the steps straightaway. I have done it in a way that will help you step by step. Eliminating negative beliefs isn’t easy that is why I designed this blueprint in order for you to actually make progress in your life.

It doesn’t matter what you want to achieve, this blueprint will help you do exactly that.

These blueprints work, I have done the work in research, I have also used all of these tactics to achieve my goals. I want you to be successful. I want you to sit down, write down goals and they work. Unlock the potential within you and follow these steps, you will amazed with how much you will accomplish.


I mins

From the Author

This course is designed to teach you how to implement these and the earliest you can see results is within a 90 day period. You should be able to complete this training in an afternoon or even in a day. After that, you can take action the next day and implement the tactics you learn here.


It takes me a day to complete a blueprint like this. Once you know how to implement these tricks, everything will come into place once you understand how to use these tricks.



My products work


 My products work, I put in the time and my blood plus tears to make sure that the products will help you excel in life.

Throughout my courses, products and lessons, I’m very open and honest about my business. I talk about my real products. I talk about my real paychecks. I show real examples, I interview my real audience members, because the only thing that matters is reality.


I don’t sell hype


I don’t make promises I don’t intend on keeping. You can trust that this blueprint works, all these methods have been tried and tested.

This blueprint doesn’t have videos, upsells or downfalls. You won’t be bombarded with sales pitches on buying my next product. This blueprint is straight to the point, a PDF that you can finish in a day or two, depending on how fast you read or much time you have.

In this blueprint, you will learn the exact strategy I used to accomplish my goals.

The first thing you need to understand is that you need a goal so that you can follow alone with this course. What I mean by this is you need to have at least three goals you want to accomplish.




How to get the most out of this blueprint


This blueprint is short and to the point, it is broken down into seven lessons. Take time your time reading them and focusing on your goals.


To get the most out of the content in this Blueprint


All you have to do is read the entire blueprint once. Watch any videos and download the resources. Don’t execute on the steps until you read the entire blueprint. This will help you understand the steps and progress in a steady way.

This Blueprint is a checklist. Every step builds on the next so you have to complete it in order. Everything is how it should be, don’t try skipping the steps or doing every all at once. Take your time, understand what the step requires of you. Complete the exercises, that is the only way this blueprint will work. Focus on working your goals. The next 90 days will be successful according to how much effort you put in.




Step 2: Recognize your negative belifs


Limiting beliefs control our lives more than we want to admit. Often as a result of it we find ourselves stuck in a bubble and all we are waiting for is the day for it to pop.

Limiting beliefs stop us from achieving our goals, pursuing our dreams and finding ourselves. So, that promotion you have been dying to get, you get inundated with voices saying you are not good enough. The best way to solve negative beliefs is to identify them.

Limiting beliefs are often a result of the experiences of our past. You being anxious is a direct response from a traumatic experience and you trained your body to go into that state whenever something similar occurs.

So, you have to identify the negative beliefs.


There are three core limiting beliefs that we face.


  • Problems
  • Anxiety
  • Criticism


There are variations of this that might inflict us, but these are the core three. It’s important that you identify the problems that you face, the criticism you are afraid you will get and why you are anxious.

The problem is that we have limiting beliefs, but we are susceptible to believing them. And the problem with that is once we believe a negative thought it can cause serious problems in our lives. 

There’s nothing wrong if you have negative thoughts, but you have to overcome them. From time to time you’ll of course you’ll find yourself thinking negatively, but as long as you drown the voices with something positive it won’t affect you.

That’s why it is important to identify your biggest issues. Look at why you are anxious, what criticism scares you and the problems you believe with spring up. 



Step Three: Name and tame it technique


Limiting beliefs pull us into a dark web of guilt, hopelessness and pure utter self-pity. And once we are there’s it’s out to find a way out of it, but with this technique you will find yourself untangling the negative belief.

This is a term coined by author and psychiatrist Dr. Daniel Siegel. 

This is how it works there’s aways a story that comes with your negative patterns and it’s up to you to name it and tame it. Or rather change the script.

Here’s an example, “there’s no way you’ll get that promotion. You must be kidding yourself.”

The tame it technique comes into place, you have to stop yourself and realize that is simply a manifestation of fear playing on your emotions. It is here you correct yourself by identifying that you actually deserve the promotion.

You need to do this every time a negative story pops up and you change the script. And realize failure is inevitable, but that’s because realistically speaking you first have to miss hitting the ball before you can hit a home run. Or you have to drop the ball before you learn how to dribble. 

You have to be left behind while running in order for you to come in fast place. Once you have gone through a moment where failure hits home, you can’t get any lower than that and that should encourage you to keep trying. 



Step Four: Come to your senses


Negative beliefs usually flow in two different directions, one is fear of the future and the other is you ruminating about your mistakes, and the past. Neither will actually help you at all.

In fact, it’s more likely to stress you and when your cortisol is heightened, your stress levels increase. Cortisol is the hormone responsible for stress. You can imagine all the negative effects that result from your stress levels increasing.

People gain weight usually as a result of stress.

You need to understand that a lot of the times the things you fear never actually come true and your past is meant as a tool for growth. You are meant to learn from it. Unfortunately, often our past dictates what we do in the present and what we will do in the future.



When you belief you can’t do something because you don’t have enough money is that true or is it a belief that you created to protect yourself.

Every day there moments when we make decisions and depending on our thought patterns we either make a calculated risk or stay in our lane. Often, we stay in our lane because even though the calculated risk appeals to us, we protect ourselves with a negative belief.

So, you got to cut that out. The noise, the static and come to your senses. No one to anywhere from being a hermit or a recluse.

And if you believe you have a lack of drive by simply believing it you are actually making it come true.  



Step Four: Practice Regular Mindfulness


Remember a simple time in your life when your mind was still. No worries, negative thoughts or doubt. All there was the minutes, hours and that day when you enjoyed the best of both worlds.

Most children focus on the now and here, not the future, so they don’t have to worry about what will happen when they turn eleven or twelve. Instead, they enjoy the simplicity that life offers.

Once we hit sixteen, that is when worry gets to us, but it doesn’t stop. It follows us every where and never leaves outside. The older we get the more things we have to worry about. Instead of worrying about getting an education. It’s paying bills, having enough money to take care of our problems, family, starting a legacy and the list continues. 

Children can be present in the moment because they understand on a primal level that tomorrow is another day. You can’t worry about things that you won’t be able to fix. There’s no point in beating yourself to a pulp with negativity. That certainly doesn’t help the problem.

A simple yet effective strategy is to practice mindfulness, focus on the here and now. And the next day you can solve the issue at hand. I am not saying don’t worry, but I have learned that often when you have a break from the problem it’s far easier to come up with a solution. 


Step Five: Ask Yourself hard questions


Limiting beliefs can mess up with your psyche, make you belief something is true when it is not. When you are trapped in that mindset, no matter what ideas you have or goals you want to achieve you won’t be able to.

Negative beliefs can make you doubt yourself to a point where you become insecure. So, it is necessary to ask yourself uncomfortable questions. It will feel like this in the beginning, but with time it will be become a habit. 


  • Do I feel any better?
  • Are any of these constructive in any way?
  • Why do I believe this is me?
  • What can I change so I don’t feel like this?


The job of limiting beliefs is to make you feel like crap and it does such a great job at that. By the time you stop the beliefs, it is too late, it has already done damage. You won’t feel like crap forever. I am no psychiatrist, but I do know that everything has to come to an end. It’s the same way for limiting beliefs.


  • What are my achievements or my proudest moments?
  • Are any of these true or beneficial to me?
  • Is being in this state of mind helping me move forward?
  • What habits can I implement to change my life?
  • What beliefs can I start implement so that I can progress?


You have more money than you believe. You can change your life in an instant and there’s no fairy dust to it. You have two options really; do nothing and you will always feel like that or find a way to build your life. It starts with your mindset and your belief system.

Rich people have limiting beliefs, but they know how to control it. I was where you are and trust me all that I said above works, but it does require patience and time. 




Step Five: Patience and Time


 You have to patient with yourself. At first you will want to shake yourself because it doesn’t seem like it is working. You are changing the way you operate so it isn’t like changing light bulbs. One takes months while the other takes a matter of minutes,

Affirmations help, but even that is set in stone. It can take months to years. It might seem like a lot of work, but it really isn’t. All you are doing is switching the negative thoughts for something positive. 



Step Seven: Start Imagining the life you want


 This is an extra step, you don’t have to do it, but this helps expedite the process. Well, it did that for me. 

Imagine the life you want from the house you live in to where you live. Do you live in a beach house or maybe a condo with an indoor swimming pool. Are you a nomad? Do you have dogs or cats?

How much money do you make a month? It can be anything. How much money do you earn a year? Have you created an impact? 

These examples will help you envision the life you want and when you think about it, you’ll be more excited about changing your life.

We weren’t born knowing everything, but with time it is possible that you change your mindset and your life. Believe in the impossible. 




Vanessa Gowora


I am here to help you master the skill of setting goals that work and this what this blueprint will help you do. Take your time, read over it a couple of times then implement the steps.

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