Discover the simple formula for success when facing female entrepreneur challenges. 

Entrepreneurship is saturated with men, but in the last twenty years, it has seen growth by 114%. As more women are becoming entrepreneurs. Women of color make 70% of that number. More and more women are deciding to start their own companies. Regardless of that, they are still major challenges that they face. These are female entrepreneur challenges that can be upsetting or difficult to swallow. There’s a simple for success that female entrepreneurs can use when facing challenges.

Often, women in history have been looked down on. If we were to pick up a history book we have seen this with female inventors, pilots, actresses, and musicians. Despite how far we have come as a society they are still challenges female entrepreneurs face. I was talking to a friend the other day and we joked about how many of our relatives see what we’re doing as mundane. She joked and said that it isn’t 1998. They are still societal norms that many female entrepreneurs challenge that many of us face. It can be taxing and overwhelming. Today we will talk about how female entrepreneurs can face these challenges. The formula to facing female entrepreneur challenges can be defied.


Defy societal norms


Let’s take the gloves off. When women reach a certain age many expect them to be married and have kids. There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s what makes women special. Their ability to produce life. But even women with children seem to believe that they can’t have a family and build a business. They still live in a world where women must take care of the kids and the home. And that is. This is a female entrepreneur challenge. How do you defy societal norms in a world that still paints with white and black colors?

That’s why you have to defy societal norms. Amelia Earhart was told she couldn’t be an aviator because she was a woman. She laughed in their face. And proved them wrong. Marie Curie was told that she couldn’t be a physicist. Her male peers saw her as being ridiculous, how could she become a physicist, but she proved them wrong time and time again. Madam C.J Walker was the first female black entrepreneur in the U.S. She defied the societal norms. They will always be societal norms. People who believe you can’t do something because of A, B, or C. That’s the point. Restrictions are there to be broken. Every female entrepreneur challenge has to be broken to set a new precedent. That way you defy the odds and inspire the new generation.


Also Related: 7 Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs


Expect to change people’s view points


 It has been drilled in our heads that women should be caretakers and that is it. But women are more than that. Society looks down on us. Female entrepreneurs are told that they should grow up because it’s ridiculous that they want to be entrepreneurs. Yet, there are more reasons to become an entrepreneur. Expect to wreck people’s expectations. Use that as an advantage. Use that as a point to push yourself further.

As a female entrepreneur, they are many challenges that I face. I grew up in a family of entrepreneurs. My father was an entrepreneur then my mother worked with my father for a few years. I saw they work side by side. I thought this was normal until I was older and realized it wasn’t. When I got older many of my relatives were more concerned about when I would get married than starting a company. At first, this angered me. I wanted to change the world. Make a difference. I wanted to inspire young girls to pursue their passions, but this was seen as a ridiculous notion.

What I have come to understand is everyone has their expectations. Men are the ones who start companies. But many women are realizing they want to change the world. They want to help make the world a better place. So, expect to wreck people’s expectations. Accept that and realize that you will need to prove why your dream matters. Not to anyone, but yourself. Because there will be a time you’ll question yourself. That’s inevitable. The only person you need to prove is yourself. 



Fight for your dream. Fight to be taken seriously. Keep fighting to be heard because many will see your dream as ridiculous. My father told me when he was younger he didn’t know what he wanted to be. When I was twenty-two I had no idea what I wanted. Working for someone made me ill. I couldn’t stand the thought. I couldn’t stand working in a cubicle day in and day out. Or rather sitting in a cubicle. This is what many female entrepreneurs face. Female challenges will determine whether thrive or you don’t

You got to keep fighting. To push yourself past the expectations that have been set. Only then can you make it. Only then can you thrive. The difference between male and female entrepreneurs is that male entrepreneur’s fight for their dreams. Maybe, female entrepreneurs believe that fighting for their dreams is aggressive. Whatever reasons are there it seems a male trait. But that isn’t true. You have been fighting to prove you are good enough. To prove that you can make it. Women fought for the right to vote. They fought for the right to go to university.

As much as we progress, societal norms will always be there. They will always be that aunt who thinks that you pursuing entrepreneurship is a joke. The first female to receive a medical degree in the U.S was British physician Elizabeth Blackwell in 1849. Before then they were no female doctors. Fight for your dream because you decide how far you go. 


Also Related: 6 Ways to Start Fighting for Your Dreams


Yearn to make a difference

What motivates or inspires you? For me, it was to make a difference. At the end of the day, entrepreneurship is all about making a difference and changing lives. Yearn to make a difference. Will female entrepreneur challenges change? Maybe or maybe not. No one knows because everyone has their set of expectations. But that shouldn’t stop you from going after what you want.

It shouldn’t stop you from pushing yourself to be the best. Only you can follow your dreams. Only you can change what you believe in. It’s important to believe in something greater than yourself because only then can defy the odds. What motivates you will push you past the ridicule, the societal norms, the heartaches, and negative beliefs. Think of anyone who did something great, they all had to defy the odds. They all had to go through hiccups and bumps to get where they are now. One person can change the world. One person can cultivate and inspire someone to follow their dreams. 

Often we are told that’s impossible. But when you see someone else’s success that inspires you. You want to achieve what they have. Even if it seems impossible or unlikely. We all have dreams. Many of us have been too terrified to go after them because of people’s opinions. Female entrepreneur challenges can be daunting, but this should inspire you to keep going for what you want. 



What have you learned today and how will you face female entrepreneur challenges? Comment below



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