If you want to build your business quickly, you need to have a strategy in place. 

The hardest part of building a business is starting. And it is even harder to build your business in just three months. If you want to know how to build your business in just three months then keep reading on. There are so many things out there that makes it a lot harder for you to even begin. A problem with the internet is often it’s overwhelming. So many gurus and marketers tell you to do this, then you go to another guru who says something else. That is the reason why we end up not doing anything because we’re not sure how to even begin or even what to do next. 

It is understandable, how do we know if we are doing the right thing if there’s someone who is already telling us something else.  When I first started, I was in

the same boat. I had no freaking clue. It took me years of procrastination to finally get down to business and do things. After all, I wasn’t getting younger and I wanted to do a business that would make my life better and help my loved ones. I soon realized that everyone I knew had the same problem. They had no

idea what to do, or what steps they should take. 

Eventually, I managed to create a brand and I learned so many things. As hard as it seems you can actually build a business in three months. If you change your life in 90 days, you can create anything in three months. What you need to know are a few steps that will make it a lot easier. These steps are so easy to implement that you will be shocked at how easy it is to create your business. I know every guru out there talks about how you need to do A, B and C, but what you need is a road map. That’s it. One that you can implement and that won’t make you feel like you are going crazy. I know you have questions how it is possible to create a business in three months. Here’s an awesome article by Fast Company that will help you out. 


Know why you are doing it


Before you start doing anything you need to know your why you are doing it. You need to know this so that you can implement certain steps. For example, if

you want to make more money then how do you go about doing it will be different from someone who wants to explore their passions. It is crucial you know

why you are doing this? Why do you want to create a business? If you are going to build your business in three months then your goals must be clear.


My first blog flopped so hard because I didn’t know why I was doing it. Even the name sucked. It was creative but in that corny way that made it sound like

superhero cereal or some new cartoon about powered kids. I thought at the time it was unique, now I realize years later that it wasn’t really. So, you need to

define your goals and be clear about them. Goal setting is so important because without them you can steer so far to the left that you almost crash into the



Now, that you get the analogy you must realize your goals will either help you or push you back. So be crystal clear about why you are doing it. Only then can

you move to the next step. But if you are clueless about whether you have what it takes to be entrepreneur then you read this blog post. 


Business Strategy a.k.a dreaded s word



If there was one thing I hated in high school was coming up with a strategy. Teachers threw the word wherever they went, you even needed a strategy to

study. Who does that? Now, a little older and hopefully wiser I get it, strategizing is important. It is like swimming without a float if you can’t swim or being on

a boat without an oar. A business strategy is important without it you will sink. Creating an online empire isn’t easy. That’s why it is important that you know

what your goals are and what your blog will be about.


Having a strategy is important. This is a lot better than a business plan. Man, do I hate those things. It still gives me hives when I think about it. Business plans

are great if you are doing a brick and mortar business. You definitely need that if you are planning to do a traditional business. However, if you are doing

online business, what you need is a strategy and it can be simplified in a few steps. 


For one thing, you need to identify your target audience, what your content will be, what your brand be and what it signifies? What you will want to be known

for and your goals? These are questions you need to answer and most importantly how will you market your blog. To help you out, scroll down and sign up

for the free library of resources, you will find a business strategy template.  

Great Design 


Your design must match, for example, the fonts you use must reflect everything. So, If you don’t know a lot about fonts, read up. The colors must also match.

So, if you are giving away freebies then they must have the same colors as your blog. And the list goes on. Go with a theme that works. If you are interested in the theme that I use it is Divi. If you are going to fast track your progress then stick to a theme that works. One that you can easily scale with time. A great theme for your business will take you a long way.

Understand why you are using those colors and why you want to use that theme. There are so many great themes, but they all have a purpose. I suggest going with a multi-purpose theme, there’s a lot you can find for free. Those are a great starting point especially if you have no idea what to do or what steps you should take. So, you don’t miss out on anything. 


What are you going to sell?


So you have no idea what to sell. You have tackled your strategy, design and your goals. What’s next? Selling for a beginner is excruciating because there’s so

much that goes into it. A lot of online gurus say brand sponsorships are great and so are ads. When you are starting out all it’s too much to process. What you need do is affiliate marketing. Start with that and nothing else. When you make your first sell and become used to selling then you can do other things.

Affiliate marketing is great for beginners, but it will also make it a lot easier to create a business in three months. There are hundreds of people making

money from affiliate marketing every day. 

If you are brand new and have no idea what affiliate marketing. Give me a minute to explain. Remember door-to-door salesmen that would come and sell you something on behalf of their employers. Affiliate marketing is like that, though it’s less in your face and the products work. You are basically selling products on behalf of a company and getting paid for your work. That’s it and you can literally sell anything when it comes to affiliate marketing from your website theme to digital products. Basically, the sky is the limit. If you want to speed up building your business in three months then you need to make sure you don’t overwhelm yourself. 

Is that it?


Obviously no, there’s a lot that goes into a business. This is what you should know for now. Building a business and scaling it are two totally different things.

There are a lot of gurus out there that push things to you without them taking the time to understand that if you are brand new it is easy to get overwhelmed.

So, focus on these things for now and the rest will come.

Baby steps are important. Focus on your strategy, designing your theme and working on how you can create your business. After that, it is a lot easier

deciding what’s next. Building a business is a life-long process. It is like raising a child, you don’t rush it. You have to nurture it first before it can grow. That’s

the thing you need to remember if you want your business to be successful. Creating a business in three months is the easy part, but then you have to grow

and scale it. That will require more than three months to build your business, but you can get started today.



What risks are you willing to take to chase after your dreams? Loved to know. Comment below.


                                                                                     Keep Pushing
