The Confidence Playbook
A step-by-step process to help you eliminate fears, procrastination, doubt and insecurities so that you can go after your dreams and achieve the life that you want without the overwhelm and fear.

I understand where you’re coming from
- I’m Stuck
- I keep procrastinating
- What will people say
- Am I enough?
- I don’t feel capable
- I feel like a fraud
- What if I fail?
- I don’t know if I have what it takes
Since we’re on the same page….
Starting something new can be daunting whether it is quitting your job to go full in on your side hustle or business or starting a side hustle it can still be overwhelming.
Even if you want to write a book that still is stressful or become more confident to pursue what you really want.
The secret ingredient to the bold people you come across is CONFIDENCE. You need life changing confidence and this course is perfect for those who are looking to change their lives and just have no idea how to do so.
Here’s the problem something is holding you back

The reason we don’t go after our dreams is we feel like we will be rejected by society, our friends or even the strangers on Instagram.

Many of us believe that we aren’t good enough or capable enough of going after our dreams. Though that is the furthest thing from the truth.

Procrastination and perfection are dream killers. They will stop you from going after your dreams because you believe you aren’t ready.
It could be all of that and more. Something is holding you back from going after your dreams and
doing the big, scary and “Thing.”
Here’s the thing….
You feel like you’re being called to do something more but you’re stuck.
The first thing you think of when you wake up is your dream then comes the stomach bugs and the anxiety. Often it feels the world is waiting for you to make a fool out of yourself.
What’s the thing you want to do?
⇔ You want to write a book
⇔ Finally starting a new business
⇔ Quitting the job you hate and start your passion project
⇔ Starting the YouTube channel you have always wanted to start
⇔ Becoming an online coach or consultant
⇔ Creating a digital product and selling it to your audience
⇔ Becoming more visible on instagram or social media
⇔ Saying No to things that aren’t aligned with your dreams
⇔ Finally building the life you have always wanted, but too afriad to pursue it.
Whatever it is, you’re not alone. Most people feel like this. Everyone has dreams but there’s always
something holding them back from going after their dreams
Suddenly something happens…
You need to work on that tedious task your boss has been asking you to do. You stare at the blinking cursor on the laptop and the phone rings. The laundry needs to be done, you need to clean the house. (Maybe then your creative juices will start flowing abundantly.)
Or maybe paralysis analysis gets you down. You keep researching and researching. It’s a never-ending cycle and you never start. Either procrastination or perfection gets you.
The next thing you know time flies by. A day passes. Then it’s a week, then a month and then its years.
You starting thinking that maybe you aren’t cut for this life. You lose motivation and your creative well runs dry temporary. The enthusiasm you had is still there but now it’s more like a whimper.
It’s not that you aren’t good enough, don’t know enough or aren’t motivated enough.
The truth is what is holding you back is fear. That’s what’s holding you back and keeping you in this constant loop of learning.
Listen I get it we have all been there, done that, you’re not alone in this. That’s the reason why your dreams haven’t moved forward.
What if you dropped fear and started playing BIG in your life and started moving your dreams FORWARD.
To Infinity And Beyond
o What would happen if you ditched the fear and started living confidently?
o What would happen if you achieved your goals on time?
o Where would you be two to seven years from now?
o How different would your life be if you showed up for yourself and family?
o What would happen if you wrote that book, started that YouTube channel, podcast, blog or created a business that you love?

Sounds Impossible. Right?
It isn’t. Most successful people started from where you are right now. They struggled. Had a hard time keeping up. There’s a big difference between people who achieve their goals and those who don’t.
It has nothing to do with a magical seed that if you water it will take you the land of giants and golden eggs. Achieving your goals has nothing to do with numbers. What I am talking about here is the number of courses you purchase because if you don’t change your thoughts your life will never change.
That’s what makes my course different. Your thoughts are what create your actions. Change your actions and your life will change.
Up Next
Think about it like this. How different would your life be if you changed your actions? Often the thing that is holding is back is this belief that we aren’t capable of making any changes.
If you were to remove these thoughts your life would change. You would be happier, more confident and you wouldn’t care as much when it came to it.
Whatever choices we are breed into actions and there is what makes it harder to achieve the success that you want to achieve.
If you keep letting your limiting beliefs dictate your actions then you will won’t progress as much as you want to. That’s why it’s important to change the way you see yourself.
That’s why I created the Confidence Playbook. Before you buy another course this course will help give you the tools to become more confident so that you can crush your goals without worry and go after your dreams.
That’s what we’re going to do together.
The Confidence Playbook

A step by step process to help you eliminate your fears, beat procrastination and finally reach your potential.
Finally here’s a course that works. This is a course intended to help crush your goals at a faster rate and get results.
Most people fail to accomplish their goals because of their mindset and this what this course will help you do.
To make progress with your goals you have to change the way you see yourself.
We’re going to do a deep dive but in a fun way so that you can beat procrastination, kick fear and venture out to follow your days.
Gone are the days of dreaming about going after your dreams and not achieving them.
This course will help get rid of the nagging thoughts, doubt so you can achieve your dreams.
What’s Inside The Confidence Playbook
Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Here Are The Bonuses

The Golden Rule ($197 Value)
Every year you write down your goals and you finish the year not completing them. This bonus will help you to finally achieve your goals by using a psychological method to help you boost your creative juices. There’s a method to the madness and I will show you how to instantly boost your creativity and productivity so you achieve your goals. Whatever goal you want to achieve well I will give you the tools to achieve that.

Getting Ahead ($97 Value)
One thing that most people struggle with is learning new stuff that they have no experience with. This is based on a psychological hack to train your brain to learn new materials. When achieving your goals you need to understand how to actually work through them without the overwhelm and frustration.

Fool Proof Builders Tool List ($47)
Now that you’re finally getting started, the one thing you need to understand is where do you get started? I will hand you a few key ingredients to help you while your working on your goals. This will give you insights to help you actually achieve your goals without the headache of trying to figure out what resources you need when getting started. This is ideal for all beginners.
The Best Part
I’ve Have Designed The Confidence Playbook To Be Overwhelm Free
The worst part of purchasing a course is being left to your own devices. That isn’t going to happen with this course.
Sure we are going to do transformative work but the course was designed to help you by giving you building blocks.
The great thing is you have Lifetime access to it.
This isn’t just a typical course but a course intended to help you achieve your goals without the
overwhelm and confusion.
It will turn you into a ninja warrior (figuratively of course.)
I believe that entrepreneurs, creators and visionaries can change the world. The problem isn’t that you aren’t capable of achieving your goals. No, the reality is that fear is what stops us from achieving our goals.
Sometimes it’s hard getting out of our mind and committing to growth and our future. Often doubt and procrastination stops us from actually achieving our goals.
We all have dreams and if we don’t deal with the root cause we will never achieve our goals. So are you ready to start living the life you always wanted, but was afraid to do so.
After using The Confidence Playbook Method your life will never be the same again. It will help you beat perfectionism and self-doubt because I understand how those can rob you of going after your dreams.
Regardless of waht your dreams are this will help you branch out and asctually achieve your goals. The days of talking yourself out of going after what you want will be over. This course was built to help the perfectionist, procrastinators and doubters out.
It will give you a strategy to help you create, build and achieve without the heartache and confusion associated with venturing out in the unknown.
Crush your goals. Become the driver of your life by no longer walking in fear.
How Do I Know This Will Work For You? Because I
Have Been Where You Are Right Now.
Hi, I’m Vanessa. I’m a content creator, author and entrepreneur who helps entrepreneurs and creative people quit their jobs so that they can go live out their dreams.
How the heck am I qualified to show you how to become more confident and chase after your dreams.
That’s easy. As someone with ADHD I have always struggled with self-esteem, procrastination and perfectionism. The need to always seek approval made me miss opportunities.
In 2017 my life changed when I self-published a book I never thought anyone would ever read. Then a year later I created a blog. I won’t lie and say that immediately that’s when I became more confident.
No it took trial and error for me to beat it out. My process works because I have been working on it for years. Making sure that I became more confident with every step I took.
After years of self-exploration and radical risk taking I have been able to truly become more confident and assured person and I want to help you beat the odds by becoming a more confident person so you can crush your goals.

I know with the right method you can beat procrastination, perfection, self-doubt and fear so that you can go after your
dreams. This method will help you achieve insane results. It took me a few years to master and I am happy to showcase
it to you.