Why entrepreneurship is the new normal

Here are a few reasons why entrepreneurship is the new normal

When I was ten years old, the teachers gathered all the ten-year-old kids in one classroom. They wanted to find out who we wanted to be. Many of the answers the kids gave were similar. They wanted to be doctors, firefighters, police officers, athletes or entertainers. That was what was normal in the 2000s. A good job. Now, the new normal is entrepreneurship. How times have changed?

You know, the saying that the more things change, the more they stay the same. Entrepreneurship is the new normal twenty-plus years later because of many factors. Before we entered the 2020s, there was a shift. More and more people were quitting their jobs. They wanted something that offered something else than working for the MAN. I’m not against the 9-5 job, many people love their jobs and it offers them the right benefits. Though, they are people who have never been satisfied with that and the worst advice would be to follow what one else does, even if it makes you miserable.

I believe some people are born entrepreneurs. They were born into an entrepreneurship family. So, from an early age, they saw what entrepreneurship was really about. I was born into an entrepreneurial family, but I didn’t want to be an entrepreneur until I was much older. I didn’t want to do things that were expected of me. I used to fight against the status quo. Then they are people who are made into entrepreneurs. These people usually find entrepreneurship along the way and find their footing. Then they are those who are thrust into entrepreneurship. The last camp are people who have no choice but to turn into entrepreneurship because of circumstances they couldn’t prevent.

Below are the reasons entrepreneurship is the new normal. 


There’s no satisfaction in the job market

As a kid I always used to hear, paper will open so many doors for you. Even though my parents were entrepreneurs, they also were extremely educated. Now, I have nothing against university. I learned a lot of great things from university. It taught me so much about myself and what I was capable of. It opened doors. Back then, colleges and universities had more credibility than they do now. 

The new normal is entrepreneurship. Here’s why? Look at the job market. They seem to be far more unemployed people than they are jobs. Even if those people get jobs, they make less than a lot of entrepreneurs. I’m talking about the successful. Maybe not the top tier entrepreneurs, but they are few lower tier entrepreneurs who make $5000 per month. Think about that. That might not seem like a lot, but that income will grow faster than it does with a normal job. A lot of top tier entrepreneurs earn anything from $50,000 to $1 million per month. That seems impossible, but it isn’t. It takes time and dedication, but it can be achieved. 

Entrepreneurship is the new normal because it offers room for you to grow. Unfortunately, jobs aren’t like that. You can spend 10 years working at a company and only earn a little more than you did when you started. Yes, they are people who get promoted, but that’s a small fraction. Most people won’t get that opportunity to get promoted. The job market is stagnant unless you are working in the new industries or in the science industries. Most of us go down the normal route and often those jobs don’t offer a lot of room to spread your wings. 


Also Related: 19 Reasons to Start Your Own Business


Passion is the new currency

Life is precious and short. Darn it. No, it’s valuable. Passion is the new currency, and therefore entrepreneurship is the new normal. As children, many of us watched movies about the struggling passionate artist. It made us believe that your passion won’t put food on the table. Things are different now, though. I’m sure people told Elon Musk that Tesla wouldn’t work. I’m sure they told him it was impossible. He still went out and did it. Yes, Elon Musk is a genius. So using him as an example might not convince you.

Let’s look at other people who followed their passions. Look at any influencer you follow. Whether in the beauty, fitness or success industry. Many of them don’t have their own products. Yet, they are making lots of money. What about the authors you read? We often like to say some people are lucky. But that isn’t the case. Often, it is refusing to let go or settle down. Passion is the new currency because it’s harder to quit when you are passionate.

When you are passionate, you will push yourself regardless of what people say. You will push yourself past the surrounding barriers. Passion is valuable because it offers you the motivation to get up, even when you don’t want to. Entrepreneurship is the new normal because passion fuels it. The founders of Airbnb had a simple dream and now their company is worth billions of dollars. Your passion can lead you to places you never imagined. 


Your why


Entrepreneurship is the new normal because the world is changing. More and more people are looking into their why. Their purpose or calling. The people who change the world aren’t vast companies. No. The ones who change the game and the world are entrepreneurs. An entrepreneur who wanted to offer kids the opportunity to learn and write started pencils of Promise. He changed the world. The people who inspire are the entrepreneurs. They are the ones who motivate the shift in the dynamic. Entrepreneurs always have a big why and an even bigger who. 

They know what their purpose is and who they want to help. They understand that to truly change the world; they have to disregard their selfish desires. This is how they change the world and make it better. We all have a purpose. We all have a why. Sometimes it might not seem as great as you hoped. Maybe, the design doesn’t seem all that great. But that’s how it starts. A caterpillar never thinks they’ll turn into a butterfly. Why would they? The ugliest thing has the potential to turn into the most beautiful insect. We all have potential.

Your idea might not seem great now, but then it can change. It takes belief to push what you want to make the world better. We all have the potential to beautify the world. I believe God gives us inspiration and ideas to change the new norm. Entrepreneurship is one of the few fields that can actually do that. Therefore, it’s the new normal. It can turn something as simple as an idea and shift the dynamic. Canva was just an idea. So were the shopping malls and the fast-food restaurants. All of them just started out as ideas. Often that’s all you need. 


Also Related: Why You Should Find Your Purpose


Scale and grow


What is your superpower? We all have it. Something that makes us different from everyone else. Entrepreneurship is the new normal because it helps you lean into that and helps you use it. Not every industry does that. Plus, you grow and change because of entrepreneurship. Before entrepreneurship, I had no direction. It was hard for me to solve my problems. Now, it’s easier. Entrepreneurship has given me the opportunity to scale and grow.

It has given me a chance to see opportunities I never did before. Now, I accept things I would never have accepted before. Sounds simple. Too easy. But even my clients tell me how entrepreneurship has helped them find opportunities. One of the great things about entrepreneurship is that it shows you countless ideas of how to make money online. It isn’t as hard as many people make it sound. Not saying it’s easy, like taking your dog for a walk. Nothing worthwhile is easy. Still, it will open your eyes to so many ways you can make money.

You might not have imagined these ways. Often, all it takes is a simple leap. Then you can make money from your ideas. You can change course. This is how you scale and grow. Entrepreneurship is the new normal because you can have several modes of making money. The more you scale, the more ways you can make money. There’s also something satisfying about being financially secure and free. You won’t have to worry about money. Money will work for you rather than you work for money. You can spend a few hours working on your business and still make more money than your 9-5 job. I’m not saying any of this is easy. Nothing worthwhile comes easy. You got to work at it. You won’t make it with a push of a button or pushing products you don’t believe. 

If you do it the right way. Follow the right path and look at the map. Then you will succeed. If you don’t give up, then you will succeed. It takes time, but I guarantee that it’s worth the ride.  


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