19 Enriching Goals to Set in 2019: 19 Ideas to Inspire You
New year, new set of goals. Look below for inspiration.
This is your year, the one where you will challenge yourself, be more productive and figure things out. You have the chance of accomplishing more by setting
better goals. This year will be different. In the first month of every new year, we tell ourselves, but the year ends up being like everything else. The problem
lies in our mentality and trying not to do too much. Getting overwhelmed is far easier than realizing that we are human. Therefore, we can’t be everything to
every situation and everyone.
You have to take care of yourself, I am not saying to forget about the people in your life, but you can’t be the best version of yourself if you don’t take care of
yourself. Starting that is difficult that is why it is important to have an idea of what goals you are going to set. Some of these goals have circulated the net for
years, you have seen on blogs and there’s a reason for that. Nineteen goals is a long list to go through, so get a bowl of popcorn and a notebook and I will
show you how you can make this year the best year ever.
When it comes to having a great year, you need the right goals to set you up success. The right goals can push you further in life, it can give you strength and
help you change course. The right goals can help you start a business, build the one you already have or get a promotion. The right goals can help you build
your relationships and learn new skills that will make you love yourself more. Yeah, so having the right goals does matter and that is why I did this list to give
you a hand. Check out these nineteen goals if you want to make this year incredible. I have gone through this list and I can tell you that these goals have
helped me out in so many ways.
#1 Enroll in a self-development course
Self-development gets a bad wrap, either people think it belongs in the same category as cults or the movies featuring levitating gurus hasn’t helped. A lot of
people hate to even think about enrolling in a self-development or buy a book.
The reason why I put it in here is this is the fastest way to get to where you want to go. Sure, you can do the shrug-it-off thing and tell yourself you will figure
things out, but that can take for years. There are a lot of benefits to doing this and requires a massive dose of introspection on your part. Are you ready for
the challenge? Are you ready to change this year for the better?
If you want to let go of the pain, sorrow, and anger that has controlled you for most of your life then you need to let go. To do that, you need to find yourself
and well, that requires either enrolling in a course or subscribing to awesome blogs that help you do that. When I focused on self-development, it helped me
accomplish more of my goals and it also helped me realize who I was.
You can look for a course on Skillshare.
#2 Challenge yourself
What is the one thing that you want to do? For many people it is traveling and as great as seeing the world, it doesn’t challenge you. Unless you are socially
awkward and hate meeting new people. But this kind of challenge doesn’t require you to spend a lot of money doing.
In fact, you can start it as soon as possible. Whereas traveling requires more forethought, this doesn’t.
We all want to do things that terrify us and that’s probably what excites us a bit. Unfortunately, it also makes us procrastinate. We always push the day back.
You have to understand that doing that makes it harder for you to actually do. I know, sounds like common sense. The big underlying problem here is that
this is the first phase, the next is we can continue to go on this path.
So what will challenge you? Maybe, it is to do with joining chess club, volunteering, standing up for yourself, singing in front of a room of strangers, making
new friends and the list goes on. Write down your challenges and start doing them. When you challenge yourself, you are setting yourself up for success and
this make it easier for you to achieve your goals. Pushing hard means that you are more likely to work hard on your goals.
#3 Write down a business idea
This all depends on whether you want to be your own boss. It also depends on if you are willing to go the extra mile. Starting a business isn’t easy, it requires
that ounce of gall. Most people don’t want to go to that extent, but if you want 2019 to rock while not be gutsy.
This one doesn’t require you to put any money forward, just come up with a business idea. It’s that simple. Okay, so what if you have no idea where to start
from? Look at examples of great ideas and start from there. Sometimes, all you really need is to be inspired to go on your way and why not look at people
who were in your footsteps.
These days you can start a business in even the weirdest niches. If someone can start a business from turning ashes into diamonds then what it is stopping
you. Yup, that actually is a real thing. All you have to do is figure out what you are passionate about and go for it.
Also Read: How to Build A New Business in Just Three Months
#4 Enroll in a networking course or go to a conference
Most people suck at relationships. That’s because we aren’t told how to do it the proper way and that is the problem. Due to that we never really go past the
stage we are at. As kids it was easier because there weren’t a lot of rules involved, share your toys and that was a secret to making friends.
Then we grew up and well, we spent far too much time playing catch up and pretending we had it all together. It might have worked in high school, but
college was a different ballgame. Even then it was simpler, now it is like juggling far too many balls.
It isn’t your fault you suck at relationships. You might be great at dating, but terrible at being a good friend, sibling or child. That’s okay, the most important
thing is understanding that it takes time to tick all of those boxes. What if you are great at all the above? But are you great at putting yourself out there,
making friends with people earning more than you and promoting yourself out there.
It is impossible to be good at something unless you learn how to do it well. And you can only do this by learning how too.
#5 Spend less time on your screen and more with your friends and family
There was a video I watched a couple of years ago about how we spend far too much looking at our screens than we do with people. Growing up my parents
insisted that we spend time together by playing board games?
This was before the internet took over and now it is as if looking at our screens are more important. When was the last time you actually called someone
instead of texting them? When was the last time you invited your friends over and played board games.
It is hard to know someone with just a cellphone and a few emojis. Looking at someone’s Facebook or Instagram feed isn’t an insight into their lives. In fact,
there are still a stranger to you. Talking to someone face-to-face gives you a better insight into the person. It also makes you a better person.
It sounds hard to believe, but challenge yourself to avoid working on your laptop, phone and actually go and meet up with people.
#6 Read 12 Books
I was going to go with 24 books, but that is challenging. For every month, read one book. The most successful people out there read a lot of books and the
majority of the population don’t even finish one book in a year. I don’t want this to be you.
Reading is one of those necessary skills that will help you in every area of your life. It improves your English, your mentality, performance and gives you
advice. Within the pages of a book, you learn how to dream. to explore your mind creatively, conquer your fears and escape the doldrums you are facing.
To improve your life you need to read. That’s a fact. Reading isn’t just for bookworms or authors, it’s for everyone who wants to become a better version of
themselves. Let’s face facts, we can’t be good at everything and that’s where books come in.
#7 Write a book
I get it, you don’t want to be a writer, but this is a skillset a lot of people don’t have. Not actually being a writer, but the willpower it takes to write a book.
People think it is a given, but it isn’t. Writing is not the easiest things to do, it takes time and dedication.
It almost takes guts and that’s why writing is so therapeutic. You might not want to be a writer, but you should still write a book. Not to publish, but for
yourself. Doing so will improve your life in so many ways. You will get better at self-discipline, creativity, introspection, articulation, and become more driven.
Why? Because writing isn’t easy. There are so many roadblocks that come your way. Starting a book is easy, finishing it is hard.
And even if your book sucks, no one will read it except maybe your grandmother or your friendly neighbor. it doesn’t have to be a self-development book.
You can write about an alien invasion in New Mexico, it can be a memoir, a biography of someone who inspires you. The sky is literally the limit unless you
make it so.
And who knows maybe you can publish it later on. The choice is up till you. Most authors start books and they don’t finish. Those that do end up becoming
somewhat successful.
#8 Be a kinder, bolder and a more patient version of yourself
It is hard to be any of those things when life throws curveball and lemons at you. The old adage of making lemonade out of lemons doesn’t work sometimes.
So, how can you be a better version of yourself when life hasn’t gone your way.
Who you are right at this moment is important because you can either attract the right or wrong people in your life. If you are passive aggressive you will
meet a lot of people like that. If you are negative, you will meet negative people. Despite, the fact of the kind of people you are going to attract, you never
know what someone is going through.
Life can be exciting, but we don’t make it. Relying on our survival instincts to get ahead, so sure that it works. Don’t avoid risks, so we don’t. Don’t give too
much or people will take advantage. So we don’t. Don’t be kind unless someone is kind to you as well. So we don’t.
You are in charge of what becomes of your life. No one else, but you. How you craft it will either bring you joy or misery? Be the best version of yourself and
you have no idea what doors will open and how your life will turn out.
#9 Take care of yourself
You matter so because you do treat yourself every month. Laugh and live more. Life is short. Be kind to yourself and do things you love. The one thing people
tend to regret is not taking time to treat themselves. To stop worrying for a while and do whatever makes you happy.
If you fast forward into the future, what is the one thing you did more often? How would have loved to spend your time? Here’s the secret to life, you have to
cherish every moment you have because those moments define who you are right now.

#10 Spend less and save more
It is natural to get money and to spend it as soon as possible, but this is why a lot of people never have enough money. The trick to making more money is to
spend less and save more. Sometimes, this is all you need to travel or to start a business.
When you learn this in life becomes a lot easier, you won’t have to worry about money like used it. It takes patience to do this because every month is filled
with numerous sales and that velvet coat is winking at you. But, spending money you don’t have will only accumulate your problems and that is the one thing
you should avoid.
#11 Learn a new skill
Do you want to progress in life? You have to learn a new skill. There are dozens of sites out dedicated to teaching you to learn something new. My favorite
is Udemy.
Maybe, you want to learn more business management skills or Photoshop. It takes time, dedication and willpower to learn a skill. It also requires that you
don’t give up and that can take time. Not only does it take time, it requires an investment. One that you have to be willing to part with.
A new skill will look great on your resume, but it will also take you to heights you never imagined.
#12 End a relationship that drains you
I believe that we all meet people for reason, some stay for a season and others become lifelong friends. There are also people you meet in a season that
doesn’t benefit you but drains you. They are people who bring out the worst in you.
It is hard ending relationships. However, not everyone is meant to be by your side forever. Most times, we meet people whose sole purpose is to make us
doubt ourselves. I am sure that wasn’t their intention, but it is what the result is. You have to step away from friendships like that, ones that make you more
insecure. If it’s not serving you, the best thing is to let go. By doing that you are not only benefiting yourself but that person as well.
#13 Laugh, live and love More
This is my mantra for the year. Similar to being the best version of yourself, though this one is more about enjoying life. Focusing on all the bad things in your
life won’t make you happy. Be afraid to live your life isn’t a recipe for success.
There are so many bad things going on in our world. Chaos ensues and it is hard to be happy when people are suffering. Though, I believe in the power of
hope. Because without the world is bleak and unforgiving. And truly live a well-rounded life you have to understand that hope comes in the form of how you
live. That breath of air in you is a gift and no travesty can take it away.
Once you live a fulfilling life you can also help more. Though, you can only do this when you understand that you have to give all you have.
#14 Venture out of your comfort zone
Go somewhere you have never been before. There’s so much out there, but unless you look you will never know. It can range from something as simple as a
coffee place or a bookstore. The whole purpose is to find yourself in a new place.
There’s a beauty in it that is magical. It almost feels like the first time behind a wheel. Exciting and scary at the same time. But you also never know the type of
people you will meet. It definitely will change your worldview and help you understand the world a little better. Sometimes to change our perspective all we
need is a nudge and to find ourselves in a place we have never ventured to before.
#15 Start a side project
Last year, might have been rough for you. It could be that you were financially restrained and couldn’t do all the things you wanted to do. The best way to fix
this is by starting a side project. You might not want to start a business, but there are numerous side gigs you can do to have more money in your pocket.
A lot of people have had success with these and it is easy to start with them. You don’t need a massive amount of investment and you can go with it for a
while until you have enough money. There are a couple of people who used this model to retire so maybe that’s what you want. Early retirement or it could
all you want are a couple of extra dollars.
You could start a Fiverr gig. There are a lot of people making money doing this. Or you could do a teaching job online. What is great about it besides the
flexibility is the money. There are a ton of other options out there, but this will certainly help your year look brighter.
Also Read: Quick Side-Hustle Ideas You Can Start At Home
#16 Drink at least 5 cups of water
I used to be one of those people who was happy drinking a 500 ml bottle of water every couple of days. I was that bad, then last year my body was flooded
with toxins. As a result, I spent the whole year going to doctors hoping they would give me a cream that would help my acne problem.
My acne was so bad that my face was covered with ugly big pimples. It was nasty, my health also deteriorated and when I started drinking more water it was
better. Drinking water solved a lot of my problems. I wish my doctors had told me this because it would have saved time and money.
If you drink at least 5 cups of water it will wash away your toxins and that will make you healthier.
Goal #17 Start an accountability group
All these sound tedious, but it is a lot easier with an accountability group. Accountability groups are awesome because you will achieve more in a short space
of time when you know that you are not doing it alone. You can either do it with complete strangers on Meetup. Or it can be people in your circle
on Facebook.
Whatever you choose, an accountability group is a great way to stay motivated, accomplish more in less time and achieve your goals. Plus it is free to start so
why not try it out.
#18 Make an investment
This one depends on you. You can invest your time or money. Most people volunteer at an organization, but you can donate money to a worthy cause. It
doesn’t matter as long as you invest. It is rewarding knowing that you are helping someone in need.
When you invest in something you care more about the outcomes and what to see it through. This opens your heart more. It doesn’t matter where it is,
whether it is church, an orphanage, your local library or even a charity. I used to think that in order to make an impact you need to be wealthy. The truth is all
you need is a belief so strong that you take action.
#19 Challenge yourself to make new friends
Finally, we are here. It only took 3000 words to get here and this one is simple. Make new friends or walk up to a stranger and just talk. It can be anything
from the weather to that tennis match you recently watched.
You might have a lot of friends, but people never do this anymore. Talking to a random stranger can give you insight that can change your worldview. I am
not saying to talk to literally anyone, but you can survey people. Figure out who might be an interesting person to talk to.
What goals do you think you should set for 2019? Comment below, I would love to know.
Keep Pushing