How To Be Productive At Home During Uncertain Times
HOW TO BE PRODUCTIVE AT HOME DURING UNCERTAIN TIMESThe easiest way to become productive is by using a routine to help you out. .As more people are staying at home it has become harder to be productive at home. These are uncertain times over the world. More...
Who Says You Can’t You Do Book Review
Who says you can't, you do book review Who says you can't, you do carries a lot of nuggets of truth and that is why I decided to do a book review on it.I am being honest, this would be the first time I have ever written a book review on this website. The truth...
What I’ve Learned Risking It All To Chase My Dreams
What I'VE LEARNED FRom risking it all to chase my dreamsThe below are a few things I learned from risking it all. Over the last couple of years, I have learned a lot from risking it all to chase after my dreams. It wasn't easy, that is for sure, but along the...
The Reality Of Finding Your Calling
THE REALITY ABOUT FINDING YOUR CALLING AND HOW TO FIND IT Best way to find your calling Finding your calling is not as easy as it seems. That is why people have written books on the subject so that people can find their calling. If it was easy, we all would be...
5 Simple Tricks To Stop Being Lazy!
5 SIMPLE ways TO STOP BEING lazy!If you want to stop being lazy, then these five simple ways will help you do just that. There's something exciting about a new month in a new year. It comes with it a sense of determination to what the next couple of months...
13 Habits of Self-Made Millionaires in 2020
13 habits of self-made millionaires in 2020 Every self-made millionaire has these 13 habits in 2020. So if you want to be a self-made millionaire then focus on these thirteen habits. The last decade many people speculated what makes a self-made millionaire and while...