how to overcome the fear of blogging

Starting anything new can be terrifying, but conquering your fear or at least overcoming it is a key to success. 

In order for you to overcome the fear of blogging you need to take action. Don’t let anxiety stopping you from starting a blog. Follow your passion, build an empire and conquer your fears. I will show you the exact steps on how to overcome the fear of blogging. The steps I laid out work out, but here is an another awesome article on how to overcome the fear of blogging like a pro. 

Do you relate to any of these fears when starting a blog

  • Failing and starting from scratch
  • Choosing the wrong blog name and not getting any traction
  • Getting into the wrong niche
  • Embarrassment from failing
  • Feeling as if you are not good enough
  • People thinking less of you because you are a full-time blogger or starting a new business
  • Putting yourself out there, stepping out of your comfort zone and feeling as if you’re kidding ourselves (I know this one is usually at the top of the list)

Here are my personal fears that I struggled with

  • My family and friends thinking I won’t succeed
  • Not succeeding
  • My disability getting the best of me
  • Failing for the third time again in less than 3 years
  • Not making money
  • Feeling like a failure

I know these are a lot of fears all combined into one terrifying package. Why even try when there are a lot of reasons you can fail? So, what’s the point of all this. Real talk, fear can stop you from pushing forward if you allow it too. So, I will show you the ways to overcome failure so that you can find a why and build on your dreams.



Overcome Fear of Failing


Stop trying to eliminate fear, because you can’t



Wait what! You can’t eliminate fear, it’s a part of being human. Even successful people are afraid of something. Being fearless doesn’t mean an absence of fear, it is being courageous inspite of your fear. Keep that in your mind and let it soak in.

If you want to achieve something then you have to go after it, despite all the fears in your life.

You cannot eliminate fear, it gives you purpose and pushes you past the obstacles

Get comfortable, fear is a good thing. I know, how can something that makes you doubt yourself be a good thing. Because it becomes part of your story.

Listen…in life there will be problems in your life and you will be terrified of stepping out of your comfort zone. If you want to overcome the fear of blogging, you need to step out of your comfort zone. This is a must


Don’t eliminate fear, because it is the one tool that you can use for success



Your Mistakes and Failures are a Frame for Life Lessons


We have a frame for life lessons. It’s the one thing that will keep you pushing you. My first and second blog bombed so badly that I thought about quitting blogging. It was excruciating, but I realized that I could do better. I went back to the mistakes I made and realized where I went wrong.

 It was then that I realized my mistakes were now a frame for me to do better. And that’s what I did, I did the opposite of what I did before. We all make mistakes and it is what you do from the lessons you learn that makes you different from everyone else.

 Use your life lessons to build your house on a rock instead of sand. Have a foundation for your life, because without it everything becomes harder to cope. A smart person learns from mistakes, but an intelligent person learns from other people’s mistakes. Learn how to not let your mistakes define you



Write out what will happen as a result of failing


Writing it down will help you overcome your failure. Because you might fail, it’s possible it won’t be as successful as you hope it will be. There are no guarantees in life, that’s a simple fact. We have this notion that if we play by all the rules then life will be the way we want it to be.


I used to play by the rules and I still lost the game.


It was then that I realized I had to play a different game and write down what would happen if I failed. Fear is simply fake events appearing real. Because even though there’s a chance you can fail, there’s also a likelihood that you won’t. Understanding why you are afraid to do something will help you overcome your fear of blogging. For example, I am terrified of spiders, but when I understood my fear. It started to look silly. That is the same thing when it comes to blogging. 


Here are a few fears you can write down.


  • Losing hope and thinking that success isn’t for you
  • Depression
  • Telling everyone that you failed and feeling like you disappointed your loved ones
  • Having to regroup and maybe quit following the online game
  • Going back to work with your head down and begging your boss for your old job back (don’t quit your job before you get traction from your blog)
  • Losing money that you didn’t have all so you can follow your dreams


There are a lot of fears that you can have, write them all down and realize that your fears are not a reflection of who you are. They might not even happen, but you have to believe that.


When you write down your fears they sound silly. Because the reality is that fears are meant to scare you into not breaking the rules. Be a rule breaker.


Even if the worst case scenario happens, you will be fine. I have gone through it and I had wounds from it. But I did survive, your life will have detours, but that isn’t meant to stop you, but give you more ammunition.


Quotes to help you pull yourself help


Care about people’s approval, and you will always be their prisoner


– Lao Tz


Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly.
– Albert Einstein


Life is too short to waste any amount of time on wondering what other people think about you. In the first place, if they had better things going on in their lives, they wouldn’t have the time to sit around and talk about you. What’s important to me is not others’ opinions of me, but what’s important to me is my opinion of myself.— C. JoyBell C.


Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” — Steve Jobs


Never dull your shine for somebody else


― Tyra Banks


These quotes will show you that letting your fears disturb you will keep you always in the back. So, don’t let that stop you from starting a blog. 


Why even start a blog


Now, that we’re at the end of this post, I will give you an insight why you should even start a blog. There has to be an easier way to make money online, start a brand or create an impact right. You have to start to believe that you can overcome your fear of blogging because in the end only you can make the choice. 




First of all, starting a blog isn’t as complicated as people make it out to be. The first step is to just start. Make mistakes, roll in the dirt and get into the trenches, but just do it. Throw out your fears, literally ignore them and do it.


Sure, you might wake up in panic mode the next day and want to hurl pillows at the walls. Less effective than breaking glasses or anything that’s breakable, but also less work. Even if you want to do that, know that taking that first step is progress.


Here are a few reasons;


  • Want to eventually quit 9-5
  • Make money online
  • Easy to setup
  • Create an impact or legacy
  • Want to break the rules


Blogging is a joy because I know that it’s more than a hobby, it’s an income stream that will help create an impact and help people find their purpose and why.  Search within yourself and you will find the answers sooner than you can imagine.


Also Related: How To Start A Blog in 10 Minutes With Bluehost?


What are some of the fears that is preventing you from starting a blog. Comment below

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