I think, therefore i am: What you believe maters

What you believe matters more than you realize. We spend too much time focusing on what other people think of us than how we see ourselves. 

I have ADHD. For years I let it define me, it’s ironic that I used my circumstance to have such an impact on my life. I read all the articles about my diagnosis and believed all of them. There was a long list of things that people with ADHD can’t do. I was jealous of neurotypicals, a term used for those who don’t have ADHD.

That was my life, it was a blessing I even graduated. It hit me the other day when I was in one of my many “oh ADHD has crippled me,” phase. I had to shake my self and I realized I allowed this to control my life. Rene Descartes said, “I think, therefore I am.”

It’s a simple sentence, but there’s so much weight in it. The truth lies in the last two words and that is I am. How many times do we find ourselves saying we can’t do something due to our circumstances? It’s so easy to sink to the bottom of the ocean with that mentality. And often we do it, unknowingly. The words wrap around us and we get caught up in all the things we can’t do. All our insecurities, inefficiencies and disabilities. That doesn’t define us.

Struggling at something is part of life, but it doesn’t take away who you are. Most days my synapses misfire, my head is too heavy for my body and the noises are too loud. There’s so many things clouding my judgement, my to-do list is so long I never finish what’s on it. Procrastination gets the best of me, but does it define me. No, these are obstacles I have to face, time and time again, but what human doesn’t have to jump hurdles to make it to the finish line.

If our belief system is warped than how do we change it? Belief. I’m not talking about sprinkling fairy dust or rubbing a magic lamp. No, we have to go to the basics.




When I was a kid, I believed I was a superhero. Most kids do. I crafted worlds in my mind where I was a scientists, a politician, a doctor and there was no limit. With time I allowed negative words to define me. Undisciplined, lazy, impetuous, unambitious and the list goes on. All of the things I listed above are not who I am. You can become disciplined, you can stop being lazy and being impetuous at times is merely a phase. 

Who you say you are is who you become. It’s that simple, if you believe with all your heart that you’ll never make it in life you never will. If you believe that your life will never change ,it won’t. Life rewards those who are audacious with their beliefs, who leap over hurdles even when they don’t think they can. I was one of those kids who stared at the hurdle and was so terrified to jump, I’d run around it. 

That’s the coward route and I’ll admit fear would wash all over me, I’d squirm and choose the safest option. If you want to beat your obstacles you need to believe you can do just that. 





How many times have you hit rock bottom and did something you regret? There are moments like those in our lives when we’re not sure what’s the next possible best thing. Times when fear gets us and we find ourselves lost in a crowd of lies. Words slam us against the walls, we bury our heads in a sea of pain because nothing gives. Nothing seems to take away the pain, the aching feeling of sinking in an ocean of memories.

After the storm we cave and we use words to define who we are. That’s what happens normally and the lies keep flowing over us. We allow weaknesses to define us, to cripple who we are now. The truth is we are all flawed, filled with blemishes and inadequacies. None of that defines us. Our weaknesses are a sign of being human.

When I was younger I drowned my self in visions of where I wanted to be. Lost in a sea of dreams I believed wouldn’t come true. I was so lost that what was around me was a blur. A swish of colors, fragrance and words that never touched me. Even when my name was uttered, nothing could take me away from the daydreams I found myself stuck in. It was almost as if I the lure of clouds changing to cotton candy and swish of pinks and blues became the very air I inhaled. Most regarded that as a weakness.

An inability to remain focused on what was before me. I believed in what they said. I was made an example when teachers screamed at me. Irony isn’t lost on me. The Daydreamer becomes a Writer.

Most of us spend far too much time allowing our past to define who we become. Allowing our past to shape our decisions is ingrained in us, but it doesn’t have to be. We can understand why we let it happen and that is why I wrote a blog post about it hereBut the mistakes we have made in the past have made us who we are today and your weaknesses are no different. 



Here is a golden nugget that will help you in life. Society is so focused on using weaknesses as ammo. But changing those into strengths will help you with whatever you tackle. I know, there are some weaknesses that are just too hard to turn into strengths. If you’re a compulsive gambler, it might be difficult to shift that into gear.

What no one knows is you can control your gambling habit and change it into taking risks. People who gamble are more willing to take risks. The problem is they are also impetus and jump into a shark infested ocean if they can.

Shifting the gears depends on you, but I have learned with time and practice that your weaknesses can actually help elevate you. It all depends on telling yourself that you’re capable of doing so much and using what you have to write your story.

There are five ways you can change your weaknesses into strengths, you can find the article about it right here.




No one can write your story, but you. When I was ten, my teacher gave the students an assignment. We had to answer a couple of random questions such as what do you like about yourself, what would you do with a million dollars and I’m sure you get the picture.

My story involved a lonely girl walking the streets and whenever she saw her reflection in the windows of stores she saw a vagrant. Even the people who passed by saw the same thing, a girl with smudges on her cheeks. My story didn’t have a happy ending and it was when I rewrote that story life changed.

How you see yourself is more important than what people think. You give ammo to the words said about yourself when you believe it. My advice is simple, only you can say who you become. People will believe whatever they think, but if it doesn’t align with your story then rewrite it.

Script writers always do that, rewrite stories to change the ending.



What ending do you want to rewrite. Comment below and I will reply as soon as possible

                                                         KEEP  PUSHING
