Why your belief system is a success factor

Find out why your belief system is a success factor.

We all have heard that saying, “you are what you think you are.” Most of us wonder if this is even true. Are we truly what we think we are? It’s been said that the most powerful computer actually isn’t a computer you’ll find at NSA or the pentagon. No. Our brains are the most powerful computer. Whatever we think of can compute in mere seconds. That’s powerful. Your belief system is a success factor. Why? How? Think of it this way. Have negative thoughts ever consumed you? Was your life better because of it or worse off?

Your belief system is a powerful motivational booster, but it can also destroy you. Whether we want to accept it or not, we are a product of our thoughts. I have been there, and I know how powerful our belief system can be. I’ve seen it firsthand how one thought can change someone’s life. Here’s an interesting fact. Did you know we need three to five positive thoughts to combat one negative one? Think about that. Negative thoughts have far more weight than positive ones. Not because it’s true, but because as human beings we are wired to take negativity more seriously. That’s our survival mode. It’s why we pay attention to what’s negative or bad news compared to the positive. Below is why your belief system is a success factor.



Power of thought

My brother gave me this is plaque when I was a little kid. It’s called the “Winners Creed.” Basically, it states that the person who wins the race isn’t necessarily the best runner or the best at what he does. No, the person who wins often is the one who believes that they can. That’s the thing with life. You are what you think you are. When I was younger, I thought I was a talentless hack, and you know what I was right. Because that was my belief system. I held onto it as if it was true and it ultimately became.

Our brains are extremely powerful. Incapable of so much. We can achieve so much. And that is, you need to steer your belief system in the right direction. If you don’t, you will believe in things that won’t help you to become successful. Success is determined by a lot of things. It’s determined by your ability to motivate yourself. It reflects your belief system. Why are successful people confidant? It’s because they believe they can find a solution to their problems. They believe they have what it takes to become successful. Yes, it’s that simple.

Your thoughts have more weight than you think they do. It all comes to what your belief system is and how it will determine your success.

Also Related: 15 Powerful Ways to Change Your Thoughts and Transform Your Life


Failure is just a word

Failure is just a word. Yet, we put so much weight on it. As if it is everything. But it really isn’t. Your belief system determines what happens. If you take failure to heart, it will mess you up. You will start thinking that you aren’t equipped to do anything. As someone who struggled with ADHD when I failed, it was like the end of the world. When I made a mess of things, I’d curl into a ball because it always seemed way more important than it was.

It took me time and reflection to realize failure doesn’t determine where I go from here. I do. If I take it with a pinch of salt, then I’ll be fine. If I see it as a motivational booster, I’ll grow from it. Your system of belief will determine how you see failure. Do you see it as a roadblock or something that is holding you back? Everyone successful has failed at something. If they hadn’t, then they wouldn’t be successful. They wouldn’t be who they are today. Here’s an example. When I was younger, a Tom Cruise movie came on. It was one of his first movies and I remember how awful that movie was. I remember little except how I hated it. Afterwards I was like, “Tom Cruise couldn’t act.”

It was a revelation. That one of the best actors couldn’t act when he started. But he never gave up. He kept pushing himself, and now here he was. I’m not a Tom Cruise fan, never been. But I admired Tom’s resilience. Whatever you start, chances are you will suck at it. But that doesn’t mean you will continue to suck at it. See, our belief systems have more power than we think they do.


Reprogram how you see failure

How you see failure will determine so many things, including your belief system. It isn’t as hard as it seems. You just need to stop seeing it as something that is holding you back. See it as an opportunity to grow. The most successful people have all failed time and time again. No one is born knowing how to do something. Wow! Mind blown. That’s what I realized. We are so hard on ourselves for failing at something, yet no one is born knowing how to do something.

Before a baby can walk, it has to roll, then crawl, and finally it stumbles until they can walk and finally run. It’s a slow process. When a baby falls. They cry. But after they have calmed down, they get up and keep going. Imagine if a baby chose not to do this, then they’ll never walk. Remember when you learned how to write or ride a bike? Wasn’t it hard? What about when you learned how to use a pen?

Kids embrace failure because they know that this is just the start of their life. Their belief system is far more powerful than an adult because they see their potential. Start seeing your potential. Where you want to go? Who you want to become? See all that you can achieve if you don’t give. That’s how powerful your belief system is. Lean into that and you will be shocked at where you find yourself.


Embrace change

When you embrace change, it will open doors to places you never imagined. When I was twenty-one, I hated change. Thought it was the end of the world. When I accepted it and embrace it. Things changed. I travelled. I lived in Switzerland and South Africa. It was as if my blinders were finally off and I realized that change is beautiful.

Change opens doors and eyes. It creates opportunity. I’m better because I embrace change. Your belief system helps determine how you see change. If you don’t embrace change, then whenever it happens, it will wreck you. Life is like a river. It flows in one direction. Outside forces can change the course or even can alter the force of the river. Things happen we can’t do anything about. Sure, you have accepted the weather. What about the bigger obstacles like losing your job, a health scare or even death?

What about a change, of course? Or something bigger. Then what? Learn to embrace change because once you do, you’ll be ready. Not saying it will be easy when you come across obstacles. No. Still. You will be prepared. Remember, your belief system determines how you see change. So start seeing it in a positive light.



Never give up

Your belief system will determine whether you give up or you don’t. It’s important to never give up. Sure, they are things that aren’t worth it. Like no point in holding onto a toxic friendship or abusive relationship. Throwing in the towel is a good idea. What about projects you are working on? Or the dreams you envision? What about them? Most of us give in. Not because we are incapable of doing it.

It’s bigger than that. Most of us aren’t sure if it’s worth it or rather we aren’t sure if the hardship will reap huge rewards. So, we give up. Throw in the towel. Choose to move on. When people ask us what happened? We tell them we weren’t successful. No wants to feel like a failure. No one wants to feel as if they haven’t achieved their dreams. Guess what? Giving up won’t comfort you. You will always wonder what if. We’re consumed by the opinions of others over what we want to do with our lives?

People will always have opinions. Whether you choose to do something or don’t. It doesn’t matter. After I published a book, my friend asked me who I thought I was. I wasn’t Danielle Steel. We are no longer friends. I appreciate she said it to me rather than behind my back. I digress. I realize now that when you do something, people don’t understand, they’ll have negative opinions. Not everyone. Make shifts and changes. Never give up. You deserve to go after your dreams. Your belief system will help you understand so much about yourself. It will also determine whether you will be successful.

Also Related: 4 Things to Remember When Giving Up


                                                                                            KEEP  PUSHING




What is your key takeaway and how will you start working on your belief system? Comment below