How to be Fearless By Doing It Anyway

How to be Fearless By Doing It Anyway


how to be fearless by doing it anyway  

Become fearless by taking on fear head-on

What is the true definition of being fearless? For some it would be getting rid of fear completely and that is unrealistic. As a child, I was terrified of heights I started having to deal with being mundane and knowing that one wrong step could lead to death. A little too heavy of a topic for a ten-year-old kid to deal with. Anything that was too high would freak me out and that fear stayed with me well into my adulthood. 

I was nervous stepping on an escalator, going into an elevator and climbing hills or mountains. I would break out in a hive of sweat at just the thought of having to ask myself questions I really didn’t want to answer.

For the longest time like most people I believed that being fearless meant I wasn’t afraid of anything. People would chat about the topic and talk about fearless people. It was an elusive thing to be fearless, only champions could hold that card at events and I hoped I would be like that. Absolutely fearless andit took me a long time to realize that there’s no such thing as fearless people.

Yes, we follow our favorite celebrities of influencers, we watch them from a distance and they look fearless. That is how they became successful. Right. By being fearless. No, they fought their fear by doing it anyway. This is a new mantra I am learning to implement in my daily life. To do something despite the fear 

creeping in.

We are all human, therefore we all have fears. For some our fears stop us from climbing new heights. For others, it freezes us in place and makes us contemplate our worth or value. Then there are others who ignore or listen to their fear. Choose to do it anyway, despite the fear lingering in the corners of their minds. How exactly can you be fearless?



What does confidence mean to you?


Even if we struggle with confidence, we all have an idea of what it looks like. When I thought about confidence as a kid it was a person who would smile even

when the world gave them a hard time. To be a confident person was one who lifted their head in adversity, worked hard even when they saw no result and

who understood their worth.

 If you want to be fearless, you need to learn that you need to keep going for gold even when you feel as if you deserve silver. We all love watching the 

Olympics and the thing is we all want our favorite to win the gold. Sometimes that doesn’t happen, but we do admire anyone who manages to make it

to the Olympics. In the beginning, when the Olympics were first starting out in Greece, those who were favored by the gods where the ones who made

it to the Olympics.

The thing is especially with the Olympics is there’s no guarantee that the people competing will win anything, but they still keep going. And that is what it

means to be confident. You have to do something even when the odds are not in your favor and there’s a likely chance you will fail. You need to do it anyway. 


Also Read: Tony Robbins on The Importance of Being Fearless



Don’t compare yourself




Many of us fall into the comparison trap, maybe because of habit or to reassure ourselves that we don’t have what it takes. This is what stops us even before

 we have even become. The problem with comparing yourself is that it never stops. To be fearless you need to learn that you will never be person X even if

you were to walk a day in their shoes.


Comparison is also the thief of joy, sure we do it because we think we have to it. But once we do that, we hit a slump. We start asking questions that put us in 

a box and prevent us from stepping forward. Comparison is a confidence killer, because that is what it is created to do. Since, we were kids, we have been 

compared to our classmates, neighbors and anyone else between. We have been taught to compare ourselves and that is how we figure out what our worth 

is through comparison. 


Sure, it won’t be easy to stop comparing yourself. If you want to be fearless, you need to understand you can’t change who you are. Our experiences, 

relationships and mistakes make us who we are. If that is the case then unless you have the same exact experiences, made the same mistakes and have

had similar relationships to the person you admire you will never be that person. 



Tell your inner critic off



Many of us are our own worst enemies. Our critic tells us how royally screwed we are and instead of telling it to take a hike, we nod in agreement. There’s

nothing wrong with acknowledging our mistakes, but once we allow those mistakes to define us that becomes a problem.

Your inner critic tends to be worse if you see yourself as the creative type. That inner critic doesn’t ever seem to shut up. No matter, how many times you

try to. It keeps chiming away as if it understands exactly what to do to break your core. All you want to do is scream for it shut its pie hole and it refuses to



Still it is possible for you to tell your inner critic off. You can’t truly be fearless, at this point, it is clear there’s no such thing, but you need to fail forward. I

know what you are thinking, why would anyone want to do something if they know they are going to fail. Often, what we are afraid of isn’t as terrifying as we

imagine it to be. To fail forward, it helps to write down the reasons you believe you are going to fail. Next to it, write down what will happen if you fail.


Once you realize that an avalanche isn’t going to happen once you fail, you will feel more confident. 



Do it anyway


 One of the best ways to be fearless is to do it anyway. I know that might sound simple, but many of us tend to forget that when we are starting something

new we are going to be afraid. There’s no way you can escape that. No matter, how many times you want to do it. But we can become confident in our skills

if we keep doing it even if scares the crap of us.


In the beginning, I mentioned how I am starting to use do it anyway as a mantra to help push me out of my comfort zone. Many of us are terrified of stepping 

out of our comfort zone. That is why you need something to help you step forward.


Even when you are scared, do it anyway. If something is holding you back, remember that often the reasons for not doing something don’t hold up in court. 


Does it hold up in court


A lot of fearless people take their insecurities, reasoning and fears to court. Basically this means asking yourself questions to get to the bottom. You need to 

figure out what is holding you back so that you can move forward in your life.


This could be anything from your mistakes to your relationships or even your insecurities. When you do this you will start to understand yourself a whole lot 

better and you will realize that our reasons don’t measure.


Here’s a perfect example, as a kid I used to watch a lot of final destination and that is why I was afraid of going on roller coaster rides. I believed that it would 

crash to the ground and I thought the same thing with the elevator. The escalator had more to do with me slipping and falling. I took my fears to court and 

realized that they didn’t measure up.


This is one of the best ways to be fearless so that you can go after your dreams regardless of where it takes you. 




Also Read: How to Face and Overcome Obstacles?



One shoe size doesn’t fit all 



What makes you tick, get out of bed in the morning, smile even when you don’t want to do it or work on your projects despite feeling as if you are

not good enough? Reminding yourself of why you are doing this is always the best way to kick yourself in going forward. One thing you need to know in

being fearless is that one shoe size doesn’t fit everyone.


What makes people unique is our experiences and perception. We all look at things differently and that makes it special in away. Therefore, the reasons

why you do something are unique to you. You might not have a big reason in bold red letters, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t count. It doesn’t mean 

that it doesn’t matter just because it is a small reason. 


The reason why we do something, often makes fear seem not that terrifying. I spent years going to theme parks and going on terrifying rides. It wasn’t as 

if I wasn’t terrified and I made a fool of myself too many times to count. I did it because I knew that if I didn’t I will always be terrified. My experience won’t be

yours. My journey isn’t the same as yours. My perception will be completely different from yours, but one thing that remains the same is that we all struggle 

with the what-if question. What if I just tackled my fear? What if I was fearless? What if I still did it anyway despite the fear? 


That question gets us all the time. It is better to do something and not spend a life of regret, then to always wonder how your life would have turned out if

you did something. Ask yourself why do you want to do it and that is enough to push you to push back the fear.



Find your support group


One of the best ways to be fearless is to be around people who support you. We all need cheerleaders. People cheering us on the stands and that usually inspires us to keep going. Once we know that we have people who have our backs it makes the journey a lot more interesting and exciting.

Being fearless is all about going for something that is out of your reach, but it is a lot easier to achieve it when you have people who are encouraging you to go after it. Imagine if they were no spectators on the stands in sporting competitions. Would you still be willing to compete against each other? Would anyone really care?

If athletes require to support, what more us. If you were to go back in time, you would notice the times when you did the best was when you had people who supported you.

If you want to have the traits of a fearless person you need to find people who can encourage you when times are hard and you have no clue what to do next.

What is your main takeaway from the blog post and what is preventing you from going after your dreams? Comment below.


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Leah Gervais from Urban 20 Something

Leah Gervais from Urban 20 Something

Leah Gervais from 

Urban 20 Something

Blog for self-made millennial women

who side-hustle and kill the 9-5

Profiting from Passions: Episode 6

I have a incredible guest on today. Leah Gervais is the founder of the popular website Urban 20 Something. It is here that she teaches self-made millennials how to start

a side business and kill the 9-5. For all those who are wondering what it truly takes to be a successful blogger, Leah Gervais will show you how to do that and what matters

when you are starting a blog.


Tell us a little about yourself?


I’m Leah Gervais. I’m the founder of Urban 20 Something and the host of the Your Biggest Vision Show Podcast. I am an expert in email marketing and I help

entrepreneurs scale their businesses with marketing strategy and an extreme focus on success mindset.




What inspired you to create Urban 20 Something?



I went through a “quarter-life trap” when I knew that I was declining my law school acceptances, but had no idea what to do instead. I was working as a

paralegal and had planned on going to law school my entire life. So when a gut feeling told me to do otherwise, I listened, but I was terrified since I had no

idea what career to pursue instead. I started my blog to document my confused time in search of my career, but my blog ended up becoming my career.



Why is it difficult for millennials to quit their 9-5 to create their dream business?



It usually boils down to fear in some sense or another. Fear of a lack of stability, fear of disappointing their peers, family, or spouses, fear of failures, etc.




It gave me the courage to say yes

How did blogging change your life?



It gave me the courage to say “yes” to myself. Above all, it taught me that whenever going for a goal, you do not have to have the entire plan mapped out. You just have to have the big

picture in mind, have faith in yourself, and have the courage to fail in trying routes to your ultimate goal.




What is the one thing that inspired you to keep hustling despite not seeing any traction?



Considering the alternative. It was difficult sometimes to keep going, but giving up and surrendering to the potential of not having my dream come true was not an option. 



Do you think it is possible to create your dream life?



Of course! I don’t believe we’d be here if we couldn’t live in alignment with our deepest desires.



We’re not meant to do this alone.


What strategies in your business did you implement to help it grow?



1- Focusing on growing my email list above all else. This meant investing in ecourses and people to teach me how, investing in advertising, and trying SO many different types of

emails, subject lines, sales techniques… you name it. It was a lot of trial and error and a big investment of time and money, but paid off above all else.

2- Finding support. We’re not meant to do this alone. My timeline sped up a lot when I started learning directly from others who had already accomplished what I was on a mission

to learn.

3- Staying consistent with my marketing. No dabbling!



If you could start from scratch, what is the one thing you would do?



Go ‘all in’ sooner. Looking back, I thought that it was taking me so invest was that I was being responsible by not spending money. I also thought my waiting to raise prices or

launch new programs was responsible. In hindsight, I was only holding myself back. If I could do it again, I would’ve been more proactive about getting out of my own way and

committing to my own success. 



Do you thinking blogging relies more on passion than skillset?



It’s a mix of both. But I do think that more people have the talent than people that have the persistence. We can blame our talent (or lack thereof) for why things aren’t taking off,

but typically, it’s more about a lack of perseverance than a lack of talent.



What are the skills bloggers need if they want to be successful?



Content creation and marketing. You can choose whatever content you desire to create, so there’s no need to beat yourself up if writing isn’t your thing… you can do video instead!

That said, marketing is unavoidable. There’s no point in creating content if no one finds out about it. 



If you could, what advice would you give to your younger self about anything?



Believe in yourself and know that you are worthy of any desire that you have. Don’t let your past failures or shortcomings define what you’re capable of now. There is a whole

world of wonder waiting for you and you cannot stand in your own way of it.



Don’t let your past failures or shortcomings define what you’re capable of now.

Do you have anything that you would like to share?



Here my case study on how I went from $200/month in side hustle income to $4,000/month and even exceeded my 9-5 income WHILE STILL at my day job.



How can people reach you?




Instagram: @Urban20Something





                                                                                          Keep Pushing



                                                                                         Vanessa Gowora

8 Mindset Hacks That Will Change Your Life

8 Mindset Hacks That Will Change Your Life


8 mindset hacks that will help change your life  

These 8 mindset hacks that will change your life and help you make a lot of progress in every area of your life. 

The day I turned twenty-five, I felt like I ran into a brick wall and I was smack dab in a quarter-life crisis.  I started asking myself questions I never dared to ask. The really deep stuff that makes you feel as if you are watching a movie of your life. As unbelievable as it seems changing your mindset can change your life. When it comes to self-help, it does get a bad rap. They are those cringe-inducing ads that display of how someone’s life magically changed once they listened or followed the advice of a self-help guru.

But this isn’t going to be one of those blog posts. Self-help isn’t a magical pill of a genie that will solve your life’s problems within seconds or minutes. It would make life so much easier, but this is where the trick happens, the one that will change or transform your life and that is your mindset. These 8 mindset hacks will take you from one stage and elevate you to the next stage. As much as I want to say that you will never mope, drag your feet or have low-self esteem with these mindset hacks that are not true.

I would be lying to you and I can’t do that. I have been blogging for a year and I still have my moments when I want to quit and throw in the towel. There are successful people who have been in business for long and they still feel the same thing. They still go through the ups and downs of life. The difference here is that you still get up even when you are pushed down a million times. A bit of an exaggeration, but I just want you to know that we all have the opportunity to live a great life. 

Growing up, I used to think like most people that a fearless person had no fear. Then I learned that a fearless person still goes after what they want despite their fear. That is powerful there, in more ways than you understand. When you learn these mindset hacks you will go after what you want despite everything in your core telling you that it isn’t a good idea. When you want to give up, a switch happens that helps you keep going after what you want. 

All of the mindset hacks I have used to change my life and help me build the life I want. So, these mindset hacks do work and you can start doing them as soon as possible. They will help you achieve the life that you want.


Become aware your thoughts and beliefs


 Have you ever found yourself thinking about all the things that you suck at or do you ask yourself if you are even good at. Our thoughts and beliefs play

a major role in our lives. When I was a little kid I used to watch a lot of celebrity interviews and most of them would be asked how they became

this successful. In Hollywood fashion they would all say the same thing and that is they believed they were the best.


It made sense why most of them had such an ego, but I understood how that would have helped them achieve the kind of success most people would dream

about. Most of us never want to change our lives because we believe we don’t deserve anything better than what is in front of us. We convince ourselves that

we can’t be anyone else, but who we are. Yet, there still a small part of us that do dream of having a better life.


We have dreams of achieving greatness and then the alarm rings and reality crashes through. It is then that we shake our nerves and decide that the dream 

will never come to frution. Our thoughts are what makes us and whatever you think that will take shape in your life.


If you want to build your self-esteem then you find ways that can help that. You start changing the way you think. When in doubt, you give yourself a pep talk 

that will help you. You might have had a hard life, but it doesn’t always have to be like this. You might be thinking is there are guarantee that this mindset 

hack will even help? It might seem simple, but human beings tend be stubborn and you will have to constantly fight your inner critic or skeptic. Though, this

is one of the things I did to change my life and it did. 







You need your go-to-go mantras, some people call these affirmations or rituals. Words you say to yourself when you have hit rock bottom and you want to 

throw in the towel. Five years ago, I read a book about affirmations and one of the things it said was to go to the mirror and speak over your life. At the time,

I rolled my eyes at how ridiculous it all seemed, but I still did it.


Yes, it was weird, staring into your reflection and talking to yourself is weird. I did it because my low-esteem kept pushing me into corners. Those five

minutes I stared into my eyes, I started believing the words I was saying to myself. It was as if a switch had been lit and I understood for the first time how

powerful words are. Even words said in anger have a way of changing the way we look at life. Mantras are by far one of the most useful mindset hacks you

can do because all it takes is saying a couple of words to yourself everyday.

If you are struggling to do something, you then tell yourself that you can do this. The more you tell yourself you can do something, the more you believe it.

Mantras are a lot easier to do though then changing your thought pattern. Changing your thought patterns takes time, but when you keep saying your

mantras that will change your thought pattern. 


Here are a couple of my favorite mantras;


1. God has a plan for my life

2. I can do this 

3. Life is precious

4. I am capable of more than I think I am

5. It is alright to fail, I will be victorious next time

6. If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again

7. When the going gets tough, the tough get going


Don’t allow your emotions to control your life



Since we aren’t robots, drones or zombies, emotions control our lives. So, I am not by any means saying that you shouldn’t be emotional. What I am saying is that we all have a choice in what we do with our lives. Most of us let our emotions control our lives. We are terrified, we don’t do anything. If we don’t want to wake up, then we don’t.

If we don’t want to eat healthy, we don’t. This is where you need to start re-framing the model that you use. Find one that will make you the best version of yourself, this mindset hack is hard to implement the first time around. Once you keep doing it though, you will have a completely different outlook on life.

For the longest time, I allowed my emotions to control my life. If I was afraid to do something, I wouldn’t do it. If I didn’t want to wake up, I didn’t. I was the type of person who used to sleep at 5 am when I was in university and when I was working I would wake up late as well. As a result, I was always grumpy when I woke up. When I stopped allowing emotions to control my life, I started making progress in my life. I started doing things differently and I was a happier and a more confident version of myself.



Think about future you



This is my favorite mindset hack and one that is actually fun to do. Do you remember the dreams you used to have of who you wanted to be? This is one of the best ways to motivate yourself and give you inspiration. Who are you in the future? Maybe, you are on a conference call, working on a fashion  show or you could be a famous singer.

Many people call this creative visualization, you look at future you as if you are watching a movie about your life. One where you are the star of the show. You could be doing photo shoots right at this moment, signing autographs or directing a movie. Creative visualization is a trick that many successful people use to help achieve their goals.

And it isn’t as complicated as it sounds. You are already doing it when your mind wanders off and you think about future you. And even if it seems future you and present you are different people, we all have to start from somewhere. Most often to win a race you need to go back and imagine yourself winning the race. This mindset hack has worked for me in the past and it continues to help me accomplish more than I thought it would. It helps me achieve more than I can possibly imagine.

If you want to go the extra mile you can create a mood board about the car future you drives, where future you lives and what future you is doing right at this second. This visual reminder will motivate you to keep going after your dreams even when it seems impossible. 

For a little motivation, the Hustle, Believe, Receive book will show you how it is possible to change your life around in as little as eighteen months. It will show you how can achieve this.


Also Read: How to Use Visualization to Achieve Your Goals?



Remove limiting beliefs



Twenty-two-year-old me thought there was no such thing as limiting belief. If I am being honest, I didn’t know it existed then I read a powerful book that 

changed my mind and the way I looked at things. I started realizing that there’s so much we do to ourselves that damages our confidence. It is so easy to 

do that.


Unbelievably easy, all it takes is someone saying something to else and we are spiraling out of control. When I was a kid I was made to believe I was stupid, so

for many years, I held onto the belief that I was stupid. And even if someone said something positive, I would start thinking that I had to be the butt of their 



Removing your limiting beliefs is a mindset hack that will change your life. As I mentioned before, what you believe in matters, but often even if we know that

our beliefs are damaging we don’t make an effort to remove it. If you truly want to change your life, I recommend do get this boxset of books from Tony

Robbins will help you achieve that. 



 Also Read: How to Overcome Self-Doubt Like A Boss?




Become uncomfortable



How is being uncomfortable a mindset hack you might ask. That is a great question. You need to start asking yourself questions that will make you a little of 

very uncomfortable depending on the questions you ask yourself.  It is extremely important you ask yourself questions because you are the only one who 

knows why you think the way you do.

You are the only one who can answer those questions with honesty. Once you understand the reason behind the action, it is a lot easier to work through 

things. You will then know how to solve the problem. A mechanic can’t fix a car until he asks the owner questions and investigates what the problem might

be. A doctor can’t help you until he discovers what might be wrong and with a notepad, he does a deep-dive asking you questions that might make you 


Every professional asks questions in order to solve a problem, whether they are asking themselves the question or someone else it doesn’t matter. If

they don’t ask questions, the problem isn’t solved. This is magic and will help you accomplish your goals at a faster rate. 



Here are a few questions you could ask yourself;


1. What can I do today that will help me get closer to accomplishing my goals,

2. What do I still need to work on so that I am prepared?

3. What am I missing?

4. What can I do to make the results better?

5. What do I need to improve to become better?

6. What does 6-figure me do differently than I am doing right now?

7. If I fail, what is the worst thing that could happen to me?



No matter what


My sister used to wear this jumper that had the words no matter what written in white bold letters. Mini-me didn’t understand the point of it. But now, that I am a little older and wiser I understand the power in those words. No matter what is what champions say when they win the championship. No matter what is what singers who are tired and on world tours say to themselves. 

Every successful person keeps telling themselves no matter what because to them that pushes them past the norm and the obstacles that are in their way. Your no matter is the push you require to keep going after your dreams even if it becomes hard. It is the final shove that you need to make it to the finish line. The line that will push you. 

If you need to write down your goals, you will tell yourself I will do this “no matter what.” This mindset hack is what a lot of people do to get things done even

when they are unmotivated. 


Alter Ego

So, when the going gets tough then you need to keep going. This is where the alter ego comes in, this version is funnier, bolder and even

more charming than you. This version of you seems to keep going despite the obstacles that come their way. This mindset hack will help you

keep moving and you can take out your alter ego whenever you need it the most.


You might not be a singer or a celebrity, but we all need to alter egos especially when we feel as if we aren’t good enough. So, your alter ego

doesn’t have to be a complete opposite of you, but just the better version of yourself. That is why a lot of celebrities use alter egos as a way

to cope and to distress. Here’s an example, I an introvert and I used to have massive stage fright.


One way I got out of it was by creating an alter ego of myself. As nervous as I was to walk upon the stage and give a speech, I created a version of

myself that could cope with the flashing lights and stare down at the people. It wasn’t as if I was no longer an introvert, but I found a way to deal

with the uncomfortable and scary position I found myself in.


So, yes creating an alter ego is one of the best mindset hacks you can use to help you get to where you want to go. 


What is your main takeaway from this blog post and what mindset hack will you try out?


                                                                                     Keep Pushing



8 Ways to Overcome Self-Doubt Like A Boss

8 Ways to Overcome Self-Doubt Like A Boss



These are 8 simple ways you can overcome self-doubt and work on your dreams at the same time.  

Anyone who steps out of their comfort zone will ultimately doubt themselves. That is the truth about life, but it doesn’t have to remain like that. The unfortunate thing is most people allow their doubt to cloud their vision of their life. Doubt itself is harmless because we all do it, but once it turns to self-doubt, that is where the problem arises. 

Self-doubt can it make harder for you to chase after your dreams. It can make the journey a lot harder and fuel your anxiety to the point where you stop believing in your dreams and vision. Once that happens you will give up because self-doubt has festered in your mind. Most people have no idea how to overcome self-doubt seeing it as something that doesn’t need to be overcome, but that is so untrue.

Think of any of the great artists, musicians, and painters of our time and throughout history. All of them have doubted at one point in time. When Giovanni dei Dolci was building the Sistine Chapel, he doubted himself. Even Michelangelo who painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel doubted himself. Even people with the biggest egos doubt themselves sometimes. It is human nature.

J.K Rowling for years doubted the success of Harry Potter. When you look through history, all these famous poets, writers, artists and entrepreneurs doubted themselves. Self-doubt is the mind’s way of protecting ourselves from the unpredictable. There’s no probability equation for success, if that was the case then I am sure many people would have cracked success.

Unfortunately, many of us have to venture into the unknown to figure life itself. To understand what makes us tick and to understand how to be successful. On the journey, self-doubt will come into play. The reason why many people fail is that they allow their self-doubt to stop them from going after their dreams.

And if you don’t learn how to overcome self-doubt it will always push you back. When you want to do a new project, self-doubt will come into effect. It will tell you that you aren’t good enough and stop you from creating an impact. Leaving a legacy or even going after your dreams. It is your choice what you do in  the end with what you want in life. It is your decision to choose what you should focus on. But when the cards are laid on the table, isn’t it bed to jump with both feet than to be cautious. Isn’t it better to go all-in and the only way you can do that is to learn how to overcome self-doubt?



Allow yourself to feel



We are told emotions make us weak and we shouldn’t doubt ourselves or our abilities. We have been told since we are kids that we should pretend to not 

doubt or be emotional because this reveals our insecurities. Human beings all have insecurities and many of us try to hide them as if that will protect us

from the harsh cruelty of the world.


If only that was the case. For the longest time, I thought I was a terrible writer and then when I was older I tried my best not to think about it. I thought, I 

was helping myself, but I was doing more damage than I like to admit. I didn’t learn what I needed. No one is born being great at something and unless you

learn how to be great at it you never will. A golfer who never practices never wins the tournament. A painter who never learns from the greats never achieves



A singer who doesn’t learn the techniques of singing will never be anything more than a one-hit-wonder or mediocre. If you don’t allow yourself to feel doubt,

you will never learn what you need to improve and because of that, you will never progress in life. This is by one of the best and simplest ways to overcome 

self-doubt, you need to be open to learning the tricks of the trade.



The comparison trap won’t help you



Comparing ourselves is something we are taught unfortunately by society and our family. As a child, I was always being compared to my siblings and my 

parents’ friends’ kids. Yeah, it was endless, but many of us understand this because we have gone through it so many times. Our parents do it to inspire us

but it has the opposite effect.


It makes us doubt our worth or value. When we are older we do the same, compare ourselves to the person next to us. The person who got the promotion

or the person who is more confident. It is like pouring gasoline on an open wound. The scar never heals because we refuse to allow us to. I call comparison,

the comparison trap because once you are used to it that’s all you know to do.


If you want to overcome self-doubt then you have to stop comparing ourselves because that is the only way to stop eating at your confidence. When I was

younger, I believed that if I was like everyone else then I wouldn’t feel like I was a weirdo or so different.


Even as a kid, I felt odd because I didn’t act like other kids. Everyone is different, we all have unique perspectives and want different things. We all have 

different backgrounds because if we had the same the world as we know it would be boring.


Comparing yourself won’t make you more like someone, it will stab your insecurities until all that is left are your harsh thoughts. I know, it is easier said than 

done. But you have to start somewhere. Appreciate that we all have different abilities and because of that we won’t all be a like. 



Also Read: Why You Compare Yourself to Other People and How to Stop?



Work through it




Nothing good ever came from ignoring pain. That is while you need to work through your self-doubt. Try to figure out why you feel this way, what happened

in your past to make you look at the world like that. Once you figure out the source, you can understand how to overcome self-doubt. For everyone it is 

different and you just need to understand what it is for you.


Yeah, I know this can be painful or even will make you remember things you rather wish you would forget. One thing I have come to understand is that the 

successful work through their emotions and that is why they have accomplished a lot. You have to sacrifice discomfort now so that you can be free from self-

doubt. I am not saying you will curb doubt because that is what being human is all about. Doubting ourselves, but self-doubt won’t have a hold on you as it

did before. 


You won’t feel as though you are beating your head in and this is one of the ways you can overcome self-doubt without feeling as if you are hitting your head 

against the wall. 




Your Why will push you




When you have a reason for why you are doing something then no matter what comes in your way you will pull through it. No this is no one slogan fits

all kind of thing or a magical button that will make your wishes comes true. However, your why does help to motivate you. When I heard about this I

thought that it was ridiculous. I was one of those people who believed self-help books were weird and I rolled my eyes at people reading them.


In time, I learned that you can only move forward if you understand that growth will get you to your destination faster. This is one of the ways to overcome

self-doubt and it will help push you past your obstacles. You need to know what your why is. So, if you want that promotion then why do you want it? If you

want to start a Youtube channel or business then why do you want to do it?


This is where most people get lost attaching a monetary value to their why. Money isn’t a big enough reason to go after something. It won’t push you to

where you want to go. Yes, there are people who use money as a motivator, but the vast majority have other reasons why they are doing something.



Also Read: Why Following Your Passions is The Secret Ingredient



Be compassionate



Usually, when we talk about compassion, it is referring to other people, but what about you. The reason why it is hard to overcome self-doubt is because of

how hard we are on ourselves. It is almost as we think that if we are harder on ourselves then we will get more done. But it actually does more harm than 

good in the end.


It makes life far harder. You need to be compassionate to yourself because only then can take time to figure out what matters. You need a self-care 

package that you can use as a way to lift yourself up whenever you are feeling low. You can even use it when self-doubt is playing tricks on your mind. When

you do something for the first time it is never easy.


Stepping out of your comfort zone is never easy. In fact, it is one of the hardest things to do because there’s so much doubt that comes in your way. Often, 

you will wonder if you are making a fool of yourself or if anyone will understand where you are coming from. This is why you need to be compassionate to

yourself. Before you can do anything great, one of the most important lessons you will ever learn is that you matter and what you are doing matters.



Stick with your decision and move forward

Do you remember how it felt to drive for the very first time? To sit behind the wheel and hold the steering wheel, while your instructor stared at you. The fear inside you was building up to the point where your face was hot. Your eyes are moist, your throat tight and your stomach flip-flopping. One wrong move then you have failed.

But even when you passed and got your license, the fear didn’t go away. For months or even years you had to battle with the trepidation and the hesitance. On the road, that hesitance can be life-threatening. Even if it isn’t on the road it can affect you from the time you make the decision and after. Because whatever decision you make, you will still be reeling from it. You will still have to ask yourself if what you did was the right thing.

It will still affect you because you can’t run away from the after-effects of a decision. You need to stick with your decision Whatever you choose to do. If you decide to step out of your comfort zone then move forward. Don’t look back. If you decide not to then stick with it. Whatever you decide you need to be comfortable about it.

The reason why self-doubt often messes up with people’s lives is the hesitancy and regret. To overcome self-doubt you need to be comfortable with your reasoning and decision making skills as hard as that is. And if you made a mistake. Okay. Move forward. This is all about moving forward and not looking back at all the mistakes you made. 

We all have made mistakes. It is what makes us human and I know that is corny, but it is true. Mistakes play a large role in our lives and it is supposed to teach us lessons. More importantly, we make mistakes so that we can sympathize with people. Whatever you decide move forward in your life and choose not to look back.  


Talk about it



To overcome self-doubt you need to talk about what you are going through. You need to talk to someone about it. Even if it is something as simple as telling 

someone that you doubt yourself. As I said before, doubt is a normal reaction to stepping out of your comfort zone. Often, we think that we are alone and

there’s no one out there who can understand what we are going through.


That is a normal reaction, but it is further from the truth. Everyone has doubts, that is why sometimes people get cold feet on their wedding day or why new

graduates wonder if they will make it in life whether at university or in the workforce. It is why parents want to hold their kids’ hands harder because of that

fear of the unknown and the doubt that filters in their minds. They have questions that won’t get answered until their children are older and have their own 



Doubt is a part of us and the best way to deal with self-doubt is to talk to someone about it. When you realize that everyone feels the same way at a certain

point in their lives, it will open your eyes. You will realize that doubt can only harm you if truly believe in what it says about you.  



Find a source of inspiration


 Have you ever watched the movie Rudy, it is an old sports movie. Even though I have never been an athlete, I always enjoyed watching a sports movie. Most

of them are incredibly inspiring and I used to watch them get my dose of inspiration. Rudy tells the story of a young man with Dyslexia who wants to play

football at the University of Notre Dame and decides to go for it despite not having the money to do so. He also doesn’t have a scholarship and he’s tinier

than what a football player should be.


What I love about Rudy is it tells the story of the underdog and I have always felt like an underdog. We all relate to things differently and find different 

avenues for inspiration. Whatever it is you use that to get going because when you find your source of inspiration you will keep pushing yourself. You can 

have more than one source of inspiration, the point here is that it belongs to you and no one else. 


For some people, it is a great song, one that makes you feel as if nothing is impossible. Maybe it is a really good book or a motivational podcast. Whatever it

is you can use that to push yourself out of the bed. There have been people who were in the same footsteps that you were. People who climbed mountains, 

who ran impossible miles, beat the odds and I know it sounds like a montage of motivational movies.


I want you to realize nothing is impossible and when you watch something that inspires you, it will make you believe that. Whatever feeds your mind can

either build yourself up or tear you down. 


Find out what works best for you and use that to push yourself out of your comfort zone. 


What is your main takeaway from this blog post? Have you struggled with self-doubt in the past? If so, why and how did you deal with it?


                                                                                     Keep Pushing



Is a Success Mindset Still Key To Success

Is a Success Mindset Still Key To Success



Is a success mindset key to success

A success mindset is incredibly important and will accelerate your success in every area of your life.

I was having an intense conversation with my roommate a few years ago. We always used to banter, it was what made our relationship interesting,

even though it did come with its own set of upheavals. I shook my head at her, my insides twisted and I wanted more than anything to tell her off.

“I don’t like change,” I stammered like a freshly new high school graduate even though I wasn’t at the time. I was in my second year at university.

“It isn’t about whether you like change or you don’t, it happens. It is part of life. You need to accept it,” she threw her hands in the air. I crossed my arms and shook my head.

“Yes, it happens, but just because it does that doesn’t mean I have to accept it.”

She shook her head and walked off. The irony of the situation was as a kid I jumped from so many schools that I was used to adapting to new environments. Most people would freak out at going to a new place, I relished in it to a certain extent.

That wasn’t the first time we disagreed, her believing that I needed to change and I refusing to do so. I spent the next few years, refusing to grow past where I was at. I was in the last year of university where it occurred to me I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. I had spent so much of my time trying my best to remain the same, I was now stuck in a weird place.

Having graduated and feeling empty as if I had spent the last couple of years idle. It wasn’t as if I hadn’t accomplished things in university, I had won

competitions and was at the top of my class, but there was something missing. I was miserable. I gasp as I write this because it took me a while to figure out why I was. 

Most people wonder why it is important to have a success mindset, how does it even help with the everyday routines that we need to do. What you need to understand first is that there are two main mindsets; the growth mindset and the fixed mindset. If all this seems a little foreign to you, I will explain.

I am here today because I realized if I didn’t change then I’d never move forward in life. The key to success is your mindset. It seems too simple to be true, but that is the thing, you either have a success mindset so you can be successful or you don’t. 

Growth mindset vs fixed mindset



You probably are wondering if they are two mindsets where does the success mindset come in? For many people, the success mindset is similar to the growth mindset and they are right there. Without growth, you can’t be successful because when you are willing to push the envelope, you do things differently. A perfect example is I used to hate criticism, it used to feel like a personal attack on my personality until I got a wake-up call and asked myself if I wanted to be successful what did I need to do in order for me to get there.

When you have a fixed mindset, you don’t want to change nor do you want to improve. You are trapped in this box where everyone sees your flaws and even you do, but you are unwilling to push out of the box. Even though you are trapped, you are okay with it. You enjoy being in your own world and not accepting that you need to change and figure out how you can do that.

Most of us have a fixed mindset because life happens and as a result of it, we have been bruised so much that we were broken. Many people with fixed mindsets don’t want to change because they think they don’t need to. I was in your shoes, not wanting to change because I was comfortable and leaving that comfort zone is terrifying. It is terrifying staring in the mirror and seeing all your flaws in red bold letters. It almost feels as if you are the biggest joke ever and changing somehow makes your doubts and fears true.

I didn’t want to change because I was afraid of my reality check and I spent so many years angry at the world. Changing meant I had to look in the mirror and realize that I didn’t love myself as much as I thought I did. It was brutal. There were a lot of pillows that were thrown around, tears and yells that happened as a result of it. 

When you have a fixed mindset you don’t go far in life, you never move past a certain stage and you will never be successful. You see in order to have a success mindset, you need to adopt a growth mindset. I will explain it a bit. I was walking one day in town, staring at people, I had graduated and I was jobless. That day I had a profound realization, I knew I had to change. To evolve or else I would never go anywhere in life. That was one of my defining moments because I knew it wasn’t going to be easy, but I needed to do it. 


Also Read: Fixed Mindset Vs Growth Mindset


Success mindset


Why are some people successful and others not? Usually, people always come up with a variety of reasons. Some say, they were given opportunities and others chime in that their work ethic is better than most people. These are all acceptable answers, but the truth is their mindset. Successful people think differently and you probably are rolling your eyes and saying that’s a given.

I have been doing an experiment, I have been pushing myself to think like someone who is extremely successful. The results have been profound. For one thing, all it takes is a switch for you to change your mindset. Though, it does take a while for you to keep thinking like this. Successful people do things even when they don’t want to do it. 

I am a big procrastinator and I have been implementing the success mindset to help me jump over that obstacle. And it has worked. Even if you aren’t successful, we all have some idea of how a successful person will act or behave.

We all know that successful people go for what they want even if it terrifies them. We know that successful people wake up super early and exercise consistently. We know successful people chase their dreams and they don’t allow their limiting beliefs to stop them from going after what they want.

A success mindset will help you in completing your goals because no matter how tedious or difficult, it may seem you push yourself to get it done. A negative mindset does the exact opposite and your limiting beliefs will stop you from going after what you really want in life. Remember this a fixed mindset encourages a negative mindset and a growth mindset encourages a success mindset. 



The Matrix and what it tells us about mindset

As a nineties baby, I grew up on the Matrix and watched every movie. Yes, we are not in the Matrix, but the concept is the same. In the Matrix, Neo is given a choice by Morpheus to chose two pills. The red pill will help Neo learn the real truth about the way the world works and the blue pill will give Neo the ability to forget he ever met Morpheus.

If you watched the Matrix, you know what happens, Neo picks the red pill and his life is never the same. When he enters the Matrix, he discovers that you can make anything happen in the Matrix. This is called the Placebo effect, it was conducted years ago when a group of participants were given a medication that would heal their ailments. Though in reality, it was nothing more than a sugar pill that did nothing, this was the placebo. Despite that the participants believed they were cured.


When it comes to achieving your goals, it all comes down to what you believe to be true. If you believe you can’t do something then you can’t, but if you have faith that you can then you will. A success mindset is a powerful tool to help you achieve your goals, but in order to be able to use it you have to believe that you can be successful.


Adopting a success mindset isn’t difficult


Have you ever watched those how to be more confident videos on YouTube. Usually people say the same thing, if you want to be successful you must do a superhero pose. Not sure, if it works never tried it. But the thing here is the more you act as something, the more you believe that it is true.

Most actors believe that they are the best and yes, some can’t act. That confidence though helps them land roles even if they didn’t deserve it. I am not saying you must have a big ego. As an actor, it might get you far, but if you are not going down another route all it will do is anger a lot of people. What I am saying is you need to believe you are successful before you actually become it.

So, your bank account is reflecting hundreds of zeroes. What would a successful person do about it? If you are late with a deadline, what would a successful person do to change that. What a lot of us don’t understand is the battle starts in our mind. If you want to change your life, you need to train yourself to act like a successful person.


Why you should work on a success mindset?


If you want your life to be better in the next few years than what it is now, you need to start thinking differently. Most of us hate change like we loathe the winter. However, having a success mindset will make your life a lot better and you will be happier. I know, it sounds like one of those commercials or one of Tom Cruise’s last movie.

I am not selling you an idea that doesn’t work. My life changed when I started adopting a growth mindset. I started spending more time trying to find solutions to problems rather than complaining about things. I picked up a few books that taught me how to think differently, watched motivational videos that inspired me and discovered that there’s so much you can do with the little you have in life.

Think of it like this when you focus on the good things, more doors open, but when you don’t doors close instantly.  The best thing about a success mindset is that you starting for your dreams. I could go on and on, about how your life changes when you have a success mindset, instead what I will tell you is that we all have choices and we make them as soon as we wake up.

As soon as our alarm clock rings we make a decision and that can impact our whole day. As an experiment, why don’t you wake up as soon as your alarm rings. To do this for 30 days and just see how your life drastically changes. It seems too simple, but when you start the day right, it rights your day. 


Also Read: On Dying, Losing and Fighting For your Dreams


What is your main takeaway from this blog post? Comment below



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