How to Solve Problems Like A Entrepreneur

How to Solve Problems Like A Entrepreneur



Start learning how to solve problems like an entrepreneur to move further ahead in life. 

Entrepreneurs see life differently from many of us. They train themselves to solve problems in an unorthodox way. Learn how to solve problems like an entrepreneur to progress a lot faster. Maybe, you aren’t an entrepreneur now, but you want to become one. The one thing you must do is to solve problems like an entrepreneur. Before I started my entrepreneurial journey, I had no idea how to solve problems. I saw the world as black or white. I didn’t realize that was negative thinking. Most people think this way so I believed it was normal.

Eventually, I realized the world isn’t even shades of gray but a set of opportunities that we choose to take up. Every problem can lead to new chances for you to grow. Being an entrepreneur is more than what reflects on your bank account or even your daily activities. You have to think like an entrepreneur before you become one. The best piece of advice I ever got was if you want to be a six-figure earner then you need to act like one. This changed the way I saw the world. Many successful people become that because they train themselves to think like millionaires.

It is impossible to become a millionaire if you don’t change the way you see the world. So, in this blog post, I will show you a few ways you can solve problems like an entrepreneur. This will also showcase the way entrepreneurs think. Take note of it. 



Look at everything as an experiment



Entrepreneurship in its raw definition is about experiments. Airbnb was a startup and many startups are experiments. No one would have thought something like Airbnb would survive, but it did. The same can be said for Uber. There are so many ideas out there. Hundreds of entrepreneurs create companies that flop. A few choose to quit and throw in the towel because they fail to understand life is an experiment.

You need to change the way you see the world. Look at it the way a kid does and that is with enthusiasm and excitement about the challenges ahead. Most kids view the world as an experiment. A large playground where they can be anything from Indiana Jones to a mad scientist, to them the possibility is there and that is all you need. Realize that you will fail and you can’t escape that. But that is the whole point of life itself, failing is in the cards. But if you keep going you will be shocked at what you will find. It is here that you will learn what worked and what didn’t. 

This is one way to solve problems like an entrepreneur. They look at it as if it’s an experiment, that way they are less likely to be terrified of the outcomes.



Be comfortable being your own boss



You are responsible for what happens next. Being your own boss means you have to deal with your mess. This is another way to solve problems like an entrepreneur. They have become comfortable becoming a boss and self-motivating themselves. As hard as that may sound, it is also reassuring. As great as it is to rely on others, sometimes you have to wait lengthy periods for an answer. That is if you are lucky. If you are not then your answer will never come. 

When you are your own boss you look for opportunities. You don’t wait for them to come to you. If you want money you create an opportunity to make the money. This is important because self-reliance builds confidence and this is one of the secrets to success. When I started my entrepreneur journey, I was broke so I had to pick up a skill and use that to build my business. Was it easy? No. But this is an important lesson you can’t ignore. Successful people create opportunities and others look for opportunities. 

Think about billion-dollar companies like Apple, Uber, Minecraft, and Snapchat. The CEOs create opportunities and it is how they became successful. They saw what the problem was or what was lacking in the marketplace. That started a trend of similar companies who saw what was missing from their competitors and created something better. They managed to do this because they became comfortable becoming a boss.


 Become your own hype machine


If you are expecting your own cheerleaders to help motivate you then you will be waiting a long time. We all want people to motivate us, but those you care about are going through their own storms. They are going through their own problems so they can’t hype you. That means you got to be great at hyping yourself up. What does this have to do with solving problems? Have you ever tried to solve a problem when you were unmotivated? Did you solve it? 

It’s hard solving problems when you are unmotivated. This is the third way you can solve problems like an entrepreneur, they become their own hype machines. This will encourage them to solve the problem in a faster time-frame. You need to be willing to be your own cheerleader as lonely as that does sound, it is what entrepreneurs have to go through. Being an entrepreneur involves many long nights and early mornings. It involves spending time thinking about how to cut the time-frame of a task and do it efficiently. But when you learn how to be your own cheerleader there’s nothing you won’t be able to do. 

You will defy the odds time and time again. This will also help create momentum so that you can crush goals so maybe you have to do a happy dance when you want to crush goals. Maybe, you will have to go to the extent of yelling your name out. Sometimes being seen as crazy isn’t a bad thing. After all it’s the successful people we don’t understand. 


 Also Related: How To Make The Most Of Your Time?



Set boundaries, milestone and celebrations




If you are expecting to have cheerleaders motivate you then you will be waiting a long time. We all want people to motivate us, but those you care about are going through their storms. So they can’t hype you. That means you got to be great at hyping yourself up. What does this have to do with solving problems? Have you ever tried to solve a problem when you were unmotivated? Did you solve it? 

It’s hard solving problems when you are unmotivated. This is the third way you can solve problems like an entrepreneur, they become their own hype machines. This will encourage them to solve the problem in a faster time-frame. You need to be willing to be a cheerleader as lonely as that does sound, it is what entrepreneurs have to go through. Being an entrepreneur involves many long nights and early mornings. It involves spending time thinking about how to cut the time-frame of a task and do it efficiently. But when you learn how to be a cheerleader there’s nothing you won’t be able to do. 

You will defy the odds time and time again. This will also help create momentum so that you can crush goals so maybe you have to do a happy dance when you want to crush goals. Maybe, you will have to go to the extent of yelling your name out. Sometimes being seen as crazy isn’t a bad thing. After all, it’s the successful people we don’t understand. 



Take risks



Most people are risk-averse. However, taking risks is how to solve problems like an entrepreneur. If you are afraid to take risks then you will never step out of your comfort zone. You need to be willing to do things that make you uncomfortable and that will throw curve balls at you. For example, I wasn’t sure if my free opt-in was attractive so I had to step out of my comfort zone and post a comment asking people if they wanted it.

I am so used to being an observer in a group and not an active participant. I had expected maybe a few people to comment, but when I saw a flood of comments, I knew I was onto something. You never know how far you can go if you are too terrified to step out of your comfort zone. This is so important because this is how you will grow not only as a person, but as a leader. Maybe, you don’t want to be a leader, but when we step out things start shifting. Our perspective changes and that is a great thing. The more risks you take, the more creative your decisions and problem solving skills will become. Maybe, you won’t turn into a pseudo Sherlock, but still you will better at solving your problems. 

And it all involves with you taking risks. If this is the way entrepreneurs solve their problems, then you should definitely do it.


Change the way you view success



Before, I became an entrepreneur I saw people’s successes as threats. I didn’t understand how they were successful as I was failing through life. Funny thing is many of us are like that. Have you ever had a conversation with your friends about successful people? Was it negative or positive? The answer to this question is important because this will show you if you will successful in a few years.

Why? You might ask. Successful people admire those who are more successful than them. This is how entrepreneurs also solve their problems. If entrepreneur B is having financial problems he will take a look at what entrepreneur A is doing. There’s something entrepreneur A is doing that entrepreneur B hasn’t implemented. The key to success is observing what other entrepreneurs are doing. As an entrepreneur I have had to learn how to take advice whenever I can get it. I am not where I want to be yet and even if I was there’ll always be someone who is better at something than me.

If I can learn from those who are successful at something, why not? This is why entrepreneurs are always striving to do more and be better. If you want to be successful than you need to change the way you view success.

Also Read: How To Develop Leadership Skills in 4 Steps


Write your success road map

Success is like the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. We all want to be successful. Some people want to be successful because they want to be financially free, while others want to be successful so they can create an impact. Entrepreneurs are great at solving problems because they all have a blueprint. They know what they want to achieve and when they want to it.

They have an idea of all the goals they want to do in a certain period of time. This is what you must do as well, if you are going to be successful. Write down your goals or heck, even doodle a map of your goals. Why not break out the colored pencils you bought that one time you were nostalgic. No one is going to judge you once you start making the big bucks. And if they do, keep doing you.

Every successful person has a road map. This road map includes the money generating activities for the day, social media, visibility, email marketing and content generation. These are simply the activities they do, but they also have the outcomes from the activities. If you were to do the same things you are doing now for six months, what will the outcome be? The answer to this is simple. Nothing will change. Entrepreneurs solve problems by always viewing their success road map. If something doesn’t add up to their success journey, they cut it out. If you want to be successful, implement this method. This is another way you can solve problems like an entrepreneur by taking risks.

That is why a successful person can easily move from making $10,000 per month to $50,000 in a space of a few months. That is because they have a success road map that they view on a daily or monthly basis.


What lifeskills do you think are important to master to skyrocket your success? Comment below.


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7 Step Action Plan For Instant Motivation

7 Step Action Plan For Instant Motivation


7 step action plan for instant motivation

There are a lot of blogging myths out there, but these are the seven most common ones.

Motivation is a skill set most of us want, but few of us seem to crack. Athletes have boundless motivation and energy. When it comes to us it is hard to even get up when the alarm rings the first time. In this blog post, we look through the 7 action steps for instant motivation. That might seem unbelievable, but when it comes to instant motivation it all boils down to an action plan.

We all need action plans for us to keep the pace going. Action plans help us with routines, business plans, setting new habits and the list goes on. An action plan can save you so much time as long as you are willing to put in the time to make it work.

You have to set an action plan that will work for you. One that helps you go in the right direction. And as the question goes how do you know you are going in the right direction? The answer to this is not simple, but it also isn’t complicated. What it takes are work and reflection. You need to understand what you want and why. The action plan here can be used for almost anything because it is a step-by-step process to help you get results. If you want instant motivation, this action plan will help you get it.

If you want to start a business, you can use this as well to get your feet wet. This action plan is based solely on the reasoning that you are willing to go the extra mile to get results. Before, we go forward it is incredibly important for you to be willing to go the extra mile. If you don’t do that you won’t be able to achieve what you want. You won’t be able to go forward. Because becoming successful is more than seeking motivation, it’s about going the extra mile. 



Know your what?




Steve Oshler famously coined this term. It is similar to Simon Sinek’s “Know Your Why.” You have to know why you are doing something. There has to be a reasoning for why you are taking action. Otherwise, everything will fall flat. It is like a person who wants to start exercising. Day one you are excited then comes day twenty and you lose the motivation.

Step one in the action plan for instant motivation is your reasoning. This is a quick trick I learned. It might seem too simple, but coming up with the answer will be tricky. There are a lot of reasons why we do things. So coming up with the one that rings true to what you want to achieve won’t be easy. Take, for example, you want to write a book. Here are a few reasons why people write books; make money, build an email list, become an authority figure, use it as a calling card, build a business or use it as a stepping stone to a course. 

The problem comes in choosing one reason. If you have more than one it is so easy to lose focus. So, it is incredibly important to only have one reason for doing something. That way you won’t struggle coming up with the reasons for why you are doing it. You can build up on your reasons the further you go along.



Visualize and reflect


Step two in the action plan for instant motivation is visualization and reflection. It is here that you visualize and reflect on what you want to achieve. What is the one thing you are working on that you need instant motivation for? Once you have the answer to this you visualize the outcomes of your result. What will your life be like once you publish that book? How much money do you want to make from it?

What will you do with the money? The reflection comes in how well you feel after you achieved it. Will you be excited about the future ahead. Reflection also comes in when processing what you’re afraid of when you achieve it. Many of us are terrified of the unknown and this makes us lose motivation. We are terrified that we might fail or become successful. As strange as that may sound, many of us are fearful of success. Another reason why we might lose motivation is that we are afraid of the opinions of others. You need to reflect on the reasons why you are afraid to go forward.

Remember fear are fake events appearing real. So maybe you won’t be as successful as you thought you’d be. But isn’t that how you will learn. Every successful person has failed at something. Visualize becoming successful and you will realize that we have more power than we think we have. We are responsible for what happens. You decide whether fear will keep you back or it won’t. This step is critical in your action plan for instant motivation. 


Plan ahead



You can lose time you don’t have by trying to figure out what you need to do. Step three in your action plan for instant motivation is planning. You must have an idea of what you want to achieve throughout the day. It is incredibly important that you know what you want to achieve. For example, the night before write down the five things you need to do for the day.

That way you know what you must do when the day starts. This will stop you from losing momentum because you understand what you need to do and when it needs to be done. The reason why most people lose motivation is that they have no idea what to work on. They lose energy by focusing on the wrong things. Plan ahead so you don’t lose sight of what you need to achieve. This step isn’t as hard as the others and you should put your time trying to figure out what you should and when you should do it.

You can start by Eating The Frog. This means start with your most taxing activity. This is the one thing you need to do in the morning because it requires a lot of attention. For example, I start my day writing, this helps me to get my thoughts out as soon as I can. I also start writing my blog posts early in the morning. Your routine can look differently, but look at your tasks and figure out which one requires the most attention. This is one of the best things you can do for instant motivation. 



Set a routine


A routine will set you up for success. The reason for this is because it will help you focus on your goals. It is also one of the most important steps for instant motivation. A routine is incredibly important because it will push you to do things even if you don’t want to. For example, these are the things you do instinctively. 

You set a routine for those things so they come naturally. A lot of successful writers have writing routines. These routines comprise of when they write, where they write, and for how long they do it. The more they do this the more proficient they become. It becomes part of who they are. Look at your habits. What kind of routine do you need to set-up for you to achieve what you want?

Your routine should focus on the time you go to bed, how you start your day, how long will you work on your tasks, and when you will have your breaks. Once you do that it will become natural. A lot of successful people use this to help them stay focused and build routines that help them become successful. 


Start the day right



The next step in your action plan for instant motivation is to start your day right. When it comes to getting motivated, you need to be able to start the day as soon as possible. What this looks like is waking up early. The longer you sleep, the harder it will be. That is why you need to wake up before 6 am. 

This is usually when successful people walk up. Your brain will also be more alert and since they will be less distraction you are more likely to be active. You can also do more since there’s no pressure. Most people wake up at 6 am and therefore there’s a lot of distraction. Starting the day right starts off with waking up at the right time. Another thing to note in starting your day right is to have a moment of inspiration. This can look different depending on who you are. For some, it means listening or watching something motivational. For others, it’s affirmations or even meditation. 

You start the day right for instant motivation. When you don’t start the day right, you will find yourself dragging yourself through the day. Keep this in mind when you are doing the earlier steps. Even write this in your routine so that you schedule the time for you to wake up early.  


Also Related: How to Win The Day With Your Morning Routine



Get moving


One of the best ways for instant motivation is exercise or even dancing. It has been scientifically proven that dancing in the morning will fire up your synapses, but it will also dose you will a lot of dopamine. This is the hormone responsible for happiness. The happier you are, the more motivated you will be. So, if you want to be motivated to do things that require a lot of effort, exercise.

Moving your body will also fight off sleep. Maybe, you aren’t a morning person. You don’t have to be to do this step. The first thing you should do is to pick a song that will get you going. Something that will push you past any negative voice. Our voices can get us into trouble and that is why it is important to pick one of your favorite songs. The song that makes you happy regardless of what time or where you hear it. Once you do that, go crazy. Whether you choose to exercise or dance, they both do the same. Your body will react in the same way and you will find yourself motivated to work on tasks you have been postponing. 

There’s a reason why a lot of successful people exercise early in the morning. This is also a great way to be energized. Sometimes, the best way to get a boost of energy is right in front of you. 



Eat the right food


Eat food that will give you instant motivation. This is the last step in your action plan. Most of us eat food that will tire us down, this looks different depending on who you are. But if you can avoid carbs in the morning then you should. It has been proven that carbs early in the morning make it hard to concentrate. If you can’t opt-out of having bread then have a protein-rich breakfast. 

Protein-rich breakfast usually comprises eggs, meat, seeds, and avocado. Another breakfast recipe that is known to help get you the results you need is oats, fruit, and muesli. Smoothies are also beneficial especially if you add the right ingredients for instant motivation and energy. These usually are chia seeds, butternut, bananas, and avocado. There are dozens of smoothie recipes out there and if you add this to your breakfast plan you will be shocked at the results you will get.


Also Related: 9 Brain Foods That Will Improve Focus and Concentration


What is your main take away from the blog post and what will you do to help you become more motivated? Comment below.



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How To Be A Goal Digger: 5 Golden Rules For Success

How To Be A Goal Digger: 5 Golden Rules For Success

How To Be a goal digger: 5 golden rules for success 

These are the four reasons why obstructive habits can impact your success.

Have you ever tried to be committed to finishing a goal strong? Have you ever struggled to complete your goals and always wondered what you are missing? To become a goal digger you need to change your mindset. Becoming a goal digger isn’t easy, many of us struggle when it comes to our goals because we look at them wrongly. 

A goal is simply a task that needs to be completed in a certain time frame. Yet, we complicate it. That is the thing about being human we tend to complicate everything because it sometimes seems easier to do. Though, when you start to approach things the way a goal digger would, you change your mindset. A goal digger is a person who commits to the goals they set. So, do you want to write that book? Sit down and do that. Maybe, you want to start a business. What are you waiting for? Often at times what stops us from being goal diggers are all the problems surrounding us and that can be a damper. I get that, but there are always going to be problems. One thing I have realized is that often at times we forget that there’s hope. Maybe, that is how we can help by giving a lending hand. 

It all comes down to what are you willing to do to become successful. One of the things you need to do to become successful is by being a goal digger. If you have no idea how to that I will give you five ways you can. These are also five golden rules for success. 


Be committed


It’s improbable you will ever become successful if you can’t commit. What I mean by this is you have to be committed to going through something. Let’s say you want to start your own business and have been thinking about this for two years. Procrastination is the enemy of commitment. When you plan on doing something, start as soon as you can. If you let years pass, it will slow you down and you might never follow through.

Commitment is so important to becoming successful. When a successful person says they are going to do they do. They understand a concept that many of us fail to grasp and that is every step counts. Every goal shapes your success path. This is the first step in becoming a goal digger. You need to start and finish your goal in a timely fashion. This means you need to keep your momentum steady. Don’t take forever to start your YouTube channel or podcast. Don’t take too long to write that book and allow it to gather dust. 

Commit to seeing the end and you will work through any problem that does come your way.


Also Related: 4 Strategies to Help You Crush 2020



Know your why



You must know the reasons why you are doing something. This is your why. Your big reason. Without this, you will struggle to achieve your goals. Why? One of the reasons is because you have no direction. Here’s an example, maybe you want to exercise more often. What is your reason for that? If you don’t have a reason, you will find yourself procrastinating.

We all procrastinate, but this will then become a habit that is hard to shake off. A few reasons why people choose to exercise regularly is because they want to lose weight, be healthier, or as a way to relieve them from stress. There are of course other reasons. To become a goal digger you need to search deep down and find the reasons why you are doing something. There’s always a reason for everything we do. Sometimes, we are so used to routines that we don’t realize the reasons behind our actions.

But if you want to be successful in accomplishing your goals then you need to know your reason. This will push past the obstacles that will stand in your way. And you will be able to achieve your goals in a timely fashion. This is also extremely important. Goals should be time-bound. 



For you to become a goal digger than your goals should be time-bound. What this means is that every goal should be accomplished within a certain time-frame. This is the reason why so many people never accomplish their goals. There’s no time frame and a goal that doesn’t have this will never be accomplished. That is why some people can take years to accomplish a goal.

As I said procrastination happens to all of us, but if there’s no time-frame then you will continue to struggle to accomplish your goals. As children, we were used to time-frames. Even though we worked on it, we knew what we had to accomplish. This became part of our routines and many of us have forgotten this. We have forgotten how important time-frames are.

Success is built around using time-frames to push you forward. That is why so many successful people write in journals and places dates around a goal. If you want to be successful, start using time-frames for everything. If you want to start a blog then when do you want to start it. When do you want to be a millionaire? How much money do you want to make by the end of the year?


Start behaving like you are successful


This might sound a little strange. But the reason why you are struggling to become a goal digger is because of your mindset. I was once told that if you want to be successful start thinking like you already are. What this does is your habits and mindset start shifting. You stop seeing yourself as a failure. You stop doubting your belief that you can achieve success.

You start working at it. Your actions change as well. This is critical because our actions determine where we end up in life. How do successful people act? For one, they wake early even when they don’t want to. They do things that they don’t want to do. They accomplish goals in a timely fashion. Mindset is one of the most important keys to success because it pushes us to change who we are.

As much as many of us hate to change, we can’t become successful without. This is the fourth golden rule of success and becoming a goal digger. You need to start acting as a six-figure earner before you become one. The same can be said if you want to be a seven-figure or eight-figure earner. I am not saying it will be easy to change the way you think or behave. However, success requires drastic action and this is one thing that you should become successful.


Take strategic steps

Now that you got the basics, here comes the challenge. Success requires strategy. You can’t build a building without foundation and you certainly can’t start a business without a plan, You need a strategy even when it comes to your goals. Let’s say you have three main goals for the year. The first goal is completing a project on time. How are you going to do that? How many steps or milestones to do you need to accomplish? 

Do you have a supervising officer overlooking the project? These are a few questions you need to ask yourself. Maybe, your goal is to start a business. What will your main platform be? Blog, podcast, or YouTube. What is your social media strategy? How will you advertise the blog/business? Will use mostly organic reach (free methods,) or paid methods? 

There’s a lot to consider when you are doing anything. Without a strategy, it will take a while for you to accomplish a goal or you will miss an important foundation. Foundation is the difference between a professional pianist and a clunky one. In everything we do, a foundation is seen as an important part of the process. There’s a reason for that. You can’t be successful if you miss out on this step. You certainly can’t be a goal digger you have no strategy either. 

If you have no idea how to do this, focus on it. I can promise you everything will change especially the way you work out your goals. This will also make things a lot easier for you so you need to work on your foundation. For every goal you have, there should be milestones and breakthroughs. This way you will know when you have made one.


 Also Related: 10 Ways Successful People Make Smart Decisions


What is your main takeaway from this post? Comment below.


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How Self-Reflection Can Change Your Life

How Self-Reflection Can Change Your Life


How self-reflection can change your life

Self-reflection is one of the ways to drastically change your life.

Many people underestimate the power of self-reflection. Some of us understand how self-reflection can change our lives, but many of us don’t attempt to improve in it. Self-reflection is a skill that many successful people have and we all admire them for that. Self-reflection is important in improving your life. The pandemic has forced to change the way we look at life. Many people lost their jobs because of it or went into debt. It seems impossible that self-reflection can change your outlook when everything looks bleak. However, I will show you all the ways self-reflection can change your life. 

Many of my plans were thwarted because of it. But when I take a deeper look, I realize that there are people in hospitals struggling and suffering. People have lost their lives. Regardless of the uncertainty, improving my skills in self-reflection I am at peace despite all that has happened. The first time I learned this skill I was a twenty-year-old who was frustrated I had to learn this skill. My professor believed in the power of self-reflection so he gave us assignments built to make us think.

It was agonizing going through the questions, but the more did it I realized I had no idea who I was. Self-reflection can make you take an earnest look at yourself. You then start to see yourself. The real you. You start considering that maybe you’re hiding from the world and that is scary. Maybe, that is the reason why many people choose not to use self-reflection.

But with what’s going on in the world, now more than ever it’s important to learn how to self-reflect. But if you need more proof of the importance of self-reflection I will give you a few reasons why you should do it. 


Develop a growth/success mindset


Do you want to be successful? If you answered yes, then you need to learn how to use self-reflection. One of the first steps that people rarely talk about in becoming successful is self-reflection. I understand why people don’t talk about it. It isn’t something people like to do especially in the beginning. Self-reflection requires uncovering who really are. It is about digging deep into your past and asking yourself how you got to this point. 

It involves looking deep down and understanding who you are as a person. That can be a painful process. Because it is then that you realize all your flaws. Most people want to ignore their flaws and that is normal. I was like that when someone pointed something out I was so quick to go on the defensive. I thought I was helping myself, but I wasn’t. I was hiding. It took me time and sitting on a couch talking to a therapist to realize I had to change. If I wanted to grow and evolve then I had to stop allowing the pain of the past to push me back.

That is what I eventually did. When you learn how to use self-reflection correctly, you will develop a growth or success mindset. This will help push the needle forward in your life. So, yes if you want to become successful, it starts with taking care of your mind. 


Also Related: Is a Success Mindset Still Key to Success?


Reduce stress


So many people focus on the things they can’t change and that is why they are so stressed. Have you ever heard of the Serenity prayer? It is a look into the human condition. Us, humans are conditioned to carry the world on our shoulders and act as if it is all on us. Even now, people are stressed about the pandemic. If you can’t control it then why focus on it.

Self-reflection can be used as a tool to help you reduce your stress. What happens is you start asking yourself questions about what you are going through. If you lost your job there’s nothing you can do about it. Whatever happens, when you learn how to self-reflect you start realizing that so much is out of our control. Maybe, that’s the point of life. To realize how short and precious it is. Even before the pandemic struck, we weren’t exactly in control of anything, but our actions. Though we had the illusion of control.

Now, many of us are waking up to realize that we weren’t in control. It is a scary thought, but the longer we spend trying to control everything the worse it becomes. If you want to reduce your stress levels, use self-reflection to help you. It will ease the burden that you carry and push you forward. 


Learn a new skill

Something interesting happens when you learn how to use self-reflection. This is another way self-reflection can help change your life. When you have reduced your stress levels, you fill in the gap. Maybe, because you realize that whatever problem you are going through will end or it could be that you want to focus on improving yourself.

Whatever the reason is you start looking for creative avenues. This can come in the shape of building a business you always wanted to start, learning a new language, or picking up a new hobby. Here’s a success tip that you might not know, most successful people have a hobby. Why? Hobbies or learning a new skill changes your perspective. When you learn a new skill you focus on the positives, your world changes. However, when you focus on the negatives, your world becomes smaller. 

Hobbies change the way you look at the world. Your perspective-changing is a good thing. That is what hobbies can do for you. It is also a great way to get access to dopamine (the happiness hormone,) but it will also help you to solve problems better. 


 Also Related: 20 Productive Hobbies That Will Make You Smarter and Happier


How to do self-reflection



There are a lot of benefits associated with self-reflection, but the question you might have is how to do it. Self-reflection can change your life in so many ways, but it isn’t easy to start doing it. If you are new to self-reflection then there are a few ideas you can start with to help you with it. One thing you should note is it does take time to see the results.

The benefits of self-reflection don’t appear overnight and that is one of the reasons many people don’t like talking about it. Success is all about measured steps and it isn’t as immediate as many people would like it to be. However, it is a skill that is necessary and will equip you with tools for you to survive in any climate. If you want to start a business, self-reflection will give you the push that you need. You will never know how self-reflection can help change your life if you don’t try it. 

The list below is a few ways you can do self-reflection effectively.

 Journaling – This is one of the best ways to do self-reflection. Write about your highs and lows. Talk about what you are feeling and why you are feeling it. When you start asking yourself questions you are forcing yourself to think about what is going on beneath the surface. Too many people have no idea about the destructive thoughts preventing them from achieving their goals. Once you are aware of it you will understand yourself, way better. This is how many people start their self-reflection journey.  

Ask questions – One way you can do self-reflection is to ask yourself questions whenever your actions appear negative. For example, maybe someone close to you said something, did it trigger you? Did you lash out and become withdrawn? You need to ask yourself why you acted that way. Once you know you are likely to know what steps you can take next. If you are stressed and depressed, ask yourself why are you feeling this way? Is it the people you surround yourself with or has it more to do with an internal conflict.

Brain dump – Who doesn’t love a brain dump. We have been using brain dumps since school and this one shouldn’t be too difficult to do. Whatever you are feeling write it down and then sort it out later. Sometimes, the best solution is to get every out in the open, and only then can you figure out your emotions. 

What is your main takeaway from the blog post and how will you use self-reflection to change your life? Let me known in the comments section. 


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7 Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs

7 Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs


7 Characteristics of successful entrepreneurs

Here are a few of the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurship has become popular ever since the form changed. Think about it, decades ago an entrepreneur was anyone doing start-ups. Now, entrepreneurs can be people behind a laptop writing blog posts or filming videos for their YouTube channel. Entrepreneurs can be self-published authors or anyone with an idea who wants to pursue it.

The question here is if entrepreneurship has changed what are the defining characteristics of successful entrepreneurs. As much as many of us don’t want to admit it publicly we all want to be successful and create an impact. Sure, our thoughts call into question whether we can do that. Our brains are capable of so much and if we believe in something strongly it comes true. Since you are reading this blog post you might want to know how you can become a successful entrepreneur. 

One of the easiest ways to that is by understanding the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs and emulating it. When you do that, it is so much easier to become a successful entrepreneur. Maybe, you haven’t started your business yet, it is never too late to start. This blog post is a way to support and encourage you to go for your dreams. 



Do you ever go through moments when you don’t want to do anything? One of the main characteristics of successful entrepreneurs and successful people, in general, is they self-motivate. They don’t wait for a muse to inspire them and that is what separates them. Many of us are so used to waiting for a mythical muse to appear so that we can focus on work.

Yes, they might be days when you are tired and frustrated. These moments should be times when you pick yourself up and work on your goals. Will it be hard? Anything foreign to us is always hard. Think about it like this when you are starting a new exercise routine, is it hard to get into to or if you want to wake up early. Our brains tend to rely on the past to protect us. This is the way we survive so when you are doing something you aren’t used to there’s resistance. 

You have to face the resistance for you to be able to self-motivate. Becoming successful isn’t easy, but this one characteristic of successful entrepreneurs is one that has put many of them on the map.



Take risks



This one is my favorite characteristic of successful entrepreneurs. I used to be a person who took calculated risks until I realized that to be successful I had to jump with both feet. Is it hard to do that? Yes, remember our brains want to protect us. There are built-in survival mechanisms that turn on whenever we put ourselves in a difficult situation.

Anything that is new can be seen as a difficult situation. That is including taking risks, but you will never become successful if you don’t take risks. Even if you don’t want to be an entrepreneur, taking risks will push you out of your comfort zone. This is why this characteristic of successful entrepreneurs is often discussed at length. If you don’t take risks, you will never find opportunities to help you grow. You will never become a millionaire or impact the world.

I had to learn this the hard way. I spent so many years terrified of my own shadow and I didn’t take risks. I dragged my feet until I realized the reason my business isn’t growing is that I am not taking risks. It is of course not that simple, but if you do take risks you will discover how many opportunities are out there.




I believe passion has to be one of the most important characteristics of successful entrepreneurs. Passionate entrepreneurs are more diverse than any other. They are more willing to dedicate their time to serving others and they never give up. That is the key there. Often when we follow money over passion we create this void in us.

This void limits our potential because we are concentrating on the money. When you concentrate on helping people you attract more people to you and you achieve more. And you are likely to follow through when something doesn’t work and you also pivot if your business isn’t growing. If you look at what is happening to businesses because of the pandemic. You will realize that many are not making an income or they have shut down. The businesses or entrepreneurs who survive are those that are passionate.

There are a few entrepreneurs who looked at their circumstances and changed the way they did businesses. 


Also Related: Why Following Your Passions is the Secret Ingredient to Success and Happiness



Understand your business model



If you have no idea what your business model is then it is will difficult to sell anything. For example, if you are a service business, but you sell t-shirts. There’s a problem with your model and what you offer. This is why it is important to understand the business you want to do. There are service businesses that do sell t-shirts, though. It has to make sense with the business that they are running though.

Diversifying income is one of the traits of successful entrepreneurs. What you offer has to be aligned with your business and you also need to understand your clients. If you are a service business offering financial consultancy to your clients, they wouldn’t be interested in buying t-shirts from you. However, if you are a service business that caters to dog lovers’ needs then they would love buying t-shirts.

Paying attention to your business model, what you offer and your clients are what will put you on the top. This is one of the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs and it isn’t talked about enough. Maybe, because it isn’t as interesting as talking about taking risks or passions. 

Also Related: The 11 Most Popular Online Business Models


Diversify income



Majority of successful entrepreneurs have numerous income sources and that is what makes them millionaires. Diversifying your income is important, but the first step is of course understanding your business model. Once you do that it is a lot easier to diversify your income. However, the problem is not understanding your business model.

One of the main characteristics of successful entrepreneurs is they have multiple sources of income. Service based businesses are now offering courses to their clients. And e-commerce businesses are doing the same and adding speaking to their roster. Not only does this make it easier to become a millionaire, it reduces the stress on the entrepreneur. Having one source of income involves working over time and this reduces the impact they can create and the money.

This why many successful entrepreneurs suggest having multiple sources of income. 


Money mindset



 You will never become successful if you believe you will always struggle with money. Many of us understand this on a basic level, yet we make the rookie mistake in believing we won’t achieve financial freedom. Our brains are like computers. Whatever we believe, our brains will act out. It won’t filter negative thoughts out. It doesn’t work like that.

If a virus attacks your computer, it messes up with the software. The computer starts operating differently and that is how our brains work as well. When it comes across something negative it at first tries to fight it off, but then when that doesn’t work the virus spreads. It changes the way you process everything. Information to our brain is like code and it uses that to justify our actions.

One of the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs is that they have a money mindset. What this means is that they have a healthy relationship with money. Whether it is spending, giving, investing, or earning money. If they believe they can make $10,000 a month they achieve it. This might seem impossible, but it isn’t. It is all about believing you can. It might seem too easy, but our brains have been conditioned to view money negatively.

When you believe in something, you will discover that you will find ways to make that come true. 


 Also Related: Is A Success Mindset Still Key To Success?





Another characteristic of successful entrepreneurs is how adaptable they are. One thing you will discover is that successful entrepreneurs need to be able to find solutions to problems. If something isn’t working, they need to find a solution. Many of us struggle with being adaptable, but if you learn this one characteristic of successful entrepreneurs you will be ahead of many people.

Finding solutions to problems and being flexible is what sets successful people apart.  You need to be willing to change for your business to survive. Brick and mortar businesses that chose not to have social media accounts are probably struggling right now. Word of mouth used to be enough years ago and now it isn’t. Having a social media account is extremely important. Businesses that don’t find a way to operate are finding themselves stuck. A few businesses have seen this as an opportunity to go virtual because of the pandemic. Event companies are now doing virtual events. 


Also Related: How To Be Adaptable in 11 Simple Steps


What is your main takeaway from this and which characteristic will you work on? Please comment below.



                                                             Keep Pushing

