How to Solve Problems Like A Entrepreneur
Start learning how to solve problems like an entrepreneur to move further ahead in life.
Entrepreneurs see life differently from many of us. They train themselves to solve problems in an unorthodox way. Learn how to solve problems like an entrepreneur to progress a lot faster. Maybe, you aren’t an entrepreneur now, but you want to become one. The one thing you must do is to solve problems like an entrepreneur. Before I started my entrepreneurial journey, I had no idea how to solve problems. I saw the world as black or white. I didn’t realize that was negative thinking. Most people think this way so I believed it was normal.
Eventually, I realized the world isn’t even shades of gray but a set of opportunities that we choose to take up. Every problem can lead to new chances for you to grow. Being an entrepreneur is more than what reflects on your bank account or even your daily activities. You have to think like an entrepreneur before you become one. The best piece of advice I ever got was if you want to be a six-figure earner then you need to act like one. This changed the way I saw the world. Many successful people become that because they train themselves to think like millionaires.
It is impossible to become a millionaire if you don’t change the way you see the world. So, in this blog post, I will show you a few ways you can solve problems like an entrepreneur. This will also showcase the way entrepreneurs think. Take note of it.
Look at everything as an experiment
Entrepreneurship in its raw definition is about experiments. Airbnb was a startup and many startups are experiments. No one would have thought something like Airbnb would survive, but it did. The same can be said for Uber. There are so many ideas out there. Hundreds of entrepreneurs create companies that flop. A few choose to quit and throw in the towel because they fail to understand life is an experiment.
You need to change the way you see the world. Look at it the way a kid does and that is with enthusiasm and excitement about the challenges ahead. Most kids view the world as an experiment. A large playground where they can be anything from Indiana Jones to a mad scientist, to them the possibility is there and that is all you need. Realize that you will fail and you can’t escape that. But that is the whole point of life itself, failing is in the cards. But if you keep going you will be shocked at what you will find. It is here that you will learn what worked and what didn’t.
This is one way to solve problems like an entrepreneur. They look at it as if it’s an experiment, that way they are less likely to be terrified of the outcomes.
Be comfortable being your own boss
You are responsible for what happens next. Being your own boss means you have to deal with your mess. This is another way to solve problems like an entrepreneur. They have become comfortable becoming a boss and self-motivating themselves. As hard as that may sound, it is also reassuring. As great as it is to rely on others, sometimes you have to wait lengthy periods for an answer. That is if you are lucky. If you are not then your answer will never come.
When you are your own boss you look for opportunities. You don’t wait for them to come to you. If you want money you create an opportunity to make the money. This is important because self-reliance builds confidence and this is one of the secrets to success. When I started my entrepreneur journey, I was broke so I had to pick up a skill and use that to build my business. Was it easy? No. But this is an important lesson you can’t ignore. Successful people create opportunities and others look for opportunities.
Think about billion-dollar companies like Apple, Uber, Minecraft, and Snapchat. The CEOs create opportunities and it is how they became successful. They saw what the problem was or what was lacking in the marketplace. That started a trend of similar companies who saw what was missing from their competitors and created something better. They managed to do this because they became comfortable becoming a boss.
Become your own hype machine
If you are expecting your own cheerleaders to help motivate you then you will be waiting a long time. We all want people to motivate us, but those you care about are going through their own storms. They are going through their own problems so they can’t hype you. That means you got to be great at hyping yourself up. What does this have to do with solving problems? Have you ever tried to solve a problem when you were unmotivated? Did you solve it?
It’s hard solving problems when you are unmotivated. This is the third way you can solve problems like an entrepreneur, they become their own hype machines. This will encourage them to solve the problem in a faster time-frame. You need to be willing to be your own cheerleader as lonely as that does sound, it is what entrepreneurs have to go through. Being an entrepreneur involves many long nights and early mornings. It involves spending time thinking about how to cut the time-frame of a task and do it efficiently. But when you learn how to be your own cheerleader there’s nothing you won’t be able to do.
You will defy the odds time and time again. This will also help create momentum so that you can crush goals so maybe you have to do a happy dance when you want to crush goals. Maybe, you will have to go to the extent of yelling your name out. Sometimes being seen as crazy isn’t a bad thing. After all it’s the successful people we don’t understand.
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Set boundaries, milestone and celebrations
If you are expecting to have cheerleaders motivate you then you will be waiting a long time. We all want people to motivate us, but those you care about are going through their storms. So they can’t hype you. That means you got to be great at hyping yourself up. What does this have to do with solving problems? Have you ever tried to solve a problem when you were unmotivated? Did you solve it?
It’s hard solving problems when you are unmotivated. This is the third way you can solve problems like an entrepreneur, they become their own hype machines. This will encourage them to solve the problem in a faster time-frame. You need to be willing to be a cheerleader as lonely as that does sound, it is what entrepreneurs have to go through. Being an entrepreneur involves many long nights and early mornings. It involves spending time thinking about how to cut the time-frame of a task and do it efficiently. But when you learn how to be a cheerleader there’s nothing you won’t be able to do.
You will defy the odds time and time again. This will also help create momentum so that you can crush goals so maybe you have to do a happy dance when you want to crush goals. Maybe, you will have to go to the extent of yelling your name out. Sometimes being seen as crazy isn’t a bad thing. After all, it’s the successful people we don’t understand.
Take risks
Most people are risk-averse. However, taking risks is how to solve problems like an entrepreneur. If you are afraid to take risks then you will never step out of your comfort zone. You need to be willing to do things that make you uncomfortable and that will throw curve balls at you. For example, I wasn’t sure if my free opt-in was attractive so I had to step out of my comfort zone and post a comment asking people if they wanted it.
I am so used to being an observer in a group and not an active participant. I had expected maybe a few people to comment, but when I saw a flood of comments, I knew I was onto something. You never know how far you can go if you are too terrified to step out of your comfort zone. This is so important because this is how you will grow not only as a person, but as a leader. Maybe, you don’t want to be a leader, but when we step out things start shifting. Our perspective changes and that is a great thing. The more risks you take, the more creative your decisions and problem solving skills will become. Maybe, you won’t turn into a pseudo Sherlock, but still you will better at solving your problems.
And it all involves with you taking risks. If this is the way entrepreneurs solve their problems, then you should definitely do it.
Change the way you view success
Before, I became an entrepreneur I saw people’s successes as threats. I didn’t understand how they were successful as I was failing through life. Funny thing is many of us are like that. Have you ever had a conversation with your friends about successful people? Was it negative or positive? The answer to this question is important because this will show you if you will successful in a few years.
Why? You might ask. Successful people admire those who are more successful than them. This is how entrepreneurs also solve their problems. If entrepreneur B is having financial problems he will take a look at what entrepreneur A is doing. There’s something entrepreneur A is doing that entrepreneur B hasn’t implemented. The key to success is observing what other entrepreneurs are doing. As an entrepreneur I have had to learn how to take advice whenever I can get it. I am not where I want to be yet and even if I was there’ll always be someone who is better at something than me.
If I can learn from those who are successful at something, why not? This is why entrepreneurs are always striving to do more and be better. If you want to be successful than you need to change the way you view success.
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Write your success road map
Success is like the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. We all want to be successful. Some people want to be successful because they want to be financially free, while others want to be successful so they can create an impact. Entrepreneurs are great at solving problems because they all have a blueprint. They know what they want to achieve and when they want to it.
They have an idea of all the goals they want to do in a certain period of time. This is what you must do as well, if you are going to be successful. Write down your goals or heck, even doodle a map of your goals. Why not break out the colored pencils you bought that one time you were nostalgic. No one is going to judge you once you start making the big bucks. And if they do, keep doing you.
Every successful person has a road map. This road map includes the money generating activities for the day, social media, visibility, email marketing and content generation. These are simply the activities they do, but they also have the outcomes from the activities. If you were to do the same things you are doing now for six months, what will the outcome be? The answer to this is simple. Nothing will change. Entrepreneurs solve problems by always viewing their success road map. If something doesn’t add up to their success journey, they cut it out. If you want to be successful, implement this method. This is another way you can solve problems like an entrepreneur by taking risks.
That is why a successful person can easily move from making $10,000 per month to $50,000 in a space of a few months. That is because they have a success road map that they view on a daily or monthly basis.
What lifeskills do you think are important to master to skyrocket your success? Comment below.
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