9 Ways to Build Confidence
These are 5 of the best ways you can build confidence.
Building confidence is extremely important because without you can’t move forward in your life. What I mean here is you can’t face your fears and doubts. Building confidence will push you out of your comfort zone and it is a necessary skill to have if you want to be promoted at work or start a business. Confidence is one of the keys to success and without you will always talk yourself out of it. That is why it is important to build confidence. With it, you can achieve more and do more. When you look back on your life, you’d be surprised how far you went because of confidence.
As terrifying as it might be building confidence is so important especially if you want to start your own business, go to a new country, meet new people, or quit your job.
Why are some people more confident than others? The answer to that is simple they have built their confidence and that has enabled them to do things many of us would be too terrified to think of. In the last few years, I have realized that confidence is all about taking daily action so that you can achieve success. When you don’t take action then you don’t achieve the success that you want. It may seem simple, but the reality is that confidence comes from believing in yourself and pushing yourself out of the door. There are many ways to build confidence, but the most effective methods are the ones I listed below.
Work on your thoughts
Our thoughts are insights into how we see ourselves. If every time someone says something positive you think negatively about yourself than you are doing damage to your self-esteem. Every negative thought is highlighted. Our brains are powerful machines, whatever we think about is showcased in how we walk, talk, or approach things.
If you think you are unworthy, you slouch, mumble your words and never speak up. This can affect the way people look at you and how you look at yourself. Every day, focus on something positive that you did or achieved. When you keep doing that then you will see yourself as someone capable. Yes, it is scary showing who you are to the world, but that doesn’t take away the impact. Maybe, what you achieved seems small compared to other people, but don’t focus on that.
When you want to build your confidence, one thing you should focus on is what you accomplished and how far you have come.
Stop comparing yourself
If you want to build confidence then don’t compare yourself. If you compare yourself it doesn’t stop there. It is normal to want to emulate people, but you aren’t that person and therefore you will never be that person. No matter, how many times you wish you were. You will always struggle to catch up, but when you are true to yourself then nothing can stop you.
Be true to who you are and this will help you build confidence. Many of us compare ourselves and this only messes up with our self-esteem. When you compare yourself, you will start wondering whether there’s something wrong with you. You will always look for reasons to compare yourself and it only gets worse. Comparing yourself tends to make people insecure in their body and as a result, they act out. It is easy to start doing things you normally would never have done before. You are perfect the way you are.
Also Related: How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others Right Now!
Talk to a stranger about your dreams
As scary as that may appear, when you talk to a stranger about your dreams it gives you confidence. Speaking about your problems or dreams is terrifying to most. When you go out of your way to do it, you build confidence. What most people don’t realize is that confidence is a mental muscle.
If you want to be healthy then you exercise, but we don’t do the same when it comes to our mind. You need to work on your mind so that it is mentally strong. Confidence is the same way. You need to work on it for you to build confidence. This is by far the best way for you to grow mentally and emotionally. Once you talk to a stranger, you start to realize that it isn’t as terrifying as you imagined it to be. Often, our fears seem by far worse in our minds. Facing the fear builds resilience in you and it builds confidence.
Technology has enabled us to communicate with people in different parts of the world. There are hundreds of Facebook groups online, you can join one and connect with people. You could also talk to someone on Instagram and Twitter about your dreams as well.
Talk to a friend about your dreams
Most people are terrified about telling people they know about their dreams. Maybe, we are so consumed with what they will think about our dreams. However, talking to a friend about your dreams will not only build your resilience but your confidence as well. You would also be shocked to find out that maybe they need your services.
This is was how I made my first dollar online. I wasn’t even looking to make a sale. However, when I was talking to my friend, I started believing in my dream and it became real when they asked how much do I charge? I had a Eureka moment then and I realized I could make money from my dream. That was the beginning of a beautiful journey, but if I hadn’t told them about my dreams then I wouldn’t be writing this blog post.
Often, when we discuss our dreams, this instills this confidence and conviction. It can be as simple as calling a friend you haven’t spoken to a while or chatting online. Whatever method you choose, doors can open, and the world as you know it can change for the better. However, it all starts with taking a step forward. Whatever dream you have, talking about it can help you achieve it. Maybe, you want to develop an app but have no idea how to do it. Talking to a friend or colleague can help you. For one, your friend or colleague might know someone who developed an app and made millions from it. You don’t know what can happen by stepping out in faith.
Pick up a hobby, project or side-hustle
Whichever one you use can help you build your confidence? Maybe, you can pick up the guitar or piano or art. Not only will this increase the dopamine but build confidence. Dopamine is the happy hormone. If you aren’t into creative hobbies, you could go to the gym or a golf course. When you feel good about yourself, you exude confidence.
This is by far the most rewarding way to build confidence. Another thing you could do is pick up a project or side-hustle. A lot of people speak highly of side-hustles because of the numerous benefits they have. For example, you can learn different skills that you didn’t possess before. This will reveal how far you have come and you can money from teaching people those skills.
Maybe, you know nothing about coding, WordPress, or Photoshop. When you start working on your side-hustle, you can build this skill. Some people start a side hustle, create a business from it, and make millions from it. One such example is Lynda.com that was sold to LinkedIn. The woman ended up making billions of dollars from it.
If you want to retire early, the only way to do is by creating a side-hustle then turning it into a business.
Also Related: Quick Side-Hustle Ideas To Start At Home
What is the one thing you will do to build confidence? Please comment below.
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