4 Lessons I Learned in 2021 and How it Applies to You

4 Lessons I Learned in 2021 and How it Applies to You


4 lessons I learned in 2021 and how it applies to you

The below are the lessons I learned in 2021

Now that we are in the new year, thought I would tell you a few of the lessons I learned in 2021. These lessons changed the way I look at life and have shifted my direction. I hope they will do the same thing. 2021 in many ways was like the previous year. Filled with uncertainty and doubt. Many of us questioned what the future would bring. We wondered what would happen next. Life seemed to go to a standstill. And we questioned if we would ever find a way out of the doldrum that we found ourselves into.

Last year taught me so many things about myself and I grew from it. When we leave behind a year it’s important to reflect on the lessons we learn. It’s from that we can grow and become better versions of ourselves. It’s impossible to do that if we’re stuck in the past, contemplating the wrong choices we make. Sometimes the wrong choices we make can make us into better versions of ourselves. Here are four lessons that I learned in 2021. 


The most valuable currency is invaluable

One of the lessons I learned in 2021 is that they are a few things that invaluable. These things are the most valuable currency. You can never replace it or replicate it. Once it’s gone you can’t buy it or trade something else for it. This is time, health and loved ones. Many of us understand the latter one. We understand how we should appreciate our loved ones. Very few of us do though. Very few of us appreciate the people in our lives.

Though, today I want to focus on time and health. I have always known on some level how important it was. Then something crazy happened. It was a freak accident. Something I never would have thought would ever happen. I started now wondering what happens if I never go back to normal. My new normal scared me. It was scary not knowing if my health would ever be the same before. It took months to recover. Almost a year to be exact. I had to go to physiotherapy. Then after months I was back to normal. Now, I realize how much time we spend on things that don’t matter. Health is so valuable. Once it’s gone it never comes back. That’s a reality many of us don’t consider.

The body can heal itself. Sure. But when you recover your health might not be the way it used to be. The other valuable currency is time. How many of us spend our time doing things that don’t matter. We waste our time with activities that don’t add to anything. That don’t push us. I learned a lot of lessons in 2021. One thing I discovered is that time is invaluable. You can do so much with it. As long as you are willing to run with it. 


Don’t conform to the world


There are so many people who are conformists. They change according to the world. But society is always shifting. Certain issues that are important now might not be important in five years or more. That’s how the world works. This is one of the lessons I learned. They has to be a time when we stop trying to conform. This also means to stop trying to please people.

Many of us want to fit into a box or we want to feel as though we are in the right place at the right time. There is no such thing though. Not really. They will never be a right time or a right place. They are moments when things happen, but it happened because people pushed the barriers. It wasn’t circumstantial. Or something that happened because things aligned. Life will never be that simple. It will never be that easy. This is a lesson many of us need to learn. We need to stop trying to conform to the world. 

So that means spending too much time listening or reading the news won’t help us. When I was younger my parents taught me that it was important to be informed. I thought this was so long. There’s nothing wrong in being informed, but when you allow the information to consume you allow it to conform it. It’s easier to conform to what is happening when we listen or read the news. The tactic a lot of media uses is fear mongering. That helps sells newspapers and viewership. When you are afraid, you will always be looking over your shoulder. It won’t help you to get where you want to go.


Validation is a dirty word



One of the others lessons I learned in 2021 is validation is a dirty word. What this means is that we spend so much of our time trying to get validation or for some of us approval. Yeah. It doesn’t work. They are people we admire, look up to or even respect. We all have those people in our corners. This might be controversial. But those people don’t see you the same way. That stings. No matter how I will put it. Not to say that is the case with everyone. Chances are that you have a few people you respect. You have known them for a long time. Smile when ever you scroll through their insta feed. 

Those people probably don’t see you the same way. When I discovered that, it stung. It hurt but I needed to accept it because it was the truth. No one ever said that the truth was easy to swallow. That’s why they say it’s a bitter pill. Often it is. It doesn’t stop it from being the truth though. We all want approval. I know some people will say that isn’t true. I’m not saying you a people pleaser, but we have been trained to do things not to rock the boat.

So you want start a new career because of what people will say. You are too terrified to move to a new city or country because of people’s opinions. This might seem like a small thing. It still links to approval. You being concerned with people’s opinions has stopped you from going out they. We all suffer from it. Some people have found a way to ignore it. Many of us are still trying to figure it out though. 


Living a passion filled life will make you happier


Passion is something that will never run out. Motivation will run dry. Even your willpower will dry up, but when you are passionate about doing something it won’t run dry. You won’t stop loving exercising especially if it makes you come alive. The same can be said for anything that you are passionate about. The Japanese have a word for that. They call it Ikigai. This isn’t just passion, Not. It encompasses so many things.

This is one of the lessons I learned in 2021 that shifted my perspective. When you live a passion filled life you will know what your purpose is. Often they are tied together. Often it isn’t neat or tidy. Then again life isn’t that then why should your purpose be. 

How will living a passion filled life make you happier? When you are passionate about something that will encourage you to make it into a career. Yes. You can make it a career. And make money from it. Unless it’s so obscure that only a small portion of the population will enjoy it. But there’s still a possibility you will still make money from it. They are people who have made money from things that were really obscure. So why not you? Now, when you are doing something you love that often will motivate you. Besides that you will get a boost of the happy hormone. Dopamine. More dopamine equals a happier version of you. That’s not a bad thing at all. 

You are also less likely to give up when you are living a passion filled life. No matter how hard things get. You will get up and keep moving. Why? Because you are inspired by what you are doing. Take artists who sell their art online then decide to teach people how to paint. It isn’t easy. But that doesn’t stop them from doing what they are doing. 


I have more lessons that I learned in 2021. These are the four main ones though.



What lessons have you learned in 2021. Comment below.

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Here’s How You Can Start 2022 Strong

Here’s How You Can Start 2022 Strong

here’s how you can start 2022 strong

These are four ways you can start 2022 strong. This will help you start the year on a strong note.

We are in the first week of the first month of a new year. You can redefine yourself start today. You can also find out how to start the year strong. Most times, we focus on how to finish the year strong. What about how to start the year strong? So much happened last year? It was a repetition of 2020. For many of us, we didn’t achieve what we thought we would and as much as that is a bummer, you can also press restart.

You can always define how you want your year to go. How you want it to be like. If you want to be more successful this year or to have to better year than you had last year, that is possible. In fact, you would be shocked to discover that it’s easier to start the year strong than it is to end it. Often, we get bombarded with so many things on our to do list when the year winds down. So it is easier to start the year strong. How you start the year also will determine how you end the year? So, in this blog post I will show you how to start the year strong.


Give the year a theme

When you give yourself a theme that helps you understand what you want your year to look like. This also gives your year a purpose and helps you to define the year. It also will help you start 2022 year strong. My theme for 2022 is “to be present even in the silence and despite the noise.” What this means is that I should never give up on my dreams, whether people are cheering me or if people are discouraging me. This has given me a new perspective on what I want my year to be like and how I want to start it.

Often, we get blinded by what people think of us that stops us from going after what we want. We allow the opinions of people to prevent us from achieving what we want. Here’s a brutal truth. As much as we want people to cheer us on, most will not. Why? Because they have their own thing going? Chances are they won’t cheer you on. That’s okay. Be your own cheerleader. Find your own footing. 

A theme will help you understand what you expect from life? It will push you in the right direction. What it requires from you is that you take a chance. You need to take a chance on yourself. This is one way you can start 2022 strong. 


Stop looking back

I will be honest, 2021 wasn’t the best year for me. Good things happened, but they were a lot of bad things that happened as well. I could look at that and be discouraged at how much time I lost. That won’t help me. It won’t push me in the right direction. No. Instead, it will dissuade me from now on. Often you need to take what you learned from the year and make amendments. It shouldn’t be an obstacle. No. It should be motivation.

This is another way you can start 2022 strong. You need to understand that looking back on regret won’t help you. Instead, you will be hard on yourself. That will make it harder to focus on what you need to do. What lessons did you learn from the year? Every year teaches us something. I learned that the things we take advantage of often are the best things in life. For example, time and health. We always say time and health are invaluable, but how many of us appreciate it. How many of us value our twenties when we are twenty something year olds? The same can be said when we are in our thirties. 

Many of us don’t appreciate our health. Not the way we should. I learned I need to appreciate these two things more. Now, I could look back in regret that I didn’t. But like I said, that won’t help me. Nor will it help me achieve my goals. So, instead of regretting time wasted, I will appreciate the lessons I learned. Stop looking back. Stop being concerned with what doesn’t matter. Look at the lessons you learned as valuable steppingstones to help you understand where next to go.

Give yourself personal and professional challenges

Last year I learned something invaluable. When you stop learning, you stop growing. You need to learn something new, or you need a challenge. This is the third way you can start the year strong. This is how you start 2022 strong. Give yourself two challenges. One personal and the other professional. For example, a personal challenge can be to learn a new language. The professional one can be to make x amount or to be promoted or even to achieve a milestone.

Challenges are there to push us and motivate us. A challenge can help us learn something new about ourselves that we didn’t know before. When you give yourself a challenge, you will be shocked at how much you will learn about yourself. You also understand that you can do so much more than you imagined. My 2021 challenge was to learn a new instrument and language. As hard as it was getting into it. My eyes opened to the possibilities. Challenging yourself can provide opportunities you never imagined you would ever come across.

Because you took a chance on yourself. That’s what it is all about taking a chance on yourself. Once you do that, you will see doors open and you will succeed in ways you never thought you would. Many of us don’t take a chance on ourselves. That’s why we remain stuck in place. If you want to start 2022 strong, then you need to give yourself a challenge. 

Also Related: 5 Tricks to Kick Your Worst Mindset Challenges

Be present

What does this mean? Many of us don’t understand what being present is. Society has made it too hard to be present. Here’s the thing present can mean anything. It depends on what you want it to mean to you. For me, being present is all about appreciating every moment, no matter how small or big it is. It also means being who I am when no one is watching, or even if they are. You define what it means to you. This is the last way you can start 2022 strong. 

You need to be present. Look at the big or the small moments. Appreciate them. Maybe being present is about working when everyone is asleep or when you don’t feel like it. Being present to you could be about giving to the people who matter your time. Whatever it is, there’s something special about choosing to focus on the right things. Maybe the last two years have taught us that the people in our lives matter. What we stand for matters. It separates us. You know that saying that a sieve separates the wheat from the chaff. What builds you up matters? What you do with your time matters? It’s the small things in life that challenge us. It’s those things that strengthen us.

Do you remember falling from your bike as a kid? Did that deter you from choosing to learn how to ride? No. For me, it did. I gave up. Do I regret it? Yes. That thought pushed me to work harder on the things I struggle with. We all have fears, insecurities, and concerns. That should never stop us from going after what we want. It should never deter us. It should instead motivate us. Be present and realize that time is precious. What you do with it matters? Make sure you spend your time on the right things. Things that will build and not tear you down. That will give you a future and hope for a better tomorrow.


Also Related: 10 Tips to Start Living in The Present


How will you start 2022 strong? Love to know. Comment below.


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Why You Should Ditch Your Perfect Vision For Your Calling?

Why You Should Ditch Your Perfect Vision For Your Calling?

Why you Should ditch your perfect vision for your calling

This is why you should ditch your perfect vision to find your calling

We are a few days away from 2022. To think that the year is almost over is insane. But just now we will celebrate a new year. One thing I have been thinking a lot about is ditching my perfect vision. What? It does sound weird when you write it down. Here are the facts. We all have a perfect vision of what we expect our life to be. We all these dreams or visions of success. And it’s perfect because often it isn’t based on reality. When you were little, who did you want to be? When I was a little kid every year, I had a new dream. It never was the same because in my mind anything was possible. So Imagined traveling around the world. Never knew how it would happen, I just expected it to happen.

Our visions are perfect. That is the problem. It’s alright to have big dreams. That’s what keeps the world churning and moving. Dreaming big is what will get you to where you want to be. Still. Perfect visions don’t create perfect worlds. Instead, they push you past the norm and you rely on something that might never happen. Reality is based on what your calling is. That’s hard to find if you spend way too much time relying on your perfect vision. So, if you want to be successful in 2022. Then you need to ditch your perfect vision. Here’s how you can do that.




Acceptance isn’t a simple thing to do. If it was, we would all accept our flaws. It would be that simple. But the best things in life are never easy. One thing 2021 has taught me is that it’s okay to accept our weaknesses and rejoice in our strengths. It’s what makes life so much better. It is also how you ditch your vision. Maybe you have questions. Maybe you don’t. Either way, here’s why acceptance helps you to find your calling.

When I was a kid, I was diagnosed with ADHD. Not a big shocker. It became harder to cope when I was older. I realized it took me longer to understand certain things. Like most people, I fought this diagnosis. Tried to be someone I wasn’t. I attempted it time and time. Thinking this is when I prove that I’m not this. I failed at it. Why? Because they are things we can’t change about ourselves whether we want to admit that. They are things that are out of our control. Let’s say you want to change countries because you believe they are better things in another country. This isn’t a bad dream. But you got to accept that it might take time. Do what you can wherever you are.

Acceptance is how you ditch your perfect vision because you realize that the world isn’t perfect. So, your calling shouldn’t be. Your life can’t be perfect. Dealing with life’s hurdles is how you will succeed in 2022. Now, on to the next way, you can ditch your perfect vision.


Also Related: How to Accept The Journey Rather Than The Destination


Learn to deal with life’s hurdles


We all go through hurdles. That’s what makes life more enjoyable. Imagine if you had no obstacles. Who would you be? Where would you be? Many obstacles made me who I am today. I learned to be patient through life’s hurdles. This is how you ditch your perfect vision to find your calling. If you are like most people, you know you want a better life, but do not know how to get there. You want to be more financially secure but are unsure how you can establish that.

Well, that’s why learning how to deal with life’s hurdles is important. It will teach you how to find your calling. How? What problems did you solve? How did you do something in a short matter of time? As much as life can be a bummer, it can provide us with insight into things we never considered. It can show us a better way. Your calling is right there. Behind the stack of bills and solutions to your problems. You just have to reach and grab it. Sounds easy. But it should be that easy. We stick with this unrealistic expectation that our callings should be what everyone expects it to be. That isn’t the case. Your calling is often a problem you solved. Often because it is fuelled by passion. You want to help people who were in your situation.

The greatest start-ups and most successful entrepreneurs didn’t find their callings in their favorite cereal box. They found it fixing a problem or finding a solution. So, that’s what you need to do to find your calling. So ditch your perfect vision. This will help you find your calling.


Stop trying to please people


Many of us have lost our ways. We have spent far too much time trying to please people that we have forgotten our callings. I’m a culprit of this. As kids, we weren’t like this. We went with the flow. Did our own things. Listened to ourselves more than we do now. Maybe becoming an adult has prevented us from being childlike in wonder. We have taken that off the chessboards and seen it as stupid. There’s this notion that dreaming and holding onto our callings makes us childish. No, it doesn’t. It makes us brave.

Our perfect vision is now a replica of the ideal adult’s dream. The corner office. The prestige and status or even the huge paycheck. We all think that’s what success looks like. Of course, they some that don’t. Those who don’t have listened to their hearts. They have listened to their voices. Many of us, though, have gotten lost as we wander this world looking for an outlet or a chance to try out our perfect vision. We have convinced ourselves we would be happier, so we push ourselves so hard. We hope we’ll get promoted. Even though right now we’re not happy with where we are at. We aren’t happy working for our boss or doing our jobs. The passion has been stripped from us.

Stop holding onto a perfect vision that doesn’t exist. Not everyone is suited for the corporate life. Not everyone will be happy with the corner office. When you ditch this idea, you will ditch your perfect vision. Why? Because of that vision you created to make everyone around you happy. You didn’t mean to. It happened on instinct. Something you were taught. If you want to find your calling, stop thinking about what everyone would want you to do. This includes your parents, friends, or spouse. Whoever thinks that X or Y is a better choice doesn’t know you. Do what you feel you want to do. What will energize and rejuvenate you? Do that to find your calling.


Also Related: 13 Ways to Stop Being a People Pleaser


Keep going





This won’t be easy. Even if you ditch your perfect vision, they will be times you will doubt yourself. They will be times when you think and believe you are on the wrong track. You must keep going. You need to learn to be present even through the silence (when nothing seems to be happening) and despite the noise (when people tell you aren’t doing anything with your life.) Most people won’t get it. If they did well, then it will be easier. Often, people give up because of a lack of support. I know a couple of people who went through this.

They didn’t have support, so they gave up. And as hard as it is, you can’t give up. Keep moving regardless of what is going on in your world. Keep going even when the stacks are against you. It’s here that you will discover what you are made of. You had to ditch your perfect vision to find your calling. You did the right thing. Sometimes it won’t feel like that. Often you will question whether or not you have lost your mind. Your loved ones won’t understand you. They will even say that you aren’t serious about life. Don’t listen to them. Listen to your heart.

If you want to be successful in 2022 and beyond, you need to learn to listen to yourself more. Don’t listen to the negative voices in your head masquerading as your voice. That isn’t your voice. Just something to dissuade you from moving forward. Listen to the positive voice. That’s your authentic voice. The voice that will help you see how far you can go.

How will you ditch your perfect vision to find your calling? Let me known in the comments section. 





5 Tricks To Kick Your Worst Mindset Shift Challenges

5 Tricks To Kick Your Worst Mindset Shift Challenges

5 tricks to kick your worst mindset shift challenges

Here are five tricks to kick your worst mindset shift challenges and conquer your fears. 

What many of us don’t get is that it’s easy to kick your worst mindset challenges. These challenges have stopped you from growing and becoming all that you need to be. We all have two versions. The one we were and the one we become. Many of us spend years figuring out who we are. We never let go of the past and that affects us, leading to the future.

We are struggling to let go of mindset shift challenges. These mindset shift challenges make us believe we are incapable of achieving great things. Today we are going to talk about how you can kick your worst mindset challenges and why you should.

I started working on my business in 2018 and it was one of the most challenging things I have ever done. It was also one of the most rewarding. I had to shift my mindset. For years I was battling mindset shift challenges that stopped me from starting a business, changing my degree in university, writing a book and publishing it, and much more.

Our mindset has so much control over what we do in life and where we go from here. It can shape our perception. As human beings, we cling to things that we believe will make us happier. This is a phase, and it won’t last long. Eventually, the heartache isn’t too far away. That’s why you need to shift your mindset, so you see opportunities and grow from your experiences.


You’re incapable of going after your dreams


This is one mindset shift challenge I had to face. You will as well. You’re not incapable of going after dreams. Society made you believe this lie. So that you stay in a box. Why? Because it’s safer than going after what you want.

Our brain wants to protect us. Survival mode switches to the max for some people. This is so they don’t venture too far out of the lines. What happens is you never go after what you want?

A mindset shift challenge can be hard to get over. It’s difficult to kick. At first, it doesn’t seem too much of a burden. How can it be? This is why you haven’t achieved your dreams. Haven’t started a business. Every successful person has thought about this when they were starting. Every comedian was told they weren’t good enough. Every performer croaked on the stage. We all have fears and sometimes our fears can creep up.

When you are facing a mindset shift, challenge you have two choices. You either listen to it and never move past the challenge. The other choice is you choose to face it. Face your fears and challenges.

Also Related: Is a Success Mindset Key to Success?


I don’t have enough time

Time is invaluable. It is one of the most precious resources you have. There’s a quote that says, “people overestimate what they can achieve in a year, but underestimate what they can achieve in 10 years.” We all have the same number of hours in a day. The difference between us and successful people is they use their time wisely. 

This is what many successful entrepreneurs do. They batch their content. This is one trick right, you can use it to have more spare time. By working on all your content in a week for a month or two months, you have more time. More time to do all the things you want to do. You can apply this to social media. Take photos for the entire month. This will help you a lot considerably.

Another trick you can do is to use the Pomodoro technique. This is a technique many successful entrepreneurs do. What this means is you work consistently with no destructions for twenty-five-minute sessions. Then you take five-minute breaks. You can do this for two to four hours. 

What you will soon discover is that you will achieve more than you thought was possible. Especially if you know what you want to do for each of the twenty-five-minute sessions. This is how you kick one of your worst mindset shift challenges. 

I don’t have money to invest in myself

One mindset shift challenge deterring from growing is this one. Yes, you might be broke or unemployed, but there are ways to make money. When you want to make money, you need to believe that wealth is abundant. Why? Because you will see an opportunity to make money. When I was starting, I had no money, but I wanted to start a blog. I was unemployed. In the past, I would have given up. Chosen not to go forward. Excuses would fly out of the shelves.

This time, that didn’t happen. I got money from my siblings. Not much. Started my blog. I ran out of money. I didn’t give up. They had to be something I could do. So, I helped my friends with their websites. That’s how I made money. You need one thing you can work on. One person you helped. It starts first by doing. Sometimes all you need is one thing that can propel you ahead. That will help you get more people interested in what you offer.

Never be ashamed that you have to start from scratch. Everyone has had to. Every successful person started from the ground and made their way up. This is how you kick this mindset shift challenge.  


 Also Related: 7 Ways To Earn A $1000 On The Side While You Pursue your dreams 

I have made far too many mistakes

Our mistakes define who we become. It sets us apart from everyone else. It gives us the courage to move forward. This mindset shift challenge has made us feel as though we’re failures. Whatever mistakes you have made relish in them. There’s no shame in embracing your mistakes. Why? Because this is how you can learn.

Imagine the world if no one made mistakes. If no one failed. Then there would be no telephone, airplane, iPhone, or electric cars. Our greatest flaws have led to the greatest innovations. When we make mistakes, we find better solutions.

Society has made us believe that it’s wrong to make mistakes or it’s wrong to fail. But didn’t Elon Musk fail in the beginning? What about Steve Jobs? Or Alexander Graham Bell. The greatest leaders, innovators, artists, and entrepreneurs all made mistakes. They have made many mistakes.


I will give you a few examples. Maybe you made mistakes at work or home or with your kids or in your relationships. It’s alright if you dated the wrong person or if you let your anger get the best of you. As I stated, we all make mistakes. Face this mindset shift challenge and accept that this is part of the journey. Nothing wrong with that.

I have nothing to say


We all have a story. One that can change the world, our nation, region, or loved ones. You never know where your story can take you. It doesn’t have to be something as inspiring as climbing the tallest mountain in the world or overcoming an addiction. It can be as simple as learning how to solve a problem. Countless people search the internet for solutions to their problems.

This is how you start a business by identifying what problem you want to solve and solving it. You don’t need a guidebook on this. Face this mindset shift challenge by realizing you can help so many people with your story. My story is of a girl who struggled with ADHD and started a business, a YouTube channel and wrote a book. No one believed I could do that, and I still did it. I believed I had nothing to say until I realized this wasn’t true. I had so much I had to say. You do as well. Face this mindset shift challenge by identifying all the problems you have solved in your life.

Was the solution simple? Was it complicated? How did you solve the problem? Then look at all the ways you can help people. Can you teach them how to play the piano faster? Can you teach them how to solve their pet’s problems? What can you help them with? Don’t allow your mindset shift challenges to stop you from going after what you want. 


What mind shift challenges do you need to overcome. Comment below.


                                                      Keep Pushing



Brilliant Ways to Invest in Yourself and Change Your Life

Brilliant Ways to Invest in Yourself and Change Your Life


Listed below are a few ways you can invest in yourself and change your life.

We all dream of a better life. One that where we achieve all that we want. Our dreams are tied to this illusion of a better life. It feels so real we can touch it, but no matter how much we try to hold on to it the dream fades. Many of us don’t understand this is how you invest and change your life. People tell us to stop dreaming. That we have to be an adult. I have never understood why many people believe that by having dreams you aren’t mature enough. That you’re delusional for having a dream.

It’s as if by the time you reach a certain age they want you to settle. You must do A, B or C. If not you will never grow up. I mean common, dreams don’t take away from being an adult. Dreams don’t die just because you want that to happen. We all have dreams. Regret is a far worse thing to face. The reason why many people don’t achieve their dreams isn’t that they are incapable. If you were told that you aren’t good enough, it isn’t true.

Here’s the reason people don’t achieve their dreams. They don’t invest in themselves. Investing in yourself can mean a lot of things for a lot of people. When you invest in yourself you are buying into the future. When I was a kid, my father would say, “money doesn’t grow on trees.” That stuck. Nine-year-old me started becoming a debt collector of a kind. If money didn’t grow on trees I would save every penny and charge people a percentage. I had managed to save $2000 in 12 months. Because I charged $2 for every $1. Yes, I was rich for a nine-year-old, but something was missing. I hadn’t achieved anything. Let’s break down how to invest in yourself the right way. 



Change how you see yourself

We all have a perception of who we are. More than the labels people give us. We all have this defined perception of who we are based on our experiences. If you want to invest in yourself and change your life you need to change your negative perception. Many of us have a negative perception of who we are. A few years ago, I believed my ADHD was a hindrance. Something to be ashamed of. It took me some time to see it as a blessing.

We all have things we struggle with. And when you change your perception you realize that who you are has shaped your beliefs. Negative or positive. What happens if you shift that and focus on the positive? What happens if you see your past mistakes as a blessing? Sure, it was hard. Sure, you encountered roadblocks. But what’s great is realizing that doesn’t determine your future. Only you can do that. Change how you see yourself. Shift your perception into something positive. This will change your life. Here’s an example, maybe in the past you dated the wrong person. Now, you know better. You can make better decisions based on your experience. Your experiences have shaped who you have become. 


Also Related: 7 Practical Tips to Have a Positive Mindset


Do an online course


A lot of us hate spending money. We hate it with a passion. But here’s the thing, spending money on the right things will change your life. Buying a car isn’t an investment. Many view it as an expense. Unless you decide to hire it out so you can make money. However, unless you have a spare car or don’t mind using public transport this can be a little challenging. So, buying a car isn’t an investment. Not in the way you might see.

Online courses are. Why? Because they’ll teach you how to make money or become a better version of yourself. They’ll teach you skills that are necessary for your growth. This is how you invest in yourself and change your life. This is a faster way of getting to the top. Yes. Many online courses are expensive. But they are so worth it. You just have to choose the right course. Remember you got to buy into your future to invest in yourself and change your life. What do you want your future to look like? What do you imagine it will be like? Buy into future you. If you don’t do this you will never see this as a worthwhile investment. Why? Because you don’t believe it will change your life.

Journal about future you


Here’s something fun you can do. Journal about future you. This will help you invest in yourself and change your life. Why because every decision you make will be shaped by what future you do. Vanessa Lau once said, “if you want to be a six-figure earner think like a six-figure earner.” So, what is the future you doing right now? Maybe, you are spending more time with your family. What did future you do to get there? 

What is the drink of choice for future you? What are some of the things future you believe in? Future you doesn’t have to be way off into the distant future. It can be you in six or 12 months, two or three years. What matters is that you shape your future by doing certain actions now. Spend less on expenses and more on investment. Watch less television and spend more time on your dreams. Move away from toxic relationships and cultivate nurturing ones. Your actions in the present determine what your future will look like. Many of us forget that. Every action you take has a consequence. Every decision either pushes you forward or pushes you back. Every discussion you have can give you peace or wreck it. Make choices that will build the future you want. If you think like this it will be easier for you to adapt.


Also Related: The Art of Journaling


Start a side hustle


I am a massive advocate of side-hustles. Why? Because they changed my life. Remember invest in yourself and change your life. This is what investment looks like. Working on building your life up and by doing that, you will shape your future. The great thing about side-hustles is you make money and you learn how to. You push yourself out of your comfort zone. This can help you become a better version of yourself.

I learned so much from starting a blog. I learned skills I never thought were necessary. It equipped me with the knowledge I never thought I needed. It made me braver, stronger, and wiser. When you shape the future you everything changes. You start thinking about how to generate money. Do you want to have more money? If that’s the case you need a side-hustle. Saving money won’t make you rich. Work on your dreams now and not later. There are numerous side-hustles you can start. You can start with a blog, podcast, or YouTube channel. It doesn’t matter what you start with. What matters is that you start. That’s all that matters. This is how you can invest in yourself and change your life by starting. Just start.


Also Related: Beginner’s Guide to Starting a Side-Hustle in 2021


Love yourself



How is this an investment? Well, because if you don’t love yourself then you will be hard on yourself. If you don’t love yourself you will give up. If you don’t love yourself then you won’t build the future you. When I was younger, my sister once asked me if I loved myself. It sounded so weird. Then it hit me. Being a couch potato wasn’t loving myself.

Eating unhealthy wasn’t that either. Putting people’s needs above myself wasn’t loving myself. I believe immensely in love your neighbor as you love yourself. My actions focus on that. Every decision I make I have that in the back of my mind. When you love yourself you work on becoming a better version of yourself. Why because you deserve that. You deserve to have a future where you make an impact. You deserve a future you can be proud of. This is how you invest in yourself and change your life. It always starts simple. It always starts with yourself. You want to grow. Love yourself. This means to love your flaws, mistakes, and failures. Look past the obstacles you faced and appreciate them. 


How will you invest in yourself and change your life? Comment below.


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