7 Step Action Plan For Instant Motivation
7 step action plan for instant motivation
Motivation is a skill set most of us want, but few of us seem to crack. Athletes have boundless motivation and energy. When it comes to us it is hard to even get up when the alarm rings the first time. In this blog post, we look through the 7 action steps for instant motivation. That might seem unbelievable, but when it comes to instant motivation it all boils down to an action plan.
We all need action plans for us to keep the pace going. Action plans help us with routines, business plans, setting new habits and the list goes on. An action plan can save you so much time as long as you are willing to put in the time to make it work.
You have to set an action plan that will work for you. One that helps you go in the right direction. And as the question goes how do you know you are going in the right direction? The answer to this is not simple, but it also isn’t complicated. What it takes are work and reflection. You need to understand what you want and why. The action plan here can be used for almost anything because it is a step-by-step process to help you get results. If you want instant motivation, this action plan will help you get it.
If you want to start a business, you can use this as well to get your feet wet. This action plan is based solely on the reasoning that you are willing to go the extra mile to get results. Before, we go forward it is incredibly important for you to be willing to go the extra mile. If you don’t do that you won’t be able to achieve what you want. You won’t be able to go forward. Because becoming successful is more than seeking motivation, it’s about going the extra mile.
Know your what?
Steve Oshler famously coined this term. It is similar to Simon Sinek’s “Know Your Why.” You have to know why you are doing something. There has to be a reasoning for why you are taking action. Otherwise, everything will fall flat. It is like a person who wants to start exercising. Day one you are excited then comes day twenty and you lose the motivation.
Step one in the action plan for instant motivation is your reasoning. This is a quick trick I learned. It might seem too simple, but coming up with the answer will be tricky. There are a lot of reasons why we do things. So coming up with the one that rings true to what you want to achieve won’t be easy. Take, for example, you want to write a book. Here are a few reasons why people write books; make money, build an email list, become an authority figure, use it as a calling card, build a business or use it as a stepping stone to a course.
The problem comes in choosing one reason. If you have more than one it is so easy to lose focus. So, it is incredibly important to only have one reason for doing something. That way you won’t struggle coming up with the reasons for why you are doing it. You can build up on your reasons the further you go along.
Visualize and reflect
Step two in the action plan for instant motivation is visualization and reflection. It is here that you visualize and reflect on what you want to achieve. What is the one thing you are working on that you need instant motivation for? Once you have the answer to this you visualize the outcomes of your result. What will your life be like once you publish that book? How much money do you want to make from it?
What will you do with the money? The reflection comes in how well you feel after you achieved it. Will you be excited about the future ahead. Reflection also comes in when processing what you’re afraid of when you achieve it. Many of us are terrified of the unknown and this makes us lose motivation. We are terrified that we might fail or become successful. As strange as that may sound, many of us are fearful of success. Another reason why we might lose motivation is that we are afraid of the opinions of others. You need to reflect on the reasons why you are afraid to go forward.
Remember fear are fake events appearing real. So maybe you won’t be as successful as you thought you’d be. But isn’t that how you will learn. Every successful person has failed at something. Visualize becoming successful and you will realize that we have more power than we think we have. We are responsible for what happens. You decide whether fear will keep you back or it won’t. This step is critical in your action plan for instant motivation.
Plan ahead
You can lose time you don’t have by trying to figure out what you need to do. Step three in your action plan for instant motivation is planning. You must have an idea of what you want to achieve throughout the day. It is incredibly important that you know what you want to achieve. For example, the night before write down the five things you need to do for the day.
That way you know what you must do when the day starts. This will stop you from losing momentum because you understand what you need to do and when it needs to be done. The reason why most people lose motivation is that they have no idea what to work on. They lose energy by focusing on the wrong things. Plan ahead so you don’t lose sight of what you need to achieve. This step isn’t as hard as the others and you should put your time trying to figure out what you should and when you should do it.
You can start by Eating The Frog. This means start with your most taxing activity. This is the one thing you need to do in the morning because it requires a lot of attention. For example, I start my day writing, this helps me to get my thoughts out as soon as I can. I also start writing my blog posts early in the morning. Your routine can look differently, but look at your tasks and figure out which one requires the most attention. This is one of the best things you can do for instant motivation.
Set a routine
A routine will set you up for success. The reason for this is because it will help you focus on your goals. It is also one of the most important steps for instant motivation. A routine is incredibly important because it will push you to do things even if you don’t want to. For example, these are the things you do instinctively.
You set a routine for those things so they come naturally. A lot of successful writers have writing routines. These routines comprise of when they write, where they write, and for how long they do it. The more they do this the more proficient they become. It becomes part of who they are. Look at your habits. What kind of routine do you need to set-up for you to achieve what you want?
Your routine should focus on the time you go to bed, how you start your day, how long will you work on your tasks, and when you will have your breaks. Once you do that it will become natural. A lot of successful people use this to help them stay focused and build routines that help them become successful.
Start the day right
The next step in your action plan for instant motivation is to start your day right. When it comes to getting motivated, you need to be able to start the day as soon as possible. What this looks like is waking up early. The longer you sleep, the harder it will be. That is why you need to wake up before 6 am.
This is usually when successful people walk up. Your brain will also be more alert and since they will be less distraction you are more likely to be active. You can also do more since there’s no pressure. Most people wake up at 6 am and therefore there’s a lot of distraction. Starting the day right starts off with waking up at the right time. Another thing to note in starting your day right is to have a moment of inspiration. This can look different depending on who you are. For some, it means listening or watching something motivational. For others, it’s affirmations or even meditation.
You start the day right for instant motivation. When you don’t start the day right, you will find yourself dragging yourself through the day. Keep this in mind when you are doing the earlier steps. Even write this in your routine so that you schedule the time for you to wake up early.
Also Related: How to Win The Day With Your Morning Routine
Get moving
One of the best ways for instant motivation is exercise or even dancing. It has been scientifically proven that dancing in the morning will fire up your synapses, but it will also dose you will a lot of dopamine. This is the hormone responsible for happiness. The happier you are, the more motivated you will be. So, if you want to be motivated to do things that require a lot of effort, exercise.
Moving your body will also fight off sleep. Maybe, you aren’t a morning person. You don’t have to be to do this step. The first thing you should do is to pick a song that will get you going. Something that will push you past any negative voice. Our voices can get us into trouble and that is why it is important to pick one of your favorite songs. The song that makes you happy regardless of what time or where you hear it. Once you do that, go crazy. Whether you choose to exercise or dance, they both do the same. Your body will react in the same way and you will find yourself motivated to work on tasks you have been postponing.
There’s a reason why a lot of successful people exercise early in the morning. This is also a great way to be energized. Sometimes, the best way to get a boost of energy is right in front of you.
Eat the right food
Eat food that will give you instant motivation. This is the last step in your action plan. Most of us eat food that will tire us down, this looks different depending on who you are. But if you can avoid carbs in the morning then you should. It has been proven that carbs early in the morning make it hard to concentrate. If you can’t opt-out of having bread then have a protein-rich breakfast.
Protein-rich breakfast usually comprises eggs, meat, seeds, and avocado. Another breakfast recipe that is known to help get you the results you need is oats, fruit, and muesli. Smoothies are also beneficial especially if you add the right ingredients for instant motivation and energy. These usually are chia seeds, butternut, bananas, and avocado. There are dozens of smoothie recipes out there and if you add this to your breakfast plan you will be shocked at the results you will get.
Also Related: 9 Brain Foods That Will Improve Focus and Concentration
What is your main take away from the blog post and what will you do to help you become more motivated? Comment below.
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