An Open Letter Aspiring Entrepreneurs? Never Give Up

An Open Letter Aspiring Entrepreneurs? Never Give Up

An open letter to aspiring entrepreneurs: never give up  

This is an open letter to aspiring entrepreneurs that will surely motivate you.

When I was younger, I didn’t want to be an entrepreneur. I saw it as a fruitless and thankless profession. To me, it seemed boring. That was before my eyes were open to what entrepreneurship is really about. So, this is an open letter to aspiring entrepreneurs. I wish when I was starting out I found something like this. A blog post that would give me the much needed reality check I needed. That’s why I’m here. To give you a reality check. One that will help you understand a few things.

This is what you should know. Since this is an open letter to aspiring entrepreneurs, I want to be honest. Entrepreneurship isn’t for everyone. When I started I was like everyone should to do this. No. Not everyone should be an entrepreneur. They are a lot of reasons. First is that it isn’t the easiest thing to do. Many days, you will be broke before you make money. They will be a time when you want to chop your hair off or throw your computer at the wall. See. That’s how frustrating it can be. How nerve wrecking it is? This open letter to aspiring entrepreneurs: I need you to see the bad before I encourage you. Because for those who stick around and truly want to be an entrepreneur, I want to help you not to give up.

Another bad thing about entrepreneurship is the early mornings. If you like sleeping in bed, then yeah, entrepreneurship isn’t for you. Now, some people are natural morning or evening people. They wake up early or sleep until late. You are an owl or a lark. As they say. Entrepreneurship takes it one step ahead. I am a lark. So I sleep early around 8 pm and wake up earlier, around 3:30 am. Now, imagine doing this daily. Whether you want to. Maybe you can do this here and there. I have to push myself to wake up even when I don’t want to.

These are a few tidbits I have. They are more. But now for those who want to stick with it. This open letter to aspiring entrepreneurs will help you to never give. Because that’s what we need, the motivation to keep pushing and not throw in the towel. Entrepreneurship is a lonely road. One full of potholes and obstacles, but it’s worth it.



The journey is worth it


The journey is never ending. There’s always gonna be growth, improvement, adversity; you just gotta take it all in and do what’s right, continue to grow, continue to live in the moment  – Antonio Brown

Way back in 2018, I started a blog. That was the start of something wondrous. It’s been said that life comprises moments. Moments that teach us so much about ourselves. That is what entrepreneurship is. This is an open letter to aspiring entrepreneurs who have felt that they are missing a mark. I need you to realize that the journey doesn’t stop. It’s never ending. You will always have growth and improvement. I had to go through massive adversity to come to where I was. It wasn’t easy. Not by far. But I have learned so much about myself because of that.

I chose not to give up, and I was rewarded with improvement. Often we are stuck on the financial rewards and don’t realize that they are other rewards as well. I will not tell you the journey was easy. If I did that, would the journey be worth it? I always say that if you could wish to be anything, would it be worth it? Often, the answer to that is no. It would cease to be worth it. 

Why? Because you didn’t earn it, so you don’t deserve it. Nothing worthwhile comes easy. That’s just a fact of life. Something that often we forget to acknowledge. This open letter to aspiring entrepreneurs will make you realize the journey will lead you to destinations you never imagined. 

 Also Related: The Incredible Truth About Emotional Intelligence and Entrepreneurship


Your Why and How?


We all have dreams. Things that we imagine. I have had many dreams as a child. One point I wanted to be an actress than a psychologist and the list goes on. I never stuck with one thing until I found entrepreneurship. It was because entrepreneurship was bigger than I could imagine. This is an open letter to aspiring entrepreneurs, who are also dreamers. We are the future. Entrepreneurship, that is. It’s the future of the world. Why? Because entrepreneurs have grand dreams. They want to make the world a better place. To inspire and encourage.

So, it all comes to your why. If your why and how aren’t strong enough. Let me elaborate. You need a bold why. One that showcases why you are doing this. Why do you want to make the world a better place? Why do you want to be an entrepreneur? For me, I wanted to inspire millennials who don’t fit into the typical profession bracket that there was another way. I also wanted to encourage those who hated the 9-5 that they can in fact start a business and make money. My how was through stories on my blog and using media to encourage, inspire and inform. Your why will differ from mine and that’s a great thing.

Your why should be personal to you. That way, it will have room to grow and improve. Your why should also have a target audience. That helps you to narrow it down. We all know the saying that if you try to help everyone than you help no one. The same applies here. You got to have a target audience. You want to dedicate your why to.

 Also Related: Do You Know Your Why?

Freedom of choice and time


As hard as entrepreneurship gets, the one thing that keeps pushing me is the freedom that it offers. I can do anything I want. If I decided I wanted to learn to pilot a plane, I could learn how to do that. I dedicate this open letter to aspiring entrepreneurs who want more choice. Here it is. The opportunity to have more freedom.

That there is a gift because most people don’t have freedom. They certainly don’t have options. Entrepreneurship is one of the few careers out there that offers freedom with time and choice. If I wanted to take a three-week break thrice a year, I could. Whereas with a job, unless I worked there for years, I couldn’t and you would always have to seek permission from someone else.

I’ve always been the person who hated that. Seeking permission to take a break. I also hated constraints, so I know entrepreneurship is the right fit for me. It gels well with my personality. I like the freedom. I also want to become financially free and entrepreneurship is the only career that can provide that. When entrepreneurship becomes harder, thinking about the destination helps to push me. Sometimes the destination can seem lofty, so I stick with things that I know would help to get me out of bed. 

We all want freedom. Not all of us will get it. So, to all the aspiring entrepreneurs who feel trapped, entrepreneurship will give you time and choice. That’s not a bad thing. Even before you hit your destination, you can still have freedom of choice. Not time, but choice. The choice to make your decisions. To listen to your gut without being reprimanded if you get it wrong. That’s what I look forward to. Entrepreneurship has opened a world of wonders that used to be closed. It has given me insight that I never knew I needed.

As I’m ending this open letter to aspiring entrepreneurs, I know it will be hard. Entrepreneurship isn’t easy, but it is worthwhile. So whenever you want to give up, just remember why you started this. That should help motivate you.  


What is your main takeaway.  Comment below.


                                                      Keep Pushing




Should I Start A Blog In 2020? Is Blogging dead?

Should I Start A Blog In 2020? Is Blogging dead?





Blogging isn’t dead, find out how you can start a blog the right way in 2020. 

Blogging isn’t dead in 2020. It has just changed. The other day I thought about this and I thought I would write a blog post. Nowadays, it seems as if blogging is dead with the rise of YouTube. YouTube has taken over as the number one platform, and it has increasingly turned people into entrepreneurs and millionaires. Ever since the 2000’s, blogging is the number one medium to put yourself out there and since then they have been 600 million blogs.

Let that sink in for a minute. There are 600 million blogs. How is it possible that blogging isn’t dead? How is possible that anyone can make money from blogging? These are significant questions, but blogging isn’t how it was in the 2000’s. Over the last few years, it has developed. Dramatically.



Blogs still make money


It seems impossible that they are blogs that still make money. After all, with the increase in popularity with podcasts, YouTube, and Social media. It seems as if the era for money making blogs has passed us. This isn’t true. It is just that blogging has transformed in the last couple of years. Niches have either become broad or narrow. Video blogs have also become popular. But blogs still make a lot of money. The successful blogs listed below are examples of why blogging isn’t dead. All it takes are a few examples for inspiration to understand you have what it takes to have a successful blog. 

 Here are a few examples

1.  Kate Kordsmeier

Kate’s first blog was so successful, that she decided she wanted to start another blog on how to start making money blogging. Her first blog was a wellness blog called Root + Revel. Her second blog, Kate Kordsmeier brought in a whooping $117, 497 in January 2020. 

2. The Gentleman Racer

This is a popular blog in the automotive blogging niche. Michael Satterfield doesn’t show what his monthly income is. However, this blog is also a magazine that covers topics such as automotive, men’s apparel and travel. The blog’s popularity has allowed Michael to write for several publications and co-found different apparel companies. The Gentleman Racer has shaped the automotive blogging niche and has proven what is possible with blogging.

3. Simple Programmer

The best ideas come from people trying to solve problems. Simple Programmer started like that. John Sonmez noticed that people were offering complicated programming courses and wanted to change that. As a programmer, he was frustrated that other programmers were making the topics too complicated. He makes $400k per year. The overhead cost is relatively small. It took him 4 years for him to become a full-time blogger and he quit his job. He spent that time building the business up. 

4. Practical Wanderlust

Despite the travel niche’s reputation for being saturated, Lia and Jeremy Garcia managed to make money in one year and a half of blogging. They make between $250k and half a million per year. Lia and Jeremy had been traveling for sometime, they had saved money. When they moved back to the pricey Bay Area, they were ready to get back to their old life. Jeremy went back to being a high school teacher, but Lia was dragging her feet. She didn’t want to go back to her corporate job. Lia decided to change her job, she interviewed for an incredible company. They flew her out for the interview, but when they ghosted her, she saw it as a sign. It was then that she decided to go into blogging full-time. That it was when Practical Wanderlust was born.

5. French Together

Benjamin Houy started this blog after he was a teacher in Korea for seven months. It wasn’t his passion, but he saw it is as the logical next step and thus began the journey. Benjamin has always been passionate about languages. He has always loved the idea of language connecting people. He has learned several languages including German, Portuguese, Korean and Spanish. In 2019, he earned six figures from his blog. French Together is one of the most popular French learning blogs out there.

Blogging isn’t dead, it just is evolving


Blogging has been around since the 90s. It became popular in 2003 when WordPress was released. Mathew Charles Mullenweg wanted to create a way people could share their thoughts and thus, an idea was born. In the last few years, it has drastically changed. When it first started, it was words on a screen and that was enough. There were no videos or photos, just words. Over the years it changed. 

It isn’t enough for a blog to just have words. It has to be engaging. People need to be interested in reading more when they open a blog. A blog has to be more than a blog. A blog is now a small part of a business. When you look at some of the most successful blogs, they have YouTube Channels or podcasts.

Here’s a look at some things successful blogs do.


Produce multimedia content


Blogging isn’t dead, it has developed. One way it has done this is through multimedia content. Nowadays, it isn’t enough to have a blog and not have different multimedia content. This is one way new blogs can differentiate themselves by showing different aspects of their brand. 

Pat Flynn of Smart Passive Income is an outstanding example, He has a Blog, Podcast, and YouTube channel. Each of these covers similar content, but the approach is different. In his blogs, he goes into more detail, on his Podcast he’s more direct, and on his YouTube channel, he shows his skills and gives people tutorials. Therefore, Pat Flynn has become a millionaire with his business.

The more variety of content there’s on your blog, the more people will stick around. 


 Also Related: Should you start a YouTube channel?


Build a email list


This is a crucial part of your business. The earlier you start, the better. Building an email list will help you remain connected with your audience, and that is important. Your audience needs to trust you, and the best way to do this is through an email list. This is how they will like, know, and trust you. To make money from blogging your audience needs to like who you are, know who you are, and trust you. Just like you wouldn’t buy a car from a sleazy salesman, the concept is the same here.

Often, we forget that. We don’t want to be the sleazy car salesman or the annoying door-to-door salesman. If we don’t like those kinds of people, our audience feels the same way. That’s why it’s important to build an email list because if someone is comfortable enough giving you their email address then they will open your emails. Not all the time, but this direct approach can help you in the long run. They will get an in-depth look at who you are as a person and why what you say matters.



Related: How to Build an email list on your blog?


Create and Sell products


There are a lot of ways bloggers earn money from sponsorship to commission from affiliate marketing. However, they earn most of their money from selling their products. You need to create products and sell them. You can create Ebooks, courses, templates, coaching programs, or sell services. However, the key to making more money without spending too much time is courses. 

That is how gurus like Lewis Howes, Marie Forleo, and Pat Flynn make their money. By creating and selling your products, you turn your blog into an online store. Remember, blogging isn’t dead and this a demonstration of how it isn’t. Bloggers create their products and sell them to make their blog profitable. 


Start your blog the right way


Blogging doesn’t cost a lot of money nowadays. You can start using a free platform, but unfortunately, it will be difficult to make money from it. You don’t need lots of money. Blogging is one of the most affordable ways to start a business. That is why blogging isn’t dead. Over the years, it has become more affordable to start a blog. You need to use and Bluehost so you start a blog the right way.

One way to make sure you stand out is by making your blog look different from your competitors. You need to figure out what your brand story will become. For example, Smart Passive Income is all about making smart decisions when making money online. Lewis Howes’s blog is all about success strategies that work. Marie Forleo is about approach-ability. Melyssa Griffin is youthful and fun. The colors you choose, your logo, your blog design, and your voice will show your customers who you are.


Driving traffic


The reason many people believe blogging is dead is that they discontinue blogs in the first year. Many people give up in the second year. Blogging like anything takes time, and it requires traffic. YouTube is a search engine, so it’s easier for your content to be found as long as you take the necessary steps to ensure it does. But what about blogs? The same applies, but you have to do two things to make sure they find your blog. 

Some strategies still work, others don’t work. As a first time blogger, guest blogging might be tricky because a lot of those blogs are particular. The best strategies that work are Facebook groups, SEO, Pinterest, and giveaways. Giveaways are one of the quickest and easiest ways to grow your blog. They are also fun to do if you know what you are doing. The best giveaway plugin is RafflePress. They also offer a free plugin if you don’t have money.


Related: How to run a blog giveaway?


Monetizing blog


The purpose of doing a blog is for you to make extra income on the side. Therefore, you need to monetize the blog. Another reason people believe blogging is dead is that they aren’t making money from it. The old ways of making money from blogging don’t make sense anymore. Years ago, Ad-sense was how people made money. This doesn’t even work for YouTube, and people assume it does. You would have to have lots of subscribers. Even then it doesn’t bring in a significant amount of money. I still want to prove to you that blogging isn’t dead and here are a few ways you can make money from your blog.


Affiliate Marketing


Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular ways to make money on a blog. It is when you promote another person’s product and when someone purchases the product using your link; you get a commission. This is an extremely beginner-friendly technique as you don’t have to create a product to sell. There are a lot of affiliate marketing sites you can join. ShareASale, Amazon Associates, and Commission Junkie. Another thing you could do is check if the people you follow have affiliate programs. Often, they will have an affiliate program you can join. 


Sell digital products


Every successful blogger makes money from creating and selling digital products. This is another reason blogging isn’t dead. It takes more work and time than the method listed above. But it isn’t as hard as it may seem. You can use a free tool like Canva to create workbooks, journals, planners, and Ebooks. After you create the product you save it as a PDF. You have two options to use Easy Digital Downloads or Cartflows. Both are free. You can use them to sell your product. But if you want to make more money, than creating courses is your next move. The significant thing about courses is you create them once and you keep selling them until you decide to shelf the product.

If you don’t want to sell individual products, you can use membership plugins such as MemberPress or Membermouse. A membership site is where users pay a monthly fee to access the content. Think subscription sites such as Netflix. The same thing applies here. I would recommend starting small because membership sites require a steep learning curve if you are an absolute beginner. 

As you can see blogging is far from being dead. These are the ways you start a profitable blog in 2020. If you start a blog the right way and you keep pushing yourself, you can make a considerable amount of money from your efforts and change people’s lives.


Want to start a side-hustle: How to start a side-hustle at home?


What is your main takeaway? Let me known in the comments section. 


                                                                     KEEP  PUSHING



7 Blogging Myths That Need to be Debunked

7 Blogging Myths That Need to be Debunked


7 blogging myths that need to be debunked

There are a lot of blogging myths out there, but these are the seven most common ones.

When I first started blogging, I read every article I could on blogging. I came across a lot of blogging myths. To say, I was obsessed doesn’t tell the whole story, but it is fine for now.

I wanted to cover all my areas so that I was prepared. Have you ever gone to a race without practicing? Of course not, the same was for me. It was going

to be a marathon. I knew that, but I wanted to know what kind of marathon it would be.


Boy, the articles didn’t give me much time and resources to prepare me. Blogging is something else. Over the years, it has evolved as a new medium. Not only changing with time but presenting it as a way for people to make money. Over the past ten years, blogging has made average people into millionaires.


Changed people who were struggling into financial gurus and yes, it has been ten years since popular became popular. It all started becoming the new normal in 2010 and now with a few days left into 2020, I just want to debunk a couple of blogging myths.


As you go through this list I want you to know this isn’t to discourage you or tell you that you shouldn’t do blogging. Blogging is great for many reasons. One of the reasons is it will give you a taste of freedom. Nowadays, YouTube is on the rise and so is Instagram, but sometimes all you need to do is start small and blogging can help you with that.




Myth #1 – It is easy to make money from blogging





I started making money from blogging in my fourth month into it and it was only $45. Sure, that $45 gave me a sense of hope that I could make money from

blogging. However, for most people they only make money from blogging after one to two to even three years. So, it all depends on a lot of factors. For example, it depends on your brand and the services you provide to clients.


I won’t say it is the easiest way to make money, but if I were to compare it to YouTube, I’d say that the learning curve is easier. With YouTube, there’s a learning curve. You need to know not only about SEO, traffic and lead magnets, but how to edit videos and take good videos. At least with blogging, there’s not a lot of things you need to learn in the beginning.


Another thing with blogging is you need to learn about marketing and funnels. In case, you have no idea what funnels are, you are not the only one. When I first started, I had to read whatever I could about funnels and even now it gives me anxiety thinking about it. Not as much as it used to. A funnel is a path that you need to take people down from your lead magnet to your paid offers.

Every business has a funnel from iTunes to McDonald’s to even Netflix. It depends on how big or small the business is. If all this is giving you a migraine, I understand. Blogging isn’t easy, but it definitely is worth it. 



Myth #2 – You need to post every day



If you know more about blogging than you have heard the myth that you need to post every day. Unless you are doing a publication then yes, you need to

post every day. A run of the mill blog doesn’t need 30 posts per month to make it a blog. Not only is that difficult to do, but you will also run out of steam on day ten.

Publications are different because they tend to have dozens or more guest bloggers who want to put their name out there. They don’t mind doing that. Publications these days can look like blogs because in many ways they are. The difference is they are run differently and all have a different goal. Normal blogs are created to share usually one person’s perspective in the hope that will stir interest or discussion. Publications are created to share multiple perspectives about a specific topic. 



Here are a few examples of publications that are also like blogs; Foundr, Addicted 2 Success, and Success Magazine. This blogging myth needs to be debunked because this prevents bloggers from becoming successful and giving up too quickly.  


Myth #3 – You should know everything





This myth isn’t just a blogging one. Most people who are venturing out on their own have this belief that you need to know everything and can’t make mistakes.

The problem is that you are making it harder for you. Every successful person when they were first started out made a lot of mistakes despite what they thought they knew.

The first year is usually the hardest because you are trying to attract people to your website. It is easy to pay for products you don’t need only to realize you spent money on it and haven’t received anything back. This is the learning process. I am now into my second year of blogging and I can tell you that I made so many mistakes along the way.

I gave up too easily, I wasn’t consistent enough and made products no one wanted. Regardless of the pain, I wouldn’t go back because I learned more from making mistakes than I would have if I hadn’t made any.

If you want to be successful then you need to be alright with making mistakes. People who make mistakes are far more relatable than those who are perfect. So be okay with making a few mistakes along the way. You will be better for it. This blogging myth needs to be debunked so that people can realize that mistakes are what make us human. 




Also Related: 12 Blogging Mistakes to Avoid



Myth #4 – You need to a lot of traffic to make money



I thought this as well, but then I had made money without even having any subscribers so this depends on a lot of factors. It isn’t luck. There’s no such thing as luck when it comes to business. We all enter into starting our own business for a reason. I did it because I wanted to define my own path, I wanted to be my own boss and that was the pull I need to go for it.

Some people choose to do it for other reasons. Financial freedom or wanting to spread a message. Whatever it is, that reason can help you attract the right clients.

Sometimes, all you need to do is look for clients within your group. I am not talking about offering a product and not delivering it. Your blog is real estate and you can use that to attract clients on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter.

When you have a blog you will be seen as a guru, even if you don’t feel like you are one, this gives you the ability to show people what you have to offer. You don’t need any traffic to do that. All you need is an idea of what you want to present and you go for it. Most believe this blogging myth, but my hope is that you realize that if I can do it then you can as well.


Also related: How to Start a Blog With Bluehost in 10 Minutes



Myth #5 – Blogging is a competition





Blogging isn’t a competition. Successful people in any industry don’t see things the way everyone else does. To them it is all about a community, helping each other out rather than undermining each other. This is so important that you understand because often we can forget how important it is to have a community to support you.

This blogging myth has been around the block for some time. Not sure how it came about, because we all know that successful people don’t puff their chests out and try competing with other people who are successful. In fact, often, they promote each other. Here’s the thing with success, when you are willing to step out of your comfort zone and realize that you aren’t on an island, you’d be shocked at how genuine most bloggers are. 

I interviewed a few bloggers who helped me understand what it takes to be a successful blogger. I learned a lot along the way, but it gave me a deeper understanding about blogging and how it can change your life when you allow it to.


Myth #6 – Blogging is expensive




Don’t know who you have been talking to, but that is so untrue. In fact, blogging is cheaper to start than most side-hustles. Unless you want to be an Instagram influencer, but even still unless you have great editing skills or good at taking photos you need to spend money.



Here’s a breakdown; 


Instagram – camera, photo editing app, photographer (can spend anything from $100 to $250)

YouTube – camera, camera apps, tripod, microphone, videographer, web camera, video editor (it depends on what you want to spend on it, but can be anything from

$100 to $500)

Blogging  – $10 per month to less than $100 a year (depends on the hosting company)


When I first started, I paid $10 for the month. That was it. Some companies can be $12 for the year when you are first starting out and then go up. All you need with blogging is a domain name, hosting and a theme. Most times, you can find a great free theme and most hosting companies give you a domain name for free. That is why blogging is so great, you don’t need a lot to start and you can learn so much about business when you do a blog.



Myth #7 – You need to be on all social media accounts




Many people when they first start out blogging, believe this myth because it is easy to believe it. After all, most established businesses are on all social media

platforms. What we don’t realize is that they are established so it makes sense for them to be on everything. After all, why would they stab themselves in the

foot by only being on one platform?

However, when you are first starting out, you will need to know a lot of things such as email marketing, networking, SEO and marketing tactics. You will be stabbing yourself in the foot by trying to be on everything all at once. Sometimes, we need to pace ourselves when first starting out. Rushing isn’t getting there and sure, it would be great having millions of fans, but if you are starting from scratch then you are wearing yourself thin.

This blogging myth needs to be nipped in the bud. Take your time. If you are more of a Facebook person then do that. If you prefer Instagram do that or if you love Pinterest then you can figure out how to use the darn thing. But just take your time to learn. The first and second year is all about figuring things out, you also need to be okay with doing that. 



What blogging myths have you heard about? And is that what is preventing you from starting a blog? Comment below.



Keep Pushing



How To OverCome The Fear of Blogging

How To OverCome The Fear of Blogging


how to overcome the fear of blogging

Starting anything new can be terrifying, but conquering your fear or at least overcoming it is a key to success. 

In order for you to overcome the fear of blogging you need to take action. Don’t let anxiety stopping you from starting a blog. Follow your passion, build an empire and conquer your fears. I will show you the exact steps on how to overcome the fear of blogging. The steps I laid out work out, but here is an another awesome article on how to overcome the fear of blogging like a pro. 

Do you relate to any of these fears when starting a blog

  • Failing and starting from scratch
  • Choosing the wrong blog name and not getting any traction
  • Getting into the wrong niche
  • Embarrassment from failing
  • Feeling as if you are not good enough
  • People thinking less of you because you are a full-time blogger or starting a new business
  • Putting yourself out there, stepping out of your comfort zone and feeling as if you’re kidding ourselves (I know this one is usually at the top of the list)

Here are my personal fears that I struggled with

  • My family and friends thinking I won’t succeed
  • Not succeeding
  • My disability getting the best of me
  • Failing for the third time again in less than 3 years
  • Not making money
  • Feeling like a failure

I know these are a lot of fears all combined into one terrifying package. Why even try when there are a lot of reasons you can fail? So, what’s the point of all this. Real talk, fear can stop you from pushing forward if you allow it too. So, I will show you the ways to overcome failure so that you can find a why and build on your dreams.



Overcome Fear of Failing


Stop trying to eliminate fear, because you can’t



Wait what! You can’t eliminate fear, it’s a part of being human. Even successful people are afraid of something. Being fearless doesn’t mean an absence of fear, it is being courageous inspite of your fear. Keep that in your mind and let it soak in.

If you want to achieve something then you have to go after it, despite all the fears in your life.

You cannot eliminate fear, it gives you purpose and pushes you past the obstacles

Get comfortable, fear is a good thing. I know, how can something that makes you doubt yourself be a good thing. Because it becomes part of your story.

Listen…in life there will be problems in your life and you will be terrified of stepping out of your comfort zone. If you want to overcome the fear of blogging, you need to step out of your comfort zone. This is a must


Don’t eliminate fear, because it is the one tool that you can use for success



Your Mistakes and Failures are a Frame for Life Lessons


We have a frame for life lessons. It’s the one thing that will keep you pushing you. My first and second blog bombed so badly that I thought about quitting blogging. It was excruciating, but I realized that I could do better. I went back to the mistakes I made and realized where I went wrong.

 It was then that I realized my mistakes were now a frame for me to do better. And that’s what I did, I did the opposite of what I did before. We all make mistakes and it is what you do from the lessons you learn that makes you different from everyone else.

 Use your life lessons to build your house on a rock instead of sand. Have a foundation for your life, because without it everything becomes harder to cope. A smart person learns from mistakes, but an intelligent person learns from other people’s mistakes. Learn how to not let your mistakes define you



Write out what will happen as a result of failing


Writing it down will help you overcome your failure. Because you might fail, it’s possible it won’t be as successful as you hope it will be. There are no guarantees in life, that’s a simple fact. We have this notion that if we play by all the rules then life will be the way we want it to be.


I used to play by the rules and I still lost the game.


It was then that I realized I had to play a different game and write down what would happen if I failed. Fear is simply fake events appearing real. Because even though there’s a chance you can fail, there’s also a likelihood that you won’t. Understanding why you are afraid to do something will help you overcome your fear of blogging. For example, I am terrified of spiders, but when I understood my fear. It started to look silly. That is the same thing when it comes to blogging. 


Here are a few fears you can write down.


  • Losing hope and thinking that success isn’t for you
  • Depression
  • Telling everyone that you failed and feeling like you disappointed your loved ones
  • Having to regroup and maybe quit following the online game
  • Going back to work with your head down and begging your boss for your old job back (don’t quit your job before you get traction from your blog)
  • Losing money that you didn’t have all so you can follow your dreams


There are a lot of fears that you can have, write them all down and realize that your fears are not a reflection of who you are. They might not even happen, but you have to believe that.


When you write down your fears they sound silly. Because the reality is that fears are meant to scare you into not breaking the rules. Be a rule breaker.


Even if the worst case scenario happens, you will be fine. I have gone through it and I had wounds from it. But I did survive, your life will have detours, but that isn’t meant to stop you, but give you more ammunition.


Quotes to help you pull yourself help


Care about people’s approval, and you will always be their prisoner


– Lao Tz


Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly.
– Albert Einstein


Life is too short to waste any amount of time on wondering what other people think about you. In the first place, if they had better things going on in their lives, they wouldn’t have the time to sit around and talk about you. What’s important to me is not others’ opinions of me, but what’s important to me is my opinion of myself.— C. JoyBell C.


Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” — Steve Jobs


Never dull your shine for somebody else


― Tyra Banks


These quotes will show you that letting your fears disturb you will keep you always in the back. So, don’t let that stop you from starting a blog. 


Why even start a blog


Now, that we’re at the end of this post, I will give you an insight why you should even start a blog. There has to be an easier way to make money online, start a brand or create an impact right. You have to start to believe that you can overcome your fear of blogging because in the end only you can make the choice. 




First of all, starting a blog isn’t as complicated as people make it out to be. The first step is to just start. Make mistakes, roll in the dirt and get into the trenches, but just do it. Throw out your fears, literally ignore them and do it.


Sure, you might wake up in panic mode the next day and want to hurl pillows at the walls. Less effective than breaking glasses or anything that’s breakable, but also less work. Even if you want to do that, know that taking that first step is progress.


Here are a few reasons;


  • Want to eventually quit 9-5
  • Make money online
  • Easy to setup
  • Create an impact or legacy
  • Want to break the rules


Blogging is a joy because I know that it’s more than a hobby, it’s an income stream that will help create an impact and help people find their purpose and why.  Search within yourself and you will find the answers sooner than you can imagine.


Also Related: How To Start A Blog in 10 Minutes With Bluehost?


What are some of the fears that is preventing you from starting a blog. Comment below

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