How To Be A Goal Digger: 5 Golden Rules For Success

How To Be A Goal Digger: 5 Golden Rules For Success

How To Be a goal digger: 5 golden rules for success 

These are the four reasons why obstructive habits can impact your success.

Have you ever tried to be committed to finishing a goal strong? Have you ever struggled to complete your goals and always wondered what you are missing? To become a goal digger you need to change your mindset. Becoming a goal digger isn’t easy, many of us struggle when it comes to our goals because we look at them wrongly. 

A goal is simply a task that needs to be completed in a certain time frame. Yet, we complicate it. That is the thing about being human we tend to complicate everything because it sometimes seems easier to do. Though, when you start to approach things the way a goal digger would, you change your mindset. A goal digger is a person who commits to the goals they set. So, do you want to write that book? Sit down and do that. Maybe, you want to start a business. What are you waiting for? Often at times what stops us from being goal diggers are all the problems surrounding us and that can be a damper. I get that, but there are always going to be problems. One thing I have realized is that often at times we forget that there’s hope. Maybe, that is how we can help by giving a lending hand. 

It all comes down to what are you willing to do to become successful. One of the things you need to do to become successful is by being a goal digger. If you have no idea how to that I will give you five ways you can. These are also five golden rules for success. 


Be committed


It’s improbable you will ever become successful if you can’t commit. What I mean by this is you have to be committed to going through something. Let’s say you want to start your own business and have been thinking about this for two years. Procrastination is the enemy of commitment. When you plan on doing something, start as soon as you can. If you let years pass, it will slow you down and you might never follow through.

Commitment is so important to becoming successful. When a successful person says they are going to do they do. They understand a concept that many of us fail to grasp and that is every step counts. Every goal shapes your success path. This is the first step in becoming a goal digger. You need to start and finish your goal in a timely fashion. This means you need to keep your momentum steady. Don’t take forever to start your YouTube channel or podcast. Don’t take too long to write that book and allow it to gather dust. 

Commit to seeing the end and you will work through any problem that does come your way.


Also Related: 4 Strategies to Help You Crush 2020



Know your why



You must know the reasons why you are doing something. This is your why. Your big reason. Without this, you will struggle to achieve your goals. Why? One of the reasons is because you have no direction. Here’s an example, maybe you want to exercise more often. What is your reason for that? If you don’t have a reason, you will find yourself procrastinating.

We all procrastinate, but this will then become a habit that is hard to shake off. A few reasons why people choose to exercise regularly is because they want to lose weight, be healthier, or as a way to relieve them from stress. There are of course other reasons. To become a goal digger you need to search deep down and find the reasons why you are doing something. There’s always a reason for everything we do. Sometimes, we are so used to routines that we don’t realize the reasons behind our actions.

But if you want to be successful in accomplishing your goals then you need to know your reason. This will push past the obstacles that will stand in your way. And you will be able to achieve your goals in a timely fashion. This is also extremely important. Goals should be time-bound. 



For you to become a goal digger than your goals should be time-bound. What this means is that every goal should be accomplished within a certain time-frame. This is the reason why so many people never accomplish their goals. There’s no time frame and a goal that doesn’t have this will never be accomplished. That is why some people can take years to accomplish a goal.

As I said procrastination happens to all of us, but if there’s no time-frame then you will continue to struggle to accomplish your goals. As children, we were used to time-frames. Even though we worked on it, we knew what we had to accomplish. This became part of our routines and many of us have forgotten this. We have forgotten how important time-frames are.

Success is built around using time-frames to push you forward. That is why so many successful people write in journals and places dates around a goal. If you want to be successful, start using time-frames for everything. If you want to start a blog then when do you want to start it. When do you want to be a millionaire? How much money do you want to make by the end of the year?


Start behaving like you are successful


This might sound a little strange. But the reason why you are struggling to become a goal digger is because of your mindset. I was once told that if you want to be successful start thinking like you already are. What this does is your habits and mindset start shifting. You stop seeing yourself as a failure. You stop doubting your belief that you can achieve success.

You start working at it. Your actions change as well. This is critical because our actions determine where we end up in life. How do successful people act? For one, they wake early even when they don’t want to. They do things that they don’t want to do. They accomplish goals in a timely fashion. Mindset is one of the most important keys to success because it pushes us to change who we are.

As much as many of us hate to change, we can’t become successful without. This is the fourth golden rule of success and becoming a goal digger. You need to start acting as a six-figure earner before you become one. The same can be said if you want to be a seven-figure or eight-figure earner. I am not saying it will be easy to change the way you think or behave. However, success requires drastic action and this is one thing that you should become successful.


Take strategic steps

Now that you got the basics, here comes the challenge. Success requires strategy. You can’t build a building without foundation and you certainly can’t start a business without a plan, You need a strategy even when it comes to your goals. Let’s say you have three main goals for the year. The first goal is completing a project on time. How are you going to do that? How many steps or milestones to do you need to accomplish? 

Do you have a supervising officer overlooking the project? These are a few questions you need to ask yourself. Maybe, your goal is to start a business. What will your main platform be? Blog, podcast, or YouTube. What is your social media strategy? How will you advertise the blog/business? Will use mostly organic reach (free methods,) or paid methods? 

There’s a lot to consider when you are doing anything. Without a strategy, it will take a while for you to accomplish a goal or you will miss an important foundation. Foundation is the difference between a professional pianist and a clunky one. In everything we do, a foundation is seen as an important part of the process. There’s a reason for that. You can’t be successful if you miss out on this step. You certainly can’t be a goal digger you have no strategy either. 

If you have no idea how to do this, focus on it. I can promise you everything will change especially the way you work out your goals. This will also make things a lot easier for you so you need to work on your foundation. For every goal you have, there should be milestones and breakthroughs. This way you will know when you have made one.


 Also Related: 10 Ways Successful People Make Smart Decisions


What is your main takeaway from this post? Comment below.


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7 Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs

7 Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs


7 Characteristics of successful entrepreneurs

Here are a few of the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurship has become popular ever since the form changed. Think about it, decades ago an entrepreneur was anyone doing start-ups. Now, entrepreneurs can be people behind a laptop writing blog posts or filming videos for their YouTube channel. Entrepreneurs can be self-published authors or anyone with an idea who wants to pursue it.

The question here is if entrepreneurship has changed what are the defining characteristics of successful entrepreneurs. As much as many of us don’t want to admit it publicly we all want to be successful and create an impact. Sure, our thoughts call into question whether we can do that. Our brains are capable of so much and if we believe in something strongly it comes true. Since you are reading this blog post you might want to know how you can become a successful entrepreneur. 

One of the easiest ways to that is by understanding the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs and emulating it. When you do that, it is so much easier to become a successful entrepreneur. Maybe, you haven’t started your business yet, it is never too late to start. This blog post is a way to support and encourage you to go for your dreams. 



Do you ever go through moments when you don’t want to do anything? One of the main characteristics of successful entrepreneurs and successful people, in general, is they self-motivate. They don’t wait for a muse to inspire them and that is what separates them. Many of us are so used to waiting for a mythical muse to appear so that we can focus on work.

Yes, they might be days when you are tired and frustrated. These moments should be times when you pick yourself up and work on your goals. Will it be hard? Anything foreign to us is always hard. Think about it like this when you are starting a new exercise routine, is it hard to get into to or if you want to wake up early. Our brains tend to rely on the past to protect us. This is the way we survive so when you are doing something you aren’t used to there’s resistance. 

You have to face the resistance for you to be able to self-motivate. Becoming successful isn’t easy, but this one characteristic of successful entrepreneurs is one that has put many of them on the map.



Take risks



This one is my favorite characteristic of successful entrepreneurs. I used to be a person who took calculated risks until I realized that to be successful I had to jump with both feet. Is it hard to do that? Yes, remember our brains want to protect us. There are built-in survival mechanisms that turn on whenever we put ourselves in a difficult situation.

Anything that is new can be seen as a difficult situation. That is including taking risks, but you will never become successful if you don’t take risks. Even if you don’t want to be an entrepreneur, taking risks will push you out of your comfort zone. This is why this characteristic of successful entrepreneurs is often discussed at length. If you don’t take risks, you will never find opportunities to help you grow. You will never become a millionaire or impact the world.

I had to learn this the hard way. I spent so many years terrified of my own shadow and I didn’t take risks. I dragged my feet until I realized the reason my business isn’t growing is that I am not taking risks. It is of course not that simple, but if you do take risks you will discover how many opportunities are out there.




I believe passion has to be one of the most important characteristics of successful entrepreneurs. Passionate entrepreneurs are more diverse than any other. They are more willing to dedicate their time to serving others and they never give up. That is the key there. Often when we follow money over passion we create this void in us.

This void limits our potential because we are concentrating on the money. When you concentrate on helping people you attract more people to you and you achieve more. And you are likely to follow through when something doesn’t work and you also pivot if your business isn’t growing. If you look at what is happening to businesses because of the pandemic. You will realize that many are not making an income or they have shut down. The businesses or entrepreneurs who survive are those that are passionate.

There are a few entrepreneurs who looked at their circumstances and changed the way they did businesses. 


Also Related: Why Following Your Passions is the Secret Ingredient to Success and Happiness



Understand your business model



If you have no idea what your business model is then it is will difficult to sell anything. For example, if you are a service business, but you sell t-shirts. There’s a problem with your model and what you offer. This is why it is important to understand the business you want to do. There are service businesses that do sell t-shirts, though. It has to make sense with the business that they are running though.

Diversifying income is one of the traits of successful entrepreneurs. What you offer has to be aligned with your business and you also need to understand your clients. If you are a service business offering financial consultancy to your clients, they wouldn’t be interested in buying t-shirts from you. However, if you are a service business that caters to dog lovers’ needs then they would love buying t-shirts.

Paying attention to your business model, what you offer and your clients are what will put you on the top. This is one of the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs and it isn’t talked about enough. Maybe, because it isn’t as interesting as talking about taking risks or passions. 

Also Related: The 11 Most Popular Online Business Models


Diversify income



Majority of successful entrepreneurs have numerous income sources and that is what makes them millionaires. Diversifying your income is important, but the first step is of course understanding your business model. Once you do that it is a lot easier to diversify your income. However, the problem is not understanding your business model.

One of the main characteristics of successful entrepreneurs is they have multiple sources of income. Service based businesses are now offering courses to their clients. And e-commerce businesses are doing the same and adding speaking to their roster. Not only does this make it easier to become a millionaire, it reduces the stress on the entrepreneur. Having one source of income involves working over time and this reduces the impact they can create and the money.

This why many successful entrepreneurs suggest having multiple sources of income. 


Money mindset



 You will never become successful if you believe you will always struggle with money. Many of us understand this on a basic level, yet we make the rookie mistake in believing we won’t achieve financial freedom. Our brains are like computers. Whatever we believe, our brains will act out. It won’t filter negative thoughts out. It doesn’t work like that.

If a virus attacks your computer, it messes up with the software. The computer starts operating differently and that is how our brains work as well. When it comes across something negative it at first tries to fight it off, but then when that doesn’t work the virus spreads. It changes the way you process everything. Information to our brain is like code and it uses that to justify our actions.

One of the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs is that they have a money mindset. What this means is that they have a healthy relationship with money. Whether it is spending, giving, investing, or earning money. If they believe they can make $10,000 a month they achieve it. This might seem impossible, but it isn’t. It is all about believing you can. It might seem too easy, but our brains have been conditioned to view money negatively.

When you believe in something, you will discover that you will find ways to make that come true. 


 Also Related: Is A Success Mindset Still Key To Success?





Another characteristic of successful entrepreneurs is how adaptable they are. One thing you will discover is that successful entrepreneurs need to be able to find solutions to problems. If something isn’t working, they need to find a solution. Many of us struggle with being adaptable, but if you learn this one characteristic of successful entrepreneurs you will be ahead of many people.

Finding solutions to problems and being flexible is what sets successful people apart.  You need to be willing to change for your business to survive. Brick and mortar businesses that chose not to have social media accounts are probably struggling right now. Word of mouth used to be enough years ago and now it isn’t. Having a social media account is extremely important. Businesses that don’t find a way to operate are finding themselves stuck. A few businesses have seen this as an opportunity to go virtual because of the pandemic. Event companies are now doing virtual events. 


Also Related: How To Be Adaptable in 11 Simple Steps


What is your main takeaway from this and which characteristic will you work on? Please comment below.



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9 Ways to Build Confidence

9 Ways to Build Confidence



These are 5 of the best ways you can build confidence. 

Building confidence is extremely important because without you can’t move forward in your life. What I mean here is you can’t face your fears and doubts. Building confidence will push you out of your comfort zone and it is a necessary skill to have if you want to be promoted at work or start a business. Confidence is one of the keys to success and without you will always talk yourself out of it. That is why it is important to build confidence. With it, you can achieve more and do more. When you look back on your life, you’d be surprised how far you went because of confidence.

As terrifying as it might be building confidence is so important especially if you want to start your own business, go to a new country, meet new people, or quit your job. 

Why are some people more confident than others? The answer to that is simple they have built their confidence and that has enabled them to do things many of us would be too terrified to think of. In the last few years, I have realized that confidence is all about taking daily action so that you can achieve success. When you don’t take action then you don’t achieve the success that you want. It may seem simple, but the reality is that confidence comes from believing in yourself and pushing yourself out of the door. There are many ways to build confidence, but the most effective methods are the ones I listed below.


Work on your thoughts

Our thoughts are insights into how we see ourselves. If every time someone says something positive you think negatively about yourself than you are doing damage to your self-esteem. Every negative thought is highlighted. Our brains are powerful machines, whatever we think about is showcased in how we walk, talk, or approach things.

If you think you are unworthy, you slouch, mumble your words and never speak up. This can affect the way people look at you and how you look at yourself. Every day, focus on something positive that you did or achieved. When you keep doing that then you will see yourself as someone capable. Yes, it is scary showing who you are to the world, but that doesn’t take away the impact. Maybe, what you achieved seems small compared to other people, but don’t focus on that. 

When you want to build your confidence, one thing you should focus on is what you accomplished and how far you have come. 




Stop comparing yourself



If you want to build confidence then don’t compare yourself. If you compare yourself it doesn’t stop there. It is normal to want to emulate people, but you aren’t that person and therefore you will never be that person. No matter, how many times you wish you were. You will always struggle to catch up, but when you are true to yourself then nothing can stop you.

Be true to who you are and this will help you build confidence. Many of us compare ourselves and this only messes up with our self-esteem. When you compare yourself, you will start wondering whether there’s something wrong with you. You will always look for reasons to compare yourself and it only gets worse. Comparing yourself tends to make people insecure in their body and as a result, they act out. It is easy to start doing things you normally would never have done before. You are perfect the way you are. 


Also Related: How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others Right Now!


Talk to a stranger about your dreams

As scary as that may appear, when you talk to a stranger about your dreams it gives you confidence. Speaking about your problems or dreams is terrifying to most. When you go out of your way to do it, you build confidence. What most people don’t realize is that confidence is a mental muscle.

If you want to be healthy then you exercise, but we don’t do the same when it comes to our mind. You need to work on your mind so that it is mentally strong. Confidence is the same way. You need to work on it for you to build confidence. This is by far the best way for you to grow mentally and emotionally. Once you talk to a stranger, you start to realize that it isn’t as terrifying as you imagined it to be. Often, our fears seem by far worse in our minds. Facing the fear builds resilience in you and it builds confidence.

Technology has enabled us to communicate with people in different parts of the world. There are hundreds of Facebook groups online, you can join one and connect with people. You could also talk to someone on Instagram and Twitter about your dreams as well.


Talk to a friend about your dreams



Most people are terrified about telling people they know about their dreams. Maybe, we are so consumed with what they will think about our dreams. However, talking to a friend about your dreams will not only build your resilience but your confidence as well. You would also be shocked to find out that maybe they need your services. 

This is was how I made my first dollar online. I wasn’t even looking to make a sale. However, when I was talking to my friend, I started believing in my dream and it became real when they asked how much do I charge? I had a Eureka moment then and I realized I could make money from my dream. That was the beginning of a beautiful journey, but if I hadn’t told them about my dreams then I wouldn’t be writing this blog post.

Often, when we discuss our dreams, this instills this confidence and conviction. It can be as simple as calling a friend you haven’t spoken to a while or chatting online. Whatever method you choose, doors can open, and the world as you know it can change for the better. However, it all starts with taking a step forward. Whatever dream you have, talking about it can help you achieve it. Maybe, you want to develop an app but have no idea how to do it. Talking to a friend or colleague can help you. For one, your friend or colleague might know someone who developed an app and made millions from it. You don’t know what can happen by stepping out in faith. 


Pick up a hobby, project or side-hustle


Whichever one you use can help you build your confidence? Maybe, you can pick up the guitar or piano or art. Not only will this increase the dopamine but build confidence. Dopamine is the happy hormone. If you aren’t into creative hobbies, you could go to the gym or a golf course. When you feel good about yourself, you exude confidence.

This is by far the most rewarding way to build confidence. Another thing you could do is pick up a project or side-hustle. A lot of people speak highly of side-hustles because of the numerous benefits they have. For example, you can learn different skills that you didn’t possess before. This will reveal how far you have come and you can money from teaching people those skills.

Maybe, you know nothing about coding, WordPress, or Photoshop. When you start working on your side-hustle, you can build this skill. Some people start a side hustle, create a business from it, and make millions from it. One such example is that was sold to LinkedIn. The woman ended up making billions of dollars from it.

If you want to retire early, the only way to do is by creating a side-hustle then turning it into a business.  


Also Related: Quick Side-Hustle Ideas To Start At Home


What is the one thing you will do to build confidence? Please comment below.


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10 Ways You Can Improve Your Life In Less Than 30 Minutes

10 Ways You Can Improve Your Life In Less Than 30 Minutes


10 ways you can improve your life in less than 30 minutes

These are 10 ways you can improve your life in less than 30 minutes.  

Many of us crave for change because we understand how important it is. Though, the problem is often we don’t have enough time for us to be as productive as we would want to be. You can improve your life in less than 30 minutes. The key here is knowing how to do that. 

In this blog post, I list ten ways you can improve your life in less than 30 minutes. When I say that this will change your life, you will be shocked at how that will do it, but it does work. The great thing about these techniques is how many entrepreneurs use them to change their lives. Going forward if you want your life to change for the better than you need to be willing to work at it even if it is for 30 minutes a day. My suggestion is if you want to improve your life invest in one of the ten ways for at least twenty one days before moving onto the next step.

The reason for this is you don’t want to hurry the process so you must focus on one way before moving onto the next one. As much as you might want to speed up the process, the beauty is in the journey and that is why you should take time moving through the list. In less than three months, your life would have drastically changed that you will be shocked that it didn’t take years for you to change your life. It took months. Starting is always the hardest, but with it, you learn so many things that you will be shocked that was even possible. 



Work on your morning routine

Want to be successful than you must work on your morning routine. As weird as it sounds, working on a consistent morning routine will push you ahead of the curb. You will achieve more if you have a consistent morning routine. What I mean by a morning routine is that it must be purposeful. For example, there are a lot of successful people who wake up and start writing then they jog, write down their daily activities and have a protein breakfast.

The above is an example of a morning routine. If you want to improve your life then you should have a morning routine. One that helps you focus and work on your goals. Look at your morning routine and ask yourself is it helping you progress or is it slowing you down. Once you figure that figure out what your goals are. If you want more time for exercise, put that as your morning routine. If you want to learn an instrument, add that to your morning routine.

This is one way you can improve your life and it isn’t as hard as it seems to be. All it requires is dedication. Once you do that, you can work towards improving your life. Bit by bit, you will move in the direction that you desire.



Choose an energizing hobby



Science promotes hobbies and yet many of us don’t do them. Maybe, because we think that people who have hobbies have nothing better to do. That isn’t true at all. Hobbies can improve your life. Anything from painting to playing an instrument to doing exercise can be seen as a hobby.

Hobbies help you focus, it elevates stress and pressure. More than anything it increases creativity that’s why many scientists and psychologists speak favorably when it comes to hobbies. I suggest you pick one hobby that you know will impact your life. If you are a sporty person then your hobby needs to relate. You can’t pick something like painting because that elevates your stress. You need to pick something that you know will help you. When you do this it will help you distress and relax you.



Watch a Ted talk

If you have never watched a Ted talk you are missing out. This is one of the best ways you can improve your day in less than 30 minutes. It also works like a charm. Ted talks can make you think about things or situations you might never have thought about. It makes you question your purpose and how you can improve your life.

Ted talks are worth gold because they offer nuggets of truth that can set you free. Free from the mental chains of your mind. I am not saying that a Ted talk will miraculously cure of television addiction, but it can help you think and become more self-aware. There’s power in that. When I first watched a Ted Talk, I was moved by the discussion. It was on how to find your why. That was one of the best Ted talks I ever watched. 

It did change my life and helped move the needle moved. I became more focused on what I wanted to achieve and where I wanted to go in life. I wouldn’t have started a blog and written a book if I hadn’t watched that Ted talk. 



Also Related: Top Six Ted Talks To Inspire Millennials



Listen to a podcast



Podcasts can improve your life. They offer you daily insights that you can use to improve your life. The great thing is that there are hundreds of podcasts talking about different subjects. If you have never been a podcast person, I do recommend you try looking for one podcast that you can listen to. 

Podcasts have become increasingly popular in the last couple of years that you can even find ones that match your personality. Podcasts have a way of relaxing your mind and the really good ones help you to think. If you want to build a business than there’s a podcast for that. If you want to make money online there’s a podcast for that. If you want to be inspired then there’s a podcast for that. 


 Also Related: 6 Podcasts About Entrepreneurship to Start Listening


Do a few productive tasks



 One of the best ways to improve your life is to do a few productive tasks throughout the day. This will help you to focus and keep you going forward. It is important to set aside 30 minutes a day to do tasks or chores that make you cringe. For example, reply to an email that you have been postponing for days.

Doing this will stop you from multitasking later on or worrying about it. Sometimes the best thing to do is to set aside time to achieve the objective. Doing it when you are not supposed to will only stress you out and that isn’t what you want to do. This is one of the many ways you can improve your life in less than 30 minutes a day. Try it out and you will notice the significant changes. 


Get to know yourself better



 When I was twenty-one I experienced something traumatic. At the time I didn’t know myself better so I sat behind my oak desk and my old laptop. I tapped the table and made a decision that changed the course of everything I started finding out who I was. I looked up every personality test I could. This is one of the best ways you can improve your life.

It is also one of the fastest ways to figure out who you are. Once you can easily identify your strengths and weaknesses this helps push you out of your comfort zone. There are a lot of sites out there that do offer free personality tests. If you want to know yourself better than you should check them out.


 Also Related: Free Personality Test


Achieve mindfulness



Yes, I get it where you ever people are talking about meditation and mindfulness. It can get old real quick and you are tired of hearing about it from your crazed neighbor and co-workers. Mindfulness and meditation are different though. You don’t need to spend years working on mindfulness or a yoga mat. 

The effect is the same though. Mindfulness is being aware of your thoughts. The process starts the same, you inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. You also start thinking about positive things early in the morning. 


 Also Related: A Step-by-Step Guide to Achieving Mindfulness



Revisit your goals


Do you remember those goals you wrote months and years ago? This is one of the ways you can improve your life because you start to reflect on life. You look at all the things you wanted to do, but never go to do it. Maybe, you wanted to start a YouTube channel or write a book. Revisiting your goals can be painful, but it also gives you insight on whether you have done something.

Often life gets hectic and we put aside our goals. Revisiting them and seeing our handwriting is a slap in the face. It pushes us to realize that wait, a minute I haven’t done A, B or D. If you want to improve your life then you should revisit your goals and you can do it in less than 30 minutes. Unless you have a whole journal of goals you haven’t completed, but I highly doubt that. 

You will also find out when you revisit your goals they were things you did that you didn’t notice. This will give you a boost of motivation.


Read a book


I get it a lot of us aren’t readers and I am not saying you should become one. However, this will improve your life rapidly. You don’t need a lot of time. Set aside, fifteen to thirty minutes a day and you will be shocked how much progress you will make. If you do this for a month, you would have read one book. If you continue to do this for twelve months, you would have read twelve books. 

Imagine how different your life will be in one year or two. How much progress you would have made? Many successful people read books and because of that to set their mind right. That is why you need to read a book, this will help set your mind right. It will motivate you and help you overcome barriers. Feed your mind the right things and you will be surprised and what you achieve. 



Be kind to yourself

Most people forget this in improving their life. However, if you want to improve your life then you need to be kind to yourself. This looks different depending on who you are. If you are harsh on yourself, pat yourself on the back for achieving certain things. Don’t forget to cherish the people in your life and appreciate the moments. You will regret if they are gone too soon. 

Once you have completed a milestone, celebrate. We sometimes forget to appreciate the milestones and achievements we have made, we should celebrate. Life is too short not to enjoy the little things. So, even if you all you did was go to the gym, then that’s a cause for celebration. You could simply post it on Facebook or Instagram. You don’t have to go all out with your celebrations. 


What is your main takeaway from this and how will you improve your life. Please comment below.


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Beginner’s Guide To Starting A Side Hustles In 2021

Beginner’s Guide To Starting A Side Hustles In 2021


Beginner’s Guide to Starting a Side Hustle in 2021

How do you crush 2021, these strategies will show you how you can do that.

The economy isn’t the same as it used to be and with all that has happened in 2020 side hustles will grow in popularity. If you want to make an extra $1000 to $5000, a side hustle is the best to do it. This is a beginner’s guide to starting side hustles in 2020. The reason why many people are skeptical about side hustles is because they often are attached to stories that seem fake. You know the story of the man who made $50,000 from playing Twitch in the basement of his parent’s house. That screams scam a mile away.

Side hustles aren’t scams. The internet is full of stories about people overcoming debt, but you will also find stories that make you want to run away. Unless you are the type to look something straight in the eye. What most people don’t realize is that we all have to start from somewhere and successful people first started with a side-hustle. Why? Because they don’t require as much effort and capital.




The benefits of a side hustle



There are a lot of benefits of a starting side hustles. The main one is that it protects you financially just in case the economy crashes, you lose your job or your health is compromised. Side hustle enable you not to be stranded and the more money you can make, the more you can do.

If you want to travel then you have extra money to help you do that. If you want to buy a house, you can save enough money to do that. You can also invest money because you will be making extra income. One of the reasons why people start a side hustle is to help them save enough money.

In the beginner’s guide to starting side hustles, I want to make sure you understand that they are more pros than cons to starting a side hustle. That is why it is so important that you do. If you want to take care of your family more than a side hustle is the best way to do it. In the next coming years, a side hustle will be one of the best ways to starting a business.

Another benefit is that less risk is involved in starting side hustles. All you have to do is put in one to two hours per day on your side hustle. This will put you ahead of the pack and give you a consistency edge that will help you out in the long run.


Also Related: The Power of intentions: How to Keep Your Resolution for Good?


Best types of side hustles


There are over 101 ways to make money online. As unbelievable as that seems, side hustles have become increasingly popular in recent years. However, some aren’t worth your time. There’s a lot of information about side hustles, often at times, though the information is misleading. For example, people who tell you that you can become rich from surveys. Hmm, unless you spend years taking surveys then maybe, but even then the people who get rich from that is rare. This guide to starting side hustles wouldn’t be complete without looking at types of side hustles.

There are two types of side hustles you should be aware of;


Type one: This is the type that you can spend months or years doing and it will never replace your 9-5 job. You are likely to earn a few dollars from this, but that is about it.  (Examples are mystery shopper, food delivery, surveys, small tasks etc)

Type two: This can easily change your life. The barrier of entry is also not as wide as people believe. In time this can easily surpass your income from your job as long as you are consistent with it. The sky is literally the limit. 

In this blog post, we will discuss the second type.


What works for you?


I want to make this easy for you. Since this is a beginner’s guide to side hustles, we need to go to the start. Not every side hustle is equal and therefore you must find something that works for you. This is guide to starting side hustles will help you understand which direction you should go in.

For example, for many people, the idea of starting blogging seems too taxing. Therefore, if you are one of the people who have the same belief a blog isn’t right for you. What you need to consider is how much time do you have? You should also consider what you enjoy doing. If you love talking more than a podcast would be better for you or maybe you love being in front of the camera then YouTube would work for you.

Here are the two businesses you can make from a side hustle:

Service Business: You offer a service to someone. This means turning your skill set or someone else’s skills into service. For example, if you trained as a lawyer you can provide legal services. This can be anything from web design services to coaching. I would say this might be the easier one to get into for beginners. As part of the beginner’s guide to side hustles, I want to give you the best option to start. Most people start with this one.

Knowledge Business: Many influencers get into this one. This one is more advanced because you need to know how to use software and have money to invest in platforms to help you sell your product. It still isn’t as hard as you might think it might be. You take your expertise and package it as a course, template, software or coaching program.


Also Related: Start a Service Business


What’s next?


To create the best side hustle, you need to find out what works for you and use your skills as a way to package the side hustle.  Once you realize, what works you can figure out how to go about this the right way. A side hustle shouldn’t exhaust you. It is there to take away the stress of not having enough money. Once you start making money from your side hustle then you can replace it as a job. 

Method one: Selling services


What skills do you have? When I first started, I knew a little about web design and so I started a service where I built people’s websites for them. I made a bit of money from that. I didn’t charge a lot of money because I wanted the reviews and also to build my skills. If you think you don’t have any skills you could start a business from think again. Many of us underestimate our ability to push forward. In the beginner’s guide to side hustles blog post, you have to understand how possible it is to change your life. 

Look at the books you read, the websites you visit and your general interests. You would be shocked at all the things that you like and the skills you have. Here’s an overview;

  • Legal services
  • Accounting services
  • SEO
  • Website design
  • Graphic design
  • Social media
  • PR
  • Tax
  • Copywriting
  • Event planning/promotion
  • Video editing
  • Digital advertising
  • Project Management
  • Travel planning
  • Pet services
  • SAT prep/ school prep
  • Music lessons
  • Wedding planning
  • Private chefThe list above is by no means exhaustive, but I do hope you get it. When I started this blog post, I needed to make sure that as a beginner’s guide to side hustles you understood how you can make money from anything. If you thought you couldn’t I hope the list above helps you realize how possible it is.

    Method two: selling knowledge

    Things take a different turn here. This is where you take something you have a skill in, for example, cooking and package it. It can take different forms depending on the level you are at. Beginners should take it slow. Don’t rush the process. It can take time to get to the point where you charge $500 for your program. Most people start at less than $100 and move up.

    What most people forget is that when you are selling your knowledge you need to have somewhere to reach your audience. You need to also have a website where you can house your programs or at least showcases it. Below I will list the best knowledge-based products you can sell. This is, after all, a beginner’s guide to starting side hustles, so nothing too complicated.

  • Create and sell an eBook
  • Launch an online course
  • Webinars/workshops
  • Coaching or consulting

Hope you have a few ideas buzzing around. As I keep saying I wanted to write a beginner’s guide to starting side hustles to help you know that creating a side hustle is easier than you think. When I was starting I was clueless about the direction I should take and I struggled finding my footing. What is the side hustle that stood out to you the most? 


Also Related: Quick Side-Hustle Ideas To Start At Home


What is the main takeaway from this and what do you like most about side hustles? Let me known in the comments section. 


                                                           KEEP  P USHING





How To Be Productive At Home During Uncertain Times

How To Be Productive At Home During Uncertain Times



The easiest way to become productive is by using a routine to help you out. 

.As more people are staying at home it has become harder to be productive at home. These are uncertain times over the world. More people are losing their jobs and it is hard to start something or to be productive at home.

Fear has a way of making us emotionally unprepared for the next steps we should take. The thing is even though everything is uncertain life goes on and if you have to do your job here’s how you can be productive at home. If you want to start something then you also need to learn how to be productive at home.

I have been working at home for over a year now and I have learned what helps in becoming productive. That is why I want to list all the ways you can be productive at home.

Yes, quarantine might have pushed you back, but it doesn’t have to remain like that. You can be productive at home. The excess time you have makes it easier for you to start your own business, work on your projects or even work on assignments you left hanging.

I do understand how all of this can mentally weigh you down. In the last few weeks, things have gotten so out of hand and it feels as if you have no control over what happens. Yes, you might not have any control, but you can look at this time as an opening. You can develop a new skill set, work on your dreams, become more productive or take this time to reflect.

I wrote this blog post to help you in these difficult times that we are going through. 


Your Reason


As a kid, you had a reason for everything you did and you made it known. You stole from the cookie jar because you had the munchies. You didn’t sleep in your bed because you had a nightmare. You worked hard on that speech so your parents and friends could be proud of you.

This is no different. Why do you want to be productive? I know it sounds stupid because you wouldn’t be reading this blog post if you didn’t have a reason. You want to be productive at home because it is difficult to do.

When you have so much time on your hands, you can do anything and you have all these big ideas of what you will do. At the end of the day, you then realize you did none of them. Absolutely zero. Not because you are lazy or anything like that, but because you got distracted.  

There are fewer distractions in an office setting. Another thing that could have happened is you procrastinated.

It is important to know why you are doing something because it makes all this less hard. It is easier to endure the long day and the isolation when you have a big reason why you are doing something. It could be that you want to make more money in the long run with a side-hustle or you want to develop a new skill. Whatever it is, remind yourself daily. This is a motivation booster.


Use tools to help


There are dozens of tools out there that help with productivity. Find the one that works for you and use that to help you be productive at home. These tools were created to help people manage their time better and that is the issue. Most people struggle to manage their time wisely. I was the same way when I started.

It used to take me forever to get something done. For example, writing a blog post would take me hours to do because I wasn’t doing it the right way. I didn’t plan and prepare before I wrote the blog post so my thoughts were everywhere. When I mastered that it became easier to write a blog post.

The tools you end up using depend on you. You could use slack or other time management tools to help you get the work done. What counts here is using something to help you out. Bear and Evernote will help you jot down notes that speed up the writing process. Todolist helps with writing a clear concise to-do list to get you through the day.

You don’t need to figure everything out all at once. Take your time to figure out what works best for you. What works for person A might not work for you and that’s alright. Our brains all work differently and embrace that, don’t try to do something that might not work for you. This is where research helps. Research tools and test them out to see which one suits your personality.



Write down your goals the night before



If you want to be productive at home you need to write down your goals the night before. This makes it easier to jump in and start working on your goals. Unfortunately, many of us don’t do this and the problem is that often it leads us to not doing what we planned on doing in the first place.

The day runs away from us and we forget all the things we needed to do. It is so much easier knowing what you need to do at work because you already know if you don’t do something you can lose your job. At home, we have no one telling us what we should do and that is why we are less productive at home.

There’s no urgency and it is scientific that human beings respond better to urgency. This is why when you write something down it sends signals to your brain telling you that you need to complete the tasks because they are important. When you are first doing this start with three tasks. It is important you get everything done that you list down. If you add too many things you won’t complete it in time.

You set the precedent so that is why you need build this skill up by starting small. Complete those three tasks and you will shocked by the amount of progress you make. And if you finish the tasks you can start something else or learn something.


Also Related: How To Set Goals (And Why You Should Write Them Down)

Write down your goals the night before



If you want to be productive at home you need to write down your goals the night before. This makes it easier to jump in and start working on your goals. Unfortunately, many of us don’t do this and the problem is that often it leads us to not doing what we planned on doing in the first place.

The day runs away from us and we forget all the things we needed to do. It is so much easier knowing what you need to do at work because you already know if you don’t do something you can lose your job. At home, we have no one telling us what we should do and that is why we are less productive at home.

There’s no urgency and it is scientific that human beings respond better to urgency. This is why when you write something down it sends signals to your brain telling you that you need to complete the tasks because they are important. When you are first doing this start with three tasks. You must get everything done that you list down. If you add too many things you won’t complete it in time.

You set the precedent so that is why you need to build this skill up by starting small. Complete those three tasks and you will be shocked by the amount of progress you make. And if you finish the tasks you can start something else or learn something.


Also Related: How To Set Goals (And Why You Should Write Them Down)

Strengthen your mindset



If you want to be productive at home then you need to strengthen your mindset. What I mean by this is that it will take time to get a handle on things. It will take time to change course because when you are doing something that isn’t part of your routine it is hard. For example, if you decided that you needed to eat more protein in the morning instead of cereal it doesn’t happen overnight.

It takes time to put everything into practice. This is the same thing. You need your mindset to change so that you can take on the day. What I mean by this is becoming productive at home is a way of life. Your habits need to change and that is a hard thing to do. You need to mentally prepare for everything and take charge. 

In the beginning, it won’t be easy but if you believe you can do it then you will. If you don’t believe you can change your mindset then you won’t. This is why it is important to feed your mind things that strengthen it from podcasts to reading self-help books and watching interviews about successful people.

I know it is hard to do this when fear is outside knocking our doors, but don’t allow fear to push you aside. Don’t let fear stomp on you until you surrender to it. Everything before the quarantine was uncertain and yes, this is far worse than what has happened in recent times, but you survived that you must believe you will survive this. 

I want you to believe that you were created for a reason and keep reminding yourself of that. Keep feeding your mind positive information and this will help strengthen your mindset. This is one of the best ways to be productive at home. It all starts with how your mindset views the world. If it is based on negative notions then it will be difficult moving forward. 


 Also Related: Is A Success Mindset Still Key to Success?

Set boundaries



You are doing great. I need you to know that, but so that you don’t burn out or get distracted set healthy boundaries. Tell the people at home how many hours you will be working for and at what time. You must also keep a note of the time, don’t extend yourself. Sure, you can say you will work for five hours straight, but we all human. It is okay to take breaks. 

Even successful people don’t work for five hours straight. They take breaks in between so that they don’t burn out. Don’t burn out because that won’t help anyone if you fizzle out trying to be superhuman. Be gentle on yourself. Love yourself. One way you can do that is by not pushing yourself to the point where you start seeing double. Even if doesn’t get that bad, take breaks after every two hours.

Even if they are twenty-minute breaks that can still help you relax your mind. We all need to get better at setting healthy boundaries and the reason why many of us don’t is that we believe we don’t need to. When you first started your job you had to set boundaries in the way you dealt with your co-workers and everyone else. The difference here is you are doing it at home.

If you don’t set healthy boundaries then you won’t be productive at home and this isn’t what you want. You want to be productive at home so you can achieve more in your free time and the way you do that is by knowing your limits.



What strategies do you think will help you be productive at home? Comment below



                                                                    KEEP  PUSHING



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