5 Simple Tricks To Stop Being Lazy!

5 Simple Tricks To Stop Being Lazy!



If you want to stop being lazy, then these five simple ways will help you do just that. 

There’s something exciting about a new month in a new year. It comes with it a sense of determination to what the next couple of months hold. Unfortunately, you won’t go far if you have the laziness bug and a topic of like this can cause people to become uncomfortable, but as an entrepreneur, I know how important it is to work on your goals and dreams.

I know how important it is to work hard, but do it with efficiency. It wasn’t always like this, I used to be lazy. Many people would say I was a couch potato. I’d watch television for hours and never get bored, now that isn’t something I can do without going crazy. The truth is it was easier to kick the lazy bug than I thought it would be.

If you want this year to be your year then there are a few simple tricks that will help you kick the lazy bug for good so that you can build dreams that you want to build and live life on your own terms.

The older I have gotten, I have come to understand the importance of building dreams so that you can live life on your own terms. In this blog post, I’ll show you 5 simple tricks to help stop being lazy. As I said it is important that you beat laziness because if you never do then you will never live life on your own terms and your life will always remain what it is now. 


Have a dream you are willing to fight for


 When I was a kid, I knew I wanted to make a difference. I wanted to change the world for the better, but I didn’t know what it was. I remember following my father around and admiring how many people knew who he was. When my father walked into a room people got the sense in who he was and they always came back with stories about how he helped them with their business and family.

At the time, I thought my father was really famous, when I was older I found out he was an entrepreneur. A pioneer in a way, I wanted to be like my father but I was unsure if I wanted to be an entrepreneur. To me, it seemed like far too much work. I found myself lost, unsure with what path I wanted to take. 

Then I discovered that entrepreneurship is by the far the most dynamic career you can take on. There are so many things you can do when you become an entrepreneur.

People looked at me and told me that I couldn’t possibly become an entrepreneur. The thing is when you have a dream so strong and powerful, you want to fight for it. You have a hundred reasons why you want to do it and nothing can stop you. When I had this dream, I stopped being lazy. I started walking up early and it wasn’t a struggle. I used to struggle walking up. No longer, did I look forward to watching television early in the morning. Instead, I chose to fight for my dream and that helped me to stop being lazy.


Find the root cause


Until, you understand what is going on behind the scenes you will never stop being lazy. I used to watch television  as a form of escapism. When I watched my favorite programs. I didn’t think about what was happening at home or my learning disability. I didn’t even consider the problems I was having. At the time, I didn’t even know I was depressed until someone pointed it out.

When you are alone with your thoughts, the reality is far scarier than you want to admit. You will never change your life if you don’t find out why you are doing what you are doing. For example, there are a lot of people who want to have healthier lifestyles yet they eat until they can’t walk straight or lie on the couch the whole day.

As scary as it is allowing yourself to grieve you must because letting out is better than keeping it bottled up. You will also be closer to finding out what is going on with you. This will help you stop being lazy and move you in the direction that you desire.


Quick fix for procrastination

If you are like most human beings then you might struggle with procrastination. I get that, but have you ever thought about breaking your time up. This will help you stop being lazy. Let me explain, I climbed Table Mountain in 2014 as a person who is terrified of heights,

I wanted to do this. The thought of climbing it was terrifying. I managed to make it to the top because I took my time. I took small steps towards my goals and that helped me. When it comes to procrastination, what stops us from completing a goal is the daunting task. The one that is ahead of us. If you need to stop being lazy then you need to fix procrastination.

Break up tasks that are making you nervous into smaller chunks. If you want for example, to start a business, what is the first step that you need to take. I once listened to this motivational speaker who said sometimes all you need to do become successful is to take the step in front of you. If you keep climbing up then eventually you will reach your goal.

This will help you to stop being lazy because you are dealing with what was holding you back. When you face what is holding up, you can stop being lazy.


Also Related: 7 Simple Ways to Stop Procrastinating


Laziness is a state of mind


This might make you roll your eyes and question my sanity, but think about it. None of us are born lazy. No teacher writes in a report card, your kid is too lazy. If you played hide and seek then you are not a lazy person. Circumstances made you lazy and when you are out of school it is so easy to become lazy.

That is why I say laziness is a state of mind. When you are dealing with hardship and struggling to cope, your default setting will be laziness. You will want to curl up in your blanket because it is easier to do that then face the world. You will want to hide because if you do that you can forget all the things you have to deal with.

Our mind affects us in more ways than we think. If you want to be successful then you need to change the state of your mind. If you want to stop being lazy then you need to stop identifying yourself as a lazy person. Once, you do that it will so much easier to actually work on your goal. You want be stuck with a negative mindset. This is by far one of the best ways to stop being lazy.


Also Related: 5 Habits That Will Change Your Life For The Better

Community and support


This is the last thing you should focus on if you want to stop being lazy. Having a community behind you or the support you need will motivate you. For most people, knowing that they had people to support them gave them enough confidence to change their life. Your community can be anything from your close friend to family members, the church, your neighbors or even Facebook groups.

The whole point is find people who are willing to keep you accountable. If you do that, then you can focus on changing your life. This last tip will stop you from being lazy and you can also achieve more if you have people who have your back. 


What positive habits have you started doing to improving your life? Comment below



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4 Reasons Why Obstructive Habits Impact Your Success

4 Reasons Why Obstructive Habits Impact Your Success

4 reasons why obstructive habits impact your success

These are the four reasons why obstructive habits can impact your success.
Most of us have no idea how obstructive habits can impact our success because our ideas on success and habits don’t align. I used to think that you had to be someone special in order to be successful then I realized that wasn’t the case. It all comes down to our habits, these are the building blocks that we require to be successful and that is why they say that anyone can be successful.

That is true. You don’t need to be someone special in order to be successful. What we do matters and the habits we have can impact our success. I had an English teacher who told me that success is subjective and it depends on how we perceive life. At the time, I thought it was a joke, but you know what they say about certain things. It took a while for me to understand that what was keeping me from being successful wasn’t because of anyone but me. I had obstructive habits that were stopping me from following my passions and realizing my potential.

It was a harsh reality I had to wake up from when I realized that all this time I was the one stopping me from realizing my potential. In this blog post, we will cover four main reasons why obstructive habits are impacting your success. When you know what the problem might be, it is far easier to deal with it than you never knowing the reasons.


Your mindset


Okay, I never thought mindset affects what you do in life. After all, if your actions are positive than does it matter if your mindset is negative? I had an awakening when I discovered that mindset affects actions. What ever you think you start acting out. It took me a long time to change my mindset and adopt a positive one. This obstructive habit will impact your success.

There’s no way you can run away from it, even if you really want to. Sometimes it is hard admitting that our habits shape us into who we become and it can be a hard pill to swallow, but if you want this year to be yours then you have to change your mindset. You need to believe that you are capable of achieving more regardless of your weaknesses.

Successful people all battle with their own demons and they also have weaknesses. The trick here is not letting them mess you up or become an obstruction. That is the thing with obstructive habits, it can be difficult to change your life even when you want to. Not impossible, but it can be challenging.


Also Related: Is a Success Mindset Key to Success?



Sleep patterns


If you are like the majority of the human population then you enjoy your sleep. However, most of us have terrible sleep patterns. Your sleep patterns can be

obstructive habits that will impact your success. What I mean by this is if you sleep late and wake up late or are the type to sleep only for five to four hours

per day that can mess you up.

Sleep is important to success. If you don’t sleep enough that can impact your focus and attention span. If you are the type to go to bed really late every day, you will wake up late and that can also impact your success. Most successful people go to bed early and wake up early. When I first started doing it, I found it weird because when I woke up everyone was asleep.

However, I did get more done because there was no distraction and I got more done than I did when I woke up late. Here’s the reason why most people struggle in the morning, they are all racing to catch up with everyone. It is a competition from the time they get up and there’s not a lot of time to re-orient yourself so that you are ready to tackle the day.  Change your sleep patterns and I guarantee this will change your life. This simple trick will make you more productive and effective. It will also change your life for the better.

if you want to become successful then you need to change your sleep patterns. I could talk about forever about how this obstructive habit can impact your success, but it is important to remember that if you want to achieve more in your day wake up early.

Stop being hard on yourself


I learned about this the hard way. I used to be so hard on myself, I get it we all need a kick sometimes, but not to the point where it becomes an obstructive

habit because that can impact your success. If you are wondering how that can happen, it is simple. Sure, we need someone to tell us the truth, but you also

need to appreciate the milestones.

it is human nature to see things in black or white. You either are your own cheerleader or your own critic. You can’t be both. What I mean by this, a cheerleader will cheer you up, but they will also point where you went wrong. Not in a way that will make you want to crawl under a rock. A critic, on the other hand, has one job and that is to point out everything you did wrong.

You have to choose what you need in your life. A cheerleader or a critic. When I learned how to stop being hard on myself, I realized all the things I did right. I started appreciating every small moment of victory and started working towards bigger goals. I was more fearless. This obstructive habit will impact your success and stop you from progressing forward.


Not taking any risks


Any successful person will tell you that success is a straight up gamble. You need to take risks that will push you out of your comfort zone. Is it worth it? Many will tell you that it is. Those who never took those risks will tell you that it isn’t. If you want to play small, you will make small bets, but if you want to play in the big leagues then that requires taking risks.

This obstructive habit will impact your success because you will never know what may happen if you never take any risks. I know, easier said than done, but it is true.

You need to take risks to achieve success. It is that simple. Many successful people had to contemplate their fears and the reasons why they didn’t want to take any risks. They ended up taking risks because the benefits outweighed the negatives.

The negatives were fear, the opinions of others and wondering whether they’d fail. You want to be successful then don’t allow this obstructive habit to put you in a box. Take risks and you’d be amazed by all the things you achieve because of it.


Also Related: Afraid to Take Risks: How To Be Bolder?


What obstructive habits are impacting your success? Loved to know. Comment below.


                                                      Keep Pushing



4 Strategies To Help You Crush 2020

4 Strategies To Help You Crush 2020


4 strategies to help you crush 2020

How do you crush 2020, these strategies will show you how you can do that. 

We are in the third week of a new year and a new decade. It feels amazing even writing this, last year, my promise to myself was to make sure that I found new ways to crush 2020. It was at the end of the year that I understood sometimes we take with it habits that stop us from growing or moving forward. It is almost as if we forget our new year resolutions. The strategies I have listed in this blog post will help you crush 2020

Instead, we give up the good fight and choose that maybe, we aren’t meant for going after our dreams. That is the problem, right there. I wrote this post because I have come to understand that the first days in the new year are important. If you start the new year with little to no momentum, it becomes difficult to carry this over to the next coming months.

So, if you want to crush 2020, this blog post will show you strategies to help you crush 2020. It will also show you how to stay ahead of the game so that you can win 2020. Sometimes, staying ahead of the game isn’t easy and that is why you need a hand to do it. That is why I have listed in this blog post, the four main strategies to help you crush 2020. Now, that 2019 is behind us, we need to move forward and start the new decade and new year on a better note.

That is why the new year is always exciting because of the reset button, but we do the same thing that we did last year, we will have the same results. No one wants that, so it is important that you use these strategies to help you crush 2020.


Set intentions and not new year resolutions


A year ago, I wrote a blog post about new year resolutions and which ones you should set. Many of us are obsessed with new year resolutions and most of us fail to complete them. That’s because often throughout the year we push back the time table in completing our tasks. Seeing it as enough time to achieve our goals. After all, twelve months seems like enough time to accomplish what we want.

Yet, the truth is many of us still don’t follow through. We push back our goals and that there is the problem. The question here is then what should we do. How can we make sure that 2020 is a better year than all the ones that came before it.

We need to set intentions and not new year resolution. The word intention is far more powerful and has more of an impact. This strategy will help you crush 2020 a whole lot better and faster. Think of it like this if your intention is to read one book every year then you push yourself to do exactly that. You have to follow through with an intention. So going forward in 2020, use your intentions to push you out of the door. Use your intentions as a foothold to help you crush 2020. 

If you want to stay ahead of the game see this as a golden opportunity to make something more out of your life. The sad reality is new year resolutions don’t work. If something doesn’t work then you have to find something that does. This will help you move forward in 2020. 


Also Related: The Power of intentions: How to Keep Your Resolution for Good?


Be you


As a kid, I hated being different and because of that I hide in my introvert shell. What kid likes to be different and many of us choose to hide who we are so

we pretend to be someone else. Maybe, we try to be too out there or spontaneous because everyone else around us is. That is the problem, many of us are

far too terrified to go out there because most people don’t do that.

Most people don’t start YouTube channels, podcasts, blogs or their own business. That is why Forbes Under 30 is seen as a welcomed addition because most

people under the age of 30 are partying. Nowadays, a lot of people even under the  age of 35 are sorting out their lives. In 2019, I realized that sometimes it

is far better to stand up for what you believe then to agree to what everyone else says because that is the norm.

This strategy will help you crush 2020 because when you start to accept who you are, you will be more willing to venture out of the norm. You will be braver and far more courageous even if you are terrified of failing.

Being you will push you out of your comfort zone and this will give you a edge over everyone else.


Start your own business


Have you ever wanted to start your own business? This is a question many of us ask but few of us ever take action because of either doubt or a belief that people online don’t make money. The online business model has made more millionaires than brick and mortar businesses. As strange as it seems it is true. 

Every year, there’s some kid who has become a millionaire from either a blog, YouTube channel, podcast, drop shipping and the list goes on. Starting your own business is also by far one of the best ways to crush 2020.

So, if you want this to be your year I reckon you start your own business. The extra income will also make your life a whole lot easier. As scary as it might seem you will gain more from starting your own business. More time, freedom and money in the long run.


 Also Related: 13 Habits of Self-Made Millionaires


Keep hustling


One of the main reasons why people never go after their dreams is because of fear. It tends to make us stay in our boxes because we are so sure that if we venture outside the lines that once protected us we are doomed. That is why many of our teachers never told us to color outside the lines. Sure, they believed they were teaching us something important. Maybe it was discipline, obedience or a list of qualities that we needed to have. Who knows?

Though, years later, many of us never color outside the lines. We never step out of the boxes society has given us. We look through these lenses because we believe that is what we are supposed to do. This strategy will help you crush 2020. You need to keep hustling even if you fail. To keep going after your dreams even if it is difficult to do. To work at it on a constant basis. Sure, you will be exhausted, but if you want to crush 2020 then that is what you need to do. So you need to think and act like a millionaire even if you are not.

You need to adapt habits that will push you and help you crush 2020. This is the start of a whole new decade and a year. So, to help you out, you need to work to crush you got to keep hustling. Keep moving forward and never look back. As much as we wish we could go back in time, we can’t. Therefore, we need to stop looking back and look forward. Leave what happened in the past and keep chugging.  This strategy will help you crush 2020 and it will give you the strength to maintain the momentum. One of the reasons people give up early on is because they forget the reasons why they are doing this so don’t forget to ask yourself those questions and you soon will find the answers to it. 


What strategies do you think will help you crush 2020. Let me known in the comments section. 


                                                                      KEEP  P USHING



13 Habits of Self-Made Millionaires in 2020

13 Habits of Self-Made Millionaires in 2020

13 habits of self-made millionaires in 2020

Every self-made millionaire has these 13 habits in 2020. So if you want to be a self-made millionaire then focus on these thirteen habits. 

The last decade many people speculated what makes a self-made millionaire and while time went on, our definition changed. The 2010s was an era where self-made millionaires were made more easily than any other decade that came before it. Our understanding of who they are was reflected in the habits that they worked on. When it all comes down to it, the habits of self-made millionaires are different than anyone else.

We are entering not only a new year, but a whole new decade and it is so much easier now to become a millionaire. Think about how many five year old kids have bank accounts bigger than yours. I mean, if a five year old can be a millionaire than what are we waiting for. In all fairness, they started so much earlier but still doors have been opened for people to change their lives.

Here’s the thing it all comes down to choices. The choices we make affect us more than we like to admit and it is here that we choose whether what we want to believe.

If you believe you can’t be successful than you won’t. That is why I compiled this list of the 13 habits of self-made millionaires in 2020. Some of them will surprise you and others won’t. It all comes down to your perspective, but this list will motivate you to make the choice to build a future where you can impact someone’s life. So here we go.



They invest in education



More many people this depends on the type of learner you are. Not everyone enjoys reading, I have come to understand that. Though if you are reading this blog than you are a reader. I digress, investing in education is so important and that is the one habit of self-made millionaires that can be spotted across the board.

From Gary Vee to Oprah to Grant Cardone. Education is so important. I am not talking here about getting a four-year degree from a university where you had to spend more money than you had.

That is what was great about the 2010’s, they changed the way we looked at education. It was no longer seen as formal, but could even be informal. The past decade people spent money learning online. There’s so much you can learn online from any skills you can think of to and any topic you can imagine. You can invest your money on books, courses, summits or conferences.

It doesn’t matter, education is a better investment than entertainment.



They hang out with other successful people



Want to be a millionaire or successful than you need to hang out with people who either are or want to be successful. Not sure where to find those people?

There are dozens of applications and websites built in the last decade to help you out. 

I did tell you that the 2010’s were an incredible era. The reason why you need to do this is because birds of a feather flock together. No kidding, there’s actually truth to that. I once heard that you are the average of the five people you spend your time with. Here’s a fact, you won’t become rich if you are spending time with people who are broke and who don’t want to change their life.

Habits tend to be very contagious. Have you ever seen a non-alcoholic spend time with alcoholics. No, right. What about a healthy person who spends time with unhealthy people. I could go on and on. If you surround yourself with people who exercise you will do. The same can be said for anything. Building relationships with people who are working towards something is as contagious as it gets.


They want to change the world



I told you that some would surprise you. We all think that the rich are selfish, maybe because of reality television shows. That changed our perspective a bit.

However, many self-made millionaires want to impact the world. They want to change it. They know that giving back is the best way they can show how grateful they are for the success they have.

All we have to do is look at Bill Gates, who is a billionaire. The amount of money and resources he gives back is unbelievable. Many people who own businesses want to help people achieve their success and they give back as much as they can.

Many self-made millionaires teach themselves to practice gratitude and that changes their perspective. Makes them charitable as they realize how short life is and doing something that matters is far better than the money they have in their bank accounts.



They are dreamers and practice creative visualization



When I was a kid I was told that dreamers never do anything with their lives. I spent a decade, looking at the habits and most of them are

dreamers. Well, you have to be if you are going to be a self-made millionaire. I can imagine them telling people about their dreams.

“So, what do you want to do with your life?”

“I want to start a business.”

There’s usually an eye roll involved when they’d reply back. “Really and what business and how are you going to do that when you dropped out of college.”

Many self-made millionaires either didn’t go to college or they dropped out. So, they’d have to be dreamers and practice creative visualization for their dreams to come true.

Creative visualization is the process of dreaming about what you want your life to be like. It might appear nonsensical, but when you think about what you want the future to be like, you are training yourself to work towards it.


They pursue their goals



Wait what? Yes, they pursue all their goals, no matter how nonsensical or difficult it might appear. If you want to be successful then you need to crack down on moving towards something. You have to follow-through so that you too can enjoy the success many self-made millionaires enjoy.

If you want to run a marathon then do that. Do you want to learn how to play guitar? Than learn how to do that. Maybe, you want to learn how to code. As long as you have full use of your hands then you can do that. Follow-through and you’d be surprised at what you will achieve by working on your goals.

When you work your way through your goals, something happens. It changes your perspective and you will grow a lot quicker. You’d be shocked at what you

achieve, if you start following-through with all your goals. Sure, take it in your strides, but it is still important to pursue your goals. Be comfortable with rejection and failure. it will help you follow-through.



They wake up early



I have yet to see any mammal that doesn’t love sleeping unless you are a whale. That however is a story for another day. Humans are no different. We love our sleep, very few of us can get away with little sleep and many of us struggle to wake up early.

I struggled for the longest time to wake up early. It was only until I was a lot older that I started getting used to and my life changed for the better. It was as if was walking in the dark then I had a light bulb moment. Everything came into full swing and I changed the way I saw life even myself.

Every self-made millionaire wakes up early. I know, that’s a long list and a generalization, but in this case it is so true. They understand that their mind and body is more active if they wake up early so that is what they do. 

Research says that there’s far more benefit to waking up early. For example, you get more done than most people because while everyone is sleeping you are working. You also don’t rush into things because you would have had enough time to get ready. So, yes waking up early is really beneficial.


They have multiple sources of income



This one certainly surprised, I had spent so much time, thinking that most successful people had one source of income then I learned that they usually have seven or more sources of income.

As impossible as that seems, it isn’t really. It all comes down to understanding how to make money online which is a lengthy topic and one that you can read more about in detail by clicking the link below. Many successful people own more than one business, they also have written a book and are public speakers. They also invest in stocks, own e-commerce businesses.

This can be anything from selling clothes to accessories or even mugs with an interesting quote on them. The list goes on and on. Look at many successful YouTubers, many own a blog as well and that is another source of income. This is one of the habits that have people self-made millionaires.

When you have multiple sources of income, this is how your income grows a whole lot faster. If you learn this early on then you can become a self-made millionaire a lot quicker.

Many successful people do affiliate marketing, but they sell their own courses and programs as well. These are two separate sources of income. I could go and on about this. But you get the point.



Also Related: Quick Side-Hustle Ideas to Start At Home



They find and check up with mentors



If you are starting out and can’t afford a mentor then you can still invest your time. What I mean by this is you can go to YouTube and read books so you can learn something. A mentor does help you get to your destination a lot quicker, but many people can’t afford the price tag attached to it. So, I understand.

Still, investing your time is a great alternative and you can watch videos on any subject on YouTube. Learn as much as you can. You will have to do more work though, if you are learning on YouTube because sometimes the advice isn’t as clear cut as it could be.

I have learned that often the excuses we make for ourselves makes it a lot harder to escape the situation we are in. If you want the 2020’s to be your decade than you need to escape this way of thinking.

This is one of the habits many self-made millionaires have. Who you surround yourself with determines your course of action. This habit helps people become people become self-made millionaires faster. The reason is because when you ask for advice from those who are where you want to be, you can learn what to do and what not to do.



They are positive



I have yet to see a negative self-made millionaire. The habits that are self-made millionaires possess is their positivity. They don’t live the doom and gloom lifestyle many of us adopted in the 2010’s. Sure life gets hard and sometimes it feels good to say how much it sucks, but that can only take you so far until it doesn’t.

This is coming from someone who was extremely negative and I didn’t go far. I didn’t pursue my goals and I became friends with people who were just like me. It was like that for sometime until I realized I wasn’t evolving. I wasn’t growing or building. I was stuck in the same rut I had been with and I hated it. So, I decided I needed to change that. It wasn’t easier, but that is life. Nothing is easy in the beginning, it takes time and effort to change the way we operate.

If you want to be successful then out with the old and in with the new. The new you should be positive because if you are then you will achieve your goals no matter no matter what obstacles come your way. It is all a state of mind. If you want to be a self-made millionaire then you need to focus on this habit. This habit will anyone who wants to become a self-made millionaire focus on what is and isn’t important. 



They don’t follow the herd



Another habit of self-made millionaires is they don’t follow the herd. They don’t mind being outliers or even being seen as a little strange. They don’t mind people not understanding what they are working towards. They know what they want and even if they have to color outside the lines, they don’t care. 


Too many of us spend so much of time carrying too much what everyone else does or thinks. We want to be like everyone else and that is what we do. The problem with this kind of thinking is that we never step outside of our comfort zone or do what scares of us. We don’t build a business and regret usually follows.

So, if you want to be a self-made millionaire in the future then you need to learn that you don’t need to follow the herd. In fact, don’t follow the herd.


They spend time thinking and reflect


Yes, the world is always noisy, but still how many of us dedicate time to thinking. Not just thinking about our problems, That is ingrained in us, that many of us know how to do it without much thought. What I mean is many of us don’t ever consider our solutions or think about ideas. We never think about new business opportunities or wonder how we make more time.

Many of us struggle with time management, but there’s a way around it, that we never consider. You can only solve the problem if you spend time thinking about the solution. I had to learn how to do this and in the beginning it wasn’t easy, but life became so much easier once I did it. I then realized that many of us never think of solutions to our problems or ideas.

When you spend time thinking, your life changes. This habit of self-made millionaire will make you rich. Look at any successful person, many of them are self-aware and always come up with new ideas. Here’s a thing you might never have considered, it is a lot easier to come up with business ideas when you practice reflection.


They value feedback



Many of us hate feedback of any kind. That is understandable, but if you ever want to go anywhere then you need to realize that there’s so much you need to accept.

You also need to value feedback. I am not saying you should take everything in, but rather you value feedback. It is your choice what you should take note of and what you shouldn’t.

Constructive criticism will only make you better. I can promise you on that one, but you need to understand you will grow so much faster if you do that. You will learn so much as well as you go through all the motions. It does take time to process everything, but once you do then you will learn what you need to change. Feedback can help you tweak certain things whether it is project or an idea.

Those changes can help your product stand out a lot better. So, yes, it helps to value feedback. This habit is one that have self-made millionaire has adopted because they understand its importance


They never give up



Want to be successful then you should never give up. This habit is what makes self-made millionaires what they are. If they gave up then they wouldn’t be self-made millionaires. It is so much easier to give up. To throw in the towel and ignore the tiny voice that keeps saying to push forward.  If you want to be successful then you need to keep pushing forward even when the odds are stacked up against you.

The odds in the beginning will always be stacked up against you. If that wasn’t the case then we all would be successful. That isn’t how it works unfortunately, so you need to realize that you have to see it through. If you give up then you will never know what could have come from working on our dreams.

Every successful person has had to struggle, but they made it to the end of the line, by realizing that they can’t give up. Keep working on your dreams and I promise that you won’t regret it.


Also Related: How To Master The Art Of Never Giving Up


What is your main takeaway from this and what habits are you planning on working on? What are your goals for 2020, comment below.



                                                              Keep Pushing



Biggest Lessons and Regrets from 2019

Biggest Lessons and Regrets from 2019


Your key to success: biggest lessons and regrets from 2019

Here are a few of my biggest lessons and regrets of 2019

Hard to believe that 2019 is coming to a close and we are not only entering a new decade, but also a new year. This year I learned a couple of things, a lot

of them are my biggest lessons and regrets. I learned a couple of things this year that have taught me a few things. They have also made me realize that I have a long way to go. 

What I have come to realize is that every year comes with its own set of lessons and regrets. One year you might learn to fight for what you believe in and the next you could learn how to love yourself. This year, I learned a couple of things I never thought I would learn and it pushed me out of my comfort zones. I had this idea of who I was and what I wanted.

Then life slapped me hard and I realized, I had missed the mark on so many things. I had underestimated myself for far too long. The interesting thing is we have all been there.

We have all underestimated our capabilities to some extent. Thinking that we aren’t equipped or that we aren’t good enough to do something. Then we realize that we have what it takes. I had to learn this because this was the first year I went for my dreams with full force. I learned so much in the process and that made me stronger as I was pursuing my dreams.

My biggest lessons and regrets taught me what mattered at the end of the day. It helped me figure things out and I decided to write this so it could help you as well. I am not the exception, who knows, maybe next year could be your year to follow your dreams. 



Start now



A lot of us don’t start on our dreams because we believe that there’s enough time. That might be true, but it doesn’t mean that we should take advantage of time.

Sometimes you need to dive right in so that you can start working on your dreams. This is one of the biggest lessons that I learned this year. I regret not starting earlier a few years ago.

What I have discovered is that sometimes we forget to live life because we are afraid to fail. It is scary failing and there are a lot of people who choose to focus on the wrong things because they are afraid that if they start before they have all the cards on the table then it would be a painful experience. I once was told that no one changed the world by playing it safe and yet many of us do this often.


We never start early and therefore, we regret not doing that down the line. Something powerful happens when we choose to start now. When we choose to follow our dreams. When we step out in faith.

This is one of the biggest lessons and regrets from 2019. What it taught me was that when you push yourself out of your comfort zone, you are telling yourself that you believe in your dreams. That is important because then whatever comes your way, you are more willing to fight for it.


Also Related: 13 Reasons Why It’s Important to Follow Your Dreams


Too terrified to charge more



One of my biggest regrets was not asking for more. I had this belief that I needed to be as affordable as I could be. That is not a bad thing, but I ended up doing so much work. I wasn’t confident in my capabilities and therefore I was alright with settling for less. I have come to realize putting yourself out there isn’t enough, it is also important to understand the worth that you are bringing to the table.

Even though this is one of my biggest lessons and regrets, I also understand putting myself out there made me confident. People talk often about making money online, but once you do that it changes the way you look at life and yourself. Before I wasn’t sure how it could be done then I did it. It was as if I had a light bulb moment.

In my first year of business, I made money and it wasn’t as much as I thought it would be. Though it did make me realize that I could make more money from working online then I had thought was possible. Stepping into the next year, I know it is possible and now I am more confident in my capabilities.

What you need to take form this is that never be terrified of charging more even when you are starting out. That doesn’t mean you should be exorbitant, but it also doesn’t mean that you should be terrified of asking for more.



Choosing fear over my dreams



One of my biggest regrets of 2019 was I often chose fear over my dreams. You might be wondering how does one choose fear over chasing your dreams. I had so many plans brewing and I was too terrified of failing I never went for it.

I spent months procrastinating instead of going after what I wanted. Maybe, if I had fought harder than I would have made more or done more. However, even though I regret this, it also was one of my biggest lessons. I have learned that we all need to grab the bull by its horn. Sure, it is terrifying, but not doing that is as if we are saying that we aren’t good enough.


Next year, I want to take more charge of my life. Do more, follow my dreams. Yes, in the beginning, it will be terrifying, in fact, I am expecting it to be. But life is all about taking chances. Even though, it is terrifying at first. Not taking chances is almost like giving up.




Caring about what people think is a waste of time




This is one of my biggest lessons and regrets for 2019. I spent the last decade caring far too often what people thought. It often drove me crazy. I would spend so much time consumed with worry and that stole not only my joy but my confidence. I was worried about how someone would see me if I went after my dreams.

After all, I was no one special and maybe, people would think that I was trying to be someone I wasn’t. For the longest time, that fear kept me stuck. I couldn’t move past it. I couldn’t move past the worry or even try to build myself from the ground. As a result, I never did anything that was seen as spectacular. A lot of people have this belief that you need to be like Oprah or Elon Musk to make a change.


As a result of that, they never step out of their comfort zone. They never chase after their dreams because the thought lingers in their mind and consumes them to the point where insecurity plagues them. I decided to stop chasing after jobs not because I am special, but because I realized that I wanted more for my life.  



Never give up



This might seem corny, but often when things start getting harder it is so much easier to throw in the towel. One of my biggest lessons this year was I almost

gave up. I almost threw in the towel. I had to decide whether I wanted to list this as one of my biggest lessons and regret of 2019. I decided I wanted to be honest with. 

Most people on the internet tend to shy away from this. Maybe, they feel it will make them appear vulnerable or human. No matter how many years you spend working on your business, they will be times when you will want to throw in the towel. Why? Because sometimes running a business isn’t easy. Will it always be like that? Of course, not. We all have our moments when we contemplate giving up.

I had a few of those moments this year when I almost threw in the towel. It was here that I learned that anything worthwhile requires time and patience. I started to think about the amount of time I dedicated to working on my business. Here’s the thing, many of us give up way before we start building traction and we never know what it could have happened if we stuck it out. 


Also Related: How to Be Fearless by Doing it Anyway


Waiting for people to come to my blog



This is one of those life lessons we read about and promise ourselves that we won’t do then we do. I read often about how new bloggers tend to wait for people to come to their blogs. I promised myself I wouldn’t do that and then I did.  This is my top biggest lesson and regret from 2019. I have learned that often it is important to go out there and put yourself out.

There are so many people with blogs these days that it is important to share your content so that it can be seen. Often, we have this belief that people will show up. “Field of Dreams,” could have inspired this trend of building something and believing that people would show. Even though that movie was inspiring and motivated a lot of people back in the day to go after their dreams, often even if you build something no one will come. You are lucky if you hear grasshoppers instead of the wind whistling. 

Once I realized this, I came to understand how it important it is not only to fight and push for my dreams. This was one of my biggest lessons and regrets of 2019.


What risks are you willing to take to chase after your dreams? Loved to know. Comment below.



Keep Pushing
