5 Simple Tricks To Stop Being Lazy!
If you want to stop being lazy, then these five simple ways will help you do just that.
There’s something exciting about a new month in a new year. It comes with it a sense of determination to what the next couple of months hold. Unfortunately, you won’t go far if you have the laziness bug and a topic of like this can cause people to become uncomfortable, but as an entrepreneur, I know how important it is to work on your goals and dreams.
I know how important it is to work hard, but do it with efficiency. It wasn’t always like this, I used to be lazy. Many people would say I was a couch potato. I’d watch television for hours and never get bored, now that isn’t something I can do without going crazy. The truth is it was easier to kick the lazy bug than I thought it would be.
If you want this year to be your year then there are a few simple tricks that will help you kick the lazy bug for good so that you can build dreams that you want to build and live life on your own terms.
The older I have gotten, I have come to understand the importance of building dreams so that you can live life on your own terms. In this blog post, I’ll show you 5 simple tricks to help stop being lazy. As I said it is important that you beat laziness because if you never do then you will never live life on your own terms and your life will always remain what it is now.
Have a dream you are willing to fight for
When I was a kid, I knew I wanted to make a difference. I wanted to change the world for the better, but I didn’t know what it was. I remember following my father around and admiring how many people knew who he was. When my father walked into a room people got the sense in who he was and they always came back with stories about how he helped them with their business and family.
At the time, I thought my father was really famous, when I was older I found out he was an entrepreneur. A pioneer in a way, I wanted to be like my father but I was unsure if I wanted to be an entrepreneur. To me, it seemed like far too much work. I found myself lost, unsure with what path I wanted to take.
Then I discovered that entrepreneurship is by the far the most dynamic career you can take on. There are so many things you can do when you become an entrepreneur.
People looked at me and told me that I couldn’t possibly become an entrepreneur. The thing is when you have a dream so strong and powerful, you want to fight for it. You have a hundred reasons why you want to do it and nothing can stop you. When I had this dream, I stopped being lazy. I started walking up early and it wasn’t a struggle. I used to struggle walking up. No longer, did I look forward to watching television early in the morning. Instead, I chose to fight for my dream and that helped me to stop being lazy.
Find the root cause
Until, you understand what is going on behind the scenes you will never stop being lazy. I used to watch television as a form of escapism. When I watched my favorite programs. I didn’t think about what was happening at home or my learning disability. I didn’t even consider the problems I was having. At the time, I didn’t even know I was depressed until someone pointed it out.
When you are alone with your thoughts, the reality is far scarier than you want to admit. You will never change your life if you don’t find out why you are doing what you are doing. For example, there are a lot of people who want to have healthier lifestyles yet they eat until they can’t walk straight or lie on the couch the whole day.
As scary as it is allowing yourself to grieve you must because letting out is better than keeping it bottled up. You will also be closer to finding out what is going on with you. This will help you stop being lazy and move you in the direction that you desire.
Quick fix for procrastination
If you are like most human beings then you might struggle with procrastination. I get that, but have you ever thought about breaking your time up. This will help you stop being lazy. Let me explain, I climbed Table Mountain in 2014 as a person who is terrified of heights,
I wanted to do this. The thought of climbing it was terrifying. I managed to make it to the top because I took my time. I took small steps towards my goals and that helped me. When it comes to procrastination, what stops us from completing a goal is the daunting task. The one that is ahead of us. If you need to stop being lazy then you need to fix procrastination.
Break up tasks that are making you nervous into smaller chunks. If you want for example, to start a business, what is the first step that you need to take. I once listened to this motivational speaker who said sometimes all you need to do become successful is to take the step in front of you. If you keep climbing up then eventually you will reach your goal.
This will help you to stop being lazy because you are dealing with what was holding you back. When you face what is holding up, you can stop being lazy.
Also Related: 7 Simple Ways to Stop Procrastinating
Laziness is a state of mind
This might make you roll your eyes and question my sanity, but think about it. None of us are born lazy. No teacher writes in a report card, your kid is too lazy. If you played hide and seek then you are not a lazy person. Circumstances made you lazy and when you are out of school it is so easy to become lazy.
That is why I say laziness is a state of mind. When you are dealing with hardship and struggling to cope, your default setting will be laziness. You will want to curl up in your blanket because it is easier to do that then face the world. You will want to hide because if you do that you can forget all the things you have to deal with.
Our mind affects us in more ways than we think. If you want to be successful then you need to change the state of your mind. If you want to stop being lazy then you need to stop identifying yourself as a lazy person. Once, you do that it will so much easier to actually work on your goal. You want be stuck with a negative mindset. This is by far one of the best ways to stop being lazy.
Also Related: 5 Habits That Will Change Your Life For The Better
Community and support
This is the last thing you should focus on if you want to stop being lazy. Having a community behind you or the support you need will motivate you. For most people, knowing that they had people to support them gave them enough confidence to change their life. Your community can be anything from your close friend to family members, the church, your neighbors or even Facebook groups.
The whole point is find people who are willing to keep you accountable. If you do that, then you can focus on changing your life. This last tip will stop you from being lazy and you can also achieve more if you have people who have your back.
What positive habits have you started doing to improving your life? Comment below