5 Tricks To Kick Your Worst Mindset Shift Challenges
5 tricks to kick your worst mindset shift challenges
Here are five tricks to kick your worst mindset shift challenges and conquer your fears.
What many of us don’t get is that it’s easy to kick your worst mindset challenges. These challenges have stopped you from growing and becoming all that you need to be. We all have two versions. The one we were and the one we become. Many of us spend years figuring out who we are. We never let go of the past and that affects us, leading to the future.
We are struggling to let go of mindset shift challenges. These mindset shift challenges make us believe we are incapable of achieving great things. Today we are going to talk about how you can kick your worst mindset challenges and why you should.
I started working on my business in 2018 and it was one of the most challenging things I have ever done. It was also one of the most rewarding. I had to shift my mindset. For years I was battling mindset shift challenges that stopped me from starting a business, changing my degree in university, writing a book and publishing it, and much more.
Our mindset has so much control over what we do in life and where we go from here. It can shape our perception. As human beings, we cling to things that we believe will make us happier. This is a phase, and it won’t last long. Eventually, the heartache isn’t too far away. That’s why you need to shift your mindset, so you see opportunities and grow from your experiences.
You’re incapable of going after your dreams
This is one mindset shift challenge I had to face. You will as well. You’re not incapable of going after dreams. Society made you believe this lie. So that you stay in a box. Why? Because it’s safer than going after what you want.
Our brain wants to protect us. Survival mode switches to the max for some people. This is so they don’t venture too far out of the lines. What happens is you never go after what you want?
A mindset shift challenge can be hard to get over. It’s difficult to kick. At first, it doesn’t seem too much of a burden. How can it be? This is why you haven’t achieved your dreams. Haven’t started a business. Every successful person has thought about this when they were starting. Every comedian was told they weren’t good enough. Every performer croaked on the stage. We all have fears and sometimes our fears can creep up.
When you are facing a mindset shift, challenge you have two choices. You either listen to it and never move past the challenge. The other choice is you choose to face it. Face your fears and challenges.
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I don’t have enough time
Time is invaluable. It is one of the most precious resources you have. There’s a quote that says, “people overestimate what they can achieve in a year, but underestimate what they can achieve in 10 years.” We all have the same number of hours in a day. The difference between us and successful people is they use their time wisely.
This is what many successful entrepreneurs do. They batch their content. This is one trick right, you can use it to have more spare time. By working on all your content in a week for a month or two months, you have more time. More time to do all the things you want to do. You can apply this to social media. Take photos for the entire month. This will help you a lot considerably.
Another trick you can do is to use the Pomodoro technique. This is a technique many successful entrepreneurs do. What this means is you work consistently with no destructions for twenty-five-minute sessions. Then you take five-minute breaks. You can do this for two to four hours.
What you will soon discover is that you will achieve more than you thought was possible. Especially if you know what you want to do for each of the twenty-five-minute sessions. This is how you kick one of your worst mindset shift challenges.
I don’t have money to invest in myself
One mindset shift challenge deterring from growing is this one. Yes, you might be broke or unemployed, but there are ways to make money. When you want to make money, you need to believe that wealth is abundant. Why? Because you will see an opportunity to make money. When I was starting, I had no money, but I wanted to start a blog. I was unemployed. In the past, I would have given up. Chosen not to go forward. Excuses would fly out of the shelves.
This time, that didn’t happen. I got money from my siblings. Not much. Started my blog. I ran out of money. I didn’t give up. They had to be something I could do. So, I helped my friends with their websites. That’s how I made money. You need one thing you can work on. One person you helped. It starts first by doing. Sometimes all you need is one thing that can propel you ahead. That will help you get more people interested in what you offer.
Never be ashamed that you have to start from scratch. Everyone has had to. Every successful person started from the ground and made their way up. This is how you kick this mindset shift challenge.
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I have made far too many mistakes
Our mistakes define who we become. It sets us apart from everyone else. It gives us the courage to move forward. This mindset shift challenge has made us feel as though we’re failures. Whatever mistakes you have made relish in them. There’s no shame in embracing your mistakes. Why? Because this is how you can learn.
Imagine the world if no one made mistakes. If no one failed. Then there would be no telephone, airplane, iPhone, or electric cars. Our greatest flaws have led to the greatest innovations. When we make mistakes, we find better solutions.
Society has made us believe that it’s wrong to make mistakes or it’s wrong to fail. But didn’t Elon Musk fail in the beginning? What about Steve Jobs? Or Alexander Graham Bell. The greatest leaders, innovators, artists, and entrepreneurs all made mistakes. They have made many mistakes.
I will give you a few examples. Maybe you made mistakes at work or home or with your kids or in your relationships. It’s alright if you dated the wrong person or if you let your anger get the best of you. As I stated, we all make mistakes. Face this mindset shift challenge and accept that this is part of the journey. Nothing wrong with that.
I have nothing to say
We all have a story. One that can change the world, our nation, region, or loved ones. You never know where your story can take you. It doesn’t have to be something as inspiring as climbing the tallest mountain in the world or overcoming an addiction. It can be as simple as learning how to solve a problem. Countless people search the internet for solutions to their problems.
This is how you start a business by identifying what problem you want to solve and solving it. You don’t need a guidebook on this. Face this mindset shift challenge by realizing you can help so many people with your story. My story is of a girl who struggled with ADHD and started a business, a YouTube channel and wrote a book. No one believed I could do that, and I still did it. I believed I had nothing to say until I realized this wasn’t true. I had so much I had to say. You do as well. Face this mindset shift challenge by identifying all the problems you have solved in your life.
Was the solution simple? Was it complicated? How did you solve the problem? Then look at all the ways you can help people. Can you teach them how to play the piano faster? Can you teach them how to solve their pet’s problems? What can you help them with? Don’t allow your mindset shift challenges to stop you from going after what you want.
What mind shift challenges do you need to overcome. Comment below.
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