Are You Feeling Left Behind? Forge Your Own Path

Are You Feeling Left Behind? Forge Your Own Path

Are you feeling left behind. forge your own path.

Most people feel left behind. Here’s a simple solution how to deal with it.

No one knew social media would be seen as a vehicle to compare ourselves with other people. That has happened. Many of us feel left behind. We feel as though we aren’t achieving the success we always dreamed about. Social media often shows the best the world offers. Children and teenagers excelling at a rapid rate that many of us can’t dream of. 

This is a problem for our self-esteem and general sense of worth. How can we compete with teenagers making their first million? Yet we’re struggling to even figure life out. We beat ourselves for not getting it sooner. Studies show that many people feel left behind in life. Most people want to achieve something grand, but don’t know how to do that. They see themselves as falling behind in life. Here is something staggering. In 2011, it was stated that 200 million Americans wanted to publish books. Yet, in 2022, only 0,03% of the population is a writer. 

Here is another interesting fact. In 2018, it was stated that three out of five people want to start their own business. To be exact, 62% dreams of starting their own business. That is a staggering number. They are many people who feel left behind in life. More than you know. They are a lot of reasons people don’t go after their dreams. A lot of reasons they give up the goose. These facts show they are so many people with lofty dreams. Very few achieve them. That is why they call it the 1%. Most people give up way too easily. 

Below I will point out how you can start going after your dreams even if you feel left behind in life. Before I go on. I need you to know something. We all have a choice. Either we let fear in or we face it. We can’t do both. 


Comparison getting you down


Most people compare themselves to the next person. So and so is doing this. Why can’t I? So and so bought a new car. Moved into a new apartment, building complex, city or country. “Did you see what this person is doing on social media?” Social media has become a viewing room. Something to entertain us and distract us from going after our dreams. It makes us insecure. As we look at well-crafted social media feeds or even glance at people’s profile. 

Here’s the thing: comparing yourself will make you feel left behind. It will make you question your decisions. Consider them and wonder why you aren’t doing X and X. Yet, you’re still alive who says you can’t. It’s almost as if we think we need to achieve our dreams at a certain age or timeline. If I don’t achieve this at this age, I’m a failure. Here’s the thing: the people who achieved those things earlier had a different childhood from you.

Their experiences made them who they are. Just like your experiences made you who you are. Why do senior citizens choose to learn an instrument? Many of them wake up with regret and wonder where the time went. I admire senior citizens who do that. Because it isn’t easy to learn anything new. Even when you’re young. Yet. Few people do. Few people choose to learn something that will build them up. That’s the thing. You decide who you want to be.

You decide where you want to go. The choice is yours. Don’t let comparison put you in a box. Don’t allow it to trap you and stop you from going after what you want.


You give too much power to fear


Many of us give fear way too much power. We see it as this force that can cause us to stop in our tracks. That is why many people feel left behind in life. They give fear too much power. When was the last time you did something you were terrified about? I’m terrified of heights, but I have done lots of things that make people wonder if I actually am.

Why do I do that? Simple. Because I don’t want to give fear too much power. If I do that, then fear will control my life and decisions. I don’t want to ever be in a position where I feel as if fear has too much power over me. I can’t let that happen. You shouldn’t as well. I once heard someone say fear are fake events appearing real. And that is true. When you’re afraid of something, often we exaggerate. Here’s an example. I was in an elevator once. The ones that have windows. I imagined it crashing to the ground. Will that ever happen? Unlikely. Unless I’m in a movie. Movies aren’t real. What happens in movies won’t happen in real life? Certain instances they happen. Like getting eaten by a shark. But you’ll only encounter this if you swim where sharks are. 

Most of these things are situational. Many people allow fear to sink in. That is why they feel left behind. The best way to avoid this is to not give too much power to fear.


Social expectations


Society loves to give expectations. As if that is a parameter of success. Society will say you need to have done this at this age or achieved this in this time frame. Rules should be broken. The reason you’re feeling left behind is that you’re using society to determine what your life should be like. When I was in my early twenties, I felt like this a lot. I wanted to achieve so many things. Get my life going. But the thing is, I did not know how to do it. I was concerned with how people saw me. I didn’t work on how I saw myself.

That is the problem. We spend too much time wondering how people see us. Thinking that if I do X, then they’ll see me in a better light. Who cares what a stranger across the world thinks of you? Who cares what your aunt Mildred thinks about your singleness? The reason I say this is that there has to be a point where you care and defining yourself based world says about you. You can’t control what people think. That is just a fact. What you can do is think about who you want to be and where you want to go.

That should matter more than people’s opinions. People will always have opinions. Whether or not it’s true. You can’t let people’s opinions make you feel left behind in life. Not everyone is the same. Therefore, your journey won’t be the same.


Also Related: How to Fear Yourself of Social Expectations?


Success isn’t linear

Success isn’t linear. It’s not a step-by-step system. Even if you think it’s a staircase. That’s often not the case. This is the number one reason you feel left behind. You see success in a straight line. It isn’t. They are ups and downs in life. You will achieve something great than the next thing you know is you hit a slump or a land mill. Why? Because that is how life is like. If life was linear, it would be boring. You wouldn’t enjoy it as much as you enjoy it now. 

You wouldn’t experience the fullness that life offers. We need to understand life isn’t meant to be easy. It isn’t meant to be simple. As hard as that is, this is how we can achieve great things in life. We need to realize feeling left behind is normal, but it doesn’t determine where we go next. Whatever milestone you make, that is a step in the right direction. If you come across obstacles, that’s alright. That strengthens you. It builds you up. Pushes you out of your comfort zone. Creates opportunities that you never knew were even there. 

Also Related: How To Stop Chasing The Fake Image of Success?


Forge your own path

I used to think success was linear, so I’d follow the gurus’ advice. I’d think that this is how I’ll be successful. Few of us can follow someone successfully. Some of us don’t have that opportunity. We just don’t. We feel left behind because we believe we should follow someone’s path to become successful. That isn’t true. There has to be a point where we forge our own path.

This can look different depending on who you are. For example, who says you need to go back to university? Many people want to make more money. Several articles suggest going back to university to achieve this. This is just the opinion of a few people. That doesn’t mean if you choose to go down a different path, you won’t achieve anything. No. You can start a business. Create several income streams. Sell your mother’s cookies to your next-door neighbors. Home sit pets. The list goes on. They are so many things you can do.

We remain in a box when we don’t see the opportunities waiting for us. There’s so much you can do. You just have to go outside and see what you can achieve. Forge your own path. This is how you won’t feel left behind. Don’t look at other peoples’ success as the only way you can become successful. You just need to push yourself and you will find so many opportunities. Unbelievable opportunities you never thought you would ever achieve. It will takes time. But if you don’t give up. You would be shocked at all things you can achieve.


Why do you feel left behind in life? Loved to know. Comment below.



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How To Stop Glorifying Busy and Sabotaging Your Goals

How To Stop Glorifying Busy and Sabotaging Your Goals


how to stop glorifying busy and sabotaging your goals

Here’s how you can stop glorifying busy and sabotaging your goals

Many of us don’t understand the difference between being busy and productive. Because of that, we glorify busy and, in the end, that sabotages our goals. It sounds weird, but it happens to many people. Going into the new year, you need to understand the difference and how you can achieve your goals. You might have a lengthy bucket list of things you want to do in the new year. That’s great, but you also need to realize that your time is precious. If you want this year to be better than the previous year, then your habits need to change.

I struggled for the longest time with my goals. I did not know the difference between being busy and productive. What I soon realized is as a society we glorify busy. This doesn’t help us with our goals. Why? Because often we are doing everything else than what we are required to do. We focus on acting as if we are achieving something, but we aren’t. This is because we spend our time on time wasters and not on things that will push the needle forward. They are a few ways you can stop glorifying busy and sabotaging your goals. I will go through the list so that you understand if you stop this, then you are on your way to being more productive. 

One thing you need to realize is it will take time to get to where you want to go. That’s alright. You don’t need to rush. Sometimes it’s alright to slow things down. Figure out what you want from life and go from there. You just need to keep that in mind. If you do, it will be easier on you and you won’t get crushed if things aren’t going as fast as you wish they would.  


Reduce time-wasters

What are time wasters? This is one way you are glorifying busy and sabotaging your goals. Time wasters are basically activities that don’t help you with your goals. Let’s look at an example: if you are starting a business and then you focus on making money from bitcoin. That, in fact, is a time waster. I know what the internet is saying. Bitcoins and NFTS are the new way to make money. It’s all hype and no substance. Let’s say you have little money. How much time will you dedicate to learning about bitcoin.

Let’s say you dedicate four hours per day. Now, this has nothing to do with the business you want to start. Yet, you are focusing on bitcoins. I get it. We all want to be in the in-crowd. The problem with this is that it isn’t easy. No one will tell you that making money from bitcoin and NFTS is difficult. You will need lots of money to make money from this. You will also need to hire a coach because it isn’t as easy to make money from it. And it’s saturated. Everyone and their grandmother want to make money from crypto currency.  

Chances that you will make money from it are slim, so you need to keep your options open. That means you must figure out what you should do next. Another thing that can be a time waster is spending way too much time on one activity that doesn’t count or add value. You shouldn’t spend two hours writing an email to your subscribers. If you are creating a site, then don’t think too much about it. The longer you take, the longer it will take you to accomplish your goals.

The above are examples of glorifying busy and this will sabotage your goals.


Increase income generating activities


Do you want to make more money than you should focus on increasing your income-generating activities? I learned about this phrase a few years ago. Many of us don’t focus enough on income-generating activities. We spend too much of our time glorifying busy and that sabotages our goals. Now, here’s the exact opposite of it. Focus on making money. Now, if you are just starting, that doesn’t mean you can’t make money.

Take advantage of the global market. It comes with its own problems. Sure, but it has benefits. Because of the global market, they are many opportunities out there that you might not have realized. These opportunities can open so many doors for you. So, what are income-generating activities? Okay. It has to be an activity that will produce income. Even if it isn’t today. It can be soon. Posting videos that will help your business grow or that are beneficial will help you generate income. Watching cat videos won’t. Writing emails to your subscribers weekly will help you produce income sharing Facebook videos won’t.

In the beginning, it will take time for you to figure out what an income generating activity is and what it isn’t. So it’s important that once you figure this out, you spend more of your time doing that. This will help you achieve your goals so much faster.

Also Related: 6 Income Generating Activities that Will Grow Your Business Quickly


Have a detailed goal list


The reason it’s so easy to glorify busy and sabotage our goals is because we don’t have a detailed goal list. For the new year, you need to understand what goals you want to achieve and which ones you don’t. Often you can break it down by quarter. Have different set goals for the first quarter than the second and it goes on. This will help you avoid burnout. Glorifying busy is easy, and it is easier to sabotage our goals by doing this. Therefore, it’s important to have a detailed goal list.

For example, what are your top three goals? What also helps is to have three goals for your personal, spiritual, and business. Why? Because if you aren’t growing you are dying. We focus way too much on our business goals that we forget we need to grow in other areas. If you grow in other areas, everything will link. You would be shocked to discover you’re progressing faster than you imagine because you aren’t focused primarily on one category.

This is how you stop glorifying busy and sabotaging your goals. By having a detailed goal list for your three categories. Here’s an example of your personal category learn a new language or travel more. Then, for your business goals, it can be to have 1000 followers and the list goes on from there. Whatever it is, you need to write it down or keep it in perspective. Why? Because you then realize why you are doing what you’re doing. This is an easy way to stop glorifying being busy so that you don’t sabotage your goals.


Passive income is the way to go

Here is another way you can stop glorifying being busy so you don’t sabotage your goals. One way to accomplish your goals at a faster rate is to make passive income. Why? Because you won’t have to worry about capital coming in to help grow your business. It will also help you achieve your goals much faster. Since they are limited hours in a day, you need to make money.

They are dozens of ways to make passive income. Some vary from beginner friendly to complicated. It’s best to start with the easy ways to make money and move from there. It all depends on what you will do and how you will achieve it. Passive income is one of the best ways to make money because you aren’t working for the money. You can do something and you will still make money. Few people can say they have achieved that. This will also make your time well spent. When you are making money, your perspective shifts and you calculate your time better. 

The above are a few examples of how you can stop glorifying busy and sabotaging your goals. 

Also Related: How to Turn Your Life Around in 12 Months


How will you stop glorifying busy and sabotaging your goals. Comment below.

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How to Tap Into Your Motivation Sources?

How to Tap Into Your Motivation Sources?

How to tap into your motivation sources

This is why you should ditch your perfect vision to find your calling

Many of us wish our lives were movies or at least an episode of a TV show. Unfortunately this isn’t a Hallmark movie. Things happen and often we have no control of them. They will things that you had planned that didn’t pan out. 2021 was that year for me. I had a litany of things I wanted to achieve. Out of my top ten list, I only achieved one thing. Did it suck? Yes it did especially considering I had built up this excitement and then everything bombed. For many of us when that happened, it crushes us and our motivation well dries up. You might be wondering how to tap into your motivation sources.

We all have motivation sources. A well that we can use when we need a boost. Though, sometimes it inconveniently dries up and leaves you suck with the bill and no way to pay. In this blog post, I will list three sources of motivation. Before I go on here’s something you should know. Life happens. As much as that saying is annoying. It’s true. Most things are out of our control. Just like a weather forecaster can only predict the weather and not control it the same is for you. Most of us have this in build sensor that knows when danger or problems are around the corner. You know when things aren’t working out. At times you can stop things from escalating, Though, most times you can’t. That doesn’t mean you should give up. Nor does it mean that things won’t work out in the end. No. That’s not it at all. If you want to be successful, you need to learn how to tap into your motivation sources. 



What does success mean to you?


We all have different definitions of success. When I was a kid success meant lots of money. The definition though has changed because of my English lecturer. He often said success depends on what you want for your life. This is one of the easiest ways to tap into your motivation source. Understanding what success means to you can motivate you. It can up fill your well. Answering this question will become your motivation source. You see our definition of success can inspire us. 

Having lots of money isn’t a bad thing, but it’s a loose definition of success. Success can mean just going for your dreams. It can mean saying no to what people want you do. Success can represent where you want to go or live. As a young kid I wanted to travel the world and I still do. I wanted to live in those countries. The thing is I achieved that even before I started my business. I achieved that because I believed I could. Now, most would say that I wasn’t successful because I didn’t have money in my bank account. That’s the problem. We have this lofty descriptor associated to success. 

Being hard on yourself won’t help you tap into your motivation sources. As I said life happens. They are things we can’t control so if that’s the case then you need to celebrate what you achieved when no one was watching. You need celebrate yourself because that will help you understand what success means to you. It will also guide you to tap into motivation sources so you can achieve more. 

Also Related: How to Accept The Journey Rather Than The Destination


Appreciate the invaluable lessons


Some things can’t be bought. Your health and genuine relationships can’t be bought. Another thing that can’t be bought are invaluable lessons. This is another way to tap into your motivation sources. What lessons have you learned and what has it taught you about life and yourself. Invaluable lessons are like a goldmine because it teaches you so much about yourself and what you are made of. Are you made of bronze or silver? Now, you will know once you reflect on the lessons you have learned.

This motivation source can push you outside of your comfort zone. When I was in my early twenties, I went through a lot of obstacles, but you know what that gave me guts to do things I never imagined. I did public speaking, debate and even joined a talent competition. The lessons I learned pushed me out of my comfort zone. Many of us don’t tap into this motivation source. Even though, it’s one of the best. Why? Think of it like this what have you been through? What did it teach you about yourself? How did you react to it? Life is hard. Most of us have to pick up weapons to battle the obstacles that face us everyday. 

Very few of us crumble when life throws curveballs. Because life has made us stronger. It has strengthened us and has pushed us. If that didn’t happen then we wouldn’t leave the house. How many people crumble when they face obstacles? You are stronger than you think. You are braver than you think. You are smarter than you believe. It’s important for you not to forget that.

Remind yourself of what you faced because that will help you to push the needle forward. If you got over that breakup you never thought you, then you survived heartache. If you managed to get up when you were fired then you can deal with anything that comes your way. This is a way to tap into your motivation sources and it will surely inspire you to keep going. 



What do you want your story to be?


This is a more unique take of how to tap into your motivation source. What if a writer wants to write your biography? You are sitting opposite the writer and they want you tell them your story. What will it be? What do you want your story to be a part? We all have a choice what we write down. We all have a choice what we want our stories to be part. The thing is you might not have much control about what happens in the grander scheme of things. You do, have a choice in your actions.

Your actions are important. That determines what your story will be about. You have a choice what people will see when they read your story, Often we think or rather believe we don’t have a choice in our actions. When I was twenty-one I lived with this girl. We were friends at the time. She told me I needed to change. Back then I had issues. Guess we all do. Even though, I didn’t agree with her about most things. I realize she was trying to help me out. I hated change. I could blame it on  my nomadic ways. As a kid I jumped one from school to the next. I could blame it on the people who never stuck around like my siblings. They left when I was really young.

If I’m being honest it was all on me. I was no longer a kid therefore I had to take responsibility. My story is about a girl who learned how to love herself. It’s a story about battling the odds, acceptance and resilience. At the end of my book, I want to inspire people to chase their dreams no matter how many odds are stacked up. What do you want your story to be about? This is how you can tap into your motivation source by inspiring yourself to never give up.


Also Related: 13 Ways to Stop Being a People Pleaser


Who inspires you?


This is another way into your motivation source. Who inspires you? For the longest time my inspirations were celebrities. Now I don’t have one particular person who inspires me. I do get motivated by people’s success though. Years ago that wasn’t me. I was overjoyed when my friends achieved something great. Still, I used to compare myself. Why couldn’t that be happening to me? I’ve learned to be present in the silence. I’ve learned to be present when the world was ablaze. It wasn’t easy, but I’ve come to understand the waiting period isn’t supposed to be.

When I was twenty-three, I spent a whole year waiting to go back to university. That was hard. My peers graduated. Some of them even started a business and appeared on magazines. I was stuck. Waiting. For the rain. For a miracle. For God to open the door to my life. It wasn’t easy. It wasn’t easy celebrating when my life wasn’t moving forward. But I realized that their success was a testament to never giving up. I learned that to lift my glasses to celebrate their victory. The people in our lives can inspire us just as much as the top 1%. You don’t need a Tony Robbins or the big guns to inspire you. Often it’s the people who know who can inspire you.

When I started looking it like that my viewpoint changed. I started celebrating more boldly because they had achieved something that many deemed impossible. Looking at the way the world is it’s not easy buying a house. That should be a celebration dance. Here’s another thing, when the people around start doing great things that will inspire you because you will want that as well. This is why it’s important who you surround yourself with. 

Here are a few ways you can tap into your motivation source.

How will you tap into your motivation source. Let me know in the comments section. 


                                                          KEEP  P USHING



An Open Letter Aspiring Entrepreneurs? Never Give Up

An Open Letter Aspiring Entrepreneurs? Never Give Up

An open letter to aspiring entrepreneurs: never give up  

This is an open letter to aspiring entrepreneurs that will surely motivate you.

When I was younger, I didn’t want to be an entrepreneur. I saw it as a fruitless and thankless profession. To me, it seemed boring. That was before my eyes were open to what entrepreneurship is really about. So, this is an open letter to aspiring entrepreneurs. I wish when I was starting out I found something like this. A blog post that would give me the much needed reality check I needed. That’s why I’m here. To give you a reality check. One that will help you understand a few things.

This is what you should know. Since this is an open letter to aspiring entrepreneurs, I want to be honest. Entrepreneurship isn’t for everyone. When I started I was like everyone should to do this. No. Not everyone should be an entrepreneur. They are a lot of reasons. First is that it isn’t the easiest thing to do. Many days, you will be broke before you make money. They will be a time when you want to chop your hair off or throw your computer at the wall. See. That’s how frustrating it can be. How nerve wrecking it is? This open letter to aspiring entrepreneurs: I need you to see the bad before I encourage you. Because for those who stick around and truly want to be an entrepreneur, I want to help you not to give up.

Another bad thing about entrepreneurship is the early mornings. If you like sleeping in bed, then yeah, entrepreneurship isn’t for you. Now, some people are natural morning or evening people. They wake up early or sleep until late. You are an owl or a lark. As they say. Entrepreneurship takes it one step ahead. I am a lark. So I sleep early around 8 pm and wake up earlier, around 3:30 am. Now, imagine doing this daily. Whether you want to. Maybe you can do this here and there. I have to push myself to wake up even when I don’t want to.

These are a few tidbits I have. They are more. But now for those who want to stick with it. This open letter to aspiring entrepreneurs will help you to never give. Because that’s what we need, the motivation to keep pushing and not throw in the towel. Entrepreneurship is a lonely road. One full of potholes and obstacles, but it’s worth it.



The journey is worth it


The journey is never ending. There’s always gonna be growth, improvement, adversity; you just gotta take it all in and do what’s right, continue to grow, continue to live in the moment  – Antonio Brown

Way back in 2018, I started a blog. That was the start of something wondrous. It’s been said that life comprises moments. Moments that teach us so much about ourselves. That is what entrepreneurship is. This is an open letter to aspiring entrepreneurs who have felt that they are missing a mark. I need you to realize that the journey doesn’t stop. It’s never ending. You will always have growth and improvement. I had to go through massive adversity to come to where I was. It wasn’t easy. Not by far. But I have learned so much about myself because of that.

I chose not to give up, and I was rewarded with improvement. Often we are stuck on the financial rewards and don’t realize that they are other rewards as well. I will not tell you the journey was easy. If I did that, would the journey be worth it? I always say that if you could wish to be anything, would it be worth it? Often, the answer to that is no. It would cease to be worth it. 

Why? Because you didn’t earn it, so you don’t deserve it. Nothing worthwhile comes easy. That’s just a fact of life. Something that often we forget to acknowledge. This open letter to aspiring entrepreneurs will make you realize the journey will lead you to destinations you never imagined. 

 Also Related: The Incredible Truth About Emotional Intelligence and Entrepreneurship


Your Why and How?


We all have dreams. Things that we imagine. I have had many dreams as a child. One point I wanted to be an actress than a psychologist and the list goes on. I never stuck with one thing until I found entrepreneurship. It was because entrepreneurship was bigger than I could imagine. This is an open letter to aspiring entrepreneurs, who are also dreamers. We are the future. Entrepreneurship, that is. It’s the future of the world. Why? Because entrepreneurs have grand dreams. They want to make the world a better place. To inspire and encourage.

So, it all comes to your why. If your why and how aren’t strong enough. Let me elaborate. You need a bold why. One that showcases why you are doing this. Why do you want to make the world a better place? Why do you want to be an entrepreneur? For me, I wanted to inspire millennials who don’t fit into the typical profession bracket that there was another way. I also wanted to encourage those who hated the 9-5 that they can in fact start a business and make money. My how was through stories on my blog and using media to encourage, inspire and inform. Your why will differ from mine and that’s a great thing.

Your why should be personal to you. That way, it will have room to grow and improve. Your why should also have a target audience. That helps you to narrow it down. We all know the saying that if you try to help everyone than you help no one. The same applies here. You got to have a target audience. You want to dedicate your why to.

 Also Related: Do You Know Your Why?

Freedom of choice and time


As hard as entrepreneurship gets, the one thing that keeps pushing me is the freedom that it offers. I can do anything I want. If I decided I wanted to learn to pilot a plane, I could learn how to do that. I dedicate this open letter to aspiring entrepreneurs who want more choice. Here it is. The opportunity to have more freedom.

That there is a gift because most people don’t have freedom. They certainly don’t have options. Entrepreneurship is one of the few careers out there that offers freedom with time and choice. If I wanted to take a three-week break thrice a year, I could. Whereas with a job, unless I worked there for years, I couldn’t and you would always have to seek permission from someone else.

I’ve always been the person who hated that. Seeking permission to take a break. I also hated constraints, so I know entrepreneurship is the right fit for me. It gels well with my personality. I like the freedom. I also want to become financially free and entrepreneurship is the only career that can provide that. When entrepreneurship becomes harder, thinking about the destination helps to push me. Sometimes the destination can seem lofty, so I stick with things that I know would help to get me out of bed. 

We all want freedom. Not all of us will get it. So, to all the aspiring entrepreneurs who feel trapped, entrepreneurship will give you time and choice. That’s not a bad thing. Even before you hit your destination, you can still have freedom of choice. Not time, but choice. The choice to make your decisions. To listen to your gut without being reprimanded if you get it wrong. That’s what I look forward to. Entrepreneurship has opened a world of wonders that used to be closed. It has given me insight that I never knew I needed.

As I’m ending this open letter to aspiring entrepreneurs, I know it will be hard. Entrepreneurship isn’t easy, but it is worthwhile. So whenever you want to give up, just remember why you started this. That should help motivate you.  


What is your main takeaway.  Comment below.


                                                      Keep Pushing




Why Entrepreneurship is The New Normal

Why Entrepreneurship is The New Normal


Why entrepreneurship is the new normal

Here are a few reasons why entrepreneurship is the new normal

When I was ten years old, the teachers gathered all the ten-year-old kids in one classroom. They wanted to find out who we wanted to be. Many of the answers the kids gave were similar. They wanted to be doctors, firefighters, police officers, athletes or entertainers. That was what was normal in the 2000s. A good job. Now, the new normal is entrepreneurship. How times have changed?

You know, the saying that the more things change, the more they stay the same. Entrepreneurship is the new normal twenty-plus years later because of many factors. Before we entered the 2020s, there was a shift. More and more people were quitting their jobs. They wanted something that offered something else than working for the MAN. I’m not against the 9-5 job, many people love their jobs and it offers them the right benefits. Though, they are people who have never been satisfied with that and the worst advice would be to follow what one else does, even if it makes you miserable.

I believe some people are born entrepreneurs. They were born into an entrepreneurship family. So, from an early age, they saw what entrepreneurship was really about. I was born into an entrepreneurial family, but I didn’t want to be an entrepreneur until I was much older. I didn’t want to do things that were expected of me. I used to fight against the status quo. Then they are people who are made into entrepreneurs. These people usually find entrepreneurship along the way and find their footing. Then they are those who are thrust into entrepreneurship. The last camp are people who have no choice but to turn into entrepreneurship because of circumstances they couldn’t prevent.

Below are the reasons entrepreneurship is the new normal. 


There’s no satisfaction in the job market

As a kid I always used to hear, paper will open so many doors for you. Even though my parents were entrepreneurs, they also were extremely educated. Now, I have nothing against university. I learned a lot of great things from university. It taught me so much about myself and what I was capable of. It opened doors. Back then, colleges and universities had more credibility than they do now. 

The new normal is entrepreneurship. Here’s why? Look at the job market. They seem to be far more unemployed people than they are jobs. Even if those people get jobs, they make less than a lot of entrepreneurs. I’m talking about the successful. Maybe not the top tier entrepreneurs, but they are few lower tier entrepreneurs who make $5000 per month. Think about that. That might not seem like a lot, but that income will grow faster than it does with a normal job. A lot of top tier entrepreneurs earn anything from $50,000 to $1 million per month. That seems impossible, but it isn’t. It takes time and dedication, but it can be achieved. 

Entrepreneurship is the new normal because it offers room for you to grow. Unfortunately, jobs aren’t like that. You can spend 10 years working at a company and only earn a little more than you did when you started. Yes, they are people who get promoted, but that’s a small fraction. Most people won’t get that opportunity to get promoted. The job market is stagnant unless you are working in the new industries or in the science industries. Most of us go down the normal route and often those jobs don’t offer a lot of room to spread your wings. 


Also Related: 19 Reasons to Start Your Own Business


Passion is the new currency

Life is precious and short. Darn it. No, it’s valuable. Passion is the new currency, and therefore entrepreneurship is the new normal. As children, many of us watched movies about the struggling passionate artist. It made us believe that your passion won’t put food on the table. Things are different now, though. I’m sure people told Elon Musk that Tesla wouldn’t work. I’m sure they told him it was impossible. He still went out and did it. Yes, Elon Musk is a genius. So using him as an example might not convince you.

Let’s look at other people who followed their passions. Look at any influencer you follow. Whether in the beauty, fitness or success industry. Many of them don’t have their own products. Yet, they are making lots of money. What about the authors you read? We often like to say some people are lucky. But that isn’t the case. Often, it is refusing to let go or settle down. Passion is the new currency because it’s harder to quit when you are passionate.

When you are passionate, you will push yourself regardless of what people say. You will push yourself past the surrounding barriers. Passion is valuable because it offers you the motivation to get up, even when you don’t want to. Entrepreneurship is the new normal because passion fuels it. The founders of Airbnb had a simple dream and now their company is worth billions of dollars. Your passion can lead you to places you never imagined. 


Your why


Entrepreneurship is the new normal because the world is changing. More and more people are looking into their why. Their purpose or calling. The people who change the world aren’t vast companies. No. The ones who change the game and the world are entrepreneurs. An entrepreneur who wanted to offer kids the opportunity to learn and write started pencils of Promise. He changed the world. The people who inspire are the entrepreneurs. They are the ones who motivate the shift in the dynamic. Entrepreneurs always have a big why and an even bigger who. 

They know what their purpose is and who they want to help. They understand that to truly change the world; they have to disregard their selfish desires. This is how they change the world and make it better. We all have a purpose. We all have a why. Sometimes it might not seem as great as you hoped. Maybe, the design doesn’t seem all that great. But that’s how it starts. A caterpillar never thinks they’ll turn into a butterfly. Why would they? The ugliest thing has the potential to turn into the most beautiful insect. We all have potential.

Your idea might not seem great now, but then it can change. It takes belief to push what you want to make the world better. We all have the potential to beautify the world. I believe God gives us inspiration and ideas to change the new norm. Entrepreneurship is one of the few fields that can actually do that. Therefore, it’s the new normal. It can turn something as simple as an idea and shift the dynamic. Canva was just an idea. So were the shopping malls and the fast-food restaurants. All of them just started out as ideas. Often that’s all you need. 


Also Related: Why You Should Find Your Purpose


Scale and grow


What is your superpower? We all have it. Something that makes us different from everyone else. Entrepreneurship is the new normal because it helps you lean into that and helps you use it. Not every industry does that. Plus, you grow and change because of entrepreneurship. Before entrepreneurship, I had no direction. It was hard for me to solve my problems. Now, it’s easier. Entrepreneurship has given me the opportunity to scale and grow.

It has given me a chance to see opportunities I never did before. Now, I accept things I would never have accepted before. Sounds simple. Too easy. But even my clients tell me how entrepreneurship has helped them find opportunities. One of the great things about entrepreneurship is that it shows you countless ideas of how to make money online. It isn’t as hard as many people make it sound. Not saying it’s easy, like taking your dog for a walk. Nothing worthwhile is easy. Still, it will open your eyes to so many ways you can make money.

You might not have imagined these ways. Often, all it takes is a simple leap. Then you can make money from your ideas. You can change course. This is how you scale and grow. Entrepreneurship is the new normal because you can have several modes of making money. The more you scale, the more ways you can make money. There’s also something satisfying about being financially secure and free. You won’t have to worry about money. Money will work for you rather than you work for money. You can spend a few hours working on your business and still make more money than your 9-5 job. I’m not saying any of this is easy. Nothing worthwhile comes easy. You got to work at it. You won’t make it with a push of a button or pushing products you don’t believe. 

If you do it the right way. Follow the right path and look at the map. Then you will succeed. If you don’t give up, then you will succeed. It takes time, but I guarantee that it’s worth the ride.  


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