Shift Failure into Something Positive

Shift Failure into Something Positive


shift failure into something positive


This is how you shift failure into something positive 

For failure there are two types of people. Those who handle it well and those who don’t. Many of us fall into the latter camp. Failure sucks. Working on something and it not working the way you want, stings. Pushing yourself and coming up with undesirable results can make you feel like a failure. It can push you into the corner and can cause everything to spiral out of control/

Very few people look at failure as a bridge to success. But it is. That’s why it’s important to shift failure into something positive. Why? Because if you don’t, that’s when fear settles in. Once that happens, it’s hard to push yourself back up. It’s difficult to face your fears because of the fear of failure or rejection. One thing I never thought would happen once I started my business was looking forward to failure. Who even does that? It’s crazy to imagine what life would be like. I’ve failed more times than I can count. I have had to work at something many times until I got it right. Learned new skills and sucked at those. 

Something happened along the way. I sucked less. I improved. It pushed me and I became better. Therefore, this blog post will change your life. Well, because it will teach you to shift failure into something positive. That isn’t easy. But nothing is. One thing people will tell you is that you’ll never be successful if you don’t do A or B or C. You’ll never make it unless you do this. I’m here to tell you that shifting your perspective will change the way you look at life and the world. 



Failure is the beginning and not the end

Stay with me. When you fail, it’s the beginning. It’s not the end. Remember, you got to shift failure into something positive. It starts with this. When you fail, pick yourself up. You tweak things up and move forward. Every successful person has failed in the beginning. The star tup companies that failed to garner traction. Blog posts or YouTube videos with no views. The marathon you lost. The promotion you didn’t get.

The mistakes you have made along the way. Many people give up when they don’t achieve what they want. They see it as the end of the road. X didn’t happen so I’m not good enough. They are seven billion people on the planet. More than half of that is on the internet. They are millions of blogs, YouTube channels and podcasts. Competition is stiff.

This isn’t to discourage you, but to encourage you. Did you know every day a blog, YouTube channel and podcast are launched? Yes. Every day. Did you know that most quit within three months? So. If you keep going, you’ll find the momentum and will make it. But if you can’t, you’ll give up. 


Failure teaches you invaluable lessons

Every successful person has a story of triumph over their failures. That makes them human. It resonates with us. Our thoughts connect. “If they have failed, then I can do this,” that’s what we think. And many of them say I struggled so I know you can do this. We look up to them because of this. And we connect with them more.

Failure teaches you can get up. Once the storm has gone, then you can make it out of it. Shift failure into something positive. Name anyone you follow who has failed. Success isn’t defined by victory, but by failure turned into triumph. Once you overcome your failures, you can teach someone how to overcome it as well. Look at Amazon books, courses, blog posts and podcasts. Many of them describe how to overcome x or beat y. Yes, they talk about how to achieve Z. But many of them strive to make you overcome something in your life. Our failure teaches us invaluable lessons. 


Also Related: 10 Reasons Why Failure Teaches Us More Than Success


Give up control

Certain things are out of our control. The weather, for example. We accept that. We’re even prepared for it. What about the other stuff? You can’t control what people think about you. You can’t control failure or not making mistakes. None of us were born with a guidebook on how to beat the odds. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. And that’s true. A beginner piano player doesn’t become a virtuoso overnight. A new entrepreneur who launches his company doesn’t become a millionaire in a month.

You don’t have control when you make it. You don’t have control over what mistakes you make and when you make them. Give up the idea you have control. As hard as it is. That’s the blessing in the journey. You learn and grow. You develop. This will change the way you look at yourself and life. Keep shifting failure into something positive. In the beginning it will be hard, but it won’t always be that way. Everything changes. It doesn’t remain the same.

Look at what’s in your control. The dedication you have. How much time you spend building your skills. Your productivity. How much money you invest? Your mindset. When you focus on what you can control, it takes away the pressure.

Keep going


This is one way to shift failure into something positive. You learn how to never give up. When you fail and get over the heartbreak, it strengthens you. Successful people aren’t stronger than all of us. They become it. Failure teaches them how to do it. It isn’t easy. To fail and to keep failing. It hearts. But that’s the joy of failure. Knowing that regardless of how many times you fail, that you will be successful at it.

I wrote a book in 2017 and published it. I failed. It didn’t get any traction. My goal of becoming a New York Times Best-Selling author obliterated. But I survived. Was it hard? Sure. It hurt. Yes. But every day it hurt less and less until it became a blip on a radar. No more did it feel as if it was this big thing? And here’s the thing, I failed because I didn’t do the things I hoped to achieve. And that’s why I’m telling it’s okay. Keep going. Keep moving.

Look back. Not with regret, but with a smile on your face. Failure didn’t destroy you. It didn’t crush your soul. You survived. You didn’t curl into a ball like how movies depict. No. You are a survivor. So, if survived then it isn’t as bad as you thought it would. Putting yourself out there. Is hard. That’s true, but it doesn’t have to be. It doesn’t have to be brutal or scary. Remember that you can do this, you just have to remember that you got this. One thing failure taught me is that it doesn’t have a hold on you unless you allow it to. Don’t wallow in the mistakes you’ve made. Because even when you learn from them, you will make new mistakes. And you will keep on making mistakes. That doesn’t stop. Human error exists because we are flawed. Did you know even with the many edits’ books go through; many still will have errors? Most books have at least five editors, then they will have a proof-reader. Yet, they will still be mistakes. The same can be said with movies. There’s no such thing as a perfect film. Yes, they are movies that are great, almost perfect. 

You aren’t alone. Shift failure into something positive. Don’t expect perfection. Go for excellence instead. 



Also Related: 6 Brilliant Ways to Master Self- Sabotage


How will you shift failure into something positive. Let me known in the comments section. 


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How to Stop Chasing the Fake Image of Success

How to Stop Chasing the Fake Image of Success


How to stop chasing the fake image of success

This is how you stop chasing the fake image of success

We all have chased the fake image of success at some point in time. Every one has a unique assessment of what success is. Many of us don’t realize that this is a fake image of success. Society has led us think we understand what success is. What it means to become successful? As a child, I thought success was this elusive or esoteric quality that only a few people possessed. I believed that you had to be gifted to become successful. Many of us see successful people in this light.

History shows us that we have always viewed the successful, rich or famous as better than us. Even though a lot has changed, our perception of wealth hasn’t. Those who don’t have it will always want it. Many of us view the world through a telescope. The world of the successful is too far out there for us to reach. That’s because we hold onto a fake image of success. My university professor once said that everyone has a perception of what success is. Maybe for you it’s being able to pay for mortgage, having thousands of followers, starting a business or getting awarded for an achievement.

These are big wins. Impressive even. We all crave that. Thinking that it is what it means to be successful.   Here’s the unrelenting truth. As impressive as those wins are for some it isn’t enough. We watch successful people and see metrics they’ve achieved. A conclusion is drawn that this is what it means to be successful. We rely on the fake image of success. Choosing not to look too deep. Afraid that we might not like what we see.


Comparison trap


What does success look like to you? Is it financial freedom? Numerous opportunities. Social media followers. What is success look like to you? Many of us can’t answer that question. Because we rely on what society says it is. Films and tv shows portray success and we want to live like our characters. We hear success stories and we want that. Overnight success stories either inspire or demotivate us. We wonder if we will ever achieve that.

There has to be something special about that person. How did they make it with $0. Questions surround us. This is where the comparison starts. Social media is our Achilles heel. I used to compare myself to my friends on social media. They were living the life while I had no clue what the future held. I believed I would be happier if I was living the life they were. All lies. Until you start chasing your dreams you won’t realize what it takes to be successful. Then you realize everyone’s journey is different. The road is either curved or straight. Their circumstances are different.

Stop chasing the fake image of success. What you see often isn’t the reality. What people want you to see sometimes isn’t true. That’s hard to swallow. But it’s true. You have to figure out what success means to you. Research on it and figure out how you can achieve it.

Also Related: How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others?


Growth mindset


The fake image of success doesn’t last. True success is all about a growth mindset. Creating opportunity where there was none. They are a lot of ways to make money, but none of them are sustainable. Often, these money making methods can cause mayhem instead of success. You need to have a growth mindset to truly become successful.

What this means is you need to work on yourself. You build yourself up. People with growth mindset understand that success is a journey and not a destination. That is what many of us consider success. We see it as a destination. A end goal to achieve, but success is the result of actions we have taken. For example, starting a business is a action. Financial freedom is the end-result of the action you took. Many of us have to alter our perception of success and what it means to us. The journey to becoming successful is filled with road blocks. Finding ways to solving the problems you encounter is how you become successful.

There are a lot of people who have money, but have no idea how to solve their problems. This is a fake image of success. As I said this isn’t sustainable.



Set backs empower you


 The fake image of success sets a narrative that there are no set backs. True success is painful. They are numerous set backs. You are pushed down time and time again. You lose sleep, time and money trying to follow success clues. Remember success leaves clues. And that is what you do. You pay thousands of dollars on courses, books and programs. All to become successful.

It’s hard. Stressful. Painful. But it’s worth it. You can’t become successful without going through set backs. These set backs will empower you. Make you see things differently and it will help you solve problems. Every set back can be used as a turning point. In 2016, I hired people to help me build a website. That website failed. Two years I taught myself how to do it myself. People started paying me to help them build their website. That was my first turning point. What do your set backs teach you? Use that to empower and push you forward. The fake image of success will tell you set backs will stop you from becoming successful. This isn’t true. Set backs actually help you to grow a lot faster.

Also Related: 13 Habits of Self-Made Millionaires


No get rich schemes


The fake image of success has held you back for far too long. There’s no substitute for work. Many of us are looking for ways to make money without the heartache or the pain of pushing yourself. True success builds you up. It changes the way you look at the world. Success has changed it’s approach. Now it is all about servitude. But you won’t know this if you don’t work on it.

Starting something new creates changes in you that you never considered. Your habits shift as you work on your dreams. You start to wake up early. Chase your dreams with more vigor. Become more confidant as you realize you want more. Though you wanting more is also about making a difference. You relish in that. Those interested in get rich schemes never become successful. They are people who make money from it, but that doesn’t last. There’s a right way to do things and a wrong way. How many blogs are they on how to make money from get rich schemes? Not everyone makes money from it. But they are people who do. But you won’t make any difference and you can’t replicate your results. That means you have to start from scratch.

When you try to become successful the wrong way it won’t change you. New habits won’t form. Your mindset won’t change. Therefore, it will be a struggle to build yourself back up. This the problem with the fake image of success.

Also Related: 7 Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs

 How will you stop chasing the fake image of success? Let me known in the comments section. 


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The Incredible Truth About Emotional Intelligence and Entrepreneurship

The Incredible Truth About Emotional Intelligence and Entrepreneurship

Incredible truth about emotional intelligence and entrepreneurship

There’s a strong correlation between emotional intelligence and entrepreneurship. Keep to find out what it is. 

For the longest, it was believed you had to be extremely intelligent to be an entrepreneur. The truth is that you don’t require a high quotient on the intelligence scale to become an entrepreneur. What you need is emotional intelligence which is completely different. This is more of a personality trait than it is something you possess. In the last couple of years, it has risen as more and more people are trying to become emotionally intelligent.

To become successful and an established entrepreneur you need to be emotionally intelligent or at least be willing to learn how to become one. That is a question many people ask? The problem is most people don’t understand what high emotional intelligence looks like. They are also people who fall in the camp of not understanding it’s importance. Highly emotionally intelligent entrepreneurs tend to be more successful than those who are not. Their companies run well like highly oiled machines. These are entrepreneurs who understand themselves well enough to understand the people they are dealing with. 

High emotional intelligence is important if you want to start a company, but it’s also important if you are working for someone. Most people have no idea how to work on emotional intelligence or that it’s possible that it can be done. The question that I will answer today is how do I become more emotionally intelligent? In today’s blog post, I will share what exactly is emotional intelligence. I will also share what the correlation is between emotional intelligence and entrepreneurship. If you have always wanted to become more emotionally intelligent, but you have no clue how to do that, this blog post will share the light.


What exactly is emotional intelligence?


Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize your emotions and other people’s emotions. You can channel your emotions into something constructive and are easy to adapt. When you have low emotional intelligence you struggle to identify your emotions and channel them properly. This can lead to communication issues, relationship problems, and stress.

If you can’t recognize your emotions, you can’t identify others. Therefore, this can lead to misunderstanding and can impact your life. When you have high emotional intelligence, the opposite happens. Your relationships soar, you become a better communicator, you are more self-aware and you can handle stress better. 

The link with entrepreneurship is that you can handle your situations better. Entrepreneurship is filled with numerous obstacles and hurdles. You have to communicate well to get things done and you need to be able to assess situations on the ground. Having low emotional intelligence won’t help with entrepreneurship. It is more of a deterrent than anything else and will push you back. 

 Below are a few of the benefits of having emotional intelligence.

Also Related: Is a Success Mindset Key to Success?




As an entrepreneur, you need to understand what you are feeling. Keeping check of your emotions is a big thing in entrepreneurship. That is why you need to make sure you can tie emotional intelligence to entrepreneurship. If you aren’t aware of what you are dealing with it will be challenging to process it.

Entrepreneurship is already stressful. I’m positive you don’t want to make your life harder to deal with if you can’t understand your emotions better. As a person who struggled with my learning disability for the longest time, my emotional intelligence was low. I wasn’t aware when I was overwhelmed, stressed, or enraged. I had to learn. If I didn’t then I would struggle to deal with all the tasks I had to do along with my emotional stability. 

Self-awareness is one of the benefits of having high emotional intelligence and it can help you process situations much quicker than you normally would have been able to. Self-aware people understand their emotions better than most people and they are able to figure out what steps to take. If you have no idea why you feel a particular way it’s difficult to solve problems. People with high emotional intelligence are great problem solvers. This is one quality that is needed for entrepreneurship. A lot of problems will arise when you are working on your business and that is why you need to be adept at problem solving. 


Also Related: How Self-Reflection Can Change Your Life?


Understand people better


The reason why many people struggle to handle their relationships is due to having low emotional intelligence. It’s crucial to have a handle on your relationships and have social awareness as an entrepreneur. Having a high emotional intelligence is vital to closing important business deals and being able to put yourself out there in social situations.

If you can’t communicate with people in social situations then it will difficult to network with potential clients or partners who can help your business. Even if you want to be a sole entrepreneur, you still need to network with potential clients even if it’s on social media. One of the highlights of having high emotional intelligence is you are empathetic. People enjoy communicating with those who understand them. Your clients will appreciate it as well because you are willing to put yourself in their shoes. No one wants to feel judged or misunderstood. Being empathetic is a part of having high emotional intelligence.

If you can’t understand people, you will always struggle to connect in your relationships. One problem you will face as an entrepreneur is that you won’t understand your client base and won’t be able to take criticism. This is extremely important and those with low emotional intelligence are unable to accept constructive criticism. 


Control over your emotions


Entrepreneurship isn’t easy. It’s said that 99% of people who start a business quit within a year or the business fails. The road to being a successful entrepreneur is filled with numerous hurdles and it becomes harder if you have low emotional intelligence. It is hard keeping a lid on your emotions, but you must do. 

You can’t control every outcome, but it’s important that as an entrepreneur you handle situations carefully. For this reason, that’s why you need to have high emotional intelligence. Let’s say there’s a client who doesn’t want to pay you for the work you have done. People with low emotional intelligence can resort to putting their conversations on social media. This does the opposite of helping you. It will discredit your business. When you have high emotional intelligence you can use the situation as a teaching moment and grow from it. As annoying as it is, being calm about the situation is so much more important than arguing with your client.


Also Related: How to Control Your Emotions so Your Emotions Don’t Control You


How to increases your emotional intelligence


This post wouldn’t be complete with a how-to part so that you can increase your emotional intelligence. As entrepreneurs, it is important to have high emotional intelligence. There are a few ways you can achieve this and the tips listed below will help you to achieve this. No longer will you struggle to tie emotional intelligence and entrepreneurship ever again. One thing you need to note is that we all need to constantly work on our emotional intelligence. 

  1. Read books – Reading about other people’s success can help you understand how to cultivate similar results. This is one way you can build your emotional intelligence so you can become a better entrepreneur.
  2. Journaling – Journaling can help you understand certain events in the day. It can also help you to look through a different rearview mirror. Many people speak highly about journaling because it can help you to understand what happened during the day. For example, if you got into a fight with someone by writing it down you can understand how it accelerated. 
  3. Speak to a counselor – You will never know how far you need to go until you speak to someone unbiased. You need to understand what you are missing or the problems that you are facing. A counselor can help you make links between certain past events and your present that you might not have realized. 

There are numerous ways you can increase your emotional intelligence. One thing to note is that as long as you work on it, then with time it will grow. But if you don’t then it will remain the same and as an entrepreneurship you will face so many obstacles. It might be difficult to navigate those obstacles if you don’t increase your emotional intelligence. 


What is your main takeaway from the blog post and how will you work on your emotional intelligence. Loved to know. Comment below.


                                                      Keep Pushing



The 10 Best Business Models for 2021

The 10 Best Business Models for 2021


the 10 best business models for 2021

These are 10 ways you can improve your life in less than 30 minutes.  

If you asked me when I graduated college, I would start my company. I would have laughed at you. The strange thing is that the world has forever changed and so has entrepreneurship. Back in the early 2010s, it was something people did in their spare time. And very little was known about blogging or how to be successful at it.

Flash forward to 2016 and there was a tremendous surge in people who started their companies. Many bloggers became instant sensations and started their blogging empire. There were also other entrepreneurs who became influencers. Hard to believe that was four, nearly five years ago. This year has hit many of us hard. And another boom is about to going to emerge. Many people who lost their jobs will start a company or two.

And maybe you want to be part of that. And you have no idea how to start or what business models will intrigue you. I wanted to talk about the ten best business models because many business models might be outdated or hard to start in this climate. For instance, starting a brick-and-mortar business won’t be as easy to start as it was. So, that option is out of the window. 

Who doesn’t know about franchises? But unless you have a rich uncle or aunt who will give you money, then it will be tricky getting a bank to give you the money. And with what has happened this year, there’s no guarantee that next year this business model will be as profitable. A lot has changed for the way the world looks and functions, so when you are choosing a business model, you need one that will work for you.

What this means is you need to pick a business model that won’t cause you a financial hassle. You want a business model that you can start with less than $500. Yes, that is possible. But it all starts with understanding business models and being cautious. So, without further ado, let’s get into the meat of this article. 



What the heck is a business model?


If you learned business in high school, you might have captured the basics of a business model. What you learned is still relevant today. A business model is the structure of your business.

  1. What are you selling?
  2. How are you selling it?

That sounds too simple. But this is exactly what a business model is. The reason you need one is you need to know the direction you are going into. Most businesses started from one business model and then as they grew, they added more. So, if you are mulitpassionate or you are worried you won’t be satisfied with one, that’s alright, you can pick one then pick more when your business grows. 

This is for simplicity. We want to make your life as easy as it can be. These business models range from easy to hard, but it all comes to what your experience is. We will get into that with every business model, so you aren’t stuck with options. 


Also Related: How to Start A Business in Just 3 Months 


1. Services


Yup, you guessed it. Services are one of the 10 best business models for 2021. It will always be relevant regardless of technological advancements. We are always looking for people to help us with a problem. You trade your time for your client’s money. This is simple to set-up because you don’t need to be technological. However, it requires a lot of time to do this one. Because you are trading your time for money, you won’t make as much money as you want to. Writers, coaches, yoga teachers, make-up artists, graphic designers, virtual assistants, wedding co-coordinators etc fit well into this category.


2. Products


This is one of the best business models to set up for 2021. There are hundreds of articles on how to set up a profitable product-based business. When you sell jewelry, Ebooks, courses, printable, wine or cupcakes, you have a product-based business. As you can see from the list above, you can sell either physical or digital products. The reason this business model is easy is that it is clearly defined. You need to sell a physical or digital product to become profitable. I suggest selling digital products if you are starting out because you won’t require a lot of money to start your business. However, if you want to sell physical products just remember you need to have saved enough money for equipment, fulfillment and other incurred expenses.  


3. B2B (business to business)


This is one of the best business models for 2021 because companies will always buy from other business. This is what B2B is. One company sells to another company instead of an individual. Take for example Apple buying phone chips from Samsung or any other company that buys from another company. This is how they stay afloat. Another simpler example are event companies. They might not buy a product, but could rent it. They rent space, chairs, equipment and buy food from catering companies. They are a lot of examples of B2B. 


4. B2C (business to consumer)


This is one of the best business models for 2021. B2B and B2C business models will continue to exist because they will always be businesses that need to buy from other companies and they will always be businesses that sell to consumers. This is what B2C is. Businesses create a product to meet an individual’s goal, and then they sell it. Think grocery stores, bookstores, or any other store or company that you walk into. Maybe it’s your Netflix subscription or the furniture store or even the hardware store. Just like B2B, there are several examples of B2C. 


5. SaaS (software as a service)


In the last decade or so, this has become increasingly popular and will continue to increase in popularity with technological advancement. Therefore, this is one of the best business models for 2021. They are a lot of software as a service business model out there, you just have to look at the apps you have paid for. The calendar apps you already use. On a broader spectrum, it’s the website builder you use or the email marketing service that you pay for sending emails to your audience. SaaS comprises all the work and home-related tools that you use in order to increase productivity or get work done. 


Also Related: The Ultimate Guide to Starting a Software Company 

6. P2P (peer to peer)


If you have never heard of this business model, you aren’t the only one. In recent years it has become overwhelmingly popular and it is one of the best business models in 2021.  Two individuals create value by coming together to create a service or experience that can both profit from. Uber, Airbnb, HouseTrip, Craigslist, Freelancer and Etsy. They are several other companies that fit under the bracket of peer-to-peer. Whenever a transaction happens between the people connect, that’s when they make a commission. These people can be guests, drivers, hosts, job sites, marketplaces, etc. 


Also Related: How to Build a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Marketplace Website


7. Content

Content based business models are one of the earliest business model. It’s been there since people understood the importance of entertainment and news. Of course, the delivery has changed, but it has stopped content-based business models from being popular. That’s why it’s one of the best business models for 2021 because more people are going online. They are dozens of examples of content-based business models. YouTube channels are one example, but so are podcasts, blogs, news channels and magazines. As long as you are delivering content to your audience on a weekly basis, then it fits under this category.


8. Ecommerce

This list wouldn’t be complete without including Ecommerce as one of the best business models for 2021. They’re many people who have become millionaires from ecommerce and it continues to expand as more websites help people sell their products. There are several ways you can do ecommerce. You can create t-shirts and sell it on Amazon Merch. You could do accessories, outdoor gear, jewelry, cell phone cases, home equipment and other stuff. You can sell it on one of the largest ecommerce websites, and that is Amazon.

Ecommerce that they are other business models that fall under it. One of them is POD also known as print on demand. This allows anyone to customise a product, but it is only shipped when a transaction is made. Think of selling t-shirts, sweaters or pants that are POD. Drop shipping is another method of ecommerce. This where an online store sells a product to a consumer, but the product moves from the wholesaler to the consumer without being handled by the seller. 


9. Subscription business

You pay weekly for a particular service. That can be Blacksocks, Birchbox, GeekGearbox and Justfab. There are more examples of subscription businesses. This is another old business model. It’s been there since the 17th century. The model was pioneered by book publishers who sort to deliver periodicals of books. People would pay a monthly fee to get to read the periodicals. Next year subscription businesses will continue to grow exponentially, and that is why it’s one of the best business models for 2021. If you want to start a subscription business but have no idea on how to start from. There are a lot of ideas you can try out. Here are a few art supplies store, cleaning supplies, community delivery service, courier service, gift baskets, fashion and grooming service, candy and snacks box, deodorant and perfume subscription, grocery store and online magazine. 


10. Influencer

The world has changed that now being an influencer is a business model. Thanks to the rise of content-based platforms such as TIK Tök, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube becoming an influencer has grown in popularity. There was a time when only famous people could be influencers, but now anyone who will step out of their comfort zone and deliver one can become an influencer. Brands pay influencers a fee for promoting a product. Often these influencers then create their products. The significant thing about this business model is that you can combine any of the other business models as your popularity increases.  


Also Related: Ultimate Guide to Grow Your Business with Influencer Marketing

Which business model do you want to try out for 2021 and why? Please comment below.


                                   Keep Pushing




How To Be A Goal Digger: 5 Golden Rules For Success

How To Be A Goal Digger: 5 Golden Rules For Success

How To Be a goal digger: 5 golden rules for success 

These are the four reasons why obstructive habits can impact your success.

Have you ever tried to be committed to finishing a goal strong? Have you ever struggled to complete your goals and always wondered what you are missing? To become a goal digger you need to change your mindset. Becoming a goal digger isn’t easy, many of us struggle when it comes to our goals because we look at them wrongly. 

A goal is simply a task that needs to be completed in a certain time frame. Yet, we complicate it. That is the thing about being human we tend to complicate everything because it sometimes seems easier to do. Though, when you start to approach things the way a goal digger would, you change your mindset. A goal digger is a person who commits to the goals they set. So, do you want to write that book? Sit down and do that. Maybe, you want to start a business. What are you waiting for? Often at times what stops us from being goal diggers are all the problems surrounding us and that can be a damper. I get that, but there are always going to be problems. One thing I have realized is that often at times we forget that there’s hope. Maybe, that is how we can help by giving a lending hand. 

It all comes down to what are you willing to do to become successful. One of the things you need to do to become successful is by being a goal digger. If you have no idea how to that I will give you five ways you can. These are also five golden rules for success. 


Be committed


It’s improbable you will ever become successful if you can’t commit. What I mean by this is you have to be committed to going through something. Let’s say you want to start your own business and have been thinking about this for two years. Procrastination is the enemy of commitment. When you plan on doing something, start as soon as you can. If you let years pass, it will slow you down and you might never follow through.

Commitment is so important to becoming successful. When a successful person says they are going to do they do. They understand a concept that many of us fail to grasp and that is every step counts. Every goal shapes your success path. This is the first step in becoming a goal digger. You need to start and finish your goal in a timely fashion. This means you need to keep your momentum steady. Don’t take forever to start your YouTube channel or podcast. Don’t take too long to write that book and allow it to gather dust. 

Commit to seeing the end and you will work through any problem that does come your way.


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Know your why



You must know the reasons why you are doing something. This is your why. Your big reason. Without this, you will struggle to achieve your goals. Why? One of the reasons is because you have no direction. Here’s an example, maybe you want to exercise more often. What is your reason for that? If you don’t have a reason, you will find yourself procrastinating.

We all procrastinate, but this will then become a habit that is hard to shake off. A few reasons why people choose to exercise regularly is because they want to lose weight, be healthier, or as a way to relieve them from stress. There are of course other reasons. To become a goal digger you need to search deep down and find the reasons why you are doing something. There’s always a reason for everything we do. Sometimes, we are so used to routines that we don’t realize the reasons behind our actions.

But if you want to be successful in accomplishing your goals then you need to know your reason. This will push past the obstacles that will stand in your way. And you will be able to achieve your goals in a timely fashion. This is also extremely important. Goals should be time-bound. 



For you to become a goal digger than your goals should be time-bound. What this means is that every goal should be accomplished within a certain time-frame. This is the reason why so many people never accomplish their goals. There’s no time frame and a goal that doesn’t have this will never be accomplished. That is why some people can take years to accomplish a goal.

As I said procrastination happens to all of us, but if there’s no time-frame then you will continue to struggle to accomplish your goals. As children, we were used to time-frames. Even though we worked on it, we knew what we had to accomplish. This became part of our routines and many of us have forgotten this. We have forgotten how important time-frames are.

Success is built around using time-frames to push you forward. That is why so many successful people write in journals and places dates around a goal. If you want to be successful, start using time-frames for everything. If you want to start a blog then when do you want to start it. When do you want to be a millionaire? How much money do you want to make by the end of the year?


Start behaving like you are successful


This might sound a little strange. But the reason why you are struggling to become a goal digger is because of your mindset. I was once told that if you want to be successful start thinking like you already are. What this does is your habits and mindset start shifting. You stop seeing yourself as a failure. You stop doubting your belief that you can achieve success.

You start working at it. Your actions change as well. This is critical because our actions determine where we end up in life. How do successful people act? For one, they wake early even when they don’t want to. They do things that they don’t want to do. They accomplish goals in a timely fashion. Mindset is one of the most important keys to success because it pushes us to change who we are.

As much as many of us hate to change, we can’t become successful without. This is the fourth golden rule of success and becoming a goal digger. You need to start acting as a six-figure earner before you become one. The same can be said if you want to be a seven-figure or eight-figure earner. I am not saying it will be easy to change the way you think or behave. However, success requires drastic action and this is one thing that you should become successful.


Take strategic steps

Now that you got the basics, here comes the challenge. Success requires strategy. You can’t build a building without foundation and you certainly can’t start a business without a plan, You need a strategy even when it comes to your goals. Let’s say you have three main goals for the year. The first goal is completing a project on time. How are you going to do that? How many steps or milestones to do you need to accomplish? 

Do you have a supervising officer overlooking the project? These are a few questions you need to ask yourself. Maybe, your goal is to start a business. What will your main platform be? Blog, podcast, or YouTube. What is your social media strategy? How will you advertise the blog/business? Will use mostly organic reach (free methods,) or paid methods? 

There’s a lot to consider when you are doing anything. Without a strategy, it will take a while for you to accomplish a goal or you will miss an important foundation. Foundation is the difference between a professional pianist and a clunky one. In everything we do, a foundation is seen as an important part of the process. There’s a reason for that. You can’t be successful if you miss out on this step. You certainly can’t be a goal digger you have no strategy either. 

If you have no idea how to do this, focus on it. I can promise you everything will change especially the way you work out your goals. This will also make things a lot easier for you so you need to work on your foundation. For every goal you have, there should be milestones and breakthroughs. This way you will know when you have made one.


 Also Related: 10 Ways Successful People Make Smart Decisions


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                                                      Keep Pushing



How To Stay Motivated and Sane Working From Home

How To Stay Motivated and Sane Working From Home



Here is how you can stay motivated and sane working from home.    

Staying motivated is one of those things many of us get wrong. Unless you are one of the few who has cracked the code to being motivated. What is even harder is staying motivated while working from home. How do you stay motivated and sane working from home? That is a question that isn’t as simple as it sounds.

The problem with working from home is the distractions. It is so easy to slip into old habits, for example, watching your favorite television show. We are human after all. The thing though is you need to understand what it is that you want to achieve. It isn’t impossible for you to stay motivated and sane working at home. In this blog post, I will share all the ways you can stay motivated and sane working at home. 


Get up and get ready as normal



If you want to stay motivated then you have to act as if it is a normal day. If you do this then you are likely to get into the flow a whole lot quicker. Working in your pajamas might seem like it will work, but likely it won’t. The earlier you wake up, the better. You need to act as if you are going to work that way you push yourself out of the holiday mode.

When your mind is set to holiday mode, it is harder to get into the flow so you need to act as if it’s a normal day. What is your routine when you are going to work? Whatever it is, keep doing what you were doing before if it worked for you. If it didn’t then find a morning routine that will put you in the mode. The key here to is stay motivated and sane working from home and to act as if it is a normal day. It will feel weird at first, expect that, but in time you will ease into it. 


Also Related: 5 Habits That Will Change Your Life For the Better



Have a dedicated work zone and set your time



There needs to be a dedicated work zone that you use. This will help you focus on the task at hand. This is one of the ways you can stay motivated and sane working from home. You should also set your times. This way you won’t get distracted and lose focus. This also helps you in becoming more productive.

If you know that at certain times you are working on certain projects then that motivates you to keep going. If you lose track it is also easier to get back into the flow. Having a dedicated work zone and a timetable will also stop you from doing things you shouldn’t be doing. Just like you wouldn’t watch TV shows at work, the same applies here. You are training your brain to focus on important projects and not get caught up with things that will slow you down.  



Try the Pomodoro Technique

If you have never worked from home before then you need something that can help you stay focused. The Pomodoro technique can help you to remain focused. When I was first starting out and even now, I use the Pomodoro technique to help me stay focused. 

The twenty-five-minute intervals will help you to not only stay focused but to use your time wisely. Often, that is the main problem. We can get distracted and with this technique, it is a lot harder to do. This is one way to stay motivated and sane while working at home. If you want to move forward in what you are doing then you need something to aid you. Sometimes, the best way to be productive and motivated is by having an app. There are a couple of great Pomodoro apps out there that will help you stay motivated.  


Also Related: Best Pomodoro Apps to Try



Have a strict cut-off time and breaks



We are not robots, therefore you need a cut off time. This will help you stay motivated because you will remain focused until your break. If you have several breaks this will also be seen as a reward. If for example, you work for four hours straight, you will reward yourself with a forty minute or an hour break.

 Another important thing to note is that by having breaks you don’t work yourself to the bone. Working from home is hard, but that is because it is easy to fall prey to overworking or slacking. What you need is to have strict times for your break and cut off. You might not be working the traditional 9-5, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have breaks. Depending on what time you wake up and start working you can focus on that. If you wake up at 4 am and start working at 5 am then you can cut-off at around 3.

Be kind to yourself and remember there’s still tomorrow. 



Do a relaxing activity



 When you are on your break do something that relaxes you. For some people, it is a stroll or basking in the sun. It depends on you. You could also journal, play an instrument, watch something funny, or prepare your favorite meal. Whatever it is, this is an important step to stay motivated and sane working from home.

Relaxing activities make us focus better. They give us insight and keep our minds ticking. This is so important because when you forget to take care of yourself, it is hard to stay motivated and sane. The objective here is to stay motivated and sane working from home. You don’t want to lose yourself to the extent where you forget why you are even doing it. An easy step to figuring out what relaxes you is to write down all the things you enjoy doing. Once you compile your list, you look at the top three activities that relax you. 



Take advantage of virtual tools

If you are self-isolating like most people and need to communicate with clients and customers then your best bet is virtual tools. They will allow you to communicate with your clients. They are a lot of virtual tools out there. It is hard to pick the right one. There’s, of course, Google Hangouts and Skype. But Zoom is great as well. What matters is showing your face whichever tool you decide to use in the long run.

Showing your face to your customers or clients provides a personal touch. Schedule meetings and maintain relationships. As hard as it is self-isolating, your clients feel the same way. This will help you stay motivated and sane. Some people also use Zoom Rooms and that will help you to beat the loneliness of working at home. The way Zoom Rooms works is you will have fellow creatives in the background. Virtual tools also will help you stay in the loop and relate to other people. When we relate to other people, it is then that we know that we aren’t alone in this. There’s a 30 day trial for Zoom Rooms, but Zoom is completely free.



What is your main takeaway from this and how will you stay motivated and sane working from home. Please comment below.


                                                              Keep Pushing




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