Hands-Down Best Advice About Improving Productivity
Here is advice about improving productivity
Achieving your to-do list is euphoric. Knowing that you ticked it and finished strong for the day, week and month is sensational. This is all about advice about improving productivity. You feel as if you are on the top of the world, but when you don’t do this it is as if you hit a ton of bricks. Productivity is something we all want to achieve. We want it as bad as ice cream on a hot Summer day. Even though, we know that obsessing about it won’t help we still want to be know we achieved something.
Here’s the best hands-down advice on how to improve your productivity. As someone who struggled with productivity my advice will give you a peace of mind that will help you to understand how to improve. Often, when we are in the thick of a problem, it’s impossible for us to be subjective. That makes it harder to fix the problem and you will end up chasing your tail or rather going around in circles. In today’s blog post, let’s focus on eliminating that and finding solutions that work and prepare you. Most productivity advice doesn’t work because it doesn’t give you advice that you can use.
Let’s say you want to do mountain climbing. One of the first things you need to learn is how to do indoor climbing. Or let’s say you want to learn how to surf. The first thing you are taught is how to balance on your surf board. Not how to move it. No. How to balance. These simple techniques will help you navigate the complicated techniques later on. Foundation is so important when you are learning something. Keep reading. This is advice about improving productivity and will do that.
Slow your row
Do you remember the first time you learned how to swim? Do you remember how panicked you were? Did you sway your arms? Did you swallow water. When I first got into the water, I was given a floaty and given the best advice ever. When you panic, you sink. When you panic you will never learn how to swim. I am telling you the same thing. You want to improve your productivity then slow your row.
What this means is don’t stress. Overcomplicate the process. This is the best advice I can give you because we have a limited number of hours in a day. And when we stress we lose those important hours, minutes and seconds. Those minutes can be used to find solutions for your problems. Take a deep breath and step away from what you need to do for a few minutes. It doesn’t have to be long. Five minutes will suffice. Once, you do that. Take a few breaths. Calm your center. This will help you improve your productivity. Why because when you go back to the problem you will have a set of fresh eyes.
Fresh eyes give you a different perspective. Now, once you do this we can go to the meat of the solution. I promised you I would give you the hands-down best advice for productivity and I want to deliver on that. This advice is about improving your productivity and helping you not get overwhelmed.
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Eat the frog first
Most productivity gurus will tell you that you should eat the frog first and that’s true. This will improve your productivity. What this means is work on the most taxing and difficult task first. When you do this you put the taxing task up front and have more time to do other things. In the morning, this is when I plan out my day and I also write because I can focus better.
The king to productivity is focus. When are you the most alert and focused? Is it in the morning, afternoon or late evening? Whenever it is use this as your time to focus on the hard tasks or most taxing. It will be rewarding to do this because you eliminate the time you will spend time on one project. There’s a big difference between your most focused time and when were your brain is struggling to keep up. When you are in your zone it can take you less than an hour to complete something compared to it taking longer. So, eat the frog first. This should be a part of your morning routine and work through as well. This is one of the best advice I can give you about improving your productivity,
Morning routine is your go-to
You might not be a morning person. Very few people are. Want to know a secret I wasn’t a morning person, but what changed my life was improving my morning routine. It’s the simple things that can push you. It’s also the simple things that can help you improve your productivity. Fix your morning routine. This looks different for different people. For me, it was waking up earlier.
Something happened, I started becoming more productive. I achieved more things in my day. No longer did I get frustrated about not achieving X, Y or Z. Waking up earlier improved my habits as well. This simple tweak helped me in so many ways. This is simple advice about improving productivity and it starts with your morning routine. Here’s how you can work on your morning.
- Write your to-do list for the next day
- Set your timer to wake up thirty minutes earlier
- Go to bed thirty minutes earlier
- Get ready for the day
- Eat the frog first
- Take a break
- Now go down your to-do list
This is what you should work on when you are starting out. Now, with time you can wake up earlier, but you need to help your body get used to waking up earlier. If you are used to waking up at 6 am, it will be challenging to set your alarm clock at 5 am.
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Use timers
Timers can help you improve your productivity. The best timer out there are the pomodoro technique timers. The pomodoro technique is a theory that states you should bulk your tasks into increments of twenty-five minutes. Between each of these increments you have five minute breaks. What this does is help you focus for twenty five minutes on the task behind.
This technique works so well because it looks at human behavior. Do you remember sitting down for a test and the teacher was timing you? Our brains start working over time because we are competitive by nature. Listening to the ticking of the timer will motivate you to concentrate and focus on what you need to accomplish. This will of course take time to get used to. A lot of successful people use timers to push them and motivate them. If you want to improve your productivity then follow this advice. Don’t overcomplicate the process by pushing yourself too far. We can only go so far and if you want to achieve more you will need to learn how to pace yourself. You can use the five minutes as a mini-break and to also look at what you want to achieve.
Stop the perfection round about
I can be a perfectionist and because of that I tend not to do things. If it can’t be perfect, then the world can’t see it. That is my train of thought. I am learning that perfectionism kills dreams, ambition and productivity. No such thing as perfection. Look around you, the world isn’t perfect. Nature is by definition, but not human invention.
Overwork your laptop it crashes. Elevators can stop working. Public transport and cars can breakdown. We can get burnouts. So, why do we believe that we should be perfect. We aren’t. So, this advice will improve your productivity. Why because you will work on something getting down rather than it being perfect. And this here is the key to productivity. Instead of you spending a week to complete a task it will take you a day or two days.
Productivity is all about how much you can do in a certain time frame. The longer you spend on one task, the less productive you are. This advice will help you improve productivity as long as you are willing on pushing perfection to the curb.
Have a birds view of your tasks
This advice will help you improve your productivity. It will help you manage your time and give you a boost of motivation. You need a birds view of your tasks. What this means is you should use a planner or calendar app. This will help you track your tasks easier. This changed the way I work on my tasks. It also helped me with productivity. I know all the things I need to work on and I can then decide when I should work on them.
When you do this you can then batch your tasks. I have a list of blog posts I need to write so what I have started doing is writing a blog post every day. The blog posts will last for two months. This frees up my time for the two months so I can do other things. Many people batch their content. Choosing to focus on other things. When you have a birds view of your tasks you will be able to have a clear progress report. Your progress report will help you understand where you are going wrong and how to improve. This will of course save you time and help you improve your productivity.
There are a lot of free planning apps that you can use to help you with this. One thing to note is that separate your tasks into sections. This will help you figure out what you need to do and then you down the list. For me, I separate my blog posts, YouTube posts and social media ideas into different sections. This will help you not get overwhelmed.
How do you think this advice will improve your productivity? Comment below