7 Tools to Improve Your Entrepreneurship Hustle
7 tools to improve your entrepreneurship hustle
These 7 tools will help you improve your entrepreneurship hustle.
How can you improve your entrepreneurship hustle? What does that even mean? What tools can help you get an edge? If you are like me, you are always looking for solutions to your problems. Everything has changed. The world will never be the same, and neither will entrepreneurship. Why? Because nothing ever remains the same. They will always be times when you need to pivot because it demands it.
An entrepreneurship hustle refers to when you work on your business while you look at the financial risks and obstacles. They are many obstacles in entrepreneurship. Therefore, you need to always adapt and change how you do business. Those that don’t get with the times fail. Think about it like this. When the internet boom happened, brick and mortar companies that refused to build an online presence died. Why? Because they refused to adapt. They didn’t want to change the way they did business and because of that they never recovered.
These seven tools will help you improve your entrepreneurship hustle. It doesn’t matter if you are starting or you have spent years or decades working your business, there’s always room for improvement.
Try new things
One thing you can do to improve your entrepreneurship is trying new things. This will push you to make certain changes, but it will also make you dynamic. Mastery is great, but in time you will get stale. Think of it like this. A musician that doesn’t improve their skill in time will become irrelevant. Business is the same.
Is there an alternative way to sell that isn’t salesy? Can you add a new social media platform? What about selling a new type of product? The goal is to improve your entrepreneurship hustle and this tool will help you do just that. It will give you an edge over your competitors and push you further ahead. It won’t be easy. Entrepreneurship isn’t about doing what is easy. If it was like that, then everyone and their aunt would be an entrepreneur.
To improve your entrepreneurship hustle, venture out of the norm and do what may seem impossible or hard. Learning and trying something new is one way you can do it. Figure out what new thing you can try out to improve your entrepreneurship hustle.
Break status quo
This is the second tool that can help you improve your entrepreneurship hustle. This refers to diverging from the norm and pushing past every restriction. This is so you can achieve higher heights. Another definition is going beyond the expected by doing something exceptional and achieving the extraordinary.
Depending on where you want to go with your business, you need to break the status quo. By doing that, you will improve your entrepreneurship hustle. Successful entrepreneurs have had to break the status quo. For example, Jeff Bezos changed how we viewed reading and shopping online. Tim Robbins changed the shape of personal development. Marie Forleo changed the way we saw ourselves and motivated us to do better.
What is the status quo in your industry? How can you break it? As impossible as it seems, they are simplified ways to do things, but change is hard. So many people stay in their lane. However, you became an entrepreneur to change the way people do business. That became your unique selling point.
Also Related: How to Challenge the Status Quo Successfully
There’s a lot you can learn from other people. This is one of the easiest ways to easier to improve your entrepreneurship hustle. When you read what other people have achieved, this will motivate you. Not only that, but it will give you insight into how to solve your problems. So why not go for it? Why not pick up a book or two and learn from it? There are many things you can learn from a book.
Though not everyone is a reader, you can still learn a lot from videos or courses. Look at your favorite entrepreneurs, what are their favorite books? Do they sell courses? What can you learn from that? The most important thing is to learn something. You can use that information to improve your entrepreneurship hustle. There’s always room for improvement. Keep reminding yourself that so you never give up learning.
Be intentional about learning new skills
One of the best things I learned this year is to make it intentional, to ask myself this. Entrepreneurship is always changing. And the ways to get clients or more sales. This is another tool you can use to improve your entrepreneurship hustle. The important thing is to work on your skills.
Look at the landscape. How has it changed from two years ago? For one, they are more apps. Social media has become more prevalent. YouTube is an easier way to get clients. Instagram has built-in features to help you sell more. There are always things you can learn. You can never stop. Many of us want to learn, but we aren’t intentional. Because of that, nothing changes. You need to be intentional about working on your new skills.
Pick two skills you want to be intentional about this year and work on them. By doing that will improve your entrepreneurship hustle.
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Hang out with those that challenge you
I remember a few years ago, one of the most important things I learned was about circle of influence. You are the average of the five people you spent the most time with. If the people you spend time with aren’t going forward in their lives, you need to consider finding people who change you. This is another tool to improve your entrepreneurship hustle.
When you spend time with people who challenge you there will always be room for improvement. You will continue to push yourself and won’t be complacent. I think that’s often the problem. When we reach a point in our lives we tend to stop pushing or become complacent. But entrepreneurs who do that struggle to pivot when the time arises. Where ever you are in your life you need to push yourself because that will make you a better version of yourself.
Your circle should challenge you. You should want to do better. Be a better version. If you don’t want to do any of this then find people who will challenge. You can either get a mentor or join a community. There’s also Clubhouse. I am sure you will be able to find people that can challenge you.
Reflect on your progress
The one thing we don’t do enough of is reflection. This is an important tool to improve your entrepreneurship hustle. Why? Because when you reflect, you can see what you are doing well and what needs to be improved on. This will help to push into the right direction. You will also understand what you need to work on.
Reflection is critical in upping your game as an entrepreneur. Those who don’t reflect tend to struggle in adapting. If you have no idea what you are doing well in how can you improve. The same can be said if you don’t know what you suck at. You need to also work on your weakness because this will help you improve your entrepreneurship hustle. It will also give you momentum because you are focusing on what you are good as well.
Also Related: Why You Should Make Time For Self-reflection
Keep doing it
Keep pushing yourself. Keep working on improving your entrepreneurship hustle. The more you do something, the better you become at it. The same thing can be applied here. Work on your skills and goals. Have a deadline to make it easier. What steps do you need to take next? Remember to be intentional about your decisions. If you don’t do that, it’s difficult to stay on track.
What we want is repetition? There’s mastery in repetition. If you want to be successful, you need to work on the skill until you master it. This is the last thing you can do to improve your entrepreneurship hustle. It also is the most important thing because you need to keep pushing yourself to achieve extraordinary results.
What will you work on to improve your entrepreneurship hustle? Let me known in the comments section.