Productivity Hacks to Manage Your Time Better
7 Productivity hacks to manage your time like a boss
These productivity hacks will help you manage your time a whole lot better.
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Many of us struggle when it comes to productivity. If we took at a look online, it is easy to discover that it is one of the most searched terms and there’s a reason for this. Truth is, most of suck us at productivity and to actually be successful it is one of those skills that is needed. Without it, life becomes a whole lot harder.
You need to be productive at work. You require it at home, the list goes on and on.
If you want to make progress, you need to know how to be productive, but most of us struggle knowing what productivity hacks we need in order to truly be a success. So, the millionaire dollar question is what are the productivity hacks that can help us manage our time better. In this post, I list down the best
productivity hacks that will help you to manage your time. Success never comes easy and most times we require a little help to push us in the right direction, that is what you will learn about in this post. How to manage your productivity like a boss.
Stop multi-tasking
Growing up my mother always said, ” a woman should be able to multitasking,”
And I’d say. “Well, most women aren’t like Dexter’s mother or you, so I don’t think multitasking is for me.” I’d cross my arms as a form of protest.
She’d roll her eyes. “As a woman, you must be able to multi-task.”
For all the women who can actually multi-task, I’d love to know how you do it because I can’t do it. Studies show most people struggle to multi-task, usually, when we try to we lose focus. Though I have come to realize there are certain things that are easier to multi-task, when you are cooking, it is a lot easier to do this because you are using the same type of brainpower. You can’t multitask between reading a book and writing a blog post for example. It doesn’t make any sense.
What ends up happening is you put far too much pressure on yourself and that in itself is never a good thing.
You need to understand that multitasking is the worst things you can do for yourself, most successful people don’t do this. You can’t do two things at once and still manage your time better. This is one productivity hack that will definitely help you manage your time better.
Keep track of your time
Many of us are terrible at keeping track of our time, that is the problem. We have no idea what to do next or how much time we are wasting doing trivial things.
For the longest time, I used to be like this. I’d wake up early and before I knew it, I’d have wasted so much time doing stupid things. I hated it because I’d never know what I did with my time. Now, I make sure that I keep track of my time.
In the beginning, this will be difficult so if you want to excel at it then you need to do the Pomodoro Technique. If you have no clue what this is, I explain. Basically, you do tasks after every twenty minutes. Okay, unless you are fast when it comes to doing tasks this will be impossible. You can use the Pomodoro simply as a way to keep track of all the things you do.
I can’t stress enough how important it is to track your time. That way you at least realize what you are doing with your time. For example, have an important call and you have only twenty minutes to spare then you this technique to help you manage your time a lot better. It works great especially if you struggle with managing your time. This productivity hack is simple to implement if you want to manage your time a lot better, but you do have to be patient with yourself.
Write down your goals
One of the best decisions I ever made was to start writing down my goals, so I would write down all the things I would want to achieve in a day, week, month and year, That whole thing made things so much better for me in terms of actually achieving my goals. All the gurus say that you must write down your goals and there’s a valid reason why you should do it.
Writing down your goals makes it easier to achieve them, a reminder pops in your head every time you look at your goals. A trick here is to write in the future
tense rather than the present. So, instead of saying I want to make $10,000 a month, you say I made $10,000 per month. This whole process makes you more
likely to achieve it. That’s because you start believing that you can do it.
Write down the tasks you want to complete that day, there are a lot of things you can to speed up the process, but it helps for you to understand you must limit the number of things you have on your to-do list. Focus on at least five because when you try to do more than that, you won’t be able to achieve it. In the beginning, it is better to focus on less so that you can achieve more.
If you need a little help with accomplishing your goals, there’s an awesome course all about how you can slay your goals. Click on the banner below and it will take you straight to the sales page. Belong to a community that will help you crush your goals and excel in every area of your life.
Create a morning ritual that works
How your day starts affects the rest of your day. If you have a unproductive morning, that is how the whole day will be. Most people don’t realize this and that is why they end becoming so frustrated. You want to be productive then the simpler solution is to look at what your morning ritual is. Your morning ritual is extremely important.
For example, if you wake up at 6 am and then you are in a rush to get ready for work, chances are that is how your whole day will be like. I have discovered that the sweet spot in the morning is 4 am. You are alert, can do better and you are far more productive than if you are rushing to get ready. When you wake up early, you have time to plan your day, think about what you want to do.
The reason why most people will never achieve their goals is because they wake up too late. Your brain doesn’t have time to process everything, also when you over sleep, your body is flooded with the wrong hormones. Excess progesterone which is responsible for making you sleepy usually occurs when you over sleep. It is a hormonal imbalance.
As simple as it is, sleeping is one of the best productivity hacks you can implement so you can manage your time a whole lot better.
Track your milestones and keep note of your failures
One of the best things I ever did for myself was taking note of my failures as well as the milestones I reached. This can be beneficial to you actually progressing in life. When I was younger, I had a teacher who always used to tell us that you need to write down all your successes and failures. No one understood what she was talking about. Besides the fact we were eleven-year-old kids who had yet to learn about how the world worked, to us it didn’t exactly make any sense.
Kids hands shot up, ” why do we need to write down our failures? Wouldn’t that make us sad.”
She nodded, understanding the truth hidden behind that question. “You will never go far in life if you allow rejection and failure to cripple you.”
At eleven, I didn’t understand it, but now years later I do. Most of us don’t want to take note of our failures because we don’t want to accept that we have
failed. No one wants to go around and shout at the top of their voices, how they have failed. Unless you like feeling like crap. Most of us want to avoid that feeling and we have become experts at it.
Though, if you want to progress you have to accept both the good and bad. You have to appreciate the good and bad days, because only then can you
understand who you are and where you want to go with your life.
Deadlines are a smart way to work
Have you ever tried to get something done and weren’t motivated to do so. Many of us have gone through that. In school, it was so much easier to get things
done because we had a deadline to achieve. When we didn’t make it, we would be reprimanded or we would simply fail the grade. Our brain has been
programmed from an early age that we can do much more with deadlines.
That is the reason without them it is hard getting work done or even getting our tasks done. We have to know come up with our own deadlines, tell us ourselves what will happen if we don’t meet them. We can also give incentives if we make deadlines, This is a simple way to getting things done in time, rather than procrastinating and never doing it.
To achieve success we need to realize that we have to do things the smart way, rather than struggling along and never making it because we are trying to do
things the hard way. That doesn’t work. If you want to manage your time a lot better, this productivity hack will help you manage your time better. You just need to realize that we work best when we are under pressure and setting deadlines does the job.
Don’t neglect your sleep
A little confession to make, I wasn’t one of those college kids who could party all night, sleep for two hours and be alright. If I had less than four hours of sleep then I’d fall asleep in class. I had insomnia in school so I struggled sleeping and that made it hard to concentrate. It was then that I realized I had to have a minimum of six hours of sleep to make through the day. Here’s an article about how you can avoid being burnt out, you should read it. It will help you understand how important it is to take care of us.
Most of us now still act like college kids, yeah getting older sucks. I do get that, but if you are mentally tired, you can’t make a lot of progress. Sometimes we need to swallow the hard truth and accept that we cannot go without sleep. When you are sleep, your body is still working and that is why they suggest that you sleep for at least six hours. Most people walk around, dragging their feet and fatigue clogging their mind.
Take your time to rest so that you can be far more productive, this is a far better way to do things than to try and push yourself. That can have detrimental effects in the long run.
These are some of the best productivity hacks that you can implement today to help you manage your time a lot better.
What productivity hacks do you like the best and what productivity hacks to you do to help you manage your time better. Comment below