Brilliant Ways to Invest in Yourself and Change Your Life
Listed below are a few ways you can invest in yourself and change your life.
We all dream of a better life. One that where we achieve all that we want. Our dreams are tied to this illusion of a better life. It feels so real we can touch it, but no matter how much we try to hold on to it the dream fades. Many of us don’t understand this is how you invest and change your life. People tell us to stop dreaming. That we have to be an adult. I have never understood why many people believe that by having dreams you aren’t mature enough. That you’re delusional for having a dream.
It’s as if by the time you reach a certain age they want you to settle. You must do A, B or C. If not you will never grow up. I mean common, dreams don’t take away from being an adult. Dreams don’t die just because you want that to happen. We all have dreams. Regret is a far worse thing to face. The reason why many people don’t achieve their dreams isn’t that they are incapable. If you were told that you aren’t good enough, it isn’t true.
Here’s the reason people don’t achieve their dreams. They don’t invest in themselves. Investing in yourself can mean a lot of things for a lot of people. When you invest in yourself you are buying into the future. When I was a kid, my father would say, “money doesn’t grow on trees.” That stuck. Nine-year-old me started becoming a debt collector of a kind. If money didn’t grow on trees I would save every penny and charge people a percentage. I had managed to save $2000 in 12 months. Because I charged $2 for every $1. Yes, I was rich for a nine-year-old, but something was missing. I hadn’t achieved anything. Let’s break down how to invest in yourself the right way.
Change how you see yourself
We all have a perception of who we are. More than the labels people give us. We all have this defined perception of who we are based on our experiences. If you want to invest in yourself and change your life you need to change your negative perception. Many of us have a negative perception of who we are. A few years ago, I believed my ADHD was a hindrance. Something to be ashamed of. It took me some time to see it as a blessing.
We all have things we struggle with. And when you change your perception you realize that who you are has shaped your beliefs. Negative or positive. What happens if you shift that and focus on the positive? What happens if you see your past mistakes as a blessing? Sure, it was hard. Sure, you encountered roadblocks. But what’s great is realizing that doesn’t determine your future. Only you can do that. Change how you see yourself. Shift your perception into something positive. This will change your life. Here’s an example, maybe in the past you dated the wrong person. Now, you know better. You can make better decisions based on your experience. Your experiences have shaped who you have become.
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Do an online course
A lot of us hate spending money. We hate it with a passion. But here’s the thing, spending money on the right things will change your life. Buying a car isn’t an investment. Many view it as an expense. Unless you decide to hire it out so you can make money. However, unless you have a spare car or don’t mind using public transport this can be a little challenging. So, buying a car isn’t an investment. Not in the way you might see.
Online courses are. Why? Because they’ll teach you how to make money or become a better version of yourself. They’ll teach you skills that are necessary for your growth. This is how you invest in yourself and change your life. This is a faster way of getting to the top. Yes. Many online courses are expensive. But they are so worth it. You just have to choose the right course. Remember you got to buy into your future to invest in yourself and change your life. What do you want your future to look like? What do you imagine it will be like? Buy into future you. If you don’t do this you will never see this as a worthwhile investment. Why? Because you don’t believe it will change your life.
Journal about future you
Here’s something fun you can do. Journal about future you. This will help you invest in yourself and change your life. Why because every decision you make will be shaped by what future you do. Vanessa Lau once said, “if you want to be a six-figure earner think like a six-figure earner.” So, what is the future you doing right now? Maybe, you are spending more time with your family. What did future you do to get there?
What is the drink of choice for future you? What are some of the things future you believe in? Future you doesn’t have to be way off into the distant future. It can be you in six or 12 months, two or three years. What matters is that you shape your future by doing certain actions now. Spend less on expenses and more on investment. Watch less television and spend more time on your dreams. Move away from toxic relationships and cultivate nurturing ones. Your actions in the present determine what your future will look like. Many of us forget that. Every action you take has a consequence. Every decision either pushes you forward or pushes you back. Every discussion you have can give you peace or wreck it. Make choices that will build the future you want. If you think like this it will be easier for you to adapt.
Also Related: The Art of Journaling
Start a side hustle
I am a massive advocate of side-hustles. Why? Because they changed my life. Remember invest in yourself and change your life. This is what investment looks like. Working on building your life up and by doing that, you will shape your future. The great thing about side-hustles is you make money and you learn how to. You push yourself out of your comfort zone. This can help you become a better version of yourself.
I learned so much from starting a blog. I learned skills I never thought were necessary. It equipped me with the knowledge I never thought I needed. It made me braver, stronger, and wiser. When you shape the future you everything changes. You start thinking about how to generate money. Do you want to have more money? If that’s the case you need a side-hustle. Saving money won’t make you rich. Work on your dreams now and not later. There are numerous side-hustles you can start. You can start with a blog, podcast, or YouTube channel. It doesn’t matter what you start with. What matters is that you start. That’s all that matters. This is how you can invest in yourself and change your life by starting. Just start.
Also Related: Beginner’s Guide to Starting a Side-Hustle in 2021
Love yourself
How is this an investment? Well, because if you don’t love yourself then you will be hard on yourself. If you don’t love yourself you will give up. If you don’t love yourself then you won’t build the future you. When I was younger, my sister once asked me if I loved myself. It sounded so weird. Then it hit me. Being a couch potato wasn’t loving myself.
Eating unhealthy wasn’t that either. Putting people’s needs above myself wasn’t loving myself. I believe immensely in love your neighbor as you love yourself. My actions focus on that. Every decision I make I have that in the back of my mind. When you love yourself you work on becoming a better version of yourself. Why because you deserve that. You deserve to have a future where you make an impact. You deserve a future you can be proud of. This is how you invest in yourself and change your life. It always starts simple. It always starts with yourself. You want to grow. Love yourself. This means to love your flaws, mistakes, and failures. Look past the obstacles you faced and appreciate them.
How will you invest in yourself and change your life? Comment below.
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