Yes, People Can Change and So Can You

Yes, People Can Change and So Can You


Yes, People can change and so can you  

No, it isn’t true, people can change and as long as they put in the work to do that.

There’s this notion that we can’t change and it’s impossible to actually change our personality. Then they always give an excuse about their star signs as if that is the reason why they can’t change.

I have spent years changing my personality, part of me has stayed the same, but there’s another part that has changed. We make the decision to not move forward and that will take you so far off track. We all have a choice, whether to remain the same or to move forward with life. If you want to change your life you have to change the way you look at the world.

Why do I believe that people can change their personalities? When I was a little, I struggled with suicide. It isn’t normal for a ten-year-old to think about dying every day, but that was my life and this was a huge problem for me until I turned twenty-two. I also hated myself, I thought I loved who I was and yet I sacrificed myself over and over again. I allowed people to make me feel less than, I can list down all the bad habits and weaknesses I had, but that isn’t the point.

People can change, but it is all about understanding the reason why you don’t want to improve your life. You have to deal with that, head first, figure out how to sort through it. Once you do that, things do become better and easier, but you have to work at it. Time and time again, until you find you can’t work at it anymore.

I have always been like this


Whenever someone talks about change, the one excuse that is louder than anything else is, “I have always been like this.” I used to say that excuse all the time and then I realized it was doing more harm than good. Change is scary so we rely on being comfortable. Remaining who we are, with our insecurities and warped up perspective.

I am not attacking anyone, but if you can’t change who you are then you can’t grow. And if you can’t grow, you will remain the same way as you did before. I hated change and it took a while to realize the reason why I hated it was because I was a broken individual. I was terrified of the truth. Understanding it and realizing that I needed to change helped me. I needed to stop blaming the past for what I did in the present.

So, what if my childhood wasn’t rosy, a lot of people have had terrible childhoods. So, what if I have insecurities? Everyone does. When you realize that not everything is about the pain you experienced, you realize that there’s more to life. There are blessings that you have that people want. Talents that you were given so you can make a difference. When you focus on other people, you know what you have to do to change.

You either can grow or fall a part


We have two choices when it comes to going forward. To either grow or fall apart. There’s no middle ground, being fatalistic isn’t going to cut it. You can’t do everything. By default, you have chosen to fall a part. To allow your problems to infiltrate your life and change you completely that you don’t even know the difference between who you were and who you are now.

One day you will look in the mirror and not notice who you are or you will. Some people forget who they used to be because they allowed the pain from their past to change them. Life is about choices. And what you choose will affect your life regardless of whether you want it to or you don’t.

It’s that simple. I know, it feels like it isn’t, but I went through a couple of crossroads. Two moments to be exact when I was looking down a long road and I had to make a choice. To either die or live. It is scary to think that life got that bad, but we all go through these moments when we are not sure what we are doing. When we want to surrender to the darkness. Often, the sound of men lifting up their guns and marching to the sound of their own drums rings in our ears.

Choices can change moments. They can give you a reason to live, to fight for another day and to face the demons that have haunted you your whole life.


You are worth more than you think



Most of us hate change because we believe that we aren’t worthy. It is disheartening how many people don’t want to change because they don’t believe they deserve happiness. It is ingrained in us that we don’t realize that the problem is our thoughts. We don’t deserve to live a life that’s great.

For years I believed this lie and thought that it was better if the world swallowed me whole. I thought I had nothing to offer anyone. No gifts or abilities that would create an impact. There were moments I believed that I could make a difference, with time the belief withered away and was replaced by what I thought I needed.

It was numbing because the darkness captured my heart until all I heard was a dull tick and the voices of doubt rang in my ears. They were bleeding from naysayers who said I was nothing, but a fluke and I believed it. I thought they knew better and now, I know better.

We all have the power to create a change, to impact the world because we all have gone through experiences that can change someone’s life. You are worth more than you believe. You have lived a life full of hardship and an ache so profound that it has kept you moving. When you realize that, nothing can take that away from you. The sound of drums can’t stop you as long as you keep moving. Believe in yourself.

Also Read: 19 Enriching Goals That Will Inspire You


Life is a journey, don’t give up


Change never comes easy, a revelation has to take place for you to accept it. You have to quieten the voices of doubt and insecurities that take shape. Push forward because you can’t go back. Have you ever watched “Say Anything,” it is one of the best romantic movies ever created and a cult classic.

This movie is about an eternal optimist who seeks to capture the heart of the most popular girl in school. Yeah, I know, it sounds as if it has been done before, but this movie came out in 1989. The difference here is that the girl returns the sentiment, but her father doesn’t approve. Lloyd has to do whatever he can to impress her father and nothing is good enough. Eventually, there’s a part in the movie where he gives up and then he chooses that he will prove to her that he loves her. So, with a boom box, he lifts it over his head and plays a song that will express how he feels about her.

Lloyd could have given up, there were so many obstacles laid out before him and everyone would understand if he threw in the towel. Your life isn’t a romantic comedy, but still, it is a journey. There are moments of inspiration and nuggets there. Times when you think that you can’t go forward. Life has thrown too much at you so you throw in the towel. It is understandable, but I believe that you shouldn’t give up. Because if you do you will never know what can come from it.

Also Read: How Giving Up Is Not A Option?


                                                                       Keep Pushing





Why following your passions is the secret ingredient to success and happiness

Why following your passions is the secret ingredient to success and happiness



Why Following Your Passions is the secret ingredient to success and happiness

Following your passions is one of the secret ingredients to happiness and success.  

Here’s what a lot of people don’t get the benefits to following your passion outweighs the negatives. There this notion going around that to be successful you

have to follow the career path that moves you in that direction. It is ridiculous because as you know times are different. The days of starving artists living in

one bedroom flats eating ramen noodles is no longer the case. The secret ingredient to success and happiness is following your passions.

I am not discrediting education, there are a lot of people who graduated and got great jobs. It is unfortunate that this isn’t the case for many people.

Nowadays, people who are making money aren’t college graduates. Wait for it! There are authors, bloggers, YouTubers, and Podcasters who chose to choose

the other route.

CNBC wrote an article stating that people who follow their passions are less successful than those who choose a career path that works. It stated that

Stanford researchers decided to do a study where they followed a group of people who followed their passions and they wanted to see if success was


From my experience, I have seen a lot of people who have followed their passions and it led them to places they never thought of. However, the difference

between them and those who don’t succeed is a plan. A concrete plan that gets them from A to B and to the top.

Those are simply opinions, success is all about passion and execution. Without it well you end up being that starving artist who tries to find themselves but


Jeff Goins wrote an awesome book about it and you should check it out. And here is a post I wrote about why people don’t pursue their passions.


Why do I call passions the secret sauce if it gets a bad rep?



Following your passions motivates you



When you are motivated you work harder and because there’s more than one incentive for your hard work you push past your obstacles. I hated running more than anything and I sucked at it. It took me hours to get to the finish line, but there was this one year when I was so motivated.

I wanted to win a trophy so I worked hard at it, ran every day, even beat my sister a couple of times. After a while, I became great at it. Most of you might scoff at it, I was a kid, but I think about that day I realize what motivated me was my passion.

If I wasn’t passionate about winning, well then I wouldn’t have been motivated. That is the difference. Dead-end jobs can motivate you for so long until you question why you are even doing it anymore. When you follow your passions, it will motivate you to keep going even on days when you don’t feel like doing it.



Money isn’t all that


I get it money can buy all the things you want, but when you work for money there are strings attached to it. There’s a saying in entrepreneurship and it says that money can either work for you or you can work for your money.

There are twenty-four hours a day, most people spend that time working for money, doing their best to get enough so they can travel. I don’t believe in that lifestyle because there are so many restrictions. I get it, life happens and sometimes it feels that’s the best choice.

Your happiness is more important. Life is a journey, a beautiful wonderful journey, but most of us never experience this. Our parents paved the way for our education and yet most of them have dead-end jobs or haven’t made much from working.

Not everyone’s story is the same and what I have come to understand is that in a year we don’t have enough time to enjoy life.Monday to Fridays, we go to work, spend more than 40 hours a week working and what do we get from it. Our happiness is more important. I am not selling you an illusion. If they weren’t people out there who travel the world and still make $100,000 dollars from a blog I wouldn’t be preaching this.

What makes them different from you or me? It isn’t that they were born into wealth or they have an incredible talent. They were like you and me. Average Nancy’s, Joes and Mary’s who chose a different route. Money comes and goes, when you follow your passions, it makes the journey a lot more rewarding. So, even if you are broke or rich it doesn’t strip you of your happiness.

When you figure out what your passion is you can easily make a business around and make money from it. The process of going through it, makes it so much worthwhile. 


Also Read: Make Money Blogging in 2019


Freedom is a given


Passion gives you the freedom to explore the world and create an impact. Unless you work at Facebook or Google, it is hard to do that. To live a life of purpose and experience all that life has to offer.

At seventeen I lost a friend, I still talk about it because it was as if life shifted. Her death was profound because I started asking the hard questions and I promised myself I would be a better person, live a purposeful life and leave an impact. Before she died, there were a lot of kids I knew who didn’t make it to their eighteenth birthday. So, her death was a final blow. So, I have spent years after her death living purposefully.

Passion helps you leave an impact and do all the things that you want to. Hell, it gives you a platform to do just that. I can tell you life is short, but we all know that. It has been jammed into our minds for so long that we understand it. So, I am not going to do that, instead, I want to ask you a question. What is your story? What do you want to be known for? And don’t people deserve to hear your incredible journey?

Following your passions will give the freedom you so desire. You will wake up on your own timing, be free do as you please and that freedom will give you so much peace. 


The Choice is Yours


In 2016, I met Adrian Hayes and my perception changed in a moment. Adrian Hayes had spent the past couple of years climbing the highest peaks, he had been featured in the Guinness World Records thrice. He traveled the world speaking to people about his journey.

We have this perception about success and even entrepreneurship. The problem with this is that we don’t think it’s accessible and because of that we never try. We never step out of our comfort zone and that there is the issue.

Not everyone is meant to be an entrepreneur, just like not everyone is an artist, but I do believe there are things that we all want to do, but we don’t. You never know where something will take you unless you go on that journey and explore that path.

A lot of people will call you crazy and stupid, but my wish for you is to live a life of happiness and success. To explore the unknown and truly be happy by living a life of purpose. It is there that you understand what it truly means to be happy and free.


What was your one takeaway from this post and if you had the opportunity to follow your passion, what would you do?



                                                                                            KEEP  PUSHING




19 Enriching Goals To set in 2019: 19 Ideas To Inspire you

19 Enriching Goals To set in 2019: 19 Ideas To Inspire you


19 Enriching Goals to Set in 2019: 19 Ideas to Inspire You

New year, new set of goals. Look below for inspiration.

This is your year, the one where you will challenge yourself, be more productive and figure things out. You have the chance of accomplishing more by setting

better goals. This year will be different. In the first month of every new year, we tell ourselves, but the year ends up being like everything else. The problem

lies in our mentality and trying not to do too much. Getting overwhelmed is far easier than realizing that we are human. Therefore, we can’t be everything to

every situation and everyone.


You have to take care of yourself, I am not saying to forget about the people in your life, but you can’t be the best version of yourself if you don’t take care of

yourself. Starting that is difficult that is why it is important to have an idea of what goals you are going to set. Some of these goals have circulated the net for

years, you have seen on blogs and there’s a reason for that. Nineteen goals is a long list to go through, so get a bowl of popcorn and a notebook and I will 

show you how you can make this year the best year ever. 


When it comes to having a great year, you need the right goals to set you up success. The right goals can push you further in life, it can give you strength and 

help you change course. The right goals can help you start a business, build the one you already have or get a promotion. The right goals can help you build

your relationships and learn new skills that will make you love yourself more. Yeah, so having the right goals does matter and that is why I did this list to give

you a hand. Check out these nineteen goals if you want to make this year incredible. I have gone through this list and I can tell you that these goals have 

helped me out in so many ways. 



 #1 Enroll in a self-development course

Self-development gets a bad wrap, either people think it belongs in the same category as cults or the movies featuring levitating gurus hasn’t helped. A lot of

people hate to even think about enrolling in a self-development or buy a book.


The reason why I put it in here is this is the fastest way to get to where you want to go. Sure, you can do the shrug-it-off thing and tell yourself you will figure

things out, but that can take for years. There are a lot of benefits to doing this and requires a massive dose of introspection on your part. Are you ready for

the challenge? Are you ready to change this year for the better?


If you want to let go of the pain, sorrow, and anger that has controlled you for most of your life then you need to let go. To do that, you need to find yourself

and well, that requires either enrolling in a course or subscribing to awesome blogs that help you do that. When I focused on self-development, it helped me

accomplish more of my goals and it also helped me realize who I was.


You can look for a course on Skillshare.



 #2 Challenge yourself

What is the one thing that you want to do? For many people it is traveling and as great as seeing the world, it doesn’t challenge you. Unless you are socially

awkward and hate meeting new people. But this kind of challenge doesn’t require you to spend a lot of money doing.


In fact, you can start it as soon as possible. Whereas traveling requires more forethought, this doesn’t.


We all want to do things that terrify us and that’s probably what excites us a bit. Unfortunately, it also makes us procrastinate. We always push the day back.

You have to understand that doing that makes it harder for you to actually do. I know, sounds like common sense. The big underlying problem here is that

this is the first phase, the next is we can continue to go on this path.


So what will challenge you? Maybe, it is to do with joining chess club, volunteering, standing up for yourself, singing in front of a room of strangers, making

new friends and the list goes on. Write down your challenges and start doing them. When you challenge yourself, you are setting yourself up for success and

this make it easier for you to achieve your goals. Pushing hard means that you are more likely to work hard on your goals.


 #3 Write down a business idea

This all depends on whether you want to be your own boss. It also depends on if you are willing to go the extra mile. Starting a business isn’t easy, it requires

that ounce of gall. Most people don’t want to go to that extent, but if you want 2019 to rock while not be gutsy.


This one doesn’t require you to put any money forward, just come up with a business idea. It’s that simple. Okay, so what if you have no idea where to start

from? Look at examples of great ideas and start from there. Sometimes, all you really need is to be inspired to go on your way and why not look at people

who were in your footsteps.


These days you can start a business in even the weirdest niches. If someone can start a business from turning ashes into diamonds then what it is stopping

you. Yup, that actually is a real thing. All you have to do is figure out what you are passionate about and go for it.


Also Read: How to Build A New Business in Just Three Months


 #4 Enroll in a networking course or go to a conference

Most people suck at relationships. That’s because we aren’t told how to do it the proper way and that is the problem. Due to that we never really go past the

stage we are at. As kids it was easier because there weren’t a lot of rules involved, share your toys and that was a secret to making friends.


Then we grew up and well, we spent far too much time playing catch up and pretending we had it all together. It might have worked in high school, but

college was a different ballgame. Even then it was simpler, now it is like juggling far too many balls.


It isn’t your fault you suck at relationships. You might be great at dating, but terrible at being a good friend, sibling or child. That’s okay, the most important

thing is understanding that it takes time to tick all of those boxes. What if you are great at all the above? But are you great at putting yourself out there,

making friends with people earning more than you and promoting yourself out there.


It is impossible to be good at something unless you learn how to do it well. And you can only do this by learning how too.



 #5 Spend less time on your screen and more with your friends and family

There was a video I watched a couple of years ago about how we spend far too much looking at our screens than we do with people. Growing up my parents

insisted that we spend time together by playing board games?


This was before the internet took over and now it is as if looking at our screens are more important. When was the last time you actually called someone

instead of texting them? When was the last time you invited your friends over and played board games.


It is hard to know someone with just a cellphone and a few emojis. Looking at someone’s Facebook or Instagram feed isn’t an insight into their lives. In fact,

there are still a stranger to you. Talking to someone face-to-face gives you a better insight into the person. It also makes you a better person.


It sounds hard to believe, but challenge yourself to avoid working on your laptop, phone and actually go and meet up with people.



#6 Read 12 Books

I was going to go with 24 books, but that is challenging. For every month, read one book. The most successful people out there read a lot of books and the

majority of the population don’t even finish one book in a year. I don’t want this to be you.


Reading is one of those necessary skills that will help you in every area of your life. It improves your English, your mentality, performance and gives you

advice. Within the pages of a book, you learn how to dream. to explore your mind creatively, conquer your fears and escape the doldrums you are facing.


To improve your life you need to read. That’s a fact. Reading isn’t just for bookworms or authors, it’s for everyone who wants to become a better version of

themselves. Let’s face facts, we can’t be good at everything and that’s where books come in.




 #7 Write a book


I get it, you don’t want to be a writer, but this is a skillset a lot of people don’t have. Not actually being a writer, but the willpower it takes to write a book.

People think it is a given, but it isn’t. Writing is not the easiest things to do, it takes time and dedication.


It almost takes guts and that’s why writing is so therapeutic. You might not want to be a writer, but you should still write a book. Not to publish, but for

yourself. Doing so will improve your life in so many ways. You will get better at self-discipline, creativity, introspection, articulation, and become more driven.

Why? Because writing isn’t easy. There are so many roadblocks that come your way. Starting a book is easy, finishing it is hard.


And even if your book sucks, no one will read it except maybe your grandmother or your friendly neighbor. it doesn’t have to be a self-development book.

You can write about an alien invasion in New Mexico, it can be a memoir, a biography of someone who inspires you. The sky is literally the limit unless you

make it so.


And who knows maybe you can publish it later on. The choice is up till you. Most authors start books and they don’t finish. Those that do end up becoming

somewhat successful.



 #8 Be a kinder, bolder and a more patient version of yourself

It is hard to be any of those things when life throws curveball and lemons at you. The old adage of making lemonade out of lemons doesn’t work sometimes.

So, how can you be a better version of yourself when life hasn’t gone your way.


Who you are right at this moment is important because you can either attract the right or wrong people in your life. If you are passive aggressive you will

meet a lot of people like that. If you are negative, you will meet negative people. Despite, the fact of the kind of people you are going to attract, you never

know what someone is going through.


Life can be exciting, but we don’t make it. Relying on our survival instincts to get ahead, so sure that it works. Don’t avoid risks, so we don’t. Don’t give too

much or people will take advantage. So we don’t. Don’t be kind unless someone is kind to you as well. So we don’t.


You are in charge of what becomes of your life. No one else, but you. How you craft it will either bring you joy or misery? Be the best version of yourself and

you have no idea what doors will open and how your life will turn out.




#9 Take care of yourself

You matter so because you do treat yourself every month. Laugh and live more. Life is short. Be kind to yourself and do things you love. The one thing people

tend to regret is not taking time to treat themselves. To stop worrying for a while and do whatever makes you happy.


If you fast forward into the future, what is the one thing you did more often? How would have loved to spend your time? Here’s the secret to life, you have to

cherish every moment you have because those moments define who you are right now.




#10 Spend less and save more



It is natural to get money and to spend it as soon as possible, but this is why a lot of people never have enough money. The trick to making more money is to

spend less and save more. Sometimes, this is all you need to travel or to start a business.


When you learn this in life becomes a lot easier, you won’t have to worry about money like used it. It takes patience to do this because every month is filled

with numerous sales and that velvet coat is winking at you. But, spending money you don’t have will only accumulate your problems and that is the one thing

you should avoid.



#11 Learn a new skill





Do you want to progress in life? You have to learn a new skill. There are dozens of sites out dedicated to teaching you to learn something new. My favorite

is Udemy.

Maybe, you want to learn more business management skills or Photoshop. It takes time, dedication and willpower to learn a skill. It also requires that you

don’t give up and that can take time. Not only does it take time, it requires an investment. One that you have to be willing to part with.

A new skill will look great on your resume, but it will also take you to heights you never imagined.




#12 End a relationship that drains you


I believe that we all meet people for reason, some stay for a season and others become lifelong friends. There are also people you meet in a season that

doesn’t benefit you but drains you. They are people who bring out the worst in you.


It is hard ending relationships. However, not everyone is meant to be by your side forever. Most times, we meet people whose sole purpose is to make us

doubt ourselves. I am sure that wasn’t their intention, but it is what the result is. You have to step away from friendships like that, ones that make you more

insecure. If it’s not serving you, the best thing is to let go. By doing that you are not only benefiting yourself but that person as well.



#13 Laugh, live and love More



This is my mantra for the year. Similar to being the best version of yourself, though this one is more about enjoying life. Focusing on all the bad things in your

life won’t make you happy. Be afraid to live your life isn’t a recipe for success.


There are so many bad things going on in our world. Chaos ensues and it is hard to be happy when people are suffering. Though, I believe in the power of

hope. Because without the world is bleak and unforgiving. And truly live a well-rounded life you have to understand that hope comes in the form of how you

live. That breath of air in you is a gift and no travesty can take it away.


Once you live a fulfilling life you can also help more. Though, you can only do this when you understand that you have to give all you have.



#14 Venture out of your comfort zone



Go somewhere you have never been before. There’s so much out there, but unless you look you will never know. It can range from something as simple as a

coffee place or a bookstore. The whole purpose is to find yourself in a new place.


There’s a beauty in it that is magical. It almost feels like the first time behind a wheel. Exciting and scary at the same time. But you also never know the type of

people you will meet. It definitely will change your worldview and help you understand the world a little better. Sometimes to change our perspective all we

need is a nudge and to find ourselves in a place we have never ventured to before.



#15 Start a side project






Last year, might have been rough for you. It could be that you were financially restrained and couldn’t do all the things you wanted to do. The best way to fix

this is by starting a side project. You might not want to start a business, but there are numerous side gigs you can do to have more money in your pocket.


A lot of people have had success with these and it is easy to start with them. You don’t need a massive amount of investment and you can go with it for a

while until you have enough money. There are a couple of people who used this model to retire so maybe that’s what you want. Early retirement or it could

all you want are a couple of extra dollars.


You could start a Fiverr gig. There are a lot of people making money doing this. Or you could do a teaching job online. What is great about it besides the

flexibility is the money. There are a ton of other options out there, but this will certainly help your year look brighter.


Also Read: Quick Side-Hustle Ideas You Can Start At Home



#16 Drink at least 5 cups of water




I used to be one of those people who was happy drinking a 500 ml bottle of water every couple of days. I was that bad, then last year my body was flooded

with toxins. As a result, I spent the whole year going to doctors hoping they would give me a cream that would help my acne problem.


My acne was so bad that my face was covered with ugly big pimples. It was nasty, my health also deteriorated and when I started drinking more water it was

better. Drinking water solved a lot of my problems. I wish my doctors had told me this because it would have saved time and money.

If you drink at least 5 cups of water it will wash away your toxins and that will make you healthier.



Goal #17 Start an accountability group 



All these sound tedious, but it is a lot easier with an accountability group. Accountability groups are awesome because you will achieve more in a short space

of time when you know that you are not doing it alone.  You can either do it with complete strangers on Meetup. Or it can be people in your circle

on Facebook.


Whatever you choose, an accountability group is a great way to stay motivated, accomplish more in less time and achieve your goals. Plus it is free to start so

why not try it out.



#18 Make an investment




This one depends on you. You can invest your time or money. Most people volunteer at an organization, but you can donate money to a worthy cause. It

doesn’t matter as long as you invest. It is rewarding knowing that you are helping someone in need.


When you invest in something you care more about the outcomes and what to see it through. This opens your heart more. It doesn’t matter where it is,

whether it is church, an orphanage, your local library or even a charity. I used to think that in order to make an impact you need to be wealthy. The truth is all

you need is a belief so strong that you take action. 




#19 Challenge yourself to make new friends



Finally, we are here. It only took 3000 words to get here and this one is simple. Make new friends or walk up to a stranger and just talk. It can be anything

from the weather to that tennis match you recently watched.


You might have a lot of friends, but people never do this anymore. Talking to a random stranger can give you insight that can change your worldview. I am

not saying to talk to literally anyone, but you can survey people. Figure out who might be an interesting person to talk to.


What goals do you think you should set for 2019? Comment below, I would love to know.




                                                                           Keep  Pushing




What You Should know about New Years Resolutions

What You Should know about New Years Resolutions


What everyone should know about new Years resolutions  

We have it all wrong when it comes to New Years Resolutions

The clock is ticking until the New Year and people are taking out their pens and pencils to write down their new year resolutions. There’s always excitement when it comes to the new year. A strong belief that this time things will be different.

I used to believe in resolutions more than anyone, at eighteen I would write down all my resolutions. Boy, was I on the bandwagon and then I was hit with the profound realization that resolutions don’t work. Wait, what? “You mean, I have been wasting time writing down my resolutions that don’t come to pass.”

It might sound hard to believe, but when you think about it, did any of your new year resolutions come true this year. Sure, you can blame it on shoddy planning or not being determined. I’m not saying that everyone who writes down their resolutions is wasting their time. For some people it works, but for the majority it does not.

We all do that, but the truth is even if we do everything right. Plan everything to a T and write down goals that we’re sure we will accomplish, resolutions still don’t work most of the time. Twelve months are enough for us to achieve what we want, but that is also were the problem is.

Two years ago, I wrote down my new year resolutions and I barely finished any of them. I came to understand my goals were not the problem. And I wasn’t the only one who didn’t achieve my resolutions. Most of us end the year having not completed our new years resolutions. What we know about new years resolutions is wrong?


Waiting for New Years Doesn’t work



As the year comes to a close, many of us, will wait for New Years to start on our goals. This never works because as the New Year begins, we will be running around to accomplish certain things. The first month goes like a blur, here one moment and gone the next. We still have eleven months to accomplish something, but from my experience it doesn’t work like this.

The number one resolution people make is to lose weight, but the months go past and your gym membership expires only for you to make the same resolution the next year.

The way you finish this year will be how you finish next year unless you decide you will work on your resolutions.

I know we want to enjoy the few days left or reflect on the past mistakes. However, not a lot of people do that. Instead, we go to parties, soaking in the last days of the year until the next year. And we always give the excuse that next year, I will be a better person or I will do better.

The next year comes and we forget the resolutions we made. Go on with life and forget the promise we made. When it comes to New Year resolutions, we fail at it because we start to late working on how goals. Do you remember how exhausted you are when running up a hill. how difficult it is to maintain the momentum. However, if you build up the momentum it is a lot easier and the same can be said for new year resolutions. If you build up momentum by working on your goals towards the end of the year, you have enough momentum to carry it onto the next year.

Start with Now 



The problem with society as a whole, we have become so used to starting later instead of now. We push things back and it doesn’t matter what it is. We don’t know how to use this moment to create a lasting change. All we truly need is a few hours a day to make next year great.

This year was one of the worst years I have had in a while. A lot of my resolutions came through, but the problem is I had spent so much of my time waiting for a day to work on my goals that things fell a part. I was almost homeless, my phone crashed, I was broke and my laptop stopped working. I was living with a woman who was the definition of damaged so life wasn’t as great as I hoped.

I came to realize I was waiting for things to be right, but that never happened. When I was right on the edge I had to push myself back and I came to realize that life will never be the way we want it to be. Even when things come through, all it takes is one thing to make life harder.

No matter what goal you have start now, if you do that, by the new year it won’t be a resolution, but a goal. Keeping that in place you are likely to achieve it. Too many of us wait for the new year to come so we can plan our lives, but that never works out. We need to focus on the time we have to build the life we want and only then can we live the life we always dreamed about. 


Have a Goal every 100 Days



Twelve months goals are too lofty, not clear enough for you to achieve. Writing down I will lose weight in twelve months might seem as if you can achieve it, but you won’t. Every month you will keep telling yourself you have time and that won’t motivate you.

But if you have at least two to three goals every 100 days, you will push yourself. The limited time space will keep you on your feet and you will achieve your goals faster. This works better than you can imagine. I have seen first hand how this works. If you are determined to accomplish your goals, one of your new year resolutions should be to try accomplishing your goals after every 100 days. 

This is by the far the best way to accomplish your goals and it should definitely be on your New Year resolutions. Accomplishing your goals is never easy and it’s a lot easier if you break down the year. Most people fail their new year goals because they aren’t being strategic enough. Breaking down your goals into 90 or 100 days is a far more achievable and it motivates you to actually accomplish your goals.


Also Read: How to Achieve Goals in 100 days or less?


You are not a Failure



New Year Resolutions are constructed in a way that makes it easy to fail. So, if you didn’t accomplish your goals, you’re not the problem it’s the resolutions. We all want the New Year to be better, but here’s the thing that is putting too much pressure on the year and not on yourself.

They can only be one victor, it’s either the year comes ahead or you. Often it’s the year. Put pressure on yourself and you will be surprised with the results. Start with now rather than later and avoid resolutions at all costs. If you want to be a better person, don’t start on the 1st of January, do it now, at this very moment.

I developed the mentality of thinking I was a failure because I failed at resolutions. People don’t like talking about it, but everyone fails at resolutions. Successful people don’t talk about their resolutions. They don’t work and they are not supposed to.

Start the new year with a great perceptive. Focus on accomplishing your goals and not worrying whether or not you are following through with your resolutions.


Also Read: Insider’s Guide to Beating Failure and Becoming More Confident


What goals are you planning on accomplishing in the next 100 days? Comment below.


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How to Accept the Journey Rather than the Destination

How to Accept the Journey Rather than the Destination


Supercharge your life: By accepting the journey rather than the destination 

Supercharge your life in a simple way by accepting the journey and you will find that it is a whole lot easier for you to achieve your dreams.






It is different accepting the journey because we all want to get to our destination and avoid the hiccups we encounter. Acceptance is the creme de la creme when it comes to the big picture. It shouldn’t be an after thought and I’m definitely not going to write a corny speech about how life is less blink when you accept the journey.

I’m not that type of girl, self-help gurus love to talk about acceptance. Here’s the truth, acceptance doesn’t come easy. Even if you think about it, there’s no way you can pluck it from the clouds as if it’s candy cane. Acceptance is hard, accepting who you are is no easy feat and that’s why often it’s a struggle. We hear about how we should accept who we are in the moment, but who I was yesterday isn’t who I am today.

Instead of accepting who you are in the moment why not accept the journey. The journey determines were you go and these days everyone is such in a hurry to get going. 

To make all their dreams come true as we’re all on a race to get to our happy place. What about now? The moments, the laughs, the information streams that come your way. Every day is a chance for you to build up on who you are. To develop and grow. If you ever have noticed the way screen writers bide their time when it comes to characters.

There are moments when you want your favorite character to grow up, act differently or to become a better person. Often you’re left disappointed, dejected and confused. It can take seasons for a character to develop and grow because the journey to get there is far important than the end-result.




Getting there is a process



I used to push myself so hard that everything would collapse on me. I believed I was late and I was running behind everyone else. Everyone screamed at me that I needed to hurry up. I hated being a late bloomer because there was so much I had to learn in a short span of time. This sounds contradictory, let me explain for a second. When I got into high school, I was rushing to do all the things I didn’t do when I was younger. I failed often and was frustrated. I tried playing catch up and often it ended up with me losing a lot including being present.

People will tell you that you have to marry before your thirty, travel in your twenties and be a manager by thirty-five. I have friends who have achieved a lot of things before turning thirty and I have friends who haven’t.

We use certain standards to determine where we are in life. I know I have done that for the better part of my life. Using a criteria designed to make you feel as though you have failed never works. When I was thirteen, I wrote a book of short stories, I wanted to publish it by the time I was fourteen. It was an achievement, but I didn’t feel that way because I thought I should be doing other things like normal kids. I thought I should have been part of a club, traveling the world and winning awards like my peers.

I never published that book. I can blame it on the criteria of who I thought I should be. That was the beginning of a habit that pushed me to the back of the line, made me feel as if I was inadequate or a failure.

Accepting the journey is hard because we all want to get to the destination as soon as possible. Most of us need to learn how to deal with hard truths. Goal Cast wrote about how we can deal with hard truths. If you want to truly be happy you need to realize that certain things are beyond our control.



 Time is your friend



It has taken me years to understand that it takes time to be where you want to be. Some people learn faster while others don’t. We weren’t built the same. I never got to achieve what I wanted, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t accomplished a lot through the years. It might have been as fast paced as I liked, but I conquered stage fright, thrice. Sang in front of a crowd of hundreds of people. Stayed in Asia, Europe, Africa and America.

I fell in love with my self again, rediscovered who I was and wrote a couple of books, both in fiction and non-fiction. I befriended amazing people, relished all the moments when I was and wasn’t in control of my life.

Time is a friend that sides with you, caresses your cheeks and makes you believe who you are. Time is God’s gift to mankind and we often forget that. Simply because we don’t understand what time represents. Yes, you could die tomorrow and I’m not saying don’t go for your dreams, but enjoy the journey

Most of us waste time, not realizing that it is a invaluable resource. It is the one thing you can never get back and if you want to know how to use time better so that you live a more peaceful and happier life, you can read more about it here. 
One thing you need to realize is that in order to accept the journey, you have to see time as a means to get to where you want to go. As hard as it is, accepting the journey is only half of the battle. The other comes in understanding how to win at life. First thing is to accept the journey, your truths and the hardships you have had to endure. Only then can you make progress in life.



Lessons learned



What I have learned about acceptance is that it means different things for people. As the saying goes different strokes, different people. We all learn certain things on our journey to our destination.

Acceptance is about being content with who you are and understanding it will take time to get to who you want to be. For example, I used to have anger issues, it took years for it to slip away. For me to become calm. Now, it’s strange when people tell me how calm I am, but what they don’t realize is it was a long journey.

Discontentment isn’t something that goes away after a day, it’s a journey and if that’s the case then you have to be easy on yourself. Understand that life is a process and there are crucial lessons you learn a long the way.

Another lesson I have learned is to accept all my quirks, still it is a process. There are times when I close my eyes and wish certain things were easier. I wish I could go to a party and enjoy myself, but that isn’t who I am. I hate loud places, it could be that my brain misfires and my senses are overwhelmed. It used to annoy me, but I understand I need to accept who I am in the moment.

With acceptance there are certain things you can change with time and there are traits inbuilt that you can’t change. With acceptance you have to understand who you are and who’ll you never be. That is a process that takes years and we should appreciate the moment. The most important thing is to love yourself and with time the journey will get a lot easier. The best way to accept the journey is by realizing that there are important lessons you will learn along the way.


What have you learned about acceptance? Write it down below.





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I Think, Therefore I Am: What You Believe Matters

I Think, Therefore I Am: What You Believe Matters


I think, therefore i am: What you believe maters

What you believe matters more than you realize. We spend too much time focusing on what other people think of us than how we see ourselves. 

I have ADHD. For years I let it define me, it’s ironic that I used my circumstance to have such an impact on my life. I read all the articles about my diagnosis and believed all of them. There was a long list of things that people with ADHD can’t do. I was jealous of neurotypicals, a term used for those who don’t have ADHD.

That was my life, it was a blessing I even graduated. It hit me the other day when I was in one of my many “oh ADHD has crippled me,” phase. I had to shake my self and I realized I allowed this to control my life. Rene Descartes said, “I think, therefore I am.”

It’s a simple sentence, but there’s so much weight in it. The truth lies in the last two words and that is I am. How many times do we find ourselves saying we can’t do something due to our circumstances? It’s so easy to sink to the bottom of the ocean with that mentality. And often we do it, unknowingly. The words wrap around us and we get caught up in all the things we can’t do. All our insecurities, inefficiencies and disabilities. That doesn’t define us.

Struggling at something is part of life, but it doesn’t take away who you are. Most days my synapses misfire, my head is too heavy for my body and the noises are too loud. There’s so many things clouding my judgement, my to-do list is so long I never finish what’s on it. Procrastination gets the best of me, but does it define me. No, these are obstacles I have to face, time and time again, but what human doesn’t have to jump hurdles to make it to the finish line.

If our belief system is warped than how do we change it? Belief. I’m not talking about sprinkling fairy dust or rubbing a magic lamp. No, we have to go to the basics.




When I was a kid, I believed I was a superhero. Most kids do. I crafted worlds in my mind where I was a scientists, a politician, a doctor and there was no limit. With time I allowed negative words to define me. Undisciplined, lazy, impetuous, unambitious and the list goes on. All of the things I listed above are not who I am. You can become disciplined, you can stop being lazy and being impetuous at times is merely a phase. 

Who you say you are is who you become. It’s that simple, if you believe with all your heart that you’ll never make it in life you never will. If you believe that your life will never change ,it won’t. Life rewards those who are audacious with their beliefs, who leap over hurdles even when they don’t think they can. I was one of those kids who stared at the hurdle and was so terrified to jump, I’d run around it. 

That’s the coward route and I’ll admit fear would wash all over me, I’d squirm and choose the safest option. If you want to beat your obstacles you need to believe you can do just that. 





How many times have you hit rock bottom and did something you regret? There are moments like those in our lives when we’re not sure what’s the next possible best thing. Times when fear gets us and we find ourselves lost in a crowd of lies. Words slam us against the walls, we bury our heads in a sea of pain because nothing gives. Nothing seems to take away the pain, the aching feeling of sinking in an ocean of memories.

After the storm we cave and we use words to define who we are. That’s what happens normally and the lies keep flowing over us. We allow weaknesses to define us, to cripple who we are now. The truth is we are all flawed, filled with blemishes and inadequacies. None of that defines us. Our weaknesses are a sign of being human.

When I was younger I drowned my self in visions of where I wanted to be. Lost in a sea of dreams I believed wouldn’t come true. I was so lost that what was around me was a blur. A swish of colors, fragrance and words that never touched me. Even when my name was uttered, nothing could take me away from the daydreams I found myself stuck in. It was almost as if I the lure of clouds changing to cotton candy and swish of pinks and blues became the very air I inhaled. Most regarded that as a weakness.

An inability to remain focused on what was before me. I believed in what they said. I was made an example when teachers screamed at me. Irony isn’t lost on me. The Daydreamer becomes a Writer.

Most of us spend far too much time allowing our past to define who we become. Allowing our past to shape our decisions is ingrained in us, but it doesn’t have to be. We can understand why we let it happen and that is why I wrote a blog post about it hereBut the mistakes we have made in the past have made us who we are today and your weaknesses are no different. 



Here is a golden nugget that will help you in life. Society is so focused on using weaknesses as ammo. But changing those into strengths will help you with whatever you tackle. I know, there are some weaknesses that are just too hard to turn into strengths. If you’re a compulsive gambler, it might be difficult to shift that into gear.

What no one knows is you can control your gambling habit and change it into taking risks. People who gamble are more willing to take risks. The problem is they are also impetus and jump into a shark infested ocean if they can.

Shifting the gears depends on you, but I have learned with time and practice that your weaknesses can actually help elevate you. It all depends on telling yourself that you’re capable of doing so much and using what you have to write your story.

There are five ways you can change your weaknesses into strengths, you can find the article about it right here.




No one can write your story, but you. When I was ten, my teacher gave the students an assignment. We had to answer a couple of random questions such as what do you like about yourself, what would you do with a million dollars and I’m sure you get the picture.

My story involved a lonely girl walking the streets and whenever she saw her reflection in the windows of stores she saw a vagrant. Even the people who passed by saw the same thing, a girl with smudges on her cheeks. My story didn’t have a happy ending and it was when I rewrote that story life changed.

How you see yourself is more important than what people think. You give ammo to the words said about yourself when you believe it. My advice is simple, only you can say who you become. People will believe whatever they think, but if it doesn’t align with your story then rewrite it.

Script writers always do that, rewrite stories to change the ending.



What ending do you want to rewrite. Comment below and I will reply as soon as possible

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