4 Reasons To Step Out of Your Comfort Zone
Here are four reasons why you need to step out of your comfort zone
We all have a comfort zone. Most of us don’t even know what it is or that we even do that. Comfort zones are protective, and we enjoy that. They are many reasons you should step out of your comfort zone. Here’s the thing you tell yourself lies so that you don’t step out of your comfort zone. Those lies prevent you from discovering who you can become and what you can do. They also stop you from trying out new things.
Fear is the number one driving force stopping us from stepping out of our comfort zone. When you get used to stepping out of your comfort zone. There’s very little that you won’t be able to do. Not because you’re this insanely talented person. No, that isn’t the reason. It’s because you have chosen each time to step out of your comfort zone.
That there is how you grow. It’s how you step and go after what you want. That is why I wrote this blog post to inspire you and help you out. Below are a few reasons you should step out of your comfort zone.
It will hone your skills
The best way to improve your skills is to keep showing up. A photographer doesn’t improve if no one ever sees their photos. An artist never grows without feedback. Going out there is how you will become better. Is it terrifying? Sure. Though the most successful people have gone through this. You can’t go where you haven’t been. You can’t become who you want to be without stepping out of your comfort zone.
Therefore, show up. Even when there’s no one watching. Show up. Even when you believe no one is looking at you. As hard as it is, showing up will help you improve your skills. When you do this, you will improve at a much faster rate. The often you do this, the easier it gets. It all starts with step one, though. You can’t go down the ladder without trying the other things. You can’t reach the pinnacle of success if you are too afraid to even open the door.
If every one reason doesn’t excite you, then focus on this one. We all want to improve our skills so that we can not only grow but have a career trajectory. So, now that one is done off to the second reason.
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It helps you to step up to the plate
I had a teacher who used to say, “cannot prepare, then prepare to fail.” She had a point. Though, what happens when no amount of preparation will make you ready? If you are getting ready for a big examination, it makes sense. Then there are other things that are less routine. Yes, you can prepare, but sometimes over preparation can make it harder to even start.
For example, starting a blog or a business. You can prepare until you are blue in the face. Right. However, if you take no action, then you will never start. If you never do that, then you will go nowhere. That’s the thing. It isn’t easy stepping up to the plate. There are so many obstacles that you will have to do. So many things that you need to do. This is how you get of your comfort zone. It will help you step up to the plate.
Stepping up to the plate depends on the person. For some, it is quitting a job that has no growth and you are too comfortable in it. For others, it is starting something new. What is important to realize is that stepping up to the plate will help you grow at a faster speed than anything else. You will learn so much about yourself that you won’t believe it.
It reduces negative self talk
Many of us are guilty of this. By stepping out of your comfort zone, you reduce the negative self-talk. The negative self-talk is stopping you from going after what you want. So when you step out of your comfort zone, you are choosing to ignore it. That is a good thing and the more you do it, the less vocal that voice is.
Negative self-talk will tell you aren’t good enough. That it is impossible for you to achieve success, but the way you prove it wrong is by doing it, anyway. You prove to yourself that you have what it takes by constantly putting yourself out there. Success is built with dozens of tiny actions, not huge actions. Often, that is all it takes. Small milestones you take daily so that you can achieve what you want in life.
As hard as that may seem, it really isn’t. The more you do it, the easier it becomes. Therefore, step out of your comfort. Maybe you have dozens of dreams and fear is holding you back. Your negative self-talk is holding you back. By going after what you want, then that voice is minimalized. It becomes nothing but noise. Noise that you choose not to pay attention to because you aren’t focusing on that anymore.
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You let go expectations
We all have expectations. When you step into your comfort zone, it helps you let go of expectations. What I mean by this is that you stop allowing that harsh critical voice to tell you down because you are doing something few people ever do. This is not only freeing, but it also helps you in other ways. You grow faster and learn more. You also find more opportunities faster.
The I’m not good enough and I can’t do this voice won’t affect you as much as in the past. You’re pushing past barriers and obstacles. When you step out of your comfort zone, it emboldens you because you focus on the journey and not the destination. Not saying it will happen overnight. There’s no such thing as an overnight success despite what people and the media want you to believe. It takes time and the more you do something, the more opportunities come your way.
Stepping out of your comfort zone will never be easy. That’s the point. If it were, then everyone would do it. That’s why you need to focus on the journey and not the destination. Don’t overcompensate but take your time to ease into it. Eventually it will get easier.
What is your takeaway from the blog and how will you step out of your comfort zone. Comment below